Dec. 22, 2011
Jem Minor (my bride!) on the synergy between qigong discipline, self-love, and finding a soul lover. Central Sun – my term for the primordial source of Pure Love at the center of this Cosmos – shines through all other manifest suns. Taoists call it Tai Yi, the Great Oneness. It is stepped down into our local Consciousness in 2012 as the Year of the Black Water Dragon. This Dragon Year chi helps to spiral us back into the core from which we were born. This coming year, according to other astrologers, will bring physical alignment with the Galactic Center. In my experience, the chi shift has already happened, but humans are just a bit slow in waking up to it! (Artistic image by Thomas Schurr, a China Dream Tripper from Berlin. He made it with a compass loaded with colored inks intentionally allowing ink to drip and blob).
Dear Lovers of the Dark Goddess Womb that Births Us, Winter Solstice is absolutely my favorite Holy-Day of the year. Strange, given my fiery nature, that I love it more than Summer Solstice. I likely crave its silent, deep, loving darkness as a kind of balance to all the Doing in modern life. This year I celebrated Winter Solstice twice, once on the Dec. 10 conjunction with the Full Moon/lunar eclipse, and again today, Dec. 21. The Dec. 10 lunar conjunction ceremony was powerful. After a fabulous crystal bowl concert by Kate Beloved that left everyone floating in the High Ethers, we (a large group of about 25 people at my home) invoked the Black Dragon that guards the water element deep within the Earth. We did a special variant of swimming dragon qigong, and then planted a seed Intent/ Creative Request within the Black Dragon, asking that she help birth and nurture the seed intent for each of us during the upcoming year of the Water Dragon. Taoist Rituals are all about getting Nature to help us accomplish our goals effortlessly. (Note: You have to forgive Christianity for its misguided attempt to demonize the Earth and its natural dragon spirits that keep the earth’s seasons spinning smoothly. Some of those old boys are still pissed that Eve bit into the apple of Self-Knowledge and thus learned how to evolve herself without their patriarchal control….:) America has its Native American dragon tradition. Serpent Mound in Ohio (lit here by “Friends of Serpent Mound”) is an ancient and mysterious site celebrating the flowing watery power of serpent- dragons within the earth. This Winter Solstice is the perfect time to connect with this hidden power flowing within each of us. Solstice is a big event, energetically lasting 3 days, so it’s not too late to do a ceremony. Best done at midnight, the hour of Tzu, at maximum darkness, but when the first sprouts of Yang are rebirthed. If you want ideas on how to do a ritual, please read my old newsletter. Winter Solstice Ceremony (How to Create One) You may need to register at top of page to get a cookie that opens my Article archives. I’m currently down in the Caribbean at my beach shack, on a kind of pre-nuptial honeymoon with my bride Jem (Jennifer) Minor. I’ve been coming here for a dozen years, to immerse myself in the water element (NOT to escape winter, which I also love). After I published the story of Love rather suddenly falling “up” into us, one of my friends challenged me to allow Jem to share HER version of the story. Jem spent Winter Solstice writing up her version, perfect time for a Dark Goddess to explore her feelings. You can read HER account below. Jem dancing with the local crabs. Hundreds of them came running to meet their Alaskan Queen Crab, as prophesied in local myths….:) For solstice, we did three qigong rituals to triple-amplify the Yuan Qi (chi) that is flowing strongly during Solstice. In the morning we did Deep Healing Qigong, standing at the ocean’s edge, to connect us with the ebb and flow of water energy converting itself into deep earth (as shifting sand) . This form integrates the five vital organ spirits with the deep channels and harmonizes them with Heaven, Earth, and Humanity. At midnight we did Tai Chi for Enlightened Love (aka Primordial Qigong, based on Chinese calendar), and Shamanic 7-Star Big Dipper Qigong (based on 28 Lunar Mansions and star alignments). They are perfect for synchronizing your chi with the cycles of Nature. If you