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July 17, 2008 at 11:58 am #28769
It was glenn morris whom i first notice mention the story of samson and dallying.
He was a hero. She cut his hair.
Glenn said he was lucky for them not fully knowing and letting him recouperate.
Hindu/kundalini tradition depicts humans with coils on limbs and snakes on head. Yet their description was bent into symbolic. The number of the head-hair-snakes represented the number of closed chakras open.Swann provided the best nonsymbolic description of hair story.
Hair as a sexual paraphernalia itself, as he defines it.
He is on to emphasize that such maniphestations are not kundalini energy.however, he provides the best pua melding explaination that i have ever seen.so kudos. and go with the flow. did downgrade the suppresive sexual formatting of prevailing society, as this was not the topic of the book.
Ingo Swann, Psychic sexuality:
For all their small size, these two chakras exhibit some remarkable and potent activities.
As these two chakras become increasingly excited, they can be seen to emit rays of their particular emerald or ruby light. These rays, however, now perform a most extraordinary wonder. For they can be seen to reach out, bend and twist, like snakes, and seek each other out.
Having located each other they now entwine and, even more 5t begin to shrink pulling the two bodies to each other, thus naturally drawing penis to vagina. Since this activity has by now also resulted in the intertwining of arms and legs, it is usually not noticed.
It is not too much to say that if and when these two twisting have located and entwined, the male and female become somewhat mindless, their intellects go down, as well as their judgment, and some kind of copulation is almost surely to be the unavoidable result.
In this, and from the examples Ive clairvoyantly inspected, I believe the female beams are by far the strongest and most vivid. In some cases the size of the female bending beams is twice or more of those of the male.In any event, these beams are quite awesome, for they can reach out at least across a room.
If full intimacy does not take place, or if the entwining of the beams is broken, then there is almost immediately a slump of vital energies in both subjects, which often makes people very testy, and psychological scenes can now take place without much further provocation.
In respect of this, I had always wondered why many pre-modern societies were in favor of segregation of the sexes, especially while they were young.
From this clairvoyant viewpoint, such segregating surely cut back on the importune occurrence of these kinds of intertwining— this also for what its worth.
The male and female bending beams can pierce right though individuals who may chance to be standing in the waywith the result of some kind of sexual arousal, often much to their spontaneous surprise.
The strength of these bending beams seems to begin weakening after about the age of thirty, except in certain circumstances.
Pre-menopausal females often exhibit a strong, final display of them, while older males can be temporarily rejuvenated by encountering the bending emerald beams of young females.
Now, to move on to other of the sexualizing paraphernalia of the energy body we must turn our attention to the pelvic areas, and the inner sides of the thighs.
No matter what complexities have arisen from the other two chakras, in the female, on the inner thighs closest to the vaginal area will be found a series or a pattern of small chakras j s in the color of glowing white:
A similar grouping of these, but usually red in color, will be found in the male.
In the male, however, the collection of these chakras can encircle the thighs to the outer side as well, and extend down to the calves. In some males these collections can ascend up to the hips, and involve at least some parts of the buttocks, usually the lower cheeks.
Males are usually sensitive to having their thighs and butts touched, while female versions often will keep their legs together, in both cases until a suitable partner has been espied.
These areas are exceedingly sensitive to the rays from finger tips, and often to tongue licking as might be expected.
In both male and female, these arrays of minuscule chakras literally produce heat, and what verges on a slight hypnotic state. Even if undesirable or importune intruder manages to slip a hand into or onto these collections of chakras, the intruder might expect to soon proceed in other regards.
Conventional sexologists have indeed identified these areas as important erogenous zones.
The collections of tiny chakras indicate areas of increased sensitivity, and usually protrude about a quarter of an inch above the skin surface.
Practically anyone can locate these by hand if they gently move their fingers a fraction of an inch above the skin and focus on the in crease or decrease of sensation.
Even more arrays of these sensate chakras are found all over the genitals, but an especially intense collection of them can be found on the pubic mound, as most people realize without being clairvoyant.
At the pubic mound, however, the collection tends to emit rays, which can extend to as much as three inches to a foot when unexcited, but to even greater extent when excited.
Even male and female versions who have not had their clairvoyance reawakened can instantly spot any untoward motion in the vicinity of their public mounds even when not looking down in that direction. It is this collection of tiny chakras which I believe is often mistaken for a pranic one. However, these are not in-take chakras, but out-flowing ones.
Male and female versions will also notice anyone LOOKING at their pubic mounds hidden beneath clothes, even from across a great distance.
There can be no doubt at all that the bio-psychic sensorium, even if only subconsciously so, immediately can detect and identify meanings and intents of such looks.
This seems to be because, as the ancient Greeks said the eyes produce beams, and the beams seem to carry information. These eye beams, though, are virtually transparent even to highly achieved clairvoyants. But if they are magnified via micro-clairvoyance, they can be seen as streams of very minute, fast-moving particles.
The particles are usually, but not always, greenish in color_ and move within what can be called a lavender or purplish tube and which can bend as a lot of rays and beams can do.
Collections of the tiny white chakras can also be found associated with all of the body orifices, the nipples, belly-button, inside the arms and armpits, on the scalp, and the ears.
All of these have been identified by conventional sexologists as erogenous zones- But what appear to be especially highly refined collections of them can be found on and around the lips, the ears, and the nipplesespecially the nipples of female versions and the nipples of many, but not all, male versions.
Many male versions, however, have bands of them encircling the biceps and sometimes even the forearms, and also aligned on the pectorals and sometimes over the shoulders and onto the back. Many female versions have similar bands or bracelets of them around their ankles and wrists, and almost always on the shoulder and the backs of their necks.
In most cases, both the female and male versions have specialized tiny chakras, usually glowing red in the palms of their hands.
Thus, when the pink rays from the fingertips and the collections of sexualizing chakras in the palms stroke an area laden with similar chakras, not only are sexualizing energies exchanged but other kind of energy as well.
Seen with micro-clairvoyance, this resembles two sheets of electrified copper separated only by a small distance, at which time a profusion of electrical discharges occur between the two plates.
In the case of the erogenous chakras, however, which are usually glowing white (and hence easy to see clairvoyantly), the sexualizing discharges are a delicious purple in color, more toward the magenta.It has been observed for a very long time that the mouth and are the chief erotic, hence sexualizing, organs. In fact, some lips make others quite wild, and poems and songs have been written to this effect.
In these cases are to be found a series of chakras inhabiting the lips usually five in number on the upper lip, and one in the center of bottom lip.
In some examples of occult art, these are often pictured as tiny five-pointed stars, presumably because others have seen them radiate as stars are perceived to do. They are usually seen ranging from light pink to deep red in color. They tend to attract other energy bodies because they glitter. They also can extend rays and beams.
The frequency of these lip chakras, however, is not very democratically spread throughout the species.
Some male and female versions do not appear to have them as sexualizing paraphernalia at least in an awakened statewhile pink-to-red lipsticks cannot make up for the lack of them.
But Ive clairvoyantly seen them suddenly appear and come alive in male and female versions seemingly at first bereft of them.
