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- This topic has 21 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 2 months ago by
Swedich Dragon.
November 11, 2010 at 3:43 pm #35739
I will first of all say thank you oompa for your advises! They seems wery right to me and they where given in the right time for me! I am wery grateful! This is my new health care program, as it looks for the moment.
New heatlh care program:
The old program went to complecated and not effective enough. Still I will use those things from the old program that did work out well. But will change thoose that I had problem with.
100 days retention combined with other areas
I will connect the problem areas with a new intention to follow a serious retention practise again. The problem areas are cofe and internet sex, porn. Basically I today both problems arrise from the same cause. I have sometimes a terrible fatigue. Cofe helps in the short run but deplates me in the long run, all this are well documented in the litterature of people with adrenal fatigue. Cofein works quite directly on the adrenals! Relises the hormones that there are to litle of and give a realise in the short run, but strongly makes the problem worse. Mine idea is that the use of porn also is connected to the depletedness, when you have to litle energy one normal way to get energy is to have good sex with a loving partner, but to direct this to internet sex also is a drainage of the Jing in the long run and not good at all.The disease has made me afraid of having a normal relationship and that is the reason for why I have lived my life in celibacy for ten years now. I think the celibacy was necessarily when I was more ill than I am now, but today I have to work true the things that scares me and start to meet women I like again. Actually I connect this to my retention practise, to see if I will learn to do more things to meet women again. I have already started to flirt more, by the way, and it feel quite nice, but I am still wery slow to take another step.
Well what happened when I did set myself free from any health care plans, was that I did use more cofe untill it went alot! I became so drained so to even start any work during any day I had to drink my first cup of cofe. At the end I got a wery bad feelings towards the cofe. Didn´t even like it, on the contrary I felt wery clearly that it was wrong to my hole being. I also went extremly ungrounded, which is one of the basic problems with adrenal fatigue on an energetic level, as far as I understund. During this period of time I also did use more porn, and come to the same conclusion that I not even like to do it. It was also bad to my whole being, but especially to my Jing.
Even though I not think retention is the thing that will help me out of my illness I have anyway decided to take another go on it, but to include the problem areas into it.
This is the way that part of my health care program would look like:I will start doing retention again for 100 days. That will demand quite alot of will power to achive as you that have tried it probably have noticed. But beacese I alredy have done it three times before, 100 days of retention, I will add up a fiew other things I want to accomplish in the same time. I will not drink any cup of cofe during this 100 days, and I will not go in and look at any porn. I will not eat candy or cookies or drink soft sugar based drinks. Not either eat chocolate. Somehow I like to put up new goals. Don´t know for shore if this is a wise one, but believe in it enough and are wery ready to make it a try. I think it is easier for me to stop those things completely than to use them sometimes and then go into some kind of adiction or adiction like behaviour.
Perhaps all this sounds a bit crazy, but the thing is that to let thoose things be as they are isn´t a solution either. I feel like I have to try out something that seems to let me go in the rigth direction.
What happens if I miss the 100 days of retention combined with the other things? Well I start ower again for another 100 days try. But I have desided to during those periods when I start ower, to try to do something also to see if I can meet any women. That is to do more things that let my life go in a direction that creates more changes to meet someone. This will give me periods of time when I actually go out to try to meet women, and not just flirt a litle as the situation is right now. What happens with my program if I realy meet someone that I like, well I have no idea? That is something I don´t think I can figure out before I know the new situation. Perhaps I also add some of the practises from the white tigress system in combination with my retention practises. I hope this will give me periods of time when I just keep on with my celibacy and doing the things I like in my life, combined with periods of time when I learn to try to do things that might help me to meet women again. For instance going to such places to have fun where I perhaps might meet someone. This might also give me some good changes in my sometimes all to routinous life.
I think this new approach will give me a chanse to come forward and with new seriousness let me go in a better direction than before. I will also combine this with restriction on how much I should work each weak with my employer. I have found out that the maximum of work each weak should realy be 2 days of teaching and 2 days with preparations for the other days. Going up to more work then I put much demand on my health, and it will be much more difficult to keep any program, and in particular to stay away from cofe for instance.
