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October 23, 2014 at 3:26 am #43103
Solar EclipseNew Moon in Scorpio on October 23rd, 2014A Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE / NEW MOON in Scorpio is here on October 23rd 2014. It is at zero degrees Scorpio thus signaling a time of completion and initiation. Scorpio is keen about seeing the truth and if we can be truthful with ourselves about really seeing and releasing our the karmic loops, we have great opportunity to complete some aspect of our lives and begin a new phase. Relationships with others and with Self have great potential for expansion and for breakthrough.
The Cosmic Story: Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse, October 23, 2014
Purging our Emotions
Scorpios strength is that it isnt afraid of the Dark, and so when the Sun is in Scorpio, it is a perfect time to look at our Shadows and see what weve been in fear of, suppressing and repressing. When we can look within and see how those stuck emotional patterns keep us from what we truly want in life, we can consciously choose to shed those old patterns like a snake skin. What may have protected us in the past no longer serves our on-going life and we have to die to an old way of being and acting, to be re-born to a higher level of consciousness.
This is Scorpios gift if we have the courage to accept it.
The Scorpio New Moon occurs on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 2:57pm PDT/ 5:57 pm EDT/ 9:57pm GMT. The eclipse lasts for about 4 ¼ hours, from 12:38 to 4:52pm PDT/ 3:38 to 7:52pm EDT/ 7:38 to 11:52pm GMT.
[I don’t know much about astrology, but I do know that I’ve been feeling…]
October 23, 2014 at 9:19 am #43104Sister or Brother,
Today there is an eclipse, and I am in turmoil. I would like to give myself something better than cigarettes for (as I have come to understand over years) opening my heart, consuming fire, sedating anger and suppressing dark feelings. Is there something you would suggest that I could do today with the eclipse? Some practice? Lilith, Isis, and Hekate came to mind spontaneously. Nothing ventured, nothing gained…
I’m grateful for Michael Gelb’s latest book. I’m reading it. I, too, am looking for something that works without requiring belief.
If you happen to read and reply, I will appreciate it. I’m writing because I’m willing to try; otherwise, I wouldn’t feel comfortable asking for your time.
Fool Turtle
October 23, 2014 at 11:34 pm #43106I am exhausted. So, first, most importantly, I’d like to say, “Thanks.” It turns out that there are a number of good posts that could have satisfied my query, but it didn’t occur to me to search until after my first ceremony. What is the most difficult practice? I am joking, but serious: the Inner Smile.
I don’t feel up to describing the unique experience that grew from the answer I received and my spontaneous imaginitive adaptionbasically, it happened and I went along with the experience.
I am exhausted, and content.
October 30, 2014 at 4:35 am #43108Sorry I didn’t see your post earlier.
Care to share what happened?
Whether you quit smoking or not, that’s not the important part.
The important part is whether you learned something new and interesting about yourself. 🙂Maybe I’ll wait for you to share before I comment further.
November 1, 2014 at 12:31 am #43110Last night I was dreaming, and I noticed that I was dreaming, so I woke up. I still was dreaming, so I woke up again. Later, I woke up.
Writing about what it is like now is interesting, because I’m not sure what is happening.
Remembering the events of the day of the eclipse and new moon:
I took a folding chair out into the woods, to a spot connected with one of the most difficult moments of my life. An intense love and pain; deep mystery, deeper than I can fathom. I set up the chair, and began feeling the darkness within, smiling to it like a mother to her children. I wept, felt anger, grief, sorrow, guilt, fear, cruelty, sarcasm, disrespect, self-centeredness, pain… When I felt ready, as if a void was opening before me, I asked to let it go to be recycled in that space… It felt as of though I were giving blood, and I felt faint, drained, and light. It felt wonderful.
I went on a bike ride, enjoying the afternoon, and bought cigarettes.
As evening fell, I went back to the woods, between two graves, and did a standing meditation that may have lasted for an hour or more. To each direction, I smiled to my body spirits, with my hands in prayer position on my chest. My legs and body trembled as animals came and peeled scab-like layers from my organs, drinking poison while kissing and caressing them. Finally, I touched the earth with my bare hands and feet, and accepted that as long as I’m hungry I will have to eat. And I said, “Thank You.”