That these chakras do exist, at least in some people, is clear enough from Kirlian photographs of lips Ive seen.
When the chakras are indeed present, they can definitely be seen on the Kirlian plates as small points of white light on black-and-white film, and as pink to red points surrounded by blue lights on color sensitive film.
Male and female versions possessing these six lip chakras usually adore kissing, and will kiss just about anything and everything. In developing lore, they are often referred to as mouth freaks by those who are bereft of these wonderful chakras.
It has recently been discovered that the hair follicles and pores posses an absolutely astonishing array of sensors. Their purposes, then, was not just to grow hair and produce sweat.Among other sensing, for example, these can respond to subtle magnetic changes, as well as magnetic directions. And they can identify chemical odors the nose cannot, or at least usually does not.
Seated in their follicles, the hairs act as antennae, entirely sensitive to vibrations of all kinds. The pores emit small rays of light which are likewise sensitive and thus serve as antennae, too.
However, the hair follicle systems seem to be independent of, or at least different from, the white chakras of the erogenous zones, while at the same time being energetically connected.
The hair antennas WILL detect energies invisible to the eye mechanisms and brain, and will introduce into the subconsciousness appropriate images (and conclusions) therein.
The hair and pore antennae seem to be sensitive to thought- forms, and apparently can detect their nature or motives.
Thus, when a male or female is being scanned for sexualizing purposes, the hair antennae will respond, inform the follicles, at which time the whole sensorium will become attentive, often with the result of goosebumps or hair standing on end.
The same is true if one enters an environment especially designed for sexualizing encounters, or perhaps not even designed for them.
Seen with micro-clairvoyance, each hair is extended often to about a foot beyond its tip, by a needle-thin ray of intense blue light but which ray is bendable.
Even if the physical hair part is laying down horizontally to the skin, the ray part will form a right angle to the skin. When something tremendous energizes the sensorium, the hairs themselves Will stand up and out from the skin.
These blue rays, in their great profusion, are often ought to comprise the general electrostatic field around the human body which is now known to exist because it has been photographed. These rays are extraordinarily magnetic in nature, and can attract or repel just like magnets do.
It is well known that the north pole of one magnet (the negative pole) and the south pole (the positive pole) of another magnet will adhere to each other in the flick of an eye.
The functions of the hairs and their follicles are similar regarding attraction, repulsion, and adhering.
The blue-ray extensions of hairs are incredibly sensitive to what either attracts or repels them.
But when they sense an attraction, they immediately throw out what, for lack of better descriptive words, is like the filaments of a spiders web. The filaments are usually deep blue in color.
Since this web is made of some kind of plastic-like energy, it can be flung out to a considerable distance, and will settle over the source of the attraction and adhere to it.
Thereafter it will either pull the source of the attraction, or will actually pull the individual person to that source. If the source is not considered attractive, the hairs will ignore it.
The secret here, even difficult to clairvoyant estimations, seems to be the instantaneous recognition by the whole sensorium of some kind of compatible energies, which altogether are experienced as thrilling. Whether these consist of animate or inanimate matter doesnt seem to matter.
These nets clearly have purposes besides sexualizing ones. But as a first level of whole sensorium response, they are likely to kick off cascades of sexualizing and erotic repercussions which arouse at least expectancy in all of the other sexualizing paraphernalia.
However, if the hair is too long, or shaved off, this net-throwing function seems to suffer, while shorter clipped hair seems to aid in the function
This seems to have to do with the fact that the hairs need to grow new tipsand no one has ever been able to tell me how a hair knows what its proper length is and how it decides to grow back to it.
Hairs rejuvenate and recreate themselvesthis, it would seem, being the only complete replacement function of the entire human body.
In this sense, the natural shorter hairs on arms, legs, and torsos seem most desirable, and this includes the pubic hairs.
The beard follicles in male versions are especially sensitive as sexualizing agencies and, from the clairvoyant view, shaving of them oftens appears to be a source of sexualizing energy mismanagement.
In any event, male and female versions can produce the adhering nets. Female versions dont particularly need this type of net, although most females can and do produce it. As we shall SOON see female versions have OTHER quite impressive energy faculties along this line.
Considering all of the above, it is then not unusual that human bio-psychic organisms are sensitive to sexualizing influences even they are substandard when it comes to clairvoyance.
Everyone can demonstrate the above for themselves by carefully and calmly passing their fingers close to, but not physically touching, all or any of the areas defined.
The rays emanating from the fingertips will minutely excite the basic paraphernalia which have now been discussed. One may have to practice a little, and refine the focus of sensation. That one has probably already located all, or most, of ones own erotic zones can be taken for granted.
If you then permit your mind to construct the relevant images, you will soon obtain some kind of mental image pictures regarding those energy factors.Chapter 25
The concepts of sexualizing paraphernalia and regalia have been established for the purposes of the book, and so they are unfamiliar.
But there are numerous kinds of vital energies, and in order to increase understanding of them it seems necessary to categorize their differences in some descriptive manner.
The apparent basic function of the sexualizing paraphernalia seems to consist of flowing and circulating energies within the human organism. The traditional Asian metaphor for this has to do with breathbreathing the energies in and out.
In rather dramatic contrast, the apparent basic functions of the sexualizing regalia have to do with arousal, the Asian metaphor being awakeningflowering or activating into ecstatic life and existence.
The two differences indicate two different kinds of states of the sexualizing energies: a more or less natural state, and an aroused or awakened state.
Another distinctive difference is that most of the paraphernalia can be seen clairvoyantly with regard to everyone except when declines in health and well-being are present.
But the regalia make an appearance, or become visible, only with respect to arousal or awakening.
Thus, they can clairvoyantly be perceived only upon the occasions of the arousal state. Where or how the regalia exist otherwise is a complete mystery to me, since they seem to come out of nowhere and return to the same.
The differences just described are, of course, qualitative ones, but with the proviso that they are MOSTLY qualitative in that they also have some kind of substantive existence that makes impacts on the sensibilities of others.
Even without an excessive amount of clairvoyance, almost everyone can detect and acknowledge the presence of a sexually aroused individual.
Indeed, regalia-aroused individuals are commonly referred to as hot,ready,horny, etc., and so their aura energy fields are communicating this in some kind of way. This can only mean that some kind of information is involved, and this aspect is extremely important regarding the sexualizing regalia.
If we shift our conceptualizing a little, it is possible to consider that the energies are not just energies pure and simple, but something along the lines of information-carrying energies.
Although this is a Concept that can be discussed more fully in the contexts of creativity and power, it can be said that different energies are carriers of different kinds of information. This is in fact quite well understood within the scope of the conventional sciences and the now very important information theories.
For example, if the physicality of the body is formatted because of energetic principles, then the energetic principles must contain the information patterns that result in the developing morphological forms of the physical body.
And indeed, because of recent advances, especially in genetics, it has become necessary to consider that the physical body is composed not only of matter.
Since the matter is formatted along precise lines, resulting in the corpus, some kind of energetic information principle is required to pull off not only the initial formatting, but all developmental vital activity thereafter.
In this sense, then, vital energies are not simply energy, but something akin to energy-information combined.
