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July 20, 2007 at 11:36 am #23016
The vidoe clips at end are lovely to watch – the principles of internal alchemy demonstrated externally. Watching Fire emerge from Water. No time to explain it now, just know this is “yin within the yang, and yang within the yin: principle of inner alchemy. It drives all consciousness, adn will eventually be used externally to power the whole world.
May 24, 2007http://www.wpbf.com/news/13383827/detail.html
SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA – A Florida man may have accidentally invented a
machine that could solve the gasoline and energy crisis plaguing the U.S.,
WPBF News 25 reported.Sanibel Island resident John Kanzius is a former broadcast executive from
Pennsylvania who wondered if his background in physics and radio could come
in handy in treating the disease from which he suffers: cancer.Kanzius, 63, invented a machine that emits radio waves in an attempt to kill
cancerous cells while leaving normal cells intact. While testing his
machine, he noticed that his invention had other unexpected abilities.Filling a test tube with salt water from a canal in his back yard, Kanzius
placed the tube and a paper towel in the machine and turned it on. Suddenly,
the paper towel ignited, lighting up the tube like it was a wax candle.“Pretty neat, huh?” Kanzius asked WPBF’s Jon Shainman.
Kanzius performed the experiment without the paper towel and got the same
result — the saltwater was actually burning.The former broadcasting executive said he showed the experiment to a handful
of scientists across the country who claim they are baffled at watching salt
water ignite.Kanzius said the flame created from his machine reaches a temperature of
around 3,000 degrees Farenheit. He said a chemist told him that the immense
heat created from the machine breaks down the hydrogen-oxygen bond in the
water, igniting the hydrogen.“You could take plain salt water out of the sea, put it in containers and
produce a violent flame that could heat generators that make electricity, or
provide other forms of energy,” Kanzius said.He said engineers are currently experimenting with him in Erie, Pa. in an
attempt to harness the energy. They’ve built an engine that, when placed on
top of the flame, chugged along for two minutes, Kanzius told WPBF.Kanzius admits all the excitement surrounding a new possible energy source
was a stroke of luck. Someone who witnessed his work on the cancer front
asked him if perhaps the machine could be used for desalinization.“This was an experiment to see if I could heat salt water, and instead of
heat, I got fire,” Kanzius said.Kanzius said he hoped that his invention could one day solve a lot of the
world’s energy problems.“If I were to be bold enough, I think one day you could power an automobile
with this, eventually,” Kanzius told WPBF.Videos:
July 20, 2007 at 12:05 pm #23017I saw this awhile ago I might have posted it. The guy is from clear water I wonder if that is in florida as well. I am a little concerned that we might start using up allot of our oceans (earth might have to take some goji) but I do not know allot about the technology.
July 20, 2007 at 5:41 pm #23019there is a video that shows how to ignite hydrogen gas from water with a lighter, after being heated with a car battery charger.
search youtube for “exploding water”
try it yourself!
July 21, 2007 at 12:13 pm #23021Interesting, Keely managed to uexplode drops of water through vibration (no fire but tremendous pressure) a hundred years ago.
He couldnt find a way to harness the power though, he changed tack and managed to produce unlimited energy through vibrattion alone, cutting out the middleman.I suspect that either directly or indirectly tmost of these scientists are following his suppressed principles. Why is this tecnology being released now?
Is it the internet, evolution or are the people behind the curtain allowing it out?July 21, 2007 at 12:46 pm #23023It must be emitting microwave radiation I would think. For sure the amount of energy required to power the machine is vastly greater than the amount that the burning water is producing. Otherwise the guy would have perpetual motion right there. The day he can power the machine with the energy it produces, let me know! ๐ Until then you need to plug a machine into a fossil-fuel-powered energy grid in order to get this effect.
Which by the way might well have severely carcinogenic side effects if it was done much without protection. Ah, television…
July 21, 2007 at 7:09 pm #23025July 23, 2007 at 9:27 am #23027I am not shure what you mean as it would seem to replace oil. We would still need fuses and batterys. Now in internal alchemy you need both fire from water and water from fire to hold the piont open for the unlimitted energy to manifest. So am not shure if this is just the first step to this or not. I also do not know if the burn off from the flame interacts with anything to turn back into water. Thirdly I am courius to know what effect radio waves have on our own saleen solution?
July 23, 2007 at 9:57 am #23029>>I am not shure what you mean as it would seem to replace oil<<
How does it do that when you need oil to make the machine run? That machine which makes the microwaves that excite the water which cause the hydrogen that is split off from the water to burn? How are you going to do that without oil, coal or natural gas to power the machine in the first place?
The point about oil is that it makes more energy when you burn it than it takes to start it burning. That's also true to a lesser extent of wind power and solar power. But in this case it is not true. To get the water to burn you need a machine that takes alot of energy. Where are you getting that energy?
But oh yeah, sorry, I surrendered! Sorry Pietro.