don’t have the DVDs of the first two as part of your Qigong Ceremony collection, please consider buying them now at a discount (until Dec. 31, my holy-day sale, see links below). To learn the Shamanic Big Dipper Qigong, you’ll have to come to China, where we do it daily. Eventually there will be a DVD, but its in line behind many other projects. There is still space on the May 2012 Water Dragon China Dream Trip, but don’t wait too long. For details and 30 fabulous photos, see My main project this winter retreat is finishing my book on Wu Ji Gong/ Primordial Tai Chi, which is tentaively titled: Tai Chi – A Path of Self-Love. I’m loving the book because it integrates my deep passion for Taoist inner alchemy with a cosmological qigong form and the healing principles of Chinese medicine. This book is FUN, DEEP, and loaded with fascinating insights and photos. And it has three chapters on Zhu Hui, my Chinese teacher of the form, and a translation of his writings about it. Stay tuned! May we all be Blessed by the Dark Stolstice Goddess, Michael Contents:
» 2012 Summer Retreats are ONLINE! » Jem on the Tao of Love » Save on Taxes & Support the Tao! » Tao Gifts – Discount Sale until Dec. 31 » Loving the Dark Goddess: Contact info 2012 Summer Retreats are ONLINE!
The Healing Tao summer campus for retreats in Mars Hill, North Caarolina, about 25 minutes drive from Asheville. You can now BOOK ONLINE the 2012 summer retreats. Please visit: It’s not too soon to begin planning a fantastic, low-cost, fun, high-CHI spiritual learning vacation NOW!!!! These retreats are subsidized by my 501c3 non-profit, so the tuition prices have not risen in 5 years. Tuition starts at only $495 a week, with numerous discounts for juniors, seniors, instructors, foreigners, and anyone taking multiple retreats. Commuters are welcome as well ($100 facility fee per week). Jem on the Tao of Love
Jem (Jennifer) Minor During the summer of 2010, Alison Downey regaled me with many exciting stories from her recent China Dream Trip. One evening, after our weekly ecstatic dance group, Alison saw Michael Winn, and suggested I meet him. She glowingly told me how much she had loved attending his qi gong retreats after the China trip, how much she wished the experience of “qi” had been shared with us with his kind of exuberance at our acupuncture school, and briefly mentioned that he wanted to have a child. Off she went across the room to talk to him. In that split second of seeing the man in question, an inner voice told me that I could have a child with him. This loud and clear internal declaration took me completely by surprise. I was neither seeking any romance nor felt likely to have children any time soon. I had two intensive years left in acupuncture school, and had recently committed to a year of celibacy (to better focus on school and my own cultivation practice, without the complications of deep, intimate relationships involving physical exchange of Jing). Yet here I was about to meet someone with whom I intuitively felt I could bring new life into the world. I had only about 5 seconds to process that download, and no idea where it came from or what to do with it. Being somewhat terrified of Michael’s potential importance in my life, I quickly veiled my spirit and casually went over to meet him. I felt intrigued but guarded, semi-open to the possibility at some point, but definitely wanting to observe and learn more about him first. We chatted for a minute with Alison. Then the two of them spontaneously did Shamanic Star-Stepping qi gong, as they had done so often in China. I quietly observed their qi flow, which was playful, lively, and fun. I also sensed Michael’s deeper yin beneath his outward expression. Still, I was wary, and didn’t reveal much of myself in that meeting. Over the following months, I watched and felt how he held and moved qi at dance, on the few occasions he appeared. I apparently kept myself energetically well-veiled, as he claims not to have seen me again until April 2011, eight months later. Meanwhile, I was thoroughly enjoying my various practices (ecstatic dance, qi gong, meditation, yoga, contact improv, treating patients in clinic, etc.), gaining greater clarity within myself, and letting go of old patterns (both my own and ancestral). I cultivated deep Heart