Something throughout this experience that I couldn’t articulate, but trusted would be known, was that smoking is not a problembut I wondered if I needed to carry the root with me anymore, and If I were willing to let that go.
Since then, every time that I smoke I retch and gag; I’ve begun to take the practice of 5 animals doing the 6 healing sounds with enjoyment; and I’ve been sleeping for very long stretches. All sorts of memories, thoughts, and realizations are noticeable… I’m remembering that I’d like to sink into bed with a lover as if though he or she were myself. I love myself like that.
November 1, 2014 at 12:51 am #43112Venus and Pluto are strong within me, so I’ll get naked…
Before this, I knew that I am lonely (Accepting what was, is, and may be). There’s a lot of truth in this, my oracle’s interpretation:
You have selected the colors that you currently find most pleasing and most unpleasing. Read the interpretive texts for your selections in the following paragraphs. In the case of some colors, you will find an additional question or suggestion which can help you deal with a subject area in more depth.Keep in mind that your unconscious plays a major role in the selection of the colors. As it is the case when laying tarot cards, it is inadvisable to repeat the color test too often because otherwise, the quality of the interpretation quickly fades. Take in the texts, and let them work on you, even those you may find somewhat uncomfortable or provocative.
The Color Oracle is a psychological color test developed by the Swiss art instructor, therapist and astrologer Johannes Schneider. Astrodienst also has on offer his “Color Horoscope”- the delineation of the birth chart in combination with psychological color interpretation.
Your General Disposition
At the present time, your behavior is characterized by your need for security. You feel under attack by stressful circumstances, and you yearn for a peaceful, relaxed life free of the pressure of constant demands or problems. You need periods of calm and peacefulness in order that your nerves are able to regenerate. You find the necessary relaxation foremost in a comfortable home, a harmonious emotional relationship or a fulfilling favorite pastime.Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Pleasing
Of great importance to you now is…
…joyful fulfillment of your desires.
It is very important to you to achieve what you are striving for and to experience the joyful fulfillment of your wishes. The thing that actually often compels you into action is your deep yearning for unadulterated, lasting happiness and inner peace. If you seek these things in the realm of material possessions, relationships and experiences, you will suffer disappointment over and over again. You believe you have the “magic formula” for achieving unadulterated happiness, namely…
You can ask yourself:
Does my determination to concentrate fully on my plans keep me from engaging in the right measure with what other people are saying, feeling or needing?…crisis-proof existential survival.
You need the comforting certainty of having a solid base in your life. Stable living conditions, adequate income and sensual pleasure and a certain measure of comfort are among your life goals. You want to be secure against the whims of fate and to be able to devote yourself without distraction to the things that give you satisfaction. For this reason, you resolutely apply yourself to the task of creating a crisis-proof existence, despite any obstacles which might appear. The thing you consider very important for your sense of wellbeing is…
You can ask yourself:
Doesn’t my determination not to allow others to influence me stem from an inner sense of insecurity that I don’t want to see and absolutely don’t want to admit? Has my stubborn, egocentric behavior ever won me anyone’s sympathy?…deliberate self-determination.
You know for yourself what you need to do and not do, and you want to create a life in accordance with your own ideas. You are trying to establish an independent sphere of your own. You would like to see things as they are, and you prefer to make decisions on the basis of facts and objective information. Your primary focus of interest is on everything that is practical and expedient or that serves to increase your autonomy. In your own interest, you strive for……restful relaxation.
Due to the fact that stress and interpersonal conflicts are straining your nerves, you are in need of more frequent periods of undisturbed calm in which you can lean back, relax comfortably and regenerate. The things that would help you most, aside from adequate sleep, are a professionally led relaxation therapy or a regular practice of yoga and meditation. One of the things that give you a good feeling is……making pleasurable contacts.
You would like to leave everything unpleasant and burdensome behind and to relax spending time with nice, open-minded people with whom you can have a good conversation or undertake some activity that raises your spirits and takes your mind off things. Now and again, you need the stimulation of variety and the opportunity to break out of your daily routine. You now feel that hanging your head would not be as good for you as……vigorous effort.
