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June 19, 2006 at 9:41 pm #14845
G’day again, I was talking to a female friend a few days ago and she said that she feels like she absorbs the negative energy from people around her. With her work the more negative people/comments around her the greater she feel the drain on her at the end of the day.
I could really relate to this, as I feel drained in a similar way after being exposed to a large number of people over a day.
I used to take Salt Baths as recommended by Pranic Healing to cleanse the energy system, and found this fairly good, but not often practical.
Has anyone experienced something similar? And if so would you have any recommendations for dealing with it?
Andrew ๐June 21, 2006 at 5:13 pm #14846most definitely.. i have no idea what to do about it..
maybe it’s time for a sigil..
I am very telepathic and have for many years pciked up on the overall energy/pain state of other people.. or of crowds groups..
i have tried the belt channel thing, i have banished pentagrams daily, I have even stopped chi kung due to thoughts that it was “softening” my aura to do this somewhat questionable smilig thing..
but alas.. their suffering is like glue..
I say telepathic in a very hardcore sense.. i used to experiment with high powered brain chemicals and even experienced direct telethought transmissions using hieroglphs and geometric codes which led me to Golden Dawn/Great White Brotherhood connections including JJ Hurtak.. I don’t know what to tellyou other than cannibinol..
cannibinol has mixxed results to me.. light continuous dietary does seem to switch the recptors over somehow so that osme of that sensation stops…
sometimes chi kung seems to actually make it worse… like it over sensitizes the pain receptors..
I have read that some children have np pain reception at all! amazing.. all so biochemical.. oxytocin or something..
June 21, 2006 at 7:47 pm #14848I’m just getting into the taoist meditations and what-not, so I can’t really comment on that kind of thing that would help, but I know what your talking about. I have some people that I have to see and be around all of the time and it used to be that when I left them, I felt like a leach or octopus had been stuck to me and took all of my energy away.
I realized that while I don’t prefer to be around these people, my acceptance of them helps. Instead of thinking “oh god, here they come. . .” I started smiling, knowing that they are who they are and that’s okay. the more i changed the way i thought, (not being critical of them and the way I felt around them) the less their negative vibes bothered me. I still have days where I might turn around and go the other way when I see them coming, but those days are fewer and farther between as I train myself in the way I think and perceive people.June 21, 2006 at 8:14 pm #14850If we pratice chi/nei gong properly with emphasis on grounding and opening our hearts it balances and tones our systems and “protects” us.
The tone of this question and answer bout implies boundary issues, earth element issues, and a tendency to stay in the safe space of one’s head and one’s thinking because of a lack of trust (of feelings, self and life). The use of the inner smile solves the problems described here. To smile is to trust. To trust is to open to the source. To be open to the source is to be safe. If we are resistant to doing this, there is great fear within that must be faced.
Without question, we all must go into our emotions and feelings with our Presence. This stabilizes and heals everything. Oversensitivity, feeling what is going on around us until it overtakes us, can be turned around to become an asset and create a truly powerful person. But only if we do not block feelings. We must strengthen our fields by trusting the process it takes us through and feeling everything it brings to us, some of which is not ours and some of which is. Meeting with the energies is the key.
External methods like banishing rituals will not solve these problems because the focus is normally on using them as blocking tactics. It is embodied, positive, spiritual presence that is the power which handles the external energies and problems correctly.
The central problem on earth today is that we think we can find external answers to our problems, and so we go into denial about what is really happening and where the real answers come from – ourselves, the source. Feelings are the barometer we have to tell us what is happening in our reality. Only by letting ourselves feel what is at the root of our distress, our deepest feelings and emotions and the thoughts contained inside them, are we be able to become one with it all and actually change those experiences.
Any spiritual practices which actually work to resolve a problem work because they help us become one with what is happening, not because they have gotten us out of the way of the problem, blocked “it,” overcome “it,” or in any other way done something to “it.” Practices that work act as alignment devices which enable a natural transmutation (oneness) process to take place that otherwise wouldn’t. We consciously align within and without and this rectifies things. The root false assumption beneath any other way of approaching things is that they are separate from us – a philosophy which has caused all the problems we now have on earth.
None of this is “biochemical” at the source of it. When we think in those kinds of terms we are deluding ourselves. We do this so we do not have to face the problem of being the creator of what we see and feel and have, and go through the intense process of facing our shame and guilt, and also, that we are THAT powerful. But there is no other way out!
Children are the way they are because their connection to their Selves is strong. This, in most situations, keeps their vibes high and pure until they are weakened by letting go of their knowing of who they are. The job of the alchemist/spiritual cultivator is to remember. Spiritual will, constant patience and incredible compassion for ourselves is needed to plunge ahead through the growth process of reclaiming our true natures after we have let them go as children whose egos were too fragile to handle the pain of our own negative (and false) conclusions about our lives, and whose need for acceptance and approval were so great that we thought disowning ourselves was the right thing to do. Within all this stuff is the great pain we all seek to avoid feeling that drives us into our heads, out of our hearts, and crazy: the pain of believing that we are unwanted and unlovable. Once we encounter those feelings with a mature open heart, unflinchingly holding the space for ourselves, feeling it all to its depths, the pain transmutes and there is freedom, peace, love and possibility.
