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- This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 1 month ago by
December 19, 2007 at 10:23 am #26668
Hello All
Today I’ve got a prescription from my doc of two medicines I have wanted to try since at least three years now! I had written about 50 pages to him about why I believe I have the adrenal Fatigue and hypothyroidism. When I today met him he had read some books about this I told hem and he no is on the same line as I have been for the last years. Good to have a doc that is taking in new information and is adhaptable to patients ideas!
The prescripion is:
Armour thyroid and hydrocortisol.
Combined they make a wery much better effect beacase the cortisol is helping the thyroid into the hypocondias. Some scientist on methabolism today belive that about 80 percent of the US population suffer from hypothyroidism most of them not recognized by the ordinary lab tests! Best way to test is to take the body temperature at the morning before any activity. This is more reliabla than blod tests. Not many doctors know this. They say temp not is relibable but they don’t know that the blod tests they self do is even less reliable.
One of the biggest mistake in this field today is to give the patient thyroid medicine and then look at the blood test and stop increasing the dosage beacase the blodtest is fine. But instead they should only listen to the symptoms beacase the correlation betwean blodtest and symtom are wery bad and not reliable.
I’m wery happy for having the opurtunity to try this even though I have wanted to get rid of my problems in some other way with more natural therapies. But I see no reason to be ower idealistic about all this. This will be the way and I think this is the greatest possibility for me to have less bad symtoms. Then if this works I will continue to fight for the possibility to be free from symtoms without any regular medication.
Which me good luck!
The treatment will start in a few weaks beacase we have to import the midicines from the US and the authourithies most give there permission first.
Entusiastic S D
December 20, 2007 at 6:31 am #26669SD, there is no blame in trying to find ways to improve your health! And if you feel and think this is something worth trying you absolutely should go for it…
All the best in your quest for health and happiness…
December 20, 2007 at 6:22 pm #26671December 21, 2007 at 9:05 am #26673I would be careful about taking hydrocortisol for long periods. Cortisone has damaging effects on the kidneys over time, and can suppress the immune system, like any steroid. Yes, it can suppress some symptoms very effectively. But thyroid extract itself is much safer to take over long periods than cortisone.
michaelDecember 21, 2007 at 12:19 pm #26675Thx Michael.
I hope it will be a short time solution. It wasn’t my first chose. But the solution my doc sugesta is wery close to what I want. My plan is to drop out the hydrocortisone after a while and during this drop using the witamin and adrenal cell extract and more to strengthen the adrenals. It could be good with hydrocortisone for a while though so the adrenals can have a rest and then they might repair themselves. After this repair I plan to drop hydrocortisone out but doing it slowly beacase another drawback of it is that it the adrenals works a bit less after taking it and then it’s not good to drop it out quikly.
The reason for taking it is that it works fine together with thyroid making the tyroid going into the mitocondria and getting the metabolism raised. Sometimes the thyroids not work without it, if you have love cortisol levels as I do.
Well this is the reasons for taking it. My long term plan is to get rid of bouth hydrocorison and thyroids. But this could be a good starter.
Any way. Where did you get the information on the danger of hydrocortisol. How long time do you think is needed before it gets dangerous. Which doses are we talking about. The dosage I will take is wery low I think about 20 mg a day I think. It should be good to know more about what the dangers for the kidneys are anyway. What happens why it is dangerous and so on.
What I read from the book “adrenal fatigue” by wilson the absolut longest time to take the hydrocortisol is for two years. Often there is a possibility to drop it after some mounths.
I’m not completely happy with this solution. I have been trying to solve my problems in other ways. But the other ways haven’t had enough efect. So if this helps me to get more energy I hope I will be able to work a litle bit more and earning money to continue with other solutions so I can work phine without hormonal teraphy in the long run. Will see.
Sincerely S D
December 21, 2007 at 12:35 pm #26677The dosage is betwean 5 to 20 mg a day.
Compared with doses for adisons that is betwean 100-200 mg a day.
So it quite low dosage.
December 25, 2007 at 5:21 am #26679Some found side efects:
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Prolonged use of hydrocortisone can depress the ability of body’s adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids. Abruptly stopping hydrocortisone in these individuals can cause symptoms of corticosteroid insufficiency, with accompanying nausea, vomiting, and even shock. Therefore, withdrawal of hydrocortisone is usually accomplished by gradual tapering. Gradually tapering hydrocortisone not only minimizes the symptoms of corticosteroid insufficiency, it also reduces the risk of an abrupt flare of the disease under treatment. The insufficient adrenal gland function may not recover fully for months after stopping hydrocortisone. These patients need additional hydrocortisone treatment during periods of stress, such as surgery, to avoid symptoms of corticosteroid insufficiency and shock, while the adrenal gland is not responding by producing its own corticosteroid.