Attempting a rather grand stride from the above, what is one to conclude if one senses or clairvoyantly perceives a beam or a ray jumping from one energetic aura to another? Surely there must be some kind of information purpose involved.
From this, there downloads two fundamental options: That the beam is information delivering; or that it is information seeking.
In either case, generally speaking, this would appear to involve a matter of intent, or intention.
This is to say that if the information-intent of the beam is sexual, then sexual information would be delivered, received, exchanged, sense-emphasized , or sense-modulated.
But the same kind of beam might have other kinds of information qualities as well.
For example, a sexualizing beam might also carry information qualities having to do with love, hate, an entire spectrum of emotions. Indeed, all these qualities are typical of the many confusions that go along with sexualizing phenomena.
The general point being made here is that energetic phenomena of the auras are also information-carrying phenomenaand that the shift, say, from sexualizing to creative-izing affects is but a shift in information-emphasis or information-modulating.
In the foregoing chapter, we have seen that most of the energetic phenomena were local to certain parts of the body. However, some of the rays associated with the aura energy field could extend quite far out, and some of them could undulate and bend.
We also saw that there are several dimensions and purposes within the sexualizing auras themselves. So, the sexualizing paraphernalia discussed in the last chapter is just one of the functional dimensions.
There is another sexualizing dimension having to do with what Ive termed the sexualizing REGALIAand which is clairvoyantly seen only if and when the sexualizing paraphernalia have become active and aroused If they are not active, then they cant be seen clairvoyantly.
r But even if active, and if the clairvoyant thresholds are not sufficient to perceive them, the effects of the aroused regalia are easily sensed far and wide. Indeed, all things considered, there is nothing like regal aroused male or female.
In order to provide a very important background, we need briefly to inspect three needed terms: plastic, stimulate, and horny.
The definition of the word PLASTIC is taken from the Greek PLASTICOS meaning to mold or to form, and indicates a pliable substance that undergoes molding or formation.
PLASTIC, then, has much in common with its noted synonyms such as creative, formative, bendable, malleable, adaptable— and especially DUCTILE, meaning to be drawn out, extended, or withdrawn by will to do so.
The concept of plasticity is exceedingly important regarding the phenomena of the entangled manifestation. When these phenomena are illustrated on a two-dimensional piece of paper, they have to be illustrated in a way that suggests they are fixed or static, not in motion.
However, the different aspects of the entangled manifestation are ALWAYS in motion, always changing, always radiating, always extending out or drawing in. And they are always in process of modifying various aspects to suit whats at hand either in physical, mental, psychic, or energetic ways.
If anything deserves to be called changeling, then the sum of the entangled manifestation is it. It is entirely plastic, shapeable, malleable, pliant, ductile, and adaptableand always anything but fixed or static.
STIMULUS refers to something that arouses or incites to activity, to an agent that directly influences the activity of living protoPla8m or to what excites a sensory organ or evoking muscular contraction or glandular secretion.
STIMULUS is usually utilized only as a scientific or clinical term. But we all know what is meant by it, even though we might not use the word. In the vernacular, its equivalent is what turns one on.
Although a widely utilized word, prudery has caused it to be omitted from standard dictionaries. One therefore has to consult a dictionary of slang termswherein it is found (c. 1753) as referring to a policeman, and in Australia (c. 1901) also referred to a bullock.In about 1889, it was finally accepted, in illegitimate English, as meaning sexually excited and lecherous. However, it is a very ancient concept. Long before the rather deadening term PENIS was conceptualized, the erect membrum virile was referred to as a hornand few were ignorant of what that meant.
One of the points being made here is that it is somewhat ridiculous to think that the physical atoms and chemicals of the physical body, inorganic and inert as they are, can produce, by themselves, the effect of hornyness.
Indeed, if the formative modern philosophies and sciences of materialism had been forced to deal with this particular issue, then it is doubtful that materialism would have gained such a trenchant foothold.
Indeed, it is rather difficult to see how or why matter itself would or could become horny.
As it is, hornyness is not only an energetic phenomenon, but an AROUSED energetic one. The state of horny is also quite infamous for being non-volitionalwith such a mind of its own that even the strongest formats of WILL have a tough time dealing with it.
Seen clairvoyantly, the energetic state of horny can be perceived as an outrageous display of beams, threads, and rays thrusting outward— more or less undulating, extending so as to seek out or stimulate horny states in others, clearly with the intention of melding with them, at least in temporary ways.
Hornyness is often described as a hunger or a starvation in that having sex per se, even having it repetitively, often does not fulfill that hunger. Thus, it could be concluded that something else is involved.
Something along these lines becomes clear when it can be seen at horny female versions often will not select horny male versions.
What appears to alleviate or fulfill hornyness are complete energy-body meldings of particular kinds. Although sexual activity is often one of the outcomes, the melding seems to have deeper implications.
Such meldings can be achieved WITHOUT subsequent physical sexual activity, although touching and embracing (and sometimes kissing) always seem to be a needed requirement.
Seen clairvoyantly, hornyness appears to be an automatic non-volitional, and somewhat cyclical, excitation of the entire energy body (or sensorium) and it begins to produce some astonishing energy body phenomena.
Its worth noting here that there are many types of hornyness besides sexualizing One can, for example, be horny to be stimulated by good or bad art, music, new stamps, climbing mountains, scientific exploration, religious indoctrination, and etc. But we rather refer to these as fascinations so as to explicitly preserve the term horny for sexuality attraction matters.
As far as I can determine, the states of all hornynesses appear to occur because the energy body is desirous of modulating or remodulating itself by the use of compatible and sympathetic stimuli.
This desire appears to have more to do with the destiny of the energy body per se than merely with the genitals of the presently existing bio-body.
In any event, the energy-body phenomena ARE phenomena of arousal mechanisms (if not psychologically blockaded) regarding the male and female versions.
Seen clairvoyantly, the arousals are quite phenomenal and exquisitely wonderful, and glimpsing them is well worth the effort of trying to become clairvoyant.
In the case of the bio-female version which is undergoing a horny cycle, the shoulders, upper arms, and back first become slightly illuminated, the color at first usually being an off-white or a slightly light-pinkish one.
This preliminary arousal doesnt necessarily correspond to the females ovulating cycle, and in fact often occurs after menstrual cycles have ceased altogether, often more profoundly so. So it cant be said to correspond only to bio-reproduction.
This preparatory illuminating might last for about two days, after which wings begin sprouting upward from the breasts, shoulders, and upper back. These now begin to take on a slightly undulating, light-bluish hue which is transparent, but somewhat veined as in butterfly wings.
Shortly thereafter, the wings begin cascading energies upward, often turning slightly golden at the tops of these undulating fountains.
Im almost embarrassed to say it because its almost too incrediblebut these fountains of upward-moving light can extend up to twenty feet above the females shoulders.
That these sexualizing energy phenomena should be called REGALIA is now perfectly understandable.
At this point in the developing phenomena, the fountains spread out and begin to emit points of light, which are always scintillating white, and which begin drifting downwardsomewhat like sparkling dew.