Physical exercises
Continue with a nine day easy gym program, that works quite fine. I start ower from a easy level when I not manage what I should for a nine day period of time. I have aded some aerobic exercises like condition training on a bice for 30 minutes ewerytime I go to the gym. I also go to other western yoga like fitness exercises, like power yoga, when I feel to join.TV
Just one program at maximum each nightInsomnia
Follow my insomnia program, with universal tao exercises and my own exercises each nigth, and this works fine and realy has helped me alot. So I keep on with it. This was a major problem before.I go to bed at 9 pm during those days I not have any social activity during night. If I have company or are out I can stay as up as long as I like.
I do my universal tao exercises at 10:30 to 11 am and 3 to 4 pm and some free exercises iron shirt if I feel to. And during work days I do exercises during my long travel time to work, on the bus train etc.Homeopathy
I will do a program specially directed to my adrenals. And perhaps some more general formula if we find something more. But my MD doing this treatment seems to have given up this for awhile.Adrenal fatigue
I have learned alot during my last program and will follow as much of these programs as I remember to do and as much as I mangage to do. Some of the more important things will be put under pressure in the retention program above though. I will not continue deeper in this program for the moment, but stay with what I already have.Herbs
I will go to a TCM herbalist and follow here advices. I might add acupunture and chi nei chang later on to the herbal treatment.Oompa
I will check Oompas advices from this forum, I will check them with my MD the antrophofist and the TCM herbalist. I will perhaps follow theire advices first but will start with the oil ower the kidneys and bubbling spring areas and the moxa, if my health advisors feels that is ok. I will later on follow up more of Oompas advises but check them first with the pulses etc.Teeth
I will take a way the mercury filled plombes in my teeth. And this area has high priority and I have put aside enough money for this issue, to do it right. Perhaps also ad up some withamines and herbs to help during these process.Work and studies
I have a plan to finnish my master thesis and to not work to much in the close futere. I will not go into this in detail.November 19, 2010 at 1:35 pm #35740Coffee:
“If you keep drinking from a bottle marked POISON,
it’s bound to affect you, sooner or later.”–Pema ChodrenIf you acknowledge it harms you, maybe you should put a
sticker on your coffee mug with the label “Poison” on it,
to remind you of what it is doing to your health every time
you think it to be “a good idea” to just have a cup.
Because basically, for you, it IS poison.
And you’ve acknowledged several times it has affected
you negatively.Just a suggestion . . .
No other suggestions from me right now. 😉
Hang in there, buddy!
StevenNovember 19, 2010 at 2:00 pm #35742Hello Steven and others
Well might be a good idea. 🙂
I just want to tell you all that so far the new health care program works wery well. I have not been drinking any cofe and I have not been looking at any porn. The retention practise makes me wery horny which it usually does in the beginning. But the hornyness is so far directed to some women I meet. Which is a good thing. Perhaps not always if it is a student of mine though! I have also stoped all sweats and cakes and such things.
The idea to stop cofe completely seems to be the most easy for me.
I have also some improvements of my economic situation. I got some money for the halth time that I not work and that part has actually increased since a new health insurance program in my country. A program that is wery cruel beacase many ill peoeple has to work and many got wery litle money, less than is possible to live by. I have estimated that about 1000 people with bad health has tried to take theire lifes since the new program started. Many have succeded with theire suicide also. But for me for the moment it is good.
My employe will probably rent a flat for me, a extremely litle one, but less than half an hour travel time from my workplace, so perhaps I will have a less difficult situation in the future. The question is why he does it, shorly he knows that there will be alot work that need to be done and he hope that I will be able to do more, that is at least my guess.
To start flirting with girls if I start drinking cofe or if I start looking at porn, seems to be an enough scary thing to have me to stop those things 🙂
Funy enough.One of my teeth with filled with mercury plombs, amalgam, has collapsed, and there is a crack on the backside, it is wery painful and I can eat at the same side in the mounth where the painful tooth is. I have also felt something strange that I think is connected to this problem with the tooth. I have felt a strange dizzyness and some wery strange feelings in the chest and heart area, like a quiver. Especially during some light physical exercises like fast walking, or any movement during the early hours in the morning. I have also felt it during times when I did qigong meditations. I have also been extremely tiered from time to time, but it is better to day. I also feel some vague pain in the kidneys. I relate all this to the tooth, but are not completely shore if that is correct or not.