connections with both men and women, grateful for the ease with which celibacy allowed me to dive into and learn from those relationships. I gradually began forming new intentions for my life, and for the next romantic relationship I was to have. I intuited it might bring in the child spirit that had been asking to come through me for the last couple years (but to whom I kept saying, “wait, not yet!”). I knew that both the child and I would need me to have a strong, loving Heart /Shen connection with the potential father first, before any sexual exchange might muddy the waters of my inner wisdom. I was in no personal hurry to find this father person (despite the child spirit’s urgings), and in fact had substantial resistance to the traditional idea of heterosexual marriage as the basis for a family: I had always been naturally more attracted to women, and had been raised in a thoroughly unconventional family myself. But I gradually let go of those identifications and ideas. Instead, I simply let myself notice the values, qualities, and lifestyle choices that were most important to me, and might someday be in alignment with a partner’s. I knew I could only be with someone who believes in infinite possibility at least as deeply as I do. Someone who can see and lovingly encourage the potential for growth and transformation both within and with others. It had to be someone with a sincere commitment to personal cultivation. Someone with a deep grounding in love, able to balance both spiritual and practical matters without feeling them to be in conflict. I felt I was being appropriately picky, and trusted that the right person would come along when I was “ready”. The Dao often has a different interpretation of being “ready” than we do! I noticed I was developing resistance to practicing one single qi gong form everyday, and felt ready to shift that. Enter David Wei, who had arranged the Wudang Mountain portion of Michael’s China Dream Trip in 2010. He came to Asheville over the spring equinox in March 2011, to teach the Wudang Five Animal Qi Gong. Totally different from other 5 Animal forms I’d learned, I immediately loved its interplay of extreme yang/physical extension, returning to yin, and each yin stillness naturally giving rise to the next movement. The form was so beautiful and dynamic, requiring strength, fluidity, flexibility, good breathing, and deep inner smiles (all qualities I soon discovered would be necessary in relationship with Michael!). I finally had found a form I was excited about practicing daily – no doubt especially because of the infectious joy with which David shared its power to transform one’s life. I felt that committing to the same qi gong form day after day was helping me develop deeper self-love, discipline, curiosity, awareness, patience, and openness to transformation. I soon realized that these qualities were also necessary for committing to a life partner. I suddenly was no longer so resistant to the idea. I began to see how the value and transformative power in such a deep commitment to oneself, to one’s practice, could be the same as to one’s partner. I noticed that the more I practiced, the easier it became, and the more smoothly the rest of my life flowed. After 3 weeks of practicing the 5 Animals form daily, all the while feeling like I was opening up to new destiny, I met Michael again at dance. This time we connected instantly, and I enjoyed our playfulness and intensity in the dance. But I remained wary when talking to him afterward – curious about our connection and much more open to him than previously, yet still not feeling quite “ready” for that to unfold. Especially as I had several months of planned celibacy left and another year of school to complete! I hugged him goodbye with an open, loving heart, and let go of the interaction. A couple days later, I was unsurprised to receive an email from Michael inquiring about the energetics he had felt within that hug. In replying, I revealed more of myself via email, but informed him that I was quite busy for the next couple weeks. Any further meeting would have to take place at my convenience, when I could be fully present. I was certainly in no hurry to alter any of my delightfully independent plans merely to satisfy his yang impatience to meet me again! Of