You need a task that inspires you and allows you to give your all. If serious demands are made on your abilities or your strengths, you mobilize all your creativity and really stay on the ball in order to prove to yourself and others what you are capable of. If your efforts are acknowledged, you are prepared to do your best. Should someone approach you with unfair demands or, even worse, with outright injustice, however, you resolutely fend them off.Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Unpleasant
At the moment you feel most anxious due to your…
…gruelling test of nerves.
Your sense of wellbeing is negatively affected by stressful circumstances. You often feel misunderstood, unfairly treated or left at the mercy of the unacceptable behavior of a person who is important to you. You don’t want to let on that you are aggravated by this, and you keep your irritation to yourself. Inside you, though, the accumulated resentment strains your nerves. For this reason, you are not very emotionally resilient at this time. You assume an air of exaggerated superiority despite your…
Your unconscious advises you to:
When once again you feel you are being unfairly treated, don’t expect others to behave in an understanding way towards you and to do anything to make the situation better. Playing the role of innocent victim isn’t going to improve your situation. Overcome your self- pity and take the first step yourself!…unpleasant contentiousness.
The behavior of certain other people is a thorn in your side. You don’t feel like putting up with just anything without objection, and because of this, you can give no guarantee you won’t end up in an argument with the person in question. Your stubborn attitude could easily provoke confrontations. At the moment, your mood is somewhat gloomy due to your…
Your unconscious advises you to:
When you get upset because you have to deal with your problems and worries on your own, don’t allow resentment to build up inside you as a result. By harboring resentments you hurt yourself and you don’t motivate anyone to provide you with moral or practical support. Do yourself the work that is necessary to solve your problems. This will give you a positive feeling of self-worth.…exhaustingly stressful situation.
The difficulties you are presently forced to deal with sometimes cause you distress and tax your energies. Instead of altering or leaving this situation, you heroically attempt to hold on and to act as if nothing were bothering you. In this way, you overextend yourself and become the victim of your own ambitious need to prove how strong you are. Your momentum has faded considerably due to your……painful sense of loneliness.
Your need for loving company and tender physical contact is not being satisfied in the measure you would like. Your hunger for warm-hearted attention drives you to seek contact. Although you hold close association with a few people, when the interaction is over, you often feel lonely and left to your own devices. It saddens you to find so little understanding and responsiveness towards your needs and difficulties. Sometimes you feel sorry for yourself because of your……inhibiting limitations.
Difficult circumstances limit your opportunities for experience and your freedom of action. You feel deprived because you have to do without some of the things that would make life pleasant. You expect far too much understanding for your needs from other people, and as a result, you often feel disappointed. You might ask yourself how much understanding and empathy you extend to others. You would like to be free of your……fear of misunderstanding.
You are fairly well convinced of your personal viewpoints, and you are certain that your needs, demands and plans are justified, but you fear others will show no understanding for them. In reality, you are often faced with misunderstanding, reserve or resistance because you are stubborn and a know-it-all. But you hardly let yourself be put off your stride.The Color Oracle
This Color Oracle is a psychological color test developed by the Swiss astrologer and art instructor Johannes Schneider. During several decades of research and practice, he investigated the effect of color on the psyche. He first published his findings on these effects under the name “Color-O-Scope” which included 25 small colored wooden plaques for use in selecting the colors.
The online version available here utilizes the same hues as the original product. The method of color selection is also identical. Since the representation of the colors is dependent on the color fidelity of the display screen in use, slight deviations in color may nonetheless occur, and Astrodienst has no control over this.
Until further notice the Color Oracle will be offered to visitors free of charge. You will also find on this website another horoscope interpretation by the same author which is based on astrology and psychology, the “Color Horoscope” by Johannes Schneider.
Color Horoscope, from Johannes SchneiderThe “Color Horoscope” is a horoscope interpretation developed by the Swiss art instructor and astrologer Johannes Schneider, author of the “Color Oracle”. The “Color Horoscope” combines the delineation of the birth chart with color psychology. To each of the celestial bodies a typical color has been assigned. This ranking can also be represented as a series of twelve colors.
Free Trial Version
More Information in the Astro ShopNovember 5, 2014 at 12:59 pm #43114Black bag is like a treasure-chest
See there anger, grief… endless desires?
To accept these is like possessing jewels
Priceless, I could let them goNo need to apologize, but must you tease sohinting of comments at the tip of your tongue? 😉
In all seriousness (as much as I can muster), I really am interested in your thoughts. I do love it when the boat gets rocked enough that I fall from it, so to speak. Don’t feel inhibited, please, in your response, should you be so kind as to make one.
