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February 19, 2006 at 12:39 pm #10708
On the website http://www.medicalqigong.org/index.htm there is a pdf article from international Insitute of Medical Qigong, on how the Government has put a even more tighter grip on what the Qigong Hospitals/clinic can do. This group now claims to be an affiliate now for Henan Hospital.
Has anyone in their travels in China seen a cabosh to Qigong training in China? Has anyone had expierence with this school? I ask since I am trying guide my friend over to Healing Tao, he lives on that coast.
February 19, 2006 at 2:33 pm #10709This is Jerry alan Johnson’s school. His clinical guide to Medical Qggong is good, lots of useful information, major contribution to the field. he is an ex martial artists turned healer, trying to merge his christian beliefs in jesus with Celestial Masters Taoism (whose article by Saso you recently posted, haven’t had time to reply to that).
I like Jerry, although I feel he relies too heavily on TCM modalities of medicine and has pushed for thousands of hours of credentialing – at fairly exorbitant rates, $2500. per weekend of training.
he has taken the year off, has other students teaching his system. Not sure if they are charging as much. But basically you can get all jerry’s stuff from his book, andif you want to go deeper, buy his videos. and save the $25,000. training. Doubtful if many will ever earn that back doing qigong healing.
Anyway, i prefer the healing tao system because it cuts to the quick with alchemy, less time spent trying to manipulate all the surface meridians that TCM prefers. I don’t push people into energy healing, most go into it for the wrong reasons and before they are ready.
February 19, 2006 at 5:23 pm #10711The work Jerry does is upfront and it works. He serves a no B.S. course. Does it work. YES it does. I have worked with someone who took Jerry’s course and he does fantastic healing work. I should know as this qiogng master heals me frequently and has given me rock solid advice and is very giving and caring, spending his own time freely to help others.
Jerry’s course is terribly expensive and I could never take it due to that fact however Michael Woods has taken the course. He lives in Tennessee and he is living proof of the effectiveness of the material Jerry offers. And no, you will never make your money back ($25,000) if you take the course but then again ….I guess that takes care of those who think they can milk the system and innocent people. Only those seriously interested in healing others take this course. And when they are done, that is exactly what they can do. The information Jerry has given is up front, no secrets. If there was only one energy course on this planet that I would take – that would be the one. Why? Because of the rock solid information, because of the sincerity of the people involved (two years ago Jerry returned my long distance phone call to speak with me about a question I had … he was very sincere and open hearted and I have found it is these little things that speak of the nature of the heart), I have respect for Jerry’s ethics, his morals, his frankness and I have respect for the way he has taught his students. I have met Michael Winn personally face to face a few years back. I did not receive anything from Michael at that time. Perhaps I think, he was too preoccupied with his energy mates and perhaps I was just a little too leery. However one returned phone call to and from a stranger (Jerry) meant much to me and has in fact changed my life. I will stand behind Jerry Johnson and his teachings and I don’t do that lightly. I have been burned a few too many times.
Jerry’s material is fact based from a medical standpoint and in the field I am in professionally this is what I relate most to. To me, tell me like it is, tell it straight up …. you can take that nonsense out, you can take the “secrets” out, you can take the manipulation by teachers out, you can take the lies out, you can take the cult groupies out. Just give me something that is truth and I will sink my teeth into it with everything I have but with integrity and reality. I would rather that qigong be brought into the mainstream of society with respect and dignity, I do not think it deserves the “backdoors of cultists” and manipulators and money seekers. There are thousands upon thousands of those out there in society. Too much I see this old hippy idea of energy workers, you know with the pony tails, lost looks on the practitioners, way out there energy talk and the incense and the “way out there man” idea. That is so narrowing. You are missing way too much of the population this way. I mean the hippy revolution ended in the 70’s for Pete’s sake. Wake up. To me I want qigong/taichi brought into the health care systems with a respect it deserves and a good solid base similar to
that which Jerry gives to the information. A solid base that is very
aware of the energetic deviations and the evil that can also go along with it. Of course there is always work to be done and not everything Jerry has done is infallible, nothing is but it is the best damn work I have seen out there on qigong. THE BEST. No disrespect to Michael Winn, but you know alchemy processess, well that is what energy work is. That is what our life is. Just that some of the stuff that is out there is just way too cultist. Respect defiantely for the information and energy holders, but how far does this have to go. And how healthy is any of it. For the receiver and givers? We are all human. Why is it that there a teachers of energetic information that prefer to think of themselves as a god and think that they know what is best for everyone and they know the highest and they are the highest level and their master is connected to “THE ONE”. REALLY? How far does respect in this art have to go? I think that what happens is that not too many of us humans can handle a lot of the energetic load and become corrupt on its conception. Leading to almost a “king” like beholding to me attitude instead of what this is meant to be. To me … the enrgetic collection is an honour and it is deservant to be processed straight back to humanity … and guess what … like for FREE! If your job is healing then of course you charge for that but that doesn’t mean there are not times when you are expected byt he universe to give of yourself for the course of humanity. This is truth. This kind of work is a holy work and don’t kid yourself that it is of any other kind. If you do not beileve that … then I believe %150 that you will be taught otherwise. Seen it too many times … $$ become too important, the healer has no time for the “little guy who can’t pay”, publications, books, personal appearances, name titles become more important. Who is bigger and better becomes more important. People like Mother Theresa … those are the true energy workers. How many gurus, etc. ,etc. live with gold around them,….everywhere, in mansions where rooms are empty. What a frigging waste. Not necessary. Sorry but that’s the way I see it. What you can use to live… take it…just don’t waste it.