course, on a deep level I knew perfectly well how life-altering our connection would be! Admittedly, I was still rather surprised by how quickly it seemed to be unfolding and wanted some time to process it… So I happily took my own yin sweet time about it, and let him meditate at a distance with that piece of my heart that he claimed was still lingering in him from our first innocent hug. When I finally went to see Michael at his house, I got out of the car and closed my eyes. I immediately felt like it was where I was supposed to be, welcomed by the elementals and the land itself. I sensed another sweet feminine presence welcoming me too, that I later discovered was Joyce, his spirit-wife who’d passed 3 years earlier, still vibrating within the land. I also felt touched by the child spirit who had been contacting me. It was almost a feeling of relief that I’d finally shown up. Spending the day with Michael quickly confirmed my feeling of being at home with him on the personality level too – a feeling whose truth I trusted, having devoted the previous 9 months to listening deeply to my own heart’s alignment with the Dao. As we got to know each other in the next weeks, we realized how perfectly we fit each other’s (hitherto imaginary) long, specific lists of desired attributes in a partner. I didn’t have to do much of anything to make it all happen smoothly, except surrender to the Dao, continue my personal practice, and embrace our deepening love and joint process of alchemy. Michael not only respected, but enthusiastically supported all of the boundaries I felt I needed to set during my process of opening up to such love, including completing my year of celibacy. My biggest boundary, dictated by ancestral resistance, was to the very idea of commitment itself. Michael wisely put no pressure on me to marry, as he knew I would likely react against it. Instead, we agreed that if marriage was to be for us, I had to propose it first, in my own time. I came to trust and respect him infinitely more profoundly because we began (and have continued!) our relationship being so sweetly Heart-centered and fully ourselves. Both of us are rather intense, independent individuals. It’s been an interesting journey, filled with continuous change – but that’s precisely what we signed up for. With just the right mixture of similarities and differences, we balance each other beautifully! We’re so perfectly well-matched, on so many levels, my mum saw it immediately when Michael came to visit in Alaska. Previously, she couldn’t imagine so whole-heartedly approving of my marrying anyone. Yet she thoroughly approved of him within days of their meeting. Apparently, mothers just know these things! In Alaska, Michael fit in seamlessly with my delightfully eccentric, close-knit family, as I knew he would. My chosen adoptive stepfather also gave us his blessing. After passing all the outdoor tests that a true Alaskan woman must insist upon in a good partner, as well as the daily tests of living, traveling, and practicing together, I knew I could propose to him properly, and did so in my favorite mountains. Having made the commitment to marry, I’ve felt our love and trust deepen and stabilize exponentially, beyond my ancestors’ dreams. We’re gladly unfolding all the joys and challenges of co-creating life together. Simultaneously, we’re exploring our individual destinies and navigating various spiritual realms of consciousness. Add the energy of Emerald (the name we were given for our mutually felt child-spirit) into the mix, and it’s quite the alchemical party… I am totally excited about the Water Dragon trip to China in May 2012, especially with our beloved, bubbly Alison as Michael’s co-trip leader! I love that we’ll have a global group of Daoists sharing a kind of group honeymoon in China’s sacred mountains. I can’t wait to see who comes to Huashan (human, immortal, and otherwise) to celebrate our love! And then there will be the adventure of diving into the alchemy of life afterward… I truly look forward to meeting all who come join us! Oceans of love and dark goddess solstice qi, Jem Love has turned Jem’s life upside-down….or is she just confused, because she is used to being in sub-zero weather at Christmas in Alaska, near the North Pole?
Save on Taxes & Support the Tao!