November 19, 2010 at 2:46 pm #35744Glad to hear about your successes, in general.
FYI on the tooth:
If it needs to be refilled or crowned, fine.
But if it needs a root canal, say NO, and have the thing removed!Root canals kill teeth, then leave ’em dead in your mouth.
These dead teeth harbor bacteria that your immune system
can not reach (since the tooth is dead!!), and these bacteria
produce nasty toxins to the body on a continuous basis.End result: They generate and aggravate chronic conditions.
Consider yourself warned.
November 19, 2010 at 3:03 pm #35746Ty Steven!
Which I had some other information on this as well, even though it sounds right, I should benefit from reading it from other sourses as well.
November 23, 2010 at 10:38 am #35748The problem with my tooth was qutie seriuos! There was a big part of the tooth that has been cracked from the rest of the tooth. The part had the dimension of about 3x5x15 milimeter. That part did go down to the nerves, and the dentist did ask me if it did hurt alot when the crack happened. Yes it realy did, I was on my way to the sofa, but had to knel down on my knees and put my head hanging ower on the sofa, and I was staying in that position for several minutes, couldn´t move beacase of the pain. Going down the even to the muscles around the neck and down to the shoulders. I think there in nerves going outside of the cranium down to thoose neck muscles.
The plan is to fill the root. Hmmmm???????
I have a week to say no if I not want to do this and to choose to take it away. For the time being when I was at the dentist in hes chair I did say yes to the filling of the root. I was not realy in a condition for argument 🙁Best to take action to read and hear with other people about it. Had a long discussion with a friend about the same thing some years back.
Hmmmmm??? Not shore about this decission.
November 23, 2010 at 11:49 am #35750Filling the root is a root canal. DO NOT DO IT!
I myself had a tooth I had a root canal on, and some years
later the area around the tooth got infected and my immune
system could not kill the infection (because the tooth is dead
and there is no blood supply there). Even with antibiotics
the infection could not be removed. The “recommended” treatment
by the dentist was to have “root tip surgery”. He wanted to cut
into the side of my jaw, physically remove the infection and cyst
if there were one, put caps on the ends of the roots of the tooth,
close everything back up. If the infection spreads to the bone,
they remove some bone and replace with cadaver bone (more dead stuff!!).
The whole cost was going to be like $2000.I asked him about just removing the tooth. He didn’t want to do it,
because in the dentist profession they focus on “saving teeth”.
I told him that the tooth was already dead, there was nothing to save,
it was too late, and my body didn’t want it there. I pressed the issue.
He finally admitted to me that if I removed the tooth (at a cost of $190),
then nothing more would need to be done. The body would clear the
infection itself, as well as any cyst if there were one. Despite
his unhappiness, removal was what I did, and sure enough the infection
cleared. It was a decision I do not regret. Then I found a bunch of
other information online, and found that even if you don’t show any
symptoms of infection, almost all root canals harbor infections . . .
infections that despite heavy sterilizing during the procedure,
they still exist.They can create and aggravate degenerative conditions.
See the attached video and attached article.Not only would I NOT get a root canal, but if I had any other teeth
in my mouth that already had root canals, I’d consider getting them
removed. They are bad news. You talked about getting your mercury
fillings removed. I would get root canal teeth removed first.Considering that you have a chronic health condition that has
caused you a lot of problems, I think you’d be rather stupid to
go ahead and get it done. But the choice is ultimately yours.Root Canal Cover-Up Exposed
By Dr. Karen ShrimplinDr. Weston Price, a renowned dental research specialist, observed many patients with crippling degenerative diseases who did not respond to treatment. He suspected infected root canal teeth to be the culprit. He developed a testing method that revealed the presence of infection in a tooth. By implanting a root filled tooth from a patient under the skin of a laboratory animal, usually a rabbit, he found that in almost every case the animal would develop the same disease as the patient, lose weight, and often times would die. Later, Dr. Price found he could embed small pieces of the root instead of the entire tooth, or pulverize the teeth and inject the powder and cause the same results. Eventually, he found he could culture the bacteria found in a root filled tooth and inject the toxins from it into the laboratory animal and reproduce the disease from the toxins alone. It is important to note that when he implanted sterile objects or uninfected natural teeth, such as those removed for orthodontic purposes, no adverse health effects resulted.