What’s a rose without a stem?
November 6, 2014 at 2:36 am #43116Hi Fool Turtle,
OK. You asked. But be careful what you ask for. 😉
I’ll just pour out everything that comes to mind, and you can sift or ignore at your leisure. 🙂 I’m going to try to be comprehensive so that if this issue arises again, I can hyperlink this post for others. 😉I notice you make comments about “thorns” and “getting rocked from the boat” . . . is that a subtle statement that you are expecting to be judged negatively? I assure you that my lack of immediate response was due to me being away from the forum and then subsequently my desire to write up a comprehensive response–not out of some “holding back” of a negative review. Even if it were true there were a negative judgment (fyi: there’s not), ultimately my opinion doesn’t matter in the slightest . . . no one knows *your* life, better than *you*. 😉
Let me take a moment to explore the nature of addiction to smoking a little bit. I’ve said some of this before, but it never hurts to repeat it . . . and then maybe give you some pointers as to how you can see new revelations in your own situation.
Ultimately smoking addition is the result of a defect in the liver (wood system).
There is an instability in the relationship between the virtue of kindness and the negative emotion of anger/frustration, both governed by the liver. This expresses itself in the form of too much negative hyperactive wood qi, and the liver is not appropriately transferring its excess qi in the creation cycle to the heart (fire system). Thus consequently while the wood system is hyperactive, the fire system is being starved.Nicotine is the perfect medicine for this defect. Pharmacologically, it acts as a liver sedative. In fact, there have been studies done on “never-smokers” whereby they’ve been given nicotine patches and put in stressful situations. In such double-blind studies that included fake nicotine patches (controls), those folks with the active nicotine exhibited less signs of stress, frustration, and anger than the folks with the patches devoid of nicotine. In short, regardless of smoker or not, the chemical puts the liver to sleep.
It’s kind of like a screaming, crying baby. All you want is for it to be silent. So you give it a toy, and it stops screaming. Unfortunately, when the child gets tired of the toy, it starts screaming again. This is the addictive cycle. When you deliver nicotine to the body, the liver’s hyperactive energy is channeled into detoxifying this chemical. It is happy and content, so long as it is busy detoxifying the chemical. Eventually, the blood nicotine levels drop low enough that it is starting to run out of nicotine to detoxify. The liver starts to panic. It says “hey, what’s going on! where’s the nicotine that you gave me the job to detoxify? what am I supposed to do now, and is there something wrong?”. It starts screaming and acting hyperactive again, which sends alarm signals to the brain that tell you . . . “hey, you better hurry up and supply some more nicotine, because the liver is getting out of hand again and it is threatening to shut down the whole system.” “‘Getting things back to normal again’ is highly desired, so I’m going to make smoking (say) irresistible (the body says), so you can fix this problem.”
Delivering nicotine through smoking tobacco is an even more efficient delivery mechanism for solving this liver problem, because not only does the nicotine put the liver to sleep (calming it down), but the process of smoking brings in the fire element into the body, which the body is being starved of. So the body treats this as “manna from heaven”. There is absolutely zero reason why your body is going to allow any funny ideas from the brain that you are going to quit. It doesn’t matter how much your mind is determined, your body will overrule you every time.
Thus, in a strange way, “smoking” is NOT the problem. It is no more the problem than ibuprofen (that a person takes for a painful headache) is the problem. In fact, just like ibuprofen is “healing medicine” for the painful headache, so is smoking a “healing medicine” for the liver sickness. Smoking, itself, should not be judged as something “bad” . . . in fact, in this case, it is something good that your body desperately needs as medicine in order to provide relief from the sickness.
Of course, the long-term result of smoking is damage to the lungs and the possible manifestation of cancer (which is ultimately the end result of unhealed repressed anger) . . . however, it is not really the smoking that is doing this, it is the underlying unresolved liver sickness that is. The smoking is just really delaying the inevitable.