Meanwhile, the breasts have become increasingly sensate, almost to a state of Painful thrill, something akin to pink rose blossom auras have developed with the nipples at their centers, and which by now are at least somewhat blood engorged.
Further down, the red chakra in the crotch has expanded considerably and can ultimately envelop the entire pelvic area. Also the small green chakra just above the clitoris has begun emitting a bright yellowish green ray or beam, which is bendable and projectable, and which snakes out frontward as if trying to locate a contact.
Meanwhile, the collections of the tiny white chakras comprising the erogenous zones have increased in luminosity, and thus in erotic sensitivity. The female may now rub just about anywhere and experience various kinds of ecstasy.
But now an even more amazing phenomenon occurs. From the pores of the skin begin to emerge microscopic (as seen via micro-clairvoyance) liquid-like GLOBULES of white-light energy.
These emerge from most pores in a stream at about five seconds apart, in so far as Ive been able to time them with a stopwatch.
But there are thousands of pores on the skin, and so if micro-clairvoyance is not employed the whole of these floating globules will appear as a field or mist of white light.
Along with these liquid-like globules, a peculiar odor or fragrance now develops. It is often physically tangible. To my nose it is slightly musky and damp.
This fragrance appears to be easily identifiable to male versions who wander too near. Other female versions will notice it too and comprehend that the female has gone into heat. The fragrance is effective at least across a diameter of 30 feet, depending on air movements and directions. It will easily fill an average room.
The sparking bits of light drifting downward and the globules emanating widely now fall on everything within the proximity. Most male versions who wander into the perimeter now dont stand a chance.
Whether young or mature, fat, thin, or otherwise, the female now suited out in this astonishing and exceedingly beautiful and intensely sexualizing regaliawell, most males will find themselves disturbed, even though the uninitiated among them might not have a visible clue as to why.
It would appear that OTHER sensitive female versions know exactly what is taking place, especially married ones who might hasten to get their husbands and even their sons away, and certainly their boyfriends.
None the less, most male versions, apparently of any age, will find the means to get nearer the female versionand which versions now has only to select from among the many who are presenting themselves.
However, in astonishing surprise to clairvoyant seeing, the female version now becomes remarkably selective. The greenish snaking ray or beam energetically extending outward from just above the clitoris will be seen plunging INTO the bodies of the male versions.
If this bending beam doesnt like what it sees, it s quickly withdrawn and plunges into another male version. The whole of this takes place in an instant, so fast that Ive not developed micro-clairvoyance in sufficiently speedy accuracy to perceive what happens at point.
However, the moment of the plunging and the withdrawing suffices to leave the targeted male versions somewhat temporarily dazed. The pupils of their eyes will widen, however bright the light is otherwise. Usually they have to grab hold of something long enough to recover some semblance of composure.
When, and if, the undulating green beam seems to find what it is looking for, it then proceeds to wrap its flagellating end in convolutions around the testicles of the selectee, also interpenetrating the red chakra between the scrotum and rectum.
The snaking beam now contracts along its entire length, and the male version involuntarily moves very close to the female version.
The pores of the male version will now begin to emit an oily substance, usually in the color of liquid, dark yellow amber. He may also begin to sweat more than usual and his tongue and throat will become dry.
However, Ive seen female versions reject all the males in the perimeter after which the female version shortly leaves apparently to pursue other locales.
If a selection has taken place, few social or moral issues now apply, and ways and means will be devised about how to get around them.
Almost assuredly the anticipated full intimacies will take place even if in the nearest closet, bathroom, or parked caror, in more permissive environment, right in front of everyone else.
The selected male version will be rendered rather witless, except under the most extraordinary circumstance. Clairvoyantly seen, even without micro-clairvoyance, the reasons are perfectly obvious.
The moment the male versions balls are under grapple, excepting the greenish snake, the female version instantly ceases producing all of the regalia above discussed, like a switch has been thrown.
Now from the top of her skull rise up a whole flock of the most amazing limpid, liquid green rays. These are entirely extendible and bendable and they reach out and wrap the entire body of the selected ale version in them.
Likewise, apparently to make sure of matters, the two rose-blossom auras of the nipples now produce equally extendible beams which, with strong magnetic force, wrap around the torso of the selected male version.
Indeed, as soon as the couple are in a suitable place to commence the physical part of all of this, the male version almost inevitably will rip off the upper garments of the female version and with mouth will go for for the rose-flower auras of the nipples.
The clairvoyantly-seen green-rayed regalia headdress of the female version is entirely compatible with the myth of Medusa and the crown of snakes growing out of this terrible goddesses head. Medusa turns males to stone, which is about the same as saying turning them senseless.
In conventional sexology terms, the whole of what has been described above is referred to as the seduction of males by females, or the female conquest. This, it would seem, is somewhat of an understatement.
Fortunately, the energy bodies of a goodly number of female versions are not entirely proficient in manifesting the full regalia. Even so, if they are proficient, even two of them in one room or at a cocktail party can arouse considerable consternation and wreck the otherwise peaceful activities of others in the near vicinity.
Additionally, males that have been probed and rejected will thereafter often pine away for a long time, so indelibly has the probing been recorded in their sensoriums. Ive not yet seen a male version who is completely immune to all of this.
The full display of the male sexualizing regalia is equally astonishing, but in a number of different ways. In this case, the prelude to the horny epoch is begun when the red chakra between the scrotum and anus begins to expand.
Shortly it will begin forming a plastic shape that encompasses the genitals. In color, this plastic shape is always pink or pinkish red. In males of advancing age, it might be red or darker red.
This plastic shape then commences to protrude directly of the genitals like a pseudopodia- It is, in thickness, usually about six inches in diameter.
The idea that this is an energetic hard on is entirely appropriate But the subsequent dimensions of this hard-on soon clearly approach the incredible.
If the hornyness is not quickly taken care of, as it usually and easily can be either directly by auto-release or by the availability of willing females or by paying dollars, then the rest of the regalia can manifest.
One of the first energetic phenomena which then manifests is that from the red crotch chakra will emerge a tube of whirling red energy about six or more inches in diameter.
Micro-clairvoyance reveals that this tube forms layers, some of which rotate clockwise and others rotate anti-clockwise. Ive never understood the functions of these rotations.
Soon, the red tube will gradually snake up through the intestines, abdomen, lungs, throat, and brains, and eventually emerge out of the top of the skull. After this, the whirling beam will grow upward to about twenty to forty feet.
At a certain point, somewhat horizontally, it will develop spikes with curved hooks at their ends. These spikes, however, are rays or beams which are plastic. The symbolic equivalent of these phenomena are red plumes or feathers seen worn on helmets by male versions in many pre-modern societies.
The energy bodies of female versions can spot this red column and spikes from a great distance. Indeed, any clairvoyant can also, especially when examples of them could be seen walking in the street in front of my buildings stoop.
If by now the hornyness has not been taken care of, the pink-light, bulging pseudopodia in the genital area begins extending itself in a rubber-like manner, but none the less held horizontally to the ground or floor.
If we can consider anything normal in all of this, then it might first extend directly outward to the front by about six to eight feet.