Dr. Price found many types of degenerative diseases, including endocarditis, other heart diseases, kidney and bladder diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, mental diseases, lung problems and other degenerative diseases could be transferred to laboratory animals. He also found that a large percentage of patients recovered from their illnesses after the root filled teeth were extracted.
The primary bacteria in root canals found by Dr. Price included streptococcus, staphylococcus, and spirochetes. He found 90 percent of bacteria in the teeth that produced the patients’ acute diseases in the animals were streptococcus, and 65.5 percent of the time they belonged to the fecalis family. Bacteriologists today have confirmed that Price’s discoveries were accurate.
The hard, solid appearing dentin, which makes up the majority of the tooth’s structure, is actually made up of microscopic tubules that transport nutrients from the tooths blood supply to all parts of the tooth. In spite of the seeming success of root canal therapy, Price discovered that the bacteria that caused the infection penetrated most of the dentin tubules and were not destroyed during the supposed sterilization process during root canal therapy. In addition, he found these bacteria to be polymorphic – they mutated, became smaller in size, thrived in the absence of oxygen, became more virulent, and their toxins became more poisonous. Dr. Price did further research and found that bacteria trapped in the roots of teeth did not escape through the cementum, which covers the dentin; however, the toxins generated by the bacteria were able to pass through the cementum. He also found the bacteria escaped into the bloodstream through minuscule spaces in all root canal filling materials.
Although many dentists believe that the sterilizing medicaments they are using in root canal therapy are very efficient, through the use of several tests, Dr. Price found that after 24-48 hours the medicaments lost their disinfecting ability. Even extracted teeth, which were heat sterilized, did not remain sterile. More disconcerting was the discovery that bacteria were not only present in the roots of the teeth and cementum, but they were also in the first few millimeters of adjacent bone in the jaw.
After reviewing the scientific literature, Price found information about blood changes that occurred in patients with root canals to be nonexistent, so he took it upon himself to conduct extensive blood studies of patients and animals to determine the side effects of root canals. After performing thousands of tests, he found the following results:
* Lymphocytes increased in humans and increased 58% in rabbits.
* Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, a form of white blood cells, decreased in humans and in animals to 33% less than normal.
* Hemoglobin changed very little, either up or down.
* Hemophilia, a tendency to hemorrhage, occurred frequently in rabbits
* Increased amounts of sugar were found in the blood.
* In some rabbits, high amounts of ionic calcium were found; but in most rabbits, calcium was lower, resulting in 15 to 20 different pathologic conditions.
* There was increased uric acid and nitrogen retention.
* Alkaline reserves decreased, resulting in acidosis.
* Some patients and all animals lost weight.In over 1400 patients, he studied three different types of root end infections; granulomas, cysts, and condensing osteitis, and he was surprised by what he discovered. He found that when pus was present very few bacteria were present, no matter how large an area was involved. He interpreted this to mean that the immune system was in control of the infection process. Furthermore, he found these patients to be in relatively good overall health without systemic illnesses.
On the other hand, the condensing osteitis cases proved to be quite different. In depth studies and patient histories revealed these individuals suffered more serious consequences from their infections; the immune system was not in control of the infection process, and the body was trying to wall off the infected area with dense bone to contain the infection. However, the tissue at the root end was incapable of controlling the bacterial growth in these cases, and consequently some bacteria escaped through the blood stream and set up diseases in other areas of the body.