None of what I'm saying negates this as a metaphor for kan and li. I am just saying the actual physical facts in the way of using this (and a whole host of other proposed alternative energy sources) as a replacement for oil…. Myself, I believe that it's unquestionable that spiritual advancement should make for greater technological advancement, but this isn't that happening. J
July 23, 2007 at 1:27 pm #23031What powered the machines to get the first oil out of the ground? I am not definte on this technology one way or another. I do not Know how much energy is used by the current machines to obtain this technology. I also do not think the technology is ready. I am glad you replied I hope you do not think me or others or this topic a waste of time but I accept it if you do. Peace and warm smiles to you.
July 23, 2007 at 2:11 pm #23033I’m not thinking you are a waste of time, of course not! I’m just trying to explain the difference between a chemical reaction, however interesting, and an actual source of industrial fuel suitable for powering such a society as ours. Nobody on the news bothers to explain this and frankly it is very irresponsible of them. One cannot consider the hydrogen in water to be a source of fuel, because it takes more energy to split apart the molecular structure of the water in order to release the hydrogen than one gets by burning said hydrogen. This news item is rubbish! Shame on the broadcaster, do not believe it!
We are often given myths of progress that tell us all technological progress is going to continue in our society in a linear way, but this is not the way things actually are on our current technological understanding. There would be no need to fight wars over oil if water could replace oil, it just can’t – not in any way we even in our vaguest wildest dreams could at the moment hope to fantasize about comprehending! On current technological understanding our society is about to head into a long decline.
Meanwhile the odd news story will come along and give people false hope that ‘one day we will power cars with water’! Spiritual understanding will I think one day contribute to our understanding of energy sources, I just am saying don’t hold your breath. What you are seeing here is just ordinary chemistry.
>>What powered the machines to get the first oil out of the ground?<<
Oil was once pretty easy to obtain, quite plentiful really. It really is not the difficulty of gathering the oil that is the problem though, but the difficulty or otherwise of getting large amounts of usable energy out of it. Oil is the result of tens of millions of years of photosynthesis, heat and pressure. It is an irreplaceable substance, concentrated energy in material form. Coal and gas are similar. You are aware that coal of course can be obtained by man and horse power alone, as long as it lasts – what makes it valuable is the extent to which, once it is obtained, it yields far more energy far more easily than was needed to find it and burn it.
July 23, 2007 at 3:39 pm #23035How about all this ‘joe cell’ business – no radiowaves needed – people are apparently running their cars on water alone… I’ve not made my mind up yet on whether it’s true or not. (youtube link at bottom of post)
Ofcourse our economy, politics and social structure are based around scarcity – and a lot of people are doing very very well for themselves.
Having water as an easy power source would create an abundance conciousness, which would totally transform our society, and the people with the power now would lose their power.
I think this kind of technology is only possible when our society is ready to accomodate it.
July 23, 2007 at 8:06 pm #23037>>I’ve not made my mind up yet on whether it’s true or not. (youtube link at bottom of post)<>I think this kind of technology is only possible when our society is ready to accomodate it.<<
I'm beginning to agree with that. I think the prevailing customs, mores, level of love and freedom in society probably dictate most of what is possible in it right down to the material level. But these are things that for the moment are outside my control, so I have to do what Alexander would recommend – wish for the best possible and then just leave it up to divine providence.
July 23, 2007 at 8:11 pm #23039… well I think the guy himself doesn’t know how it works either! But yeah the salt water point escaped me. I didn’t hear too much about the difference between fresh and salt water from taoists, but funnily enough a guy I often read in sorcery makes quite a big deal about the properties of each, that they have different uses and reasons for being. And I remember Wendy mentioning the virtues of sea salt on here too.
Well if it’s that then I suppose we must wait and see…. I will try to find out more later maybe and post here if I do. This is a little more complex than Michael’s idea of the fire within the water; we can only wait I guess… J
July 24, 2007 at 2:39 am #23041Did I hear my name being invoked?
OK, I’ll throw in my three yuan.
I’ve often enjoyed reading Freeform’s grasp of the situation down here. (Obviously because I agree with him about it.) Clearly, from where I’m standing, this issue, as is all else that transpires on our highly charged little planet, is the result of consciousness or the lack of it. Whatever we see “out there” was generated from somewhere inside. Isn’t it curious that there are so many people out there seeking alternative energy sources as if Nicola Tesla didn’t light everything up way, way back in the 20s directly from the electromagnetic energy field of the Earth, no pollution, no cost, no wires? (Talk about wuwei!) Isn’t it funny how we busy ourselves (drama, drama, drama) with all this clamoring about looking for solutions we already have? Why is that?
Because humanity is still locked into denial and doesn’t want to look at anything.
It’s the same story with everything down here. The orthodox archeologists refuse to accept the fact that the Sphinx was worn down by water because then they’d have to change their view of history and that’s too scary…Etc., etc., etc…
Things are stuck because people are.
So, Jason, don’t just wish for change (I never said “wish”), create it. Work with the internal energies with conscious intention (sounds like magic, doesn’t it?) by aligning with the lifeforce and assisting it in doing what it is already doing- creating situations in which we cook and holding that space while it happens.
Holding this space with us,
AlexanderJuly 24, 2007 at 6:46 am #23043>>So, Jason, don’t just wish for change (I never said “wish”), create it. Work with the internal energies with conscious intention (sounds like magic, doesn’t it?)<<
… this is what s/he means. ๐ j
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