“Deciding to quit smoking”, when looked at from strictly the behavior point-of-view, is actually the wrong approach. For starters, it is focused on the symptoms, not on the cause. It also mistakenly treats the smoking as “bad”, when ultimately it is actually acting as a “loving healing medicine” to the body. It also creates a subtle tug-of-war with the Tao itself. Ultimately, “desiring to quit” is really a self-judgment that your behavior is “bad”. It reflects an underlying lack of self-acceptance and lack of “what is”. It is basically saying “I don’t accept myself the way that I am, and I (ego) want something different than ‘what I am'”. When you are sending a message to the universe “I don’t accept myself”, why would the universe respond back and support that? You see the problem? The more the mind is determined that “you need to change”, the more the universe, the Tao, and the body will create a counter-force to fight you every step of the way. You need to work with the Tao, rather than try to fight against it.
Native Americans have long used the smoking of tobacco as a spiritual tool to gain deeper insight into the deeper aspects of self and of spirituality. Like all tools, they have their place, and once it has achieved its goal, like all tools they are discarded without effort when no longer necessary.
What I’m basically getting at, is that I recommend you completely restructure your attitude toward your smoking habit from something “bad” to something self-loving . . . self-loving in the sense that it not only is providing you with “healing medicine” for your liver sickness but is also providing you with a rare opportunity to dive into deep aspects of yourself and root out disharmonious areas. I recommend you re-frame it in positive way, and when you smoke, to send a subtle message of “thank you” to both the tobacco leaf and your own body-mind for providing you with a form of self-love toward your own growth.
Does this mean that I recommend that you smoke forever? No, of course not. Instead, I recommend that you look at this as an opportunity to root out the underlying issues that you likely have been hiding from. The smoking is simply pointing out that you have lessons yet to learn. In that sense, it should be looked at with a sense of gratitude.
If you are able to root out the underlying issues, and restructure yourself to be more in harmony with your higher self, then your body will no longer feel the need to smoke. It will fall away on its own. Just like if you root out the cause of constant recurring splitting headaches, you no longer need the ibuprofen. So long as they haven’t been rooted out, and your body calls on you to smoke, then you should have the attitude that the smoking is a self-loving action not unlike the taking of ibuprofen for a headache.
I’m spending a lot of time talking about re-framing the attitude toward smoking as a positive thing, because while counter-intuitive, it is actually a pointer toward eventually letting it go! This is part of the paradoxical nature of the Tao.
Ultimately this lack of self-acceptance (say in the direct example of “wanting to quit”) is really a major player in the liver sickness to begin with. So let’s talk about that aspect a little more directly . . .
Now, I don’t know you, so I’m going to just speak about some things in a general way. They are more meant as a means of self-reflection and introspection, and not meant as any kind of personal review on you. There are many possibilities–some of which may pertain to you and some of which may not pertain at all–it is up-to-you to examine them and see if any relate to your situation. Ultimately the only one who knows “you” is you, so the answers can not in any true sense come from my comments. They can only help point you in a direction or give you a head-start to uncovering things on your own. So let me just list some of the aspects I’ve found that can be contributing factors, and just meditate on them and see if any resonate with you. Understanding is the first step; you can’t reveal your own inner truth and align with it until you do this.
As I said, the ultimate source is a defect in the wood system (liver). It is hyperactive, expressing itself negatively, and also not feeding its excess to the fire system (heart).
Here are some sources of this, some of which may apply to you and some may not:
1. Do you feel as if you are living from a true expression of your heart’s inner wish? Or do you feel as if you are doing things that you don’t want to do, simply because you feel “you have to” . . . either because you are afraid of hurting the feelings of others, or because you are afraid of what others might think of you if you behaved differently? If this latter case is true, then this creates an unresolved sense of frustration and anger that can not resolve itself. It creates a feeling that you need to repress your happiness. With this unresolved frustration having no place to go, the liver is hyperactive and has no means to “heal” its frustration. The only loving thing to do in this case is to “calm it down” and “put it to sleep” via smoking.
2. Relating to the kindness virtue of the liver vs. the negative frustration tension: Do you feel as if you are continually sacrificing your own needs, because you see that others “need your help” and so you give of yourself out of love for them, while meanwhile this sacrifices your own inner longings? This frustration that “others always need you” and you give into this, while continually ignoring what you need, is another source of unresolved frustration. Again, with no place for the frustration to go, the only way to silence the hyperactivity of the liver, is to give it medicine to put it to sleep.
