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February 5, 2013 at 12:07 pm #40148
I’d love to see discussion on the forum of folk’s experience, long term, of any shifts they feel.
February 10, 2013 at 9:50 pm #40149Hello Michael,
I do feel a definite change since the
2012 shift, and I’ve been trying to
find a way to put it into words.On Dec 22, I did a Solstice Ceremony
(see my Practice Log, most recent entry
for detailed description of that night).The biggest shift I feel is that of
some kind of internal grounding, a kind
of heart-felt warmth radiating from within
that generates a very strong and profound
feeling that “everything is going to be OK” . . .
a feeling that there are still going to be
a lot of changes coming, but that it is
more of a feeling of plants growing from seeds
that were already planted, as opposed to an
alteration of “what is”.“What is” feels changing, growing, and evolving,
but it is also feels completely natural–with
a very profound “nothing to worry about” energy . . .
like everything is going to be taken care of,
one just needs to ride the wave and play their part
and it will all work out exactly as it should.In a way, I kind of feel like the earth has
cracked open an energetic boundary between us and it,
allowing for freer communication. This feels
in some way connected to this “internal grounding”
feeling that I mentioned above.Qi,
StevenFebruary 14, 2013 at 5:00 pm #40151A friend I know reached enlightenment, possibly full enlightenment last year, not sure if it had anything to do with the Galactic Orgasm. He now says it’s like he’s walking around on LSD all the time and had some siddhi’s.
Just wondering, once you reach enlightenment, what courses are worth taking from what Mantak and yourself teach? Or is all the inner alchemy formula’s just geared to reaching full realisation and not worth taking afterwards?
February 15, 2013 at 1:09 pm #40153Hello,
I also did a ceremony for the solstice; I made my intention clear to the universe, then began my ceremony with the Deep Healing form that
I did facing in each direction. I had feelings similar to Steven where I began to
retch and felt as if I were vomiting but it was energetic. Very cleansing, left me
feeling light and babyish….kind of like how you feel after coming out of
a high fever. Then I followed up with the Primordial form.Personally, I really feel that the last couple of years have been the most pivotal
for me, really changed my life. Closed my business, new job, moved across the country, etc… Last year’s solstice started me on a new career, I think I did a little posting about the power of the Primordial chi kung too. You get exactly what you ask for….that really blew me away, I asked for a specific job, specific area, salary etc…. (had to test and study for it) but I got exactly what I had asked for thru the Primordial…Very, very powerful. Of course a lot of that power comes from having a very clear intention.I think that the Water Dragon was one of my best years, I grew much quicker and with the least amount resistance since being a schoolkid, was able to clear out a lot of the adult tightness and return to a childish flexiblity.
I just wanted to comment on Michael’s Grandmother Milky Way, I’ve been doing a lot of
Inner Smile (practicing to take testing on cert. at this summer’s retreat :)) In Michael’s version where your smile expands out into the void I just have this feeling of the void, Wu Chi, as being my Grandmother…also when connecting deep into the Earth, it is not Mother but Grandmother. I don’t know if I just feel more
safer with the Grandmother archetype. Grandmothers, for me, have a deep wisdom, their feelings are true yet not “emotional”, their love is unconditional, representing the virtues of the organs. This Grandmother is wise and ancient but also birthing???!!! So, as if Earth is under the laws of time and space, this Grandmother is ancient and old while being juicy and fertile. The Grandmother Wu Chi is nonspatial, nontemporal, the potential carrying all of the qualities needed to embody Grandmother/Grandfather.LOL
AdelFebruary 15, 2013 at 1:27 pm #40155Since this is your second post on the same topic,
let me give you some things to think about.The Healing Tao practices are designed to improve
one’s health, one’s flow of energy, one’s groundedness
in being a spiritual being living in the real physical
world. This is all beneficial, regardless of what
“enlightened state” a person believes they are in.Is your friend enlightened, or is he delusional?
This is important for a person to know when
they come across someone who claims they are
enlightened.Eckhart Tolle says he’s enlightened, but I’ve
never heard him say that it’s like he’s walking
around on LSD all the time.I personally would be very skeptical if someone
told me that they are enlightened, regardless of
who that person is. People can believe all kinds
of things, but it doesn’t mean that they are true.
Trust what you directly experience, not what others
claim is true.And why all the personal interest in what to practice
when someone’s enlightened? It is irrelevant to your
life in the here and now. It like saying: “If I
learn how to fly and breathe in the vacuum of space,
should I travel to Saturn?” Worry about where you
are at, not fanciful hypotheticals. Stories of “what
might be” do not help you understand where you are now,
and where you are going. It is only this that is
important; the rest is not (it only slows you down).S
February 15, 2013 at 8:41 pm #40157lol i didn’t think it was that crazy question.
My friend would like to remain anonymous for the most part. And in the end yes I know 100% certainty my friend is enlightened and like any other post on this message board you have to take my word for it. How do you know anything written on this message board is true? Being skeptic is good if your trying to find truth so I’m not against you.
As for Eckhart, many great spiritual teachers and students I’ve come across don’t think he’s as enlightened as he says, I don’t disagree or agree instead I don’t pay attention to him. And come to think of it I’ve heard him describe the world as a lsd experience before so you may be wrong there.
February 15, 2013 at 9:41 pm #40159I don’t know anything with 100% certainty.
February 15, 2013 at 10:09 pm #40161i do.
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