The organisms that cause dental infections generally do not attack specific organs or tissues, as do bacteria that cause measles, mumps, smallpox, etc. When dental infections seem to target a specific set of tissues or organ, usually that tissue is already compromised and the patient is experiencing difficulties in that tissue or has experienced prior difficulties. When the cause of an illness is a focal infection from a tooth, tonsil, tonsil tag or cavitation, and the source of the infection is removed, the acute problem usually disappears or is ameliorated.
There are several basic problems with root canals:
* Inability to sterilize dentinal tubules.
* Inability of root canal filling material to completely fill and seal all canals and the root tip.
* Inability to sterilize the bone around the infected tooth.Price stated that sterilization procedures and root filling materials did not need to be perfect if the patient’s immune system was adequate enough to meet such challenges. His statistics demonstrated that about 30% of those individuals who had root canals had strong enough immune systems to control the bacteria and remain in good health UNTIL these “healthy” individuals suffered a severe accident, case of the flu, pregnancy, breastfeeding, excessive worry, grief, or some other “stress” that overwhelmed their immune system to such an extent it could no longer control the toxins and bacteria coming from the root filled tooth or teeth. Then, they often developed a degenerative disease.
Price found that the heart and circulatory system was the organ most often attacked by root canal bacteria. He mentioned sixteen different heart and circulatory disease conditions as problems occurring as side effects from the presence of root canal filled teeth. The major cause for infective endocarditis, according to the Mayo Clinic Health Letter in 1986, was the streptococcus veridans family of bacteria; the same one Price found most often was involved with infected teeth. It has also been observed that patients with cavitations in wisdom teeth areas often experience cardiac difficulties.
When Price realized the tremendous detrimental health impact of root canals, he then turned to solving the problem. His approach to solving this problem was to prevent it from occurring by eliminating tooth decay. He then proceeded to conduct thousands of blood and saliva experiments on humans and animals to determine the causes of tooth decay. Dr. Price discovered the two basic causes of tooth decay were:
* The changing acid-base balance of saliva from its normal alkaline status to one of acidity.
* The lowering of the ionic calcium levels in both the blood and the saliva.Research performed by Harold Hawkins DDS, Melvin Page, DDS, Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D., and others reaffirmed Price’s findings. It is interesting to note that the research also indicated that people who have tooth decay are also more susceptible to other degenerative diseases.
Unfortunately, many dentists today are pushing the use of fluoride to prevent dental caries and have failed to see that the tooth decay process is systemic, not just local in nature. They often do not understand that the ingestion of white flour products, sugar, refined grains and other similar products cause acidity of the saliva and lower calcium values. Although the hope is that in the future we will be able to eradicate infection in dentin tubules, disinfect surrounding bone and safely save teeth, the prevention of tooth decay and periodontal disease should be our immediate and primary goal.
Excerpts from OPTIONS the Alternative Cancer Therapy Book
A pioneer in alternative cancer treatment, Josef Issels, M.D. of Germany achieved remarkable remissions, even in advanced cancer patients through a combination of therapies. The methods he employed included removing sties of “focal infection,” such as infected teeth and tonsils. He believed they release toxins into the system that lower resistance and trigger disease. His experience showed a direct connection between dental and tonsillar foci and many of the illnesses responsible for early debilitation and untimely invalidizing. A survey conducted at his clinic found that on admission 90% of the adult cancer patients had between two and ten dead teeth. Very often he was confronted with x-ray negative dead teeth, root remnants and residual ostitis which had not been diagnosed and therefore, had not been removed.
In a 1987 speech delivered in New York City, he also stressed the value of removing amalgam fillings and teeth whose dead pulp had been removed by root canal treatment. He said, “I do not recommend that healthy tonsils and teeth be removed, but I believe that if they are diseased, they cause the body’s natural resistance to be lowered, thus acting as an important contributory factor to tumor development. In these cases I insist on their removal.” He also commented, “It is not out of the realm of possibility that dental metals are related to an increase of cancer in the U.S. today through their influence on dedifferentiation in rapidly growing cells and through suppression of the body’s immune system. Continuous exposure to electric currents, as occurs with amalgams, is known to stress the endocrine glands, decrease the activity of the immune system and may enhance certain viruses and bacteria.”