There are two Tao foundations that you can support, and get 100% tax write off on your donation. 1. Dao Alchemy Research Insitute, Inc, which operates as Healing Tao University summer retreats, its homestudy courrses, its websites, China Trip, etc. Just hit reply and we’ll help you from there. 2. Healing Tao Society, founded in honor of Healing Tao instructor Ron Diana. They recently premiered to great acclaim the film: Healing Tao: How It All Began. You can view a great VIDEO clip of this film and get the video in exchange for your donation at:
Thanks for opening your heart to support this wonderfully grounded path! Tao Gifts – Discount Sale until Dec. 31
For your convenience, I’m reposting this list. 9 Tao Gift ideas that promote health and spiritual growth: 1. The Ultimate Dream Gift – a Trip to China
If you really want to wow someone with the Ultimate Dream Gift, send them on the China Dream Trip next May 18 – June 8, 2012. No-cost financing is available for those who need it – don’t let money get in the way of spiritual adventure. This year is very special – two new sacred Taoist mountains. the fabulous Double Dragon Cave, a 3 day retreat at a 1500 year old Shang Qing (Great Clarity) Golden Flower Taoist temple. Plus the Great Wall of China, Temple of Heaven, White Cloud Temple, Hangzhou’s Westlake, Terra Cotta Army, Xian’s 8 Immortals Temple, AND my wedding atop Flower Mountain (Huashan). A $600. deposit reserves your gift spot on the best Taoist sacred mountain trip to China available. Some people have given this to their spouse or older children as a gift, and sometimes people give it to themselves for a birthday present. I really love this trip, it is always so rich, both the people who come and the sacred places we visit. This Year of the Water Dragon Dream Trip will be especially unique. Because of the wedding, a lot of family and senior Tao friends have already signed up. The trip is filling quickly, so please don’t delay in signing up. photo: Doing Primordial Tai Chi atop the Great Wall of China – we capture the pulsing dragon power hidden in its perfect fengshui. Anyone who loves spiritual adventure and seeks a life-changing experience will be totally thrilled. People who already took the Dream Trip three times before are coming back in 2012 for a FOURTH time! That testimony speaks for itself – each trip is totally unique. Read the iinspiring testimonials on my site ….even I couldn’t dream them up. Get the full juicy detailed itinerary & photos from past Dream trips: Questions? email me by replying to this email. photo: mystical, breath-taking cliff views are found at every step of Three Pures Ones Mountain.
2. A Fabulous Tao Summer Retreat
We’ve just listed the 2012 Summer schedule of retreats elsewhere in this newsletter (soon to be on the web at httt:// We have something for everyone, from energy healing, every possible kind of qigong, martial arts like bagua and tai chi, sexual energy cultivation, many levels of Tao alchemy meditation. The place is special, the courses are wonderful, and the folks who are attracted are fabulous people. This is YOUR community. Our summer retreats are located in Mars Hilll, at a cool but sunny 2500 foot elevation in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. These are FUN, low-cost, high-energy, top quality retreats that will transform your life and deliver you a spiritual community to love for the rest of your life. I believe it is the biggest and best program of Tao Arts in the world, with an amazingly diverse and talented faculty. Tuition has not been raised, $495. for the fifth year in a row – and it was already a bargain. These retreats are financially subsidized by my 501c3 non profit. All meal plans are optional in 2012. No-cost extended payment plans make it accessible to everyone. Give yourself or someone else the gift of self-transformation, only need a $150. deposit. You may also email the registrar at:
3. Michael’s Qigong DVD & Homestudy Courses – BIG DISCOUNT!
Voted “best qigong art” in America….but can you judge a DVD by its cover? I have been refining and improving my integration of qigong and Taoist inner alchemy for 30 years. You are safe in giving an introductory DVD (only $24.95) like Five Animals Play the Six Healing Sounds. Or give a more in-depth course as a quality gift, like the medical and spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1 & 2 package (2 DVDs +11 audio CDs, at half price). The course now includes the Spinning Dragon Orbit method. It may deeply change someone’s life or give them the tools to improve their health. To make it easier financially, I’m offering big discounts on the already heavily discounted web prices. I have kept prices low and offer periodic discounts because I prefer that everyone be able to afford these precious giftts of cultivating the Life Force. I know some folks are on a tight budget, so I hope these hefty discounts will allow them to stock up on a year’s worth of spiritual homework. On any order of Michael Winn DVD or homestudy audio courses. Sale continues until midnite, Saturday, December 31, 2011. 1. 15% off any order of $75. or more (before s/h). 2. 20% off order of $150. or more. 3. 25% off order of $300. or more. 4. 30% off order of $600. or more. We all know that Santa lives at the North Pole (a myth stolen from Finland’s Saami shamans, who use flying reindeer as their power animals). Did you know that China’s classic Lao-tzu Longevity figure, with his long white beard and beaming smile, is known as “South Pole Sage of Long Life”? I guarantee that all gifts ordered from my site will be delivered by a smiling Lao-Tzu riding his team of five-colored dragons from the South Pole. The Original Chinese Santa Claus….bringing the peach of immortality and the gift of the Life Force to all those ready to receive it. Go to and see what attracts you.