But Ive clairvoyantly seen much more extensive examples, the biggest being (take a deep breath) about 200 feetwhich was noticed by a female clairvoyant friend of mine near Sheridan Square in New York City before I had noticed it. Jesus Christ, said she, would you look at that one!
Any other bio-version, whether male or female, who chances to contact this beam, for example by inadvertently walking through it, will now become disturbed (e.g., stimulated), which seems to be the purpose here. In male versions, even chance contact with this beam will tend to arouse non-volitional hornyness in them.
Again, much now depends on whether the hornyness has been taken care of. If it has not, some male versions will now proceed to manifest full-blown sexualizing regalia. Perpetual masturbators, however, seldom do.
First off, the usual blue-white rays from the nails and fingertips will now take on the color of blood red and extend themselves up to as much as three feet.
These are quite strong rays, and the physical hands increase in gripping strength. In this state, the horny male version will occasionally be seen crunching his genitals through his clothes.
If a male version in this state manages to touch a female version, a sort of hypnosis might ensue and her collections of tiny white chakras denoting the erogenous zones dependably flare up. Strangely, however, they quickly seek escapeand so it would appear that the purpose of the male sexualizing regalia is not particularly to attract females.
If all of this regalia has not resulted in some kind of success, the small purple chakra in the ass cleft enlarges considerably, and shortly will begin to emit occasional bursts of purple or lavender lightening.
These streak away outward to who knows where, disappearing into invisibility, but in doing so they streak right through the physical and energy-bodies of others.
Clairvoyantly seen, they disappear very quickly. But a seriousness has now begun to pervade. At this point, most males will accept relief from just about any source, and certainly by now usually do it to themselves.
More stalwart males, however, commence to develop the rest of these already amazing regalia. Long fluctuating feathers, again red in color, about three feet in length, will now develop at the crown of the head. The column mentioned earlier grows more brilliant and its spikes even longer.
Usual clairvoyance might perceive all of this as an extending red field above the head. But with micro-clairvoyance, the feathers are seen, and from their tips shower down the equivalent of the white sparklers of the full blown female versions.
NOW! COILS of pink-red energy, about four inches in diameter, develop from the soles of the feet and twist upward around the calves, knees and thighs, and often involve even the buttocks and the lower lasts of the belly and chest.
Similar coils, but only at about one to two inch in diameter, also emerge from the palms of the hands, twist around and upward involving the forearms, biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles. The neck muscles seem to enlarge a little, but from within.
The symbolic equivalent of these coils are traditionally placed around the legs and arms of the Mercury archetype, as has already been mentioned.
Since Ive never seen these vibrant energy coils regarding female versions, they appear to be unique to the male versions, especially regarding younger ones.
However, knowing clairvoyance to the degree I have experienced it, there is always a first time regarding anything and everything.
The appearance of these coils apparently means business if only in that they apparently impart considerable increases in strength.
Ive also seen them appear in angry male versions, or in those preparing for some kind of physical fight combat. They sometimes appear in pumped up prize fighters and long-distance runners, etc. Their appearance also reduces the pain thresholds. Often the strength imparted is superhuman.
These coils also result in hypnotic increases of ecstasy by anyone finding themselves embraced within them. They often produce a fragrance akin to that of ozone.
These coils mean serious business. Unless females or males are prepared to quickly follow through on the whole thing, Id advise them not to tease, flirt, or taunt a coil-laden male version. Such males are flow rather delicately balanced, and other males should not try to play grab-ass.
If this intensified sexualizing situation has NOT YET been taken care of, the buttocks will become engulfed in red light, and shortly a flame or fire will rise up along the spine. This is akin to, but seems NOT to be, the Kundalini thing.
Male versions so affected will literally feel hot, if they havent already. In some cases, spiky flowers in a variety of colors will develop around the pectoral nipples.
Naturally, also by now all the collections of white chakras of the erogenous zones will have increased in luminescence, and the male version now appears encased in a rather gorgeous red and white luster This glows like polished red-silver armor.
Indeed, many artistic illustrations of bygone centuries illustrate the fully empowered male in a suit of shining white and red armor.
Finally, as in the case of the female, the pores of the skin will begin emitting minute liquid-like globules, but these are again reddish in color, and they sparkle. These, too, emit a fragrance detectable to sensitive noses. Its odor it slightly acidic, something like fresh semen.
Strangely through all of this, while the male version suffered frequently from penile erections at the outset of the horny cycle, as the regalia develops into its full-blown magnificence, that organ tends to remain flaccid. The unrequited (as its often said) male version now tends to become somewhat zombie-like in spite of the regalia finery.
Also, or at least within my observing experience, female versions in their full sexualizing regalia dont seem to respond very well to the male versions fully outfitted in their regalia. If this is true, the sexualizing regalias cant be said to refer only to the processes of procreation.
Although I made lengthy attempts over time, and in many different kinds of circumstances, I saw no instance where any energy function of the male versions probe female versions. Selection, therefore, seems to be left to the female versionswhereas a male version fully outfitted in its beautiful, but somewhat Martial regalia will (as it is often uncharitably said) take on anything that moves or has a hole in it.Chapter 26
Seen clairvoyantly, the feminine and masculine sexualizing energy forms have enough distinctions to classify them as such. But it must be recalled that the aura energy field IS an entangled manifestation of a complexity that is plastic and changeable and thus always in some kind of fluidic and/or electric-like motion.
To this now must be added the concept that the entangled manifestation apparently plays by its OWN ENTANGLED RULES, and which cannot at all be identified or even approximated strictly in accord with physicality.
This chapter addresses the fact that the sexualizing energies of biological females and males sometimes completely, partially, or temporarily exhibit each others energetic manifestations, especially with regard to the sexualizing regalia.
This, of course, brings confusions into the nature of the sexes as they are biologically downloaded.
But it is also reflective of the rich world-wide traditions dating from antiquity having to do with the bio-psychic energies peculiar to the androgyne and the so-called hermaphrodite.
The modernist West is abysmally and stubbornly deficient of knowledge in this regard. And so there is no easy point of entrance into the tremendous real issues involved. So Ill just review a few significant Contexts, and then get on with the energetic phenomena apparently involved.
Information sources on the androgyne are found world wide, but the most accessible of them download from ancient China, India, Greece, and Egypt.
In those sources, the androgyne is referred to not as a double- sexed biological entity, but as a state of consciousness where the mind soars above forms of all kinds.
Since the concepts of the sexes refer to forms, whether physical mental, or energetic, the soaring must eventually range above, bypass, or depart from the sexual divisions.
This, of course, refers to a metaphysical psychic level of existence characterized by free formless energy BEFORE it downloads into the form of existence.
In this sense, the androgyne is the metaphor for the level of non-manifested being, and which, at the same time, is the source of any subsequent manifestations into any kind of form, whether energetic, psychic, mental, or physical.
In ancient Hindu metaphysics, the duality of the male and female polarities of the sexes (represented by Shiva and Sakti) meld into each other in the androgyne state to become the Unity of being-consciousness senior to any manifestation of sexual duality. But, figuratively speaking, the Unity can morphologically be represented as a double-sexed figure. For example, several such artifacts of Dionysus found in Greece represent both a man and a woman, sometimes referred to as the Erect, the Hybrid, the ManWoman Unity.