YOu see I have had to live my life like this … this is the truth …. of service. Imagine spending every life you ever come into the world with in this manner. It is an agreement. And I believe that all energy masters should be the same. It is an agreement. OF SERVICE.
I will always have a place to live, I will always have food, I will always have a “way”. But it is rarely extravagant, mostly never that. Some things I have are not mine, they are gifts given for that time period only. You go where life calls you. You love when you can, you heal when you have to. You accept what is given. And your heart is forever in the one that created you. Not everyone understands that there are people onthis earth likethis. Not only me. I am not special. We are all special. I am just this way. It is truth. Of service. Like a nun. like a priest only we live amongst society. We are receptors that give back the life that is meant for humanity. And in waking and knowing that is all we are is oh so difficult. But it is not a thing to be taken lightly. Or maybe just that way, with all the light in the world. And it is not something I just decided I am. It is something I have been told I am. From more than one source. Have always been. There are just over 100,000 of us in this world, well probably more now. And we are not kings, nor rich, nor do people know of us, nor are we great qigong masters. I mean I cannot even tell you how or why I can do things. It just is. I am not the strongest, nor greatest, now do I know so much… so how can I sit down with anyone and say, yeah well, you know there are 14 levels of heaven and if you breathe in this way and that way and hold the energetic cycle for this and suck it up … blah, blah, blah. WEll, I can’t do that. I can’t compare notes. What I have is inside. And when it is due to come out it will. And others in this life have other things they are to do … maybe they are teachers, or maybe protectors, or child carers or constructors and not everyone need be a qiogng master or know all things but it doesn’t mean they don’t have great power and knowledge held in them.
Anyways, from this center of being is where the energy flows. And this energy can be deviated by many wrong teachings, by many not so nice people and things. And I just found the greatest help to be from Jerry Johnson’s teachings. And Michael Woods’ kindness. From Truth.
That is all.In your journey stay close to your own heart. Get to know who you are in truth. Both the dark and white side. That is your life and it is a gift. And use the tools that are at your disposal to help you deal with allof it. Jerry has some very good tools and I am sure Michael has a few too. Just be awake for it all. Ask your busconcscious and higherself to help you. Ask all the angels to help you. Ask the white light to help you, ask others to help you. That is what they/we are here for. Just hold who are are close to you and never, NEVER let anyone take that away. For in no other is there what is in you. YOu are one of a kind in this whole universe. No DNA is like yours, NEVER. In this life no matter what you do, what your mistakes are, they are to learn from. They are who you are. And in that center is the greatest spark of creation, that perfectness that we all are. Know that though in this life we cannot ever be perfect, not here on earth. We are not god. And that is okay. Don’t try so hard. sometime people are so intent are being perfect in learning how to withdraw to “seventh heaven” that we miss what we have here. What is around us. We are here to participate. We weren’t meant to come here to learn to be a god. We are all gods in that we are part of the creator from the beginning of time and we are meant to learn to be human and learn to deal with that with honor and integrity.
Anyways try Jerry Johnson. Good guy.
along with it.
Christianity and healing …. has been around for a long time. But that is not so much a factor, it is the universe and healing that whether you are Chinese, Christian, Buddhist, Taoist … this is the energy, the pure and white light healing. To say that Jerry uses this in his methods, well he received his teachings from some of the top energy healers in China so … does it matter. Jerry has travelled to highlevel taoist’s masters in China and taken some of his students there also to meet the priests.
They are not Christians. Does it matter. I think at a high level it matters not, only what is in your own heart and one works with that whether it be from a Christianity, Taoist or Buddhist perspective. Me … I am a Christian Taoist. Lots of us out there. Maybe even change that to a Christian Taoist Universalist.February 19, 2006 at 5:57 pm #10713thanks for the info I will pass it along…
February 19, 2006 at 6:10 pm #10715Thanks for the feedback …personally I agree with you; and I hope Qigong doesn’t turn into what the massage field has hours, hours of certfication…and surface taught students with a pretty certificate. From snapshot view of his Medical Qigong(which seems to be a politically correct way for red china to accept Qigong), is grasping for their spot in China in the Traditional Healing Arts.
Thi is such a shame and waste, from the Central Country where most of it began it has turned it’s back and soul on these sincere Qigong Doctors. This is why the movement here is so important and I am glad to see the Dao practices are still alive and thriving here in good old USA….
February 21, 2006 at 10:22 am #10717There was a notorious healer in a town.
He healed with amazing results on amazing scale.He taught his students. the moves and the connect. They became amazing healers.
He then moved to another town. His group from old town fell apart the next week: they did all the same but nothing worked anymore.
He always claimed that his healing was not from moves or anything. He claims he ‘stole’ it from Tibetans.
The transmission. Continous transmission.
Such transmission is the make of a lineage. But is always contingent upon group center. It is stuck there. Step off the line and you end up dry with all the after causes.
Celestial sect is a sect with transmission.
Never asking for help. Rather the change. To be possessed by unname. And to leave no lineage behind.
Sick are full of sickness. Mercy is alligning with the sick.
February 21, 2006 at 10:26 am #10719>>Never asking for help. Rather the change. To be possessed by unname. And to leave no lineage behind.
Sick are full of sickness. Mercy is alligning with the sick.<< Jernej I like your style. NN
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