4. “My Body Moves Easily” — Joyce’s Feldenkrais-Tai Chi Audio CDs
My Body Moves Easily: I Feel Graceful and Light by Joyce Gayheart These wonderful guided super-learning Feldenkrais-Tai Chi audios by Joyce Gayheart have been specially adapted for Primordial Qigong (aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment), but suitable for helping any Tai Chi form become effortless and graceful. Joyce weaves her magic mostly while you are lying down, with no struggle against gravity. She’s intertwined her knowledge of qiqong and Alexander and Feldenkrais and decades of studying movement arts and expression into these masterful guided exercises. You can buy the CDs individually or get a $20. discount by getting the 4-CD set. If someone doesn’t have the Primordial Qigong DVD, or my Advanced Level audio training packaged together for a big saving, you might consider giving those as well. Or buy the package, keep the Primordial DVD for yourself, and give the Audio CDs away…. after listening to them first. I will sneak in a mention here of two other fabuous gifts from Joyce. One is her Divine Love Elixir ($30), 72 alchemical flower essences in a single bottle that really open the heart. The other is one of the most interesting books on fate and destiny ever written. It’s by 12 astrologers blindly reading Joyce’s chart, called Under One Sky ($24.95) by Rafi Nasser. Joyce’s life story is along side their readings, so you can compare and decide if astrology is true or not.
5. Goji Super Tonic: Feel “Healthy, Happy, & Horny”
Goji plump red berries are appropriate to the holidaiy season because when fresh picked they look like mistletoe’s red berries. It is festive drink, mixable with just about anything. The Total Goji (thick sauce like pulp of the berry) is the healthiest topping you can put on yoghurt or ice cream – a great replacement for sugar addicts. Last year I gave a bottle of goji to each of my six siblings, except one sister, who I got something different for her kids. She pined so loudly about not getting the Goji fix that I had to later give her some for her birthday…. This is a great edible or drinkable gift to give someone who is trying to wean themselves off coffee and caffeine and sugar. Goji juice gets you high – permanently. No crash. and SUPER-nutritious, the highest ORAC (anti-oxidant count) of any food in the world. Although I will soon be introducing another super-juice made from Coffeeberry that has an Orac double of goji! But goji is still the Queen of the Herbal Tonics. It is the one of the major tonic Chinese herbs for building your kidneys and liver. The list of health benefits is so long you’ll never be able to remember it all – but I do give 34 of reasons to drink goji on my website. This is currently the only food item on my site, and its because I am super-picky. This is the ONLY 100% organic natural nothing added Goji juice on the market. Nothing I’m saying about goji is hype (unlike some of the multi-level companies plugging fruit-juice sweetened goji). I drink this goji juice every day, and recommend it to all my students to offset the stress of modern life and poor diet. It’s far more powerful to drink the juice than to eat the berries or get it in powdered herbs. I sell the goji at the lowest price the manufacturer will allow. If you order two bottles, you get free shipping, the saving amounts to almost 20%. So keep one bottle for yourself, and the other will look great with a red ribbon around it. The healthiest consumable ever grown, thank you China! If you want to add 32 oz. bottles of other organic super-Qi juices – Noni, Mangosteen, or Acai – just ask Jan, who will either add it to your order or replace Goji.