November 23, 2010 at 2:08 pm #35752Hello
Ty for bringing this up. I have taken part of your information. I will spend some time to investigate it further. Just for the moment I am agaisnt having the root channels filled. Sounds intiutively right to not do it after this information, but I still have to consider the alternatives. Of course a risk factor for more degenerative disseases in my life is something I take wery siriously. I which I had some more time to investigate it further, but unfortunately I have to make a decission in a few days. So I have to put a side at least tommorow for investigations.
November 23, 2010 at 3:09 pm #35754http://tuberose.com/Root_Canals.html
I have read some more pages about this issue. Most of the information comes from the same scientific research in the beginning of the 20 th century.
This article I choosed to add here beacase it also contains information about bioenergetics and the relation betwean different teeth and theire connection to the different meridians.
I will read more tommorrow.
November 24, 2010 at 3:54 am #35756http://www.avianweb.com/pulpcapping.html
About an alternative, pulp capping, where you make a cap around the pulp.
November 24, 2010 at 12:19 pm #35758Hello
I was and spoke with my dentist. I feel wery confused. And have to reconsider everything for the next days.
To take away the tooth, seems not to be so good either.
This tooth is a wery usuful tooth for eating.
About 50% that have taken away that tooth will have it replaced, which could be done by two methods. 1 Your can build a bridge from the two teeth next to the removed teeth. 2 You can make an implantate.Both of those alternative seems to have some huge drawbacks. The bridge has as I see it a huge impact on the two other tooths and is also wery expensive. The implantate is done by a scew into the bone and the long time efect is probably damaging the boone where the screw is put, then you have to do a new implantate and damaging more boones.
Voila, no good alternative and the reading about the rot canal doesn´t seem any good either. The main issue here seems to be how many of those with a rot canal will have health problem with it? One of the articles I read today tells me that this is the crucial point and the head of the depate amoung this issues.
My medical doctor the one that also is an antrophosof work wery much with mercury toxity and oral galvanism, perhaps he knows something about this to? I have to contact hem.
I could have had a time for the procedure for root canal tomorrow, but I have choosen to wait and investigate this further.
There is not much information on the net in my own language, but English articles are many.
More conFUSION than ever I think.
Considering the fact that I want to make decissions in my life that put me in the direction of healing, it is wery dificult to do a root canal, where there is toxity and dangerous bacteria that might causes harm, and obviously do so to wery many people.
My dentist told me that there are milljons of people out there with rot canals. Meaning they are ok. But in the articles you can also read that there is a huge increase of autoimune desises and other degenerative disseases. Some of the increase might be from rot canals. But of course there is also other efects like more chemicals and polutions and other toxins in the foods that might be the cause for the increase of these illnesses as well.
November 24, 2010 at 12:23 pm #35760I also read about some testing of the root canals and the toxity of the blood amoungst other things. Methods developed to look if there is a problem with your root canal.
This is a bit promising, if you are able to see what happens in the body and if that helps you to remove those rot canals that is bad for you, then there is a higher chance that doing a rot canal anyway is an option.
November 24, 2010 at 1:48 pm #35762Yes, millions of people get root canals, but millions of
people are obese and get gastric bypass surgery. I have
no interest in becoming obese, and if I unfortunately did,
I certainly would have no interest in getting gastric bypass
surgery (those should be banned). The popularity of a
procedure in no way is a measure I use to make my health
decisions.People get them because they want an easy solution that
allows them to “keep” the tooth in their mouth so they
can continue to have the same function as before and
for cosmetic reasons, not caring that they are setting the
stage for chronic health conditions.You have to decide what is best for you.
Given my personal history with a root canal tooth
that has now been removed, and my personal experience,
I would in NO WAY get a root canal.The tooth would be removed; no question.
What I did with the remaining gap depended on how annoying
it was and where the tooth is located.If it were a back tooth (like the root canal tooth
I had removed), I would just leave the gap.If it were a middle tooth, I would probably still think
about leaving a gap, or maybe get a partial plate (i.e. removable denture)
with a fake tooth. This provides no damage to your jaw or other teeth.If it were a front tooth, I would get the partial plate.
