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August 16, 2006 at 6:22 am #16509
generaly not presented in books
August 16, 2006 at 1:47 pm #16510What`s the deal with “passing energy to the father of healing tao”? I mean, why does he need it? Is he sick, stopped practicing or something? I would think that he should be passing energy to others, not the other way around. This looks really weird to me…
August 16, 2006 at 2:28 pm #16512I think it falls more in the line of: Respect and Gratitude…Honor your teacher..honor your system et cetra..without his openness alchemical formulas would probaly still be obscure and just nice to read about..maybe?
I am grateful to all that share unconditionally..Snowlion
August 16, 2006 at 2:34 pm #16514Teachers need love to.
I saw two of my teachers in those photos. Cool stuff.
August 16, 2006 at 5:05 pm #16516Transmission is always two ways
Connection is always two ways
Communication is always two waysask the question receive the answer answer is the question
one way is the struggle of ‘hard’ vampire and leeches ‘with positive self-image’
you commented the first
but not the last
that is biasAugust 16, 2006 at 7:51 pm #16518May be, that I`m biased, but towards what? I didn`t comment on the last because I didn`t see anything “weird” with them. Truthfully, vampires and leeches did cross my mind. Perhaps my thinking was too “one dimensional”. I still think it a bit weird that the master needs energy from others.
Of course love is also a form energy, and true that teachers need love too. So this way there is nothing wrong with it. Or if “giving” the inner smile. However, why didn`t it write then, “passing love” or “passing the inner smile” or something? Maybe it was just the misunderstanding of what is written on my part (semantics I guess).
My comments were probably too hurried (and harsh maybe). Especially since with giving you also recieve…
And thanks for the comments, I think it actually opened some stuff for me.🙂
August 17, 2006 at 6:20 am #16520Not weird. Yes. Special. Yes.
‘mantak chia’ was idea implanted after ‘his’ birth. He is a heart. Note they were not feeding ‘mantak chia’, they were feeding ‘father of healing tao’. Different entity.
Such practice is application of world link meditation. One dial option, not all.
In the end question is answer.
But generaly first there is question(sending), pause, then there is answer(receiving). In time/practice pause gets smaller. Then it is both at same time.Take care of individuality.
Feeding the gods is standard practice in all clan oriented tradition. Every.
Connection to gods and humans is part of secret of spider ways.August 17, 2006 at 8:27 am #16522I think I understand. But what do you mean with “Connection to gods and humans is part of secret of spider ways.”?
Funny that you should mention feeding the gods. I remember in one of Chias videos, that he was saying something like people pray to god, and give him energy this way, but he is all powerful, so what is he going to do with that energy, he doesn`t need it.
August 17, 2006 at 11:36 am #16524Look up david icke on google video. I think alot of people on this site read or watch his stuff. It might help you understand them. This is a asumption. But from fajin talking about holograms, wendy and max talking about lizard people, and jernej talking about vampires and spiders, It seemed to be a strong connection. I do like some of his stuff. But other things I feel fall short. It is hard to see clearly as humans when we have two eyes.
August 17, 2006 at 2:00 pm #16526I am not a shape shifting human/reptile believer. I have energetic connection with ‘intelligent reptiles’ which had a physical and energetic impact, but shapeshifting as a physical reality I pass or till I see one…
I believe in energetic reptile information that is passed through blood lines, so some families/humans have more reptile information than others. And I believe we are not alone in this universe, what an arrogance if we believe that…
August 17, 2006 at 8:06 pm #16528Yes, our past is right here right now. Yes, the information is in your DNA. We all can choose to access diferent parts of our multi dimensional self. Alot of the time differnt parts act out on there own. Thank you for clearing things up. How did you deal with this energy?
August 18, 2006 at 8:45 am #16530You pierce the veil of astral. Yet the secret is that while you may spire such ability and cultivate it, the eart is the bomb. While away, you are still addicted to earth. It takes body/substance and balance to do so. So here you are again.
Next you open fully to heaven. Such is called a spirit ejaculation. You burst forward. Again only to a limit (of a body). And it is taxing to body. Again come-back.
So you let go to heaven. You cannot be so. Unless you are open, fully emitt, but keep center in the body. You start pissing to heaven. And the heaven starts pissing back.
Now this crazy wisdom is a specific one. Not for every instance, and it is full connection, it is your body, so you cannot just dismiss it. So it takes active alligning in earthly matters to manage by, and since you have made a choice, now it takes faith in (your) heaven to relax.
And even all this is not enough. There is the limit of individual sphere. And compared to eternity, it is finite hence mortal. Thus it takes letting go humanity. In so with similar characteristics as when towards heaven. That means both losing and winning the war. A humane.
All this is spider way.August 18, 2006 at 8:48 am #16532The vampires Jernej was talking about, were energetic vampires (well, at least I think so). People who drain energy from others, either consciously or uncounsciously.
Spiders I don`t know. I`m not sure if what we were is related to lizards and all.Still, it sounds interesting, and I will check it out. Thanks for telling me about it.
August 18, 2006 at 8:51 am #16534Hmmm, I don`t understand this. I`ll contemplate on it, and maybe I`ll get some understanding. But still, can you explain a bit more please?
August 18, 2006 at 10:45 am #16536To make a looong story short (took me several years to chew it)
1. If I would ever meet one in real I would die instantly from fear
2. So imagine ‘meeting’ these creatures in astral, feeling them physical it took me a very long time to overcome ‘fear’, which went from total acceptance (that is how I gave access), to horror thanks to stories and reactions of other people, to ignoring to try to handle it and finally master it to create so much inner earth I could handle it, absorb and give it space as part of who I am.
Many talk of being in unity with all, well ‘they’ are part of ‘all’ and by creating so much fear -against- we deny a part of us.
So while we all sing happily that we are ‘all one’, we exclude a major part, you could say our shadow…I agree, they are so ugly it is hard to embrace them in your heart….
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