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- This topic has 14 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 4 months ago by
October 17, 2007 at 4:22 pm #25066October 18, 2007 at 7:27 am #25067
Hello Intelligence
Looked at part of it.
Whats the evidences in the dvd they where showing at this meeting?
S dragon
October 19, 2007 at 1:03 pm #25069October 19, 2007 at 9:42 pm #25071Hi
Have listen to it. Split me up betwean. 1 This is bullshit 2 Why not this could be through it really doesn’t have anything in it that I can tell for shore isn’t true. 3 Have taken part of it but isn’t enough convinced to dig deeper into it, it will not change my way of life at least for the moment. Already is working with myself with meditation and inner practises. Have noticed that this thoughts exist and will not forget it. It shorely enough is interesting but a little bit hard to belive.Something like this. ๐
Regards S Dragon
October 20, 2007 at 11:21 am #25073what a mess..
how can so much sound so legitimate and so much be total fluff?
that’s the way I am about barbara anne brennans work with chakras and templates versus all the other chakra people..
rigorous science
until then it’s just for fun in my opinion
October 20, 2007 at 12:36 pm #25075Ok you think like this to. Good.
I feel a litle bit more shore about Brennans work though. Have had one of her book but lost it. Never read it in total beacase i found it boring, even though interesting. Paradocically. Science not shore ๐
October 20, 2007 at 3:37 pm #25077It seems the normal science in biology always make the same mistakes. They believed the human had more genes then that we have. They believed theire should be a bigger difference in the amount of genes that differ betwean races as betwean chimpanses and humans. They thought many diseases should be solved with gen medicin. But it seemed always to be more difficult than they had expected. Everything like this I believe is streanghtening a hypotesis like Morfological fields. It should be the morphological fields that are the major factor not the genes, when looking at how whe are created and so on. But the normal science never seems to questioning theire basic thesis. How come? Always finding new explanations like its not the amounth of genes its all theire combinations that is so huge. And so on. Never believening the whole theory ,that its only the genes that doing all the job.
S Dragon
October 20, 2007 at 6:03 pm #25079hard to say…
example, it look slike a few chemicals in the water supply can totally alter an entire gene pool.. what got altered?
i bet their supposed morphogenetic fields are now changed also..
so how would you fix it? look slike you could fix the field or remove the molecules..
but then, how doesa field exist withina simple virus? is the field the product of the molecules, or is the field somehow producing the molecules?
i’d have to say the molecules produce the field..
but what are molecules? an aggregate of apparent atomic fields..
October 21, 2007 at 4:46 am #25081>>>>is the field the product of the molecules, or is the field somehow producing the molecules?
i’d have to say the molecules produce the field..
but what are molecules? an aggregate of apparent atomic fields.. >>>>>>I believe the atomic field and the morphoghenetic field are dancing together and producing eachother or maybe they are so interwowen the one can’t exist without the other. They might also be two sides of the same coin. The time aspect and long distanse effect on the morfogentic field is a interesting part. When the old fields from the past seems to interact with the fields in the present.
There must be some big connection betwean the therory of morfogenetic fields and with the taoisms description of the world also. Maybe we already have some answers from the taoism?
with regards
October 21, 2007 at 6:11 am #25083>>I believe the atomic field and the morphoghenetic field are dancing together and producing eachother or maybe they are so interwowen the one can’t exist without the other.<<
Spot on IMHO, j
October 21, 2007 at 4:05 pm #25085perhaps a set of aggregate fields layering on old fields creating new permutations within themselves.. hard to say..
morphogenetics plus nei dan gong ..
how are the extraordinary channels developing..
i personally think a lot is solar radiation..
October 22, 2007 at 11:02 am #25087>>>>>>perhaps a set of aggregate fields layering on old fields creating new permutations within themselves.. hard to say..
morphogenetics plus nei dan gong ..
how are the extraordinary channels developing..
i personally think a lot is solar radiation.. >>>>>>>
What is nei dan gong shorly. Working with extraordinary channels?
Why do you believe its solar radiation. (the dev of extra ord I guess)
I liked the part with aggregates it feels beatiful and true in some way.
October 23, 2007 at 12:08 am #25089as far as i know nei dan gong is the inner half of chi kung.. basically the mental chi steering part rather than the external physical motions, martial arts etc
but i say solar radiation becuase i just suspect.. i think that there is osmething more geometric and spin based going on in evolution that has to do with morphogenetic fields..
and or holons or maybe just something new beyond that..
October 23, 2007 at 5:49 am #25091>>>>how are the extraordinary channels developing.. >>>>>
What exactly are you thinking about here. Is how they are developing in the embryo or is it how they are developing in a practioner or semthing else??
W Regards
October 23, 2007 at 10:52 pm #25093 -
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