Trusting on this Summer Solstice day,
AlexanderJune 21, 2006 at 8:24 pm #14852I’ve read a lot of stuff here that has left me going “huh?…”, but that makes sense to me. ๐
June 21, 2006 at 8:53 pm #14854Thanks for great answer Alexander, out of interest what style of chi/nei gong do you practice?
Andrew ๐June 22, 2006 at 12:28 am #14856Hi Andrew,
I’m glad it was meaningful for you.
I practice William Chen’s 60 postures Tai Chi form and One Cloud’s formulas through Michael Winn from 6 healing sounds through Greatest Kan and Li. Also, many forms I learned from Michael- Pangu, Gods Play In The Cauldron Of Original Chi, Marriage of Heaven and Earth and Primordial (Wuji) Chi Gong. I mix in a little yoga, which I used to do a lot of. And the Inner Smile pervades it all.Blessings, Alexander
June 22, 2006 at 3:11 am #14858Hi Andy
Fair question and I think something we have all experienced at one point or another.
The posts of Intelligence, Alexander and Treesinger all have some good points and things to bear in mind.
I guess what I have tried is to be conscious of when someone is consciously or maliciously trying to drain my energy. I then simply avoid that person.
I think on a daily basis the concept of being drained of energy does have a lot more to do with the judgement you place on certain interactions or random comments that are made to or around you. I think Alexander said much on this and I agree with his comments.
A big thing I do when I am feeling low in energy or just want to try it to see what happens is not to talk so much myself and then, even if I do talk, I talk in a quieter voice that takes less effort for me physically to do. I believe that I am the biggest “waster” of my own energy and that it is when I get sucked into situations I would rather not be a part of that it isn’t a case of people “draining” my energy but rather that I give them the opportunity to get to me a little bit and I in fact “give” them my energy just by getting involved…
Sometimes it pays to skirt on the outside of things and be considered by other people to be frivolous and not attached – that way when something truly important does come up you will be able to deal with it fully and involve yourself by choice ๐
June 22, 2006 at 9:43 am #14860Sensitive children who are born into stressfull situations, like parents who fight or drink, mother who is not able to give enough of her ‘inner earth’ to her children because of emotional problems, an ‘overstressed’ father who may or may not becomes violent or silent for days and weeks, etc etc. These children become very sensitive to the atmosphere in the house, they start to pick up every mood switch the parent(s) make in order to survive. Later on the child and adult becomes sensitive to every mood change in the surrounding, sensitive to the energetic of events and people, which can become a punishment instead of a survival tool.
Solution: strengthening your inner earth is the perfect way to balance it out. You are still sensitive because you are trained for so many years doing this, but you can ‘choose’ what you like and don’t like by trial and error. Building self awareness and putting boundaries, loving yourself.
June 22, 2006 at 1:54 pm #14862Did I mention that this planet’s a biochemical wasteland?
June 22, 2006 at 4:16 pm #14864Did you hear anything I said?
June 22, 2006 at 4:25 pm #14866Excellent comments by Emelgee and those who are communicating that there is choice involved and that we need to exercise it. To choose is to not be a victim. To be a victim to your surroundings, even when it looks like you are, is self-annihilation. To blame is to relinquish spiritual power. Facing our parts that have the death wish for ourselves and others (which is often quite subtle and convincingly rational sounding to the ego) is as necessary a part of our spiritual work as meditation is. It takes courage and lots of love to do this, but that’s the job.
-AlexanderJune 22, 2006 at 4:34 pm #14868Hi TS- It sounds like your body understands it but that your thinking mind may not know what to do with it. Yes? -A
June 22, 2006 at 4:42 pm #14870Beautifully expressed, Wendy. Really important points.
“Strengthening your inner earth” and “Building self awareness and putting boundaries, loving yourself.” -exactly.
It feels that from this and so many other posts you’ve made that reveal your sensitivity and “watery-ness” that you and I have a lot in common and that our personal alchemical explorations (our lives) have taken us into some pretty intense emotional places, having to do real nitty-gritty transmutations for the general public who mostly won’t go near the depth of feeling some of us have. -AJune 22, 2006 at 6:41 pm #14872That depth is sometimes ‘killing’ yet so rewarding if there is courage and openness to eat it all the way…I would not choose any other path.
So lets dive the deep and swim singing out loud and smiling all the way through while tears mingle with the ocean water and become part of the ocean. I know I am not alone in that vast water… and sometimes I hear the sound and feel the touch coming from thousands, millions of miles from here, yet it is all here in my own heart… I am not alone, never was, and never will be.
X -
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