Such artistic attempts did not serve to portray a physical double- sexed figure, but the combination of the dual energies toward their unity that lifts the mind above the two sexual distinctions (and all their attendant problems.)
But one of the implications of the portrayals was that sexualizing energies COULD exist in combination with each other in order to meld and become a unity containing both.
The above is a rather brief review of the essence of the androgyne. But it is sufficient to establish the androgyne as the archetype of sexual- energy combining and ultimate transcendence of the combining into the ecstatic unity of a state of consciousness unfettered by the manifested boundaries of sexual formats and desires relevant to them.
The term ARCHETYPE denotes the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies.
The concept of the archetypes of the collective unconscious was energetically elaborated at awesome length by the famous psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961).Jungian psychology is based on psychic totality and psychic energism, i.e., that psychic stuff of the unconscious is not merely just existing, but that it has dynamic force and activity.
Jung postulated two dimensions in the unconscious: the personal, based on repressed events and experiences, and the archetypes of a collective unconscious, a dimension shared by every member of our species in a universal group mind kind of way.
There are all sorts of ramifications regarding the nature of the collective unconscious. But Jungs use of the archetypes hinged on the concept that the shared collective unconscious was inhabited by specific forms of psychic energy forms each having special dynamic activity. These energetic forms constituted original, or basic, patterns in the collective unconscious of our species, copies of which arose in individuals.
In pursuit of identifying these original patterns, Jung enumerated and described a great number of them.
He and others after him showed that a very large number of the archetypes have similarly arisen as themes in almost all cultures, and that a rather large part of human activity is played out, or enacted, in keeping with the archetypal themes.
For example, the archetype of the Wise Man is recognized everywhere, as are the archetypes of the Earth Mother, the Joker or Trickster, and the search for enlightenment, portrayed as a Cup or Chalice brimming full with Precious Liquid or Light.
One of the crucial aspects of the archetypes is not only that they exist in psychic space, so to speak. They also exist with such Universal influence that they require some kind of representational form suitable to their specific kinds of vitalizing energies.
Although the Androgyne archetype can be portrayed as a sexually ambivalent figure, its central meaning denotes a state above or beyond sexuality. But its most representative form is the Zero, denoting the formless before forms manifest. However, it takes a rather super developed form of consciousness to recognize, achieve, and deal with this.
Meanwhile, back in the realm of psycho-energetic forms, there are three major sexualizing archetypes that are recognized just about everywhere, albeit in somewhat different formats, but all having similar iconography and attributes.
These three sexualizing archetypes have been with us since pre-antiquity, and we in the modern West today still recognize them by their ancient Roman designations of:
*Mars, as the chief Male or Masculine archetype
*Venus, as the chief Female or Feminine archetype
*Mercury, as the chief Inter-sexed or Mixed-sex archetype
As a caution here, it needs to be carried in mind that these archetypes, as with all archetypes, refer to specific kinds of vitalizing energies. Those energies do download into artistic and representational forms, and which are sometimes mistaken for the archetypes themselves.
Many pre-modern societies elevated the sexualizing archetypes to the position of semi-deification:
*Mars, the demi-god of intense masculinity with all His active energies and aggressive trappings
*Venus, the demi- goddess of intense femininity with all Her passive energies and associated allurements
The existence of the Mercury sexualizing archetype has always been somewhat eclipsed by the other two. But in its classical sense, it denoted a combination of the Mars-Venus archetypes, a sort of half- and-half affair comprised of both.
But the Mercury archetype had one specific factor the other two did not.
The Mars archetype is obviously associated with the red planet Mars, and the Venus archetype is associated with the glittering and beautiful planet Venus.
But the Mercury archetype appears to be chiefly associated with mercury, the metal, which is liquid, fluid and highly plastic, and can change its shape without being destroyed.
In this sense, the chief attribute of the Mercury archetype is change, and anything that is fluid and shape- or situation-changing is associated with this demi-deity.In other words, while the attributes associated with the Mars and Venus energy archetypes are expected to remain the same in a kind of static way, the chief attribute of the Mercury archetype has to do with energetic undulations.
Thus, the Mercury archetype is usually represented with undulating coils and small wings on feet and on a helmet denoting psychic power.
Based on clairvoyance of their various kinds of energies, these three archetypes terms now make better sense.
The only apparent mistake is the rather superficial assumption that the Martian and Venusian types are complimentary to each other and somehow fit together.
As far as of my clairvoyant observations have gone, this is decidedly not the case.
However, the Martian and Venusian types of sexualizing regalia Ive described cannot be taken as typical or standardsince mixtures of them are far more common.
Regarding the impressive female regalia, Ive seen only two examples that fit the ideal feminine bill. One example concerned a sales lady tending a perfume counter in the famous and very elegant Bloomingdales department store in New York City.
I had gone there with a friend who wanted to purchase some special skin lotions. This was before Carmen de Barazza helped close down my flaring chakras.
I could see the regalia from across the store, and it turned out that her counter sold the types of lotions my friend was looking for.
I had already seen lesser versions of the female regalia, and had, with difficulty, comprehended what they meant. But this woman was older, although well preserved and quite elegant and stunning. I couldnt resist doing a little research. So I told her I was developing my clairvoyance. This interested her, and so I popped the rather brash question:
Are you by any chance horny?
Her eyes widened. Oh, My God! You can see that! Im about to die. So I described what I was seeing, at which point she broke into tears.
It turned out that she was SIXTY-ONE years old, although she looked fifty, and had undergone menopause years earlier at the appropriate time.
My friend and I lingered at the counter for quite some time. We discovered that her studdly live-in boyfriend, who was twenty-four, would be back in town that very night.
And so hypnotic had I become that I ended up buying $125-worth of expensive lotions I didnt need or want.
Ive witnessed several versions of the male regalia full blown each of which were variations on the central theme. Only in a few cases did I venture to pop the horny question, and was rewarded with suitable answers.
According to my admittedly clairvoyant lucidity observations, what is more usual is to find either smatterings or full parts of the Martian and Venusian sexualizing energies in the SAME individual energy body.
Such energetic mixtures thus equate to the Mercury energy archetype. The dislocations between the two sexual versions of the sexualizing paraphernalia also have to be considered.
It is also not unusual to find male versions at least temporarily manifesting parts of or the full female regalia (with the exception of the green probing beam) or to find female versions temporarily manifest ing the male regalia (with the exception of the coils.)
Something here seems to fall within the scope of whatever or whichever energy body the energy sensorium either wants to do, or wants to experience.
The topic of melding will be more fully elaborated in the next chapter. But setting aside here what might constitute psychological difficulties, blocks, or fixations, the purpose of hornyness seems to indicate a desire to meld with someone or some thing. .
If we add the concept of BONDING to this, arriving at double concept of MELDING-BONDING, we can trace back into antiquity certain rituals designed to inspire and achieve such.
