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June 29, 2006 at 12:34 pm #15228
With all this emphasis on yuan chi as counterrotating “field” pulsation respirating itself into secondary yin & yang
what about Melchezedek Emerald CLoister’s prediction that “neutron windows” are the key to future evolution?
hydrogen has min. one proton, possibly a neutron..
is the neutron really neutral and does it genuinely relate to yuan chi?
if so, it sounds like geometry and spin..
keep in mind that the lattice of dna is geometrically scaffolded around a hydrogen joint..
what about spin points, cellular nuclei, and the hydrogen DNA axis?
June 29, 2006 at 1:41 pm #15229Your questions are a bit vague, might be useful to include links to clarify your comments.
But I think your direction of question is great and really important – we are still coming into understandinig of what yuan chi is and does and how it does it. That is core of alchemical science, to explore that question. And it may be useful to language that in different dimensions and using modern terminology such as neutrons, neutrinos, and spin points.
Why not share your thoughts on this, since you have obviously been epxloring it?
June 29, 2006 at 2:05 pm #15231http://www.azuritepress.com/greece_2002.htm
DAY-6 May 22-Wednesday – Heraklion Crete
FULL DAY WORKSHOP-2 @ Heraklion Hotel 10:30AM-6:00PM
· “Dance For Life, Dance For Love: Embodying the Path of Spiritual Mastery”
Sacred Teachings of the Maharata Texts, Introduction to Book-1: The Inner Christos-Reinstating Personal Divinity; Volumes-1 and 2 (of 4) An Intensive introduction to Christiac Masters Spiritual Study, utilizing the Art-Science of Ancient Sacred Song, Dance and Symbol in a daily spiritual advancement program.AM Session: Volume-1 “The Dance For Life: Understanding the God-Force Within” The 12 Lessons, 12 Attitudes and 12 Actions of Spiritual Mastery. Volume-1 includes: God-Source, the ManU-ManA- EirA-Eckasha God-Forces, the Atomic Life Force connection and Neutron Windows. Keylontic Sacred Science, the Kathara 12-Tree of Life, Divine Blueprint, 15-Dimensional Anatomy, the 15 Rays-12 Domains-7 Higher and Lower Heavens, Primal Currents, the Radial Body Trion-Meajhe Field, God-Fire Alphabet, Fire Letters, 12-strand DNA activation and REAL ascension/Star gate passage mechanics. The Ancient VECA CODES
June 29, 2006 at 11:56 pm #15233I would like to hear more of your ideas on this. I always enjoy the science angle. Hopefully my science brothers will bring in alot of light into this world.
June 30, 2006 at 1:58 pm #15235well it’s not exactly my ideas.. BUT.. conversation would be great : )
Emeral CLositer has an entire set of kundalini/prana/chi practices that are a real challenge way beyond TAO formulas I’ve learned.. you take specific shapes and tones and inhale, spin, etc..
the premise is axiatonal meridians and spin points..
spin points and axitonal meridians are what you get when you place the Jewish Tree of Life over the 12 meridians from chines acupncture and essentially spin them round the spine..
Emerald Cloister uses a “12 Tree” system..
they base much of it around what they condiser a liquid form of light field which is what the Taoists would call chi made visible..
The idea is that some how hydrogen is related to liquid light and that the entire body is an electromagnetic grid system with these spinning energy points that directly relate to dna through the 12 meridians.. all the spin points are supposed to somehow tonally connect to the nucelus of different cell types which are seen as some sort of electromagnetic oscillator..
a lot of emerald cloister materials talk about various DNA hybidization projects where different species of “people” were crossed or just flat out implanted into other gene groups using these eelctromagnetic ka/aether meridian systems..
there’s lots of third eye pineal stuff involving the spin they say exists where the visual pathway of the eye crosses over in the middle of the brain..
long story short, they posit neutrons as some sort of genetic linkage where multiple planes of energy overlap allowing something like a hyperdimnsionality on a common nucleus..
the idea from cloister is that there are different “seals” or energy gateways within the overlap of various layers of energy fields within our body and that neutrons are related to energy body juxtaposing..
June 30, 2006 at 10:09 pm #15237It has been my experience of late that disecting any complex natural system reveals the whole of the universe – I guess that’s the microcosm, macrocosm concept… Our DNA is definately one such system, and your mention of the 12 meridians in connection with the DNA molecule triggered my response…
I’ll reveal how I understand DNA to follow ‘natural law’ or ‘Tao’ or whatever in a minute, but there are other systems that follow this same concept: “disect any natural system and you’ll find the whole of the universe within”…
One such system is a part of Qunatum Mechanics (QM), specifically the Bohm interpretation of QM. In the I Ching we have the unsaid ‘Tao’, which in QM is the ‘Hidden Variable’… nothing can be said about this…
We then have ‘Yang’ in I Ching and the ‘Particle Aspect of Light’ in QM and also ‘Yin’ which is the ‘Wave Aspect of Light’ in QM.