6 Livia Kohn Daoist Book Bonus – Free $25. book While They Last
Internal Alchemy is only major work by scholars and adepts on the full spectrum of alchemical history and practice. I feel my chapter on Daoist Inner Alchemy in the West is definitive. Here’s the deal: I sell nine of Prof. Livia Kohn’s books on Daoism (preferred spelling by scholars) on my website. If you order ANY one of those titles, I will ship you a FREE copy of Health and Long Life: The Chinese Way by Livia Kohn and Stephan Jackowicz. She overprinted, and thus I am able to make this generous offer. OR if you buy $25. worth of Mantak Chia books (see later section), I’ll also give you this free book. The other titles would all make great gifts, about which you can read more on my website: 1. Daoist Body Cultivation (with excellent chapter by me!) 2. Daoism and Chinese Culture 3. Women In Daoism 4. Divine Traces of the Daoist Sisterhood 5. Cosmos and Community: 6. The Way of Highest Clarity 7. Myth and Meaning in Early Daoism. 8. Internal Alchemy: Self, Society,and the Quest for Immorality. (also with excellent chapter by me!) 9. Health and Long Life: The Chinese Way Not on the website yet are three new just-released titles you can also order: 10. Daoist Dietetics by Livia Kohn 11. Sitting in Oblivion by Livia Kohn (about early Taoist meditation method) BRAND NEW TITLE: 12. Living Authentically: Daoist Contributions to Modern Psychology, ed. Livia Kohn. $29.95 MY REVIEW of this book: Essential reading for Westerners seeking to integrate qigong, taiji, Daoist meditation, energy healing, and therapy practices with deep psychological insights from their own culture. It gives sharp focus to fuzzy issues: Reichian orgasm theory vs. Dao sex energy cultivation; psychological adjustment vs. wu wei and liberation; heady analytical thinking vs. whole-body process and correlative thinking; Jungian symbolic alchemy within Ego vs. substantial alchemical distillation of an immortal Soul; Western “Unconscious” vs. Primordial Qi model. It’s a breath taking, cutting edge Daoist dialectic with an amazing array of therapies – kinesiology, Energy Psychology, Positive Psychology, Psychosomanautics, Cognitive Therapy, and more. This milestone will be required reading at my own Daoist Depth Psychology program. – Michael Winn Since Jan in my fulfillment office has no way of knowing if you are responding to this free book offer when you order on the web, you must call her to place a book order and ask for the free bonus book. Offer is good while supply lasts. For full description of each book and order link:
7. Total I Ching: the Gift of Divination
For $14. bucks, this is about as high a value as one could dream for. I think my book review on Amazon says it all. This version of the I Ching has achieved cult status amongst Healing Tao inner alchemy adepts.This book is not yet posted on my site, but I finally got a stack of copies in – so call 888 999 0555 to order it. Reviewed by Michael Winn on Amazon: As a 30 year I Ching user, teacher of Taoist qigong and inner alchemy meditation, I was very skeptical when yet another I Ching translation arrived in the mail. But I knew Karcher’s scholarship was superb and was hoping for at least a few gems. Was I surprised to discover that this is the best I Ching I’ve ever used – it literally lives up to its name, The Total I Ching. I used to consult both the Wilhelm (elegant, but too confucian) and Wu Jing-Nuan’s “shamanic” Chou version to get a full spectrum of readings. Karcher’s Total I Ching version is both elegant, scholarly, and shamanic. It brilliantly integrates in the living elements of the shen (spirits) who are actually the agents of change, we could say the “managers” of shifts in the larger chi field that play out in our bodies and lives. There is only one test of an I Ching, and that is to use it in real life situations and see how “alive” and accurate the responses are for you. I found this version to be far superior to the other readings I previously used. Yin & Yang trigrams can be reduced to abstract and lifeless mathemtical symbols, or they can be experienced as living pulsations, voices from inner space. Total I Ching opens up the voices of the spirits, without losing the bracing clarity of the symbolic language. I am thrilled to find such a breakthrough work in a field of translations that are generally lacking in spiritual brilliance. Total Ching is a must have for I Ching lovers. ——————— This book redefines the notion of “stocking stuffer”. I sent a copy to my family one year, and they are still chewing on it.