Many modern attitudes can hardly think of such rituals as anything other than sexual–meaning that they cant get much beyond the issues of the physical genitalia having precise, but limited functions
Even without the asset of clairvoyance, this seems a quite narrow vision. Even though such rituals obviously had their sexualizing concomitants, the ancients could see that there was hardly any logical reason to ritualize sexual activity per se. Something that goes on all of the time hardly needs to be ritualized.
Melding and bonding, however clearly should be ritualized, since these Constitute important issues above and beyond mundane physical intercourse and etc. Even the heterosexual marriage rite today does not ritualize intimate contact; rather it attempts to ritualize melding and bonding.
Its worth mentioning along these lines that perhaps the two potential participants should undergo clairvoyant inspection before the marriage rite. Legalized copulating alone often does not a marriage make.
It is helpful here to remember that the energy body is never static, it is always in flux, or fluctuating. It is also plastic, and seems to be enabled to create novel energy manifestations.
For example, the pranic chakras (which have been discussed) are not usually seen as activated in most bio-psychic units. On the other hand, some or all of them can magically appear, at least temporarily so, where not one iota of evidence for them has been perceived before.
Thus, something here is obviously owed to the states of consciousness the sensorium or vital soul has decided to manifest and to meld or bond with.
Its also very worthwhile to mention that the auras of certain seldom manifest any sexualizing energies, none of the regalia at least.
I noticed that the auras of some people were a gorgeous blue, or gorgeous light purple. Upon questioning these people, they invariably had higher, aesthetic or spiritual goals, with sex only occasionally be necessary or not at all. It was easy enough to associate such sex-empty energies to the Androgyne archetype.
Earlier this century, many Psychologists and Philosophers theoretically suggested that the sex energies could be sublimated into other creative urges and goals.
This is somewhat in keeping with what can clairvoyantly be perceived, although a shift in consciousness is also apparently needed
It is illogical to believe that a sensorium fixated into sex energies can sublimate them without also unfixating that particular state of consciousness.
Before going on, it should be admitted that clairvoyantly I have seen energetic phenomena I have not been able to identify or understand.
Especially prominent among these are the black, right angle bars seen in the auras and inside the bio-body, and the various kinds of shooting in and shooting out radiances seen to leave and enter various energy bodies.
Also mysterious is seeing that an aura field is composed of more than just one personal aura field, or several of them. Some of these, or a mix of then, can be identified as belonging to a female version, others obviously belong to a male version.
The problem with clairvoyant seeing in this regard is that such mixes tend to undulate in and out of each other. They come, they go, they appear, they vanish. But the implication is that it is not an individual or personal aura being seen, but a composite.
From these additional personal auras, as it were, can occasionally be seen flare-ups of the male or female regalia. The complications here seem obvious and insurmountableunless we consider that in some cases the energetic sensorium involved is a composite one, and which will produce mixtures of sexualizing energies.
At any rate, there are confusions to be encountered when a individual aura or energy body manifests more than male or female energy manifestations, or manifests a mix of them.
Since we can suppose what these mixes or multiplicities probably mean in social terms, there is little point in delving too deeply into them.
As it is, however, some males manifest distinct female regalia and this whether they are seen as physically feminine or butch or built like brick shithouses.
Butch dykes almost always exhibit the protruding pink pseudopodia from their crotch areasalthough in those cases that energy organ usually doesnt extend outward very far.
Both female and male versions can emit from their pores the male or female globules, depending, it might be supposed, on circumstances or perceived affinities of external sexualizing attractions.
Sometimes Ive seen energy bodies having fully one-half of the male sexualizing regalia and one-half of the female regalia. Ive occasionally witnessed married couples, seeming completely happy, but in which the male manifests versions of the female regalia, while the female manifests those of the male.
Thus, the Mercury archetype is perfectly valid, if based upon what can clairvoyantly be seen. In this sense, then the modern terms heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual seem particularly limiting, narrow, and often just plainly inapplicable. These terms are purely sociological in originand dont at all apply to sexualizing phenomena of our species that transcends local sociological idiocies.
It is worth recalling here that the Mercury archetype is fluid like the liquid metal mercury. All human energy bodies are also fluid.
Indeed, fluidity is the hallmark of the human species in all things, including physical motion, mental motion, spiritual and aesthetic motion, About the only thing that can become fixed, thus static, are Convictions, and these are exclusively of static psychological origin.
The equivalent of convictions can be perceived in human auras, usually of the color black, or a darker non-luminous color. These clouds or densities can usually be seen as sucking in energy, perhaps like a lack hole, a vacuum cleaner, or in a vampire kind of way No outpouring can be seen, or only very weak ones.
For more specifics on all this, Ill refer you to Barbara Ann Brennans competent book, HANDS OF LIGHT (1987), listed in the bibliography.
In her book, among other topics important to clairvoyance, you will find a section headed The Energy Field of the Schizoid Structure.
This refers to an energy structure characterized mainly by energy-field discontinuities like imbalances and breaks. These structures are not uncommon, but they are outside the scope of this present book.
So far, although these commentaries might seem strange enough, there are now some energetic complexities to be considered:
1. Some male versions cannot be seen to possess the sexualizing paraphernalia of the purple chakra in the cleft of their buttocks. If it is indeed absent, and not merely reduced to nothing, then this absence seems to leave the male curiously asexual, and often completely uninterested in such matters.
2. Likewise, some females can be seen to have an absence of the complimentary blue-green chakra just inside their vaginas, with much the same result.
3. However, some males and females can be seen to have BOTH – with resulting complications and confusions.
4. A male version can have the female chakra just above his penis or at some point along the penis. The female version can have the male one, although not in her ass cleft, but slightly above it nearer the tall bone.
Obviously, these factors begin to make for some complications regarding the bending rays. And since these complications are so various, its rather senseless to utilize the three stereotypes of heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual to describe them.
One reason is that the mix-up is more frequent than might be expected and that there is indeed a wide spectrum regarding what can then happen.
5. At times, these mix-ups seem only temporary and impermanent, since in the same individuals they can be seen to change, vanish, and reemerge at various times. Something obviously depends on circumstances here.
6. With equal shiftiness, the tip of the male penis can be seen having the emerald green chakra, while in the female the clitoris can be found having the ruby red one.
These situations usually have unexpected (or expected) results concerning the bending rays, and which results can easily be described as attractions, or better still as pulling attractions which take intellects involved by surprise.
The presence of the usually red chakra in the crotch is usually the same in both the male and female versionswith the exception that if it is fading, has changed colors, or has darkened or blackened, then almost assuredly the person will shortly be subjected to ill health.
It also appears that if this basic powerful chakra has somehow become jeopardized, then a wide variety of emotional and adverse psychological effects might also manifest.
For example, ANY toxic drugs, and any overuse of alcohol, seems at least to temporarily distort this crotch chakra, not only as regards its circularizing shape, but its colors as well.
While this chakra seems to have a great deal to do with sexualizing activities, its impairment is also easily related to increases of faulty judgment. If it is not impaired, it can yield increases in refined judgment.Chapter 27
As has been mentioned, when auras are illustrated on paper, they are seen only in the 2-dimensions the paper represents. A n y motional activity of the real aura is frozen on the page, so one can easily come away from the illustrations with the idea that the aura energy fields are static or motionless.