In I Ching we also have ‘active yang’ and ‘passive yang’ as well as ‘moving yang’ – (respectively they are: ‘positive particles’, ‘negative particles’ and ‘neutral particles’)
Passive Yin and Active Yin correspond to the (minimum) two values of the state vector in Wave Mechanics of QM – and the Moving Yin is the collapse of the state vector when light (or matter) is measured.
In I Ching we have the 4 basic units permutating into the 64 hexagrams… Although QM doesn’t correlate exactly, we still have the four basic forces in physics: 1-Strong Force, 2-Weak Force, 3-Electromagnetism, 4-Gravity.
These correlations are, indeed, interesting – but what I find even more interesting is that many systems (whether ‘created’ or observed) follow the same principles. One simple one is Liebniz’s Binary system… we have 1 = yang 0 = yin, 01 = active yang 11 = passive yang etc… the only thing that’s missing is the ‘moving’ element (and perhaps this is the missing link in Artificial Intelligence???)
Now, Dr. Martin Schroenberger has noted the similarities between DNA and the I Ching. So how do they corrolate? well – we have two opposite spirals in DNA (the yin and yang spirals). These are bonded by four amino acids: adenine (A), guaine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T)… so A = passive yang, G = active yang, C = active yin – although thymine (T), when forming RNA messages (the gentetic ‘code’), drops out to be replaced by U (uracil)… and so U = passive yin. The active mutation process correlates with the moving yin and yang. So the 4 amino acids can form the 64 ‘words’ of the genetic code just as we have the 64 hexagrams in I Ching. Ofcourse we also have the 12 yearly cycles in the macrocosmic aspect of the I Ching (and the 12 meridians in the microcosm of the body) and we have the 12 bonds in one complete turn of DNA!!
What’s even more facinating is that if one studies Joyce’s books (particularly Finnegan’s Wake) and the notes that he made for them there is a very clear correlation between the I Ching and his symbology (although it’s highly unlikely that he ever came accross the I Ching himself!)
July 3, 2006 at 4:12 am #15239Nice correlation on the 12 bonds/12 meridians, hadn’t seen that before.
Leibnitz was exposed to I Ching, speculation is that it stimulated his binary theories.
which system of symbology in joyce’s FW relates to I Ching?
July 3, 2006 at 10:47 am #15241>>which system of symbology in joyce’s FW relates to I Ching?<<
well – people have been writing about Joyce's symbolism for like 40 years, there are countless books and oppinions, and it's unlikely I'd give an even remotely accurate description…
Joyce can take a man's dream or a day in dublin, and write about it in such a way that if properly investigated almost every sentence has some profound alchemical symbolism.
Since we were on Liebniz, here is a nice quote from Joyce: "that upright one and that naughty besighed him zeroine"… lol all throughout his books Joyce uses the ambiguity of language to refer to symbols past and present and if you track them back to their origins there is an obvious alchemical understanding going on!
I think the best way to study this aspect of Joyce and his genius is to study his notes, where he made up symbols, that obviously represent the underlying, basic I ching structure. I also highly recomend Robert Anton Wilson's book "Coincidance" which talks bout this very subject in a very entertaining and informative way, as Wilson always manages to do.
July 3, 2006 at 12:17 pm #15243THis is fascionating and wonderful discussion
haven’t had time to read through all yet but will
Leary presented fascinating model that consciousness could be changed to align human nervous system with intelligence within both the genetic nucleus and the atomic nucleus..
this beomes especially fascinating when he modeled it on an octave.. once you see that the core of DNA is the prototypic atomic nucleus of hydrogen, it begins to look like the two realms of atoms and dna are interlocking through the hydrogen bond..
Hurtak presents in the KEys of Enoch an atomic and genetic nucleus linked to octahedral/pyramidal symmetries which interlock genetic and atomic and pyramidal geomantic!
fascinating idea that higher intelligence works on these biochemical atomic levels
Chromosomes contain “histone octamers” which, I hear, are pyramidal protein bundles
July 21, 2006 at 4:48 pm #15245Arguelles covers all of this in 13 Column 12 meridian Dreamspell Tzolkin DNA material..
that’s why he says it is a galactic light code superset to I CHING DNA octave.. Galactic Tzolkin nesting solar I Ching within its central cube
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