8. Jade Egg – Elegant, Sensssssuous Womb-enhancing Gift
Jade eggs are useful for woman to improve and cultivate the quality of their orgasm. Jade eggs have a high vibration. The Chinese have always valued jade more than gold because of its balanced yin-yang energy. Jade eggs are preferable because they are sturdy. smooth and non-porous. Originally Egg Exercises were used for improving health, both physically and spiritually. The Jade Egg “sexercises” provide more power to the Chi Muscle to lift the sexual energy inward and upward, where it can be circulated to the other vital organs and help to balance the monthly flow of blood and daily cycle of hormones. Suitable for both younger women, those recovering from childbirth, and those dealing with menopause or later. The womb of a female is the most powerful center of gravity in the body. Unfortunately. t he womb tends to concentrate unprocessed (often negative) sexual and emotional energy. The egg “sex-ercises” can help to move that stuck energy and help you to own the inner space of your womb, which is the core power of the divine feminine. We recently found a new mine with much higher grade deep green jade eggs. The price has thus gone up to $37.95, but well worth it for such an intimate and powerful life-long talisman of sexual vitality. We now also include a lovely silk bag for protecting and transporting the egg. This is an intimate, elegant, health-enhancing, and sexy gift.
9. If you are totally broke, give away this FREE Book.
In gift-giving, it is the thought that counts. I invite you to gift to your friends my Free eBook, Way of the Inner Smile: Tao Path to Peace & Self-Acceptance Just go to my homepage and enter your friends email address in the subscribe box on the upper left corner. Then email your friends and let them know it was a heart-felt gift from you. Please don’t forward the pdf in your computer without signing them into my website – it brings me into a relationship with them, which is why I offer the eBook. And be sure to smile from that deep space within your heart, next time you see them….and anyone else! Love, Chi, Blessings, Michael
40% off Mantak Chia books!!!!
(sale price $10.77)Mantak Chia books for your library at 40% discount off retail price. This wholesale plus S/H charges. Offer good only while supply lasts! This is a rare opportunity to learn in depth from the foundation books of the Healing Tao system. They enable us to complete the harmonious evolution of our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. These ancient practices are brought to the west by Mantak Chia Universa Tao and Michael Winn’s Healing Tao USA. Most people learn best from DVD and audio,but written books are useful resources. Call the Healing Tao product office to order your selection today and speak with Jan. 888-999-0555. Foundational Practices Level 1; Basic Sitting Energy-Mastering Meditations
Foundational Practices Level 1, Basic Standing and Moving Energy
Level 2 – Internal Practice; Advanced Sitting Meditations-Internal Alchemy
Advanced Standing and Moving Meditations, Level 1 -Developing Internal Power
Chi Nei Tsang-2nd Branch(Physical Body)
NO IMAGE Cosmic Healing – 3rd Branch(Energy Body)
Spinning Dragon Orbit Audio CD available
The 80 minute audio CD on how to incorporate Spinning Dragon energy into your Microcosmic Orbit practice is available for ordering. We are in production and will be shipping within a week. The cost for the CD is $15. plus s/h. This CD covers the Spinning Dragon transmission recorded at the last Qigong Fundamentals workshop in October 2011. It covers how to use the Wudang spinning pearl (aka Red Dragon Method) to capture the planetary dragon force in your personal practice. You are in effect bringing a Macro (collective) force into the Micro-Cosmic (personal) orbit. This CD will become a standard part of the Qigong Fundamentals 1 & 2 package if you order it going forward. But this CD will NOT be available on the website separately. You must contact Jan my office manager, to order this separately: or 828 505 1444. It is available as an upgrade ONLY for people who have previously purchased the Fundamentals 1&2 package or taken my workshop/retreat (please email or tell her approximate date of purchase and under what email address you bought it). IMPORTANT: This Dragon Orbit CD is totally useless without the rest of the orbit training. You will NOT be able to practice this orbit method from this CD alone. You must already have trainingin the Wudang Spinning Orbit method; other orbit methods will be useless as background for use with this CD. Please note, that all sales of this separate CD are final. Loving the Dark Goddess: Contact info
Loving the Dark Goddess within each of us, Michael Winn “Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home, “The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away. Register online for on Healing Tao University, Or visit, to Visit http// for a glimpse into To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the If you change your email address in the future and wish |
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