Written descriptions of auras can point up that they are active and motile. But still, in a visualizing sense, the static two-dimensional image has entered into memory, which itself is likely to be predominantly composed of billions of static pictures.
The whole of this leads to the subtle expectation that any clairvoyant perception of the auras will see them as they were presented in the static illustrations. The reason is that verbal visual memory storage are two different sectors of the overall memory storage banks.
It would take movie or video film to capture the auras in a threedimensional way, and give the necessary impressions of their active motion.
Motion pictures can capture electromagnetic activity, especially if they illuminate or ionize the atmosphere around them, such as is the case regarding lightening either in nature or in laboratories.
Sometimes, still photographs of people demonstrate glows or other phenomena around them. However, such effects are usually explained as trickery or as something amiss with the photo process.
Motion pictures of Kirlian auras have been achieved. These show the energy discharges as scintillating, often as jumping around and changing shape, and exhibiting sudden changes of color.
Conventional analysis dismisses these as mere electrostatic effects, which most assuredly they are in one sense. But the question remains as to why even electrostatic effects should happen.
In the case of the Kirlian effects, it is true that a mild electrical charge is being introduced into the hand, and that it is being discharged out of the hand.
It is these discharges that can be photographed, and explained away as such.
But this is indicative of a process whereby any energy encountered by the body or energy field would likewise be absorbed and then discharged. So the Kirlian effects represent a simple model of what would happen to the greater energetic whole.
Similar to the Kirlian effects, which are always dancing and scintillating in motion, the whole of the aura would also be scintillating and dancing in vital motion. Even aura fields that might at first appear to visualizing clairvoyance as motionless mists are composed of micro- energetic particles always exhibiting some kind of energetic motion.
MOTILE is a term seldom used anymore, but it should be restored to usage regarding aura energy fields.
As an adjective, MOTILE denotes Capable of motion; characterized by motion.
MOTILITY denotes Capable of the power of motion (as a quality of organisms.)
The introduction of the term POWER into the above definition is important, at least in its principle and most descriptive definition Having ability to act or produce an effect; capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect.
The above definitions take on added luminosity if the term DYNAMIC is introduced into them. The standard definitions of that term usually refer only to physical forces or energies.
But the definition of DYNAMICS is more useful, and revealing.
It denotes a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion, but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies of matter. .
This definition can logically be extended to include the motion and/or equilibrium of vital life organisms.
Keeping the above in mind, the definition of DYNAMISM becomes quite interesting and revealing: The theory that explains the universe in terms of forces and their interplay.
As might be surmised, this theory is the modern Western equivalent of the Pranic energies of ancient India, and the Chi energies of ancient China.
If these definitions are carefully reflected upon, it is almost impossible to consider any kind of energy as having anything remotely resembling, as it were, effect-less-ness.
Energies, then, rather regularly produce dynamic effects, and they do so whether they are, in any conventional sense, visible or invisible, tangible or intangible.
The distinction between non-visual and visual clairvoyance has been discussed in several different contexts.
Non-visual clairvoyance (a type of telesthesia) has been defined under the connotation of dynamic sensing in the absence of any mental imagery that goes along with visualizing clairvoyance.
Although non-visualizing clairvoyance is broadly discounted, it is none the less a quite important form of it, since it most clearly represents the signal feature of energiesits impacting or dynamic effects.
Indeed, the effects are first sensed (because of their impacts), but the initial sensing is almost immediately or simultaneously followed by knowledge of from whom or from where the energies emanated.
If one has a form of clairvoyance developed enough to perceive motional qualities of the knowledge, then the rays, beams or energy tubes conveying the energy can become visible. But this is a kind of clairvoyance that MUST incorporate the seeing of the dynamic motility of the energies involved.
The meaning here is that if the clairvoyant doesnt expect to sense-see the motility, then it is quite likely to remain in the invisible category.
The thrust of the foregoing discussion has been to bring to light the motile-dynamic nature of aura energy fieldsas contrasted to the more usual static, motionless, concepts of them. The reason is that the motionless concept of the energies cannot incorporate something that the motile concept canthat there are enormous qualitative differences among the impacting energies, and this must have something to do with subtle dynamic differences or essences imbedded in their motility.MOTILE ENERGIES AS CARRIERS OF INFORMATION
Considering the fluidic motility of the auras or fields, their purpose or function cannot be simply to impact and cause random effects.
If that were the case, then all energetic impacts would more or less result in sensing the impact, but without any recognition as to what it represents beyond that.
To get into more refined distinctions of this, it can be said that human bio-psychic organisms are quite good at recognizing the difference, for example, between the emanating emotion impacts of love, hated, grief, happiness, admiration, and especially the impacts of sexualizing energies.
Broadly speaking, the sensing of the emotions (empathy) can sometimes have confusing aspects.
But sensing of the sexualizing energies is usually undergone with high degrees of clarity, the only real obstacle seeming to consist of intellectual damage regarding sexuality as a whole.
Each of the categories mentioned above can, of course, be considered superficially. But each of them can be transliterated into a specific type of information.
Indeed, most will say that sex, love, and hate, for example, are composed of different vibrations. But the intent of this has to do not with the vibrations per se, but with the different kinds of information they carry.
This implies that the vibrations are sensed as different from each other not simply as different vibrations, but by their different information content.
In support of this, although information theorists are not overly preoccupied with auras, they none the less make a good case for interpreting the whole of existence as Information.
They further stipulate that the Whole Shebang of Information is somehow subdivided into particular information formats-but which must interact in order to discriminate information sets.
This, to be sure, is almost a very grand mystical or metaphorical prospect.
But the fact is that Information Theory can be seen working just about everywhere.
For example, the seeds of apples and the seeds of cacti carry the specific energy-information that invariably produce apple trees and cacti. In principle, it would be possible by genetic engineering to meld these two together to produce an apple cactus.
For the vital life energies and forces to have any meaning at all, it must be presumed that they either ARE or CARRY information. The fact that clairvoyants perceive the information forces as radiances, lights, colors, subtle fluids, fields, etc., is, in this sense, beside the point.
The point becomes more clarified in the case of psychic healing where the energetic-information patterns of the healer link into and stimulate a reorganization of the energetic-information patterns of the healee.
Some of the better examples of this have been documented as non-touch healing, where the physical hands of the healer do not touch the physical components of the healee. In cases of non-touch healing, the affect can only be an energetic one.
However, in some sense at least, the information-energies of the healer would have to temporarily meld with the information-energies of the healee in order for a curative energy-information exchange to take place.
But this leads to the prospect (better addressed as psychic force creativity) that vital life information energies and forces are being melded and exchanged all of the time anywayeven across distances, such as in the cases of absent healing where the healer and healee are separated by distances sometimes very great indeed.
Its worth noting at this point, that if the fundamental nature of mainstream societal resistance is examined in fundamental detail, all of the vital force phenomena recounted in this book are objected to on the grounds that (under any name) the energies ARE information carriers.
If the energies were just energies that did nothing, affected nothing, remained ovalesque, then there would be no societal problem about them.
From the point of social-control formats, however, one cant have -
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