Hydrocortisone and other corticosteroids can mask signs of infection and impair the body’s natural immune response to infection. Patients on corticosteroids are more susceptible to infections, and can develop more serious infections than healthy individuals. For instance, chicken pox and measles viruses can produce serious and even fatal illnesses in patients on high doses of hydrocortisone. Live virus vaccines, such as the small pox vaccine, should be avoided in patients taking high doses of hydrocortisone, since even vaccine viruses may cause disease in these patients. Some infectious organisms, such as tuberculosis (TB) and malaria, can remain dormant in a patient for years. Hydrocortisone and other corticosteroids can reactivate dormant infections in these patients and cause serious illnesses. Patients with dormant TB may require anti-TB medications while undergoing prolonged corticosteroid treatment.
Side effects of hydrocortisone and other corticosteroids range from mild annoyances to serious irreversible bodily damages. Side effects include fluid retention, weight gain, high blood pressure, potassium loss, headache, muscle weakness, puffiness of and hair growth on the face, thinning and easy bruising of the skin, glaucoma, cataracts, peptic ulceration, worsening of diabetes, irregular menses, growth retardation in children, convulsions, and psychic disturbances. Psychic disturbances can include depression, euphoria, insomnia, mood swings, personality changes, and even psychotic behavior. The bone and joint complications of corticosteroids are discussed above in DRUG INTERACTIONS.
Collected info from
S DDecember 30, 2007 at 8:32 pm #26681I think this answers your questioin rather well. Basically, it suppresses your immune system’s natural defenses, usually while it does its job of suppressing an inflammation. It weakens the kidneys long term. I would get off it as soon as possible, or even try the thymic extract without it and see if you can absorb it directly.
Another good immune booster is thymic extract in form called Pro Boost. google it. It helps buildwhite blood cells (core of immune system).
January 1, 2008 at 11:25 am #26683Thx Michael
I don’t know what to do! But I will meet anouther MD abroud the 17 januari and will take up the things you brougt my atention to here. Then decide later what to do.
May I ask you where from you learned about the hydrocortisone?
Sincerely S D
January 17, 2008 at 4:02 pm #26685Hello
Have been meeting the doctor and have decided to start the hydrocortisone low doses treatment together with armour.
My condition is so bad. The most worse cold problem any doctor I have meet have seen before even so the new one I met. Having this problem for about 10 years it distroys my life completely. Then there might be a right to take some small risks compared to the wery bad condition to try to solve it.
When taking hydrocortisone in doses about the same or lower as the body by it self produces normaly is not wery much dangerous. If taken higher doses then the brain will create so low stimulation to the adreanals so they not might have to worl at all and in the long run are getting weaker.
There is a risk in the treatment but it is worth taking it beacase I have fight the illness for ten years without any good results and have to try something more hard.
Have decided to start this.
Have also read what I wrote to my doctor for 1 year ago and looking into psykosomatics love isues qigong fire and water problems and connected to cold and the psoas and to ground yourself.
This is also symtoms on low adranal or adranal fatigue.
Have decided to work on the problem at four levels at one time.
1 Hydrocortisone and natural thyroids and more hormones if needed
2 Fire and water ballancing. Perhaps Stevens sugestion from anotther tread
3 Working psykoterapeutic on love issues and on rooting into my family background
4 Working with my love problem and perhaps go into the white tigress practises if possibilities arising.The treatment with hydrocortisone shall not be for to long and during the treatment I will eat the vitamines and herbs. When going down on hydrocortisone increasing the vitamins and the herbs to a maximum, so that the adrenals will have the best possibility to increase it productivity and heal from eventual damage from the hydrocortisone treatment.
I hope this will help me with some of my problems. Working with as many relevant issues at ones.
If beeing well with the medicines continue to try to find treatments or methods that can heal on a deeper level so I can work fine withour medicines in the future.
Sincerely S D
January 17, 2008 at 8:56 pm #26687I’m not sure how many people are going to see this, since it
is so far down the main page and under a thread that is a month old.At any rate, best wishes to your situation . . . Steven
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