If I got the partial plate for a front tooth, and I found that I
couldn’t live with it (although I’d try real hard to live with it),
I then *might* consider getting a *Zirconium* implant for the tooth,
but then only maybe. I would really try to just live with the plate.Basically, I would either get a partial plate, or nothing at all.
Those are the choices that resonate with me, as I only want to do
things that are natural.Personally, I will never get another root canal or have another
root canal tooth in my mouth. Never.But that is what I would do, and for me it would be an easy decision.
I would follow my plan laid out above, and not give it a second thought.But you have to decide on your own what is right for you.
November 24, 2010 at 2:14 pm #35764I found this article that takes into acount the problem with the rot canals and anyway think that perhaps sometimes the rot canal procedure might be done, just beacase of lack of alternatives.
November 26, 2010 at 11:04 am #35766Hello Steven
Here follow an answer to another person of the taobum. I write about which people I have been into contact with today and what they have told me in this discussion. I still feel your decissions seems reasnoble and perhaps the right thing to do. But one thing is that the root canaled tooth migth be possible to remove later, and perhaps it is possible to check it´s health demand on the body.
I think what you write about above about the partial plate goes in exatly the same direction as my own thoughts. I have been thinking about that alternative, that was not given by my dentist and I come to think about it when I thought about my grand mas teeth. That seems still as a good option. No impact on the bones or the other teeths. But perhaps it not feel so good to have your teeth in a glase ower night. And perhaps it not feel so comfortable in your mouth.
Still what I think today is as follows. But I should tell you that last night when I went to sleep I was almost sertain that I wanted to remove the tooth. So I might actually change my mind ower the days. Still I feel the answer from my new TCM doctor is quite resnoble. And she has investigated some many people with those tooth. The question `that remains is if she should find the connection betwean theire imballances in theire bodys and theire teeths
I have been talking to some people today. I decided I had read enough and now it is time to speak with some people.My MD works quite alot with people with amalgam problem and other problems with theire teeths. He think that beacase of lack of alternatives that is good, the best thing still is to do the root canal. And if you got problems you can anytime have it removed.
I was talking to a man that also work with people with tooth problems, that is a man working with vitamines and other health care products from the alternative field. He had the same view.
I was also talign to a TCM doctor in my area. I want to start going taking herbs from her consultation. She told me another wiev. She told me that you can´t say in general what to do. Different people react differently. We talked also about the connection between a tooth and a acupuncture meridians in general. I think her wiev is the best. I think it is difficult to generalise. I also had her to check my imune system, which has a role in all this. She told me my immune system is good, but that I have some problems with my health, she could see that I have an imbalance. She haden´t time for a big investigation and only did look at my tounge at that moment. That is beacase she also sells furnitures and clothes from china in my litle town in Sweden. And she is quite bussy this time of year, before christmas.
My own view for the moment is. I feel like this is a realy difficult issue. But I think that becase I always can have it removed, I still will do the root canal for the moment. But I will learn how to check it regularly. By kinesology. By a TCM doctor. And by sertain test I have heard of during my search the last days on internet. The test are about toxicology around the dead rot canaled teeth. Then if I have some problem or if I find any new bad symtoms to my already quite bad health then I will emediately have it extracted.
I also told to my mother about the other alternatives from which she has some experiences. Not to good ones she told me. I also talked with a friend that have had a tooth extracted about the same location as mine. She told me that it is not all to bad to live without it. She was able to eat and so. She told me that you don´t eat with only one tooth, don´t you. Quite a nice statement. I like it and now my decissions doensn´t feel realy as hard to do anymore.
But I have to say I am still not completely shore.
I also found a dentist that wrote about this on the internet and that wrote about how you had to adapt the rot canal procedure differently to different people. I will talk to her next weak, beacase now she is on a course.
About the TCM doctor you wanted my location for. I think that I will go to the lady I told you about above, that is beacase I feel confidence for her and I have already been to her husband for acupunture for some years ago, for the same ailment. But anyway my location is. Stockholm, Sweden and more correct in the litle city Norrtälje close by Stockholm.
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