3. Sexual expression and love: Wood is the energetic phase of the expression of sexual energy. This expression normally–in a healthy way–feeds the heart (fire system) to give you a feeling of love. Do you feel that you are unable to express your sexuality in a way that feeds your heart? When I say this–while it could have issues to do with sexual orientation–it need not be so prosaic . . . it could simply be that you have a deep yearning for sexual bonding to express love, and for whatever reason, you are not feeling satisfied in that arena. This inability to express your sexuality in a way that is a deep calling from your heart, starves the heart and keeps the wood qi unresolved in a turbulent way in the liver. Again, if this is an issue, then with this unresolved, the only way you can silence this frustration and help your heart feel love is by providing the love that the tobacco leaf provides without preconditions. Before you might dismiss this third item out of hand, you might ask yourself if you feel a deep sense of loneliness (which is a characterization of a starved heart). If so, there may be more truth here than you might be willing to at first admit.
4. Frustration surrounding “how you are perceived”: Do you often feel as if you are being judged? Do you feel frustrated that you are not “good enough”, or that somehow you have to hide who you truly are, because you feel that people won’t like you if they “knew the real you”? This is ultimately a frustration of “lack of self-acceptance”.
5. There can also be Scorpion issues here at play, of a burning desire to know the nature of reality, and the frustration that you have not reached enlightenment about the nature of life, death, the universe, and deeper meaning. The lack of acceptance that life is infinitely mysterious can be deeply frustrating for a Scorpion type, who yearns for the answer to life’s mysteries. Unresolved frustration–is again, unresolved frustration.
These above five items are–by no means–exhaustive, but I think you get the idea. At the very least they form umbrella items that cover a lot of deeper issues, and while I don’t claim that all of them apply, I’d be surprised if meditation upon these items don’t trigger light bulbs to go off . . . or at the very least, movement toward you finding your own truth. In fact, I’d be so bold as to say that virtually everybody has these issues to some extent, albeit they tend to be more intense with people who have found “medical solution” through smoking.
I would encourage you to explore these issues deeply and if there is any truth to what I’ve said–or at the very least if it points you to your own truth–I would encourage you to try to move toward making bold shifts to harmonizing these aspects, no matter how challenging they might seem.
In the meanwhile, I would not cast judgment on your smoking habit. Instead, treat your habit as a gift that the Tao has given you to help “force” you to address these issues head-on. When a craving arises, give in and give thanks rather than judgment for this behavior. When you have harmonized these issues enough so that they are no longer overwhelming, your body will not ask for nicotine anymore. But until then, don’t judge it. If a craving arises, don’t try to fight it and say “I’m going to root out issues instead” . . . at that point, it is too late, you basically just need to listen to the body (in my view)–the time for introspection is during the periods when your body is not wanting it. That’s also not to say that when you do finally let it go that your body won’t feel withdrawal, but the difference is, is that your body won’t care . . . you’ll pay as much attention to the physical withdrawal as you do the air that you breathe.
Now a few brief words as to your experience and to your oracle reading . . .
First, your oracle reading:
I don’t wish to try to analyze the entire oracle reading, as I’m not an expert on this divination system and moreover, I don’t really know “you”. Let me just point out two things:The first positive thing listed:
>>>Of great importance to you now is…
>>>…joyful fulfillment of your desires.I.E. This is “what you most want”. This again speaks to the heart feeling starved, and likely the underlying frustration that this is not currently being met.
The first negative thing listed:
>>>At the moment you feel most anxious due to your…
>>>…gruelling test of nerves.The nervous system is regulated by the liver! The “stressful circumstances” it describes are all aspects of frustration, some of which I suggested in my itemized list.
Without getting into a whole analysis, it looks very likely that what I mentioned is a big player . . .
Now to your experience on the eclipse day:
It sounds as if you made some important self-discoveries. Perhaps just the tip of the iceberg? Ultimately I think you reached–through your own investigations–much of the issue that I’ve already gone on about. The lack of self-acceptance and the frustration surrounding it.
The only remaining questions are . . . how do you root out and resolve these issues that are causing you to feel a disharmonious connection? I don’t have a simple answer for this, other than to say that I can offer some suggestions that can help move you in a direction of greater harmony.
1. Spend time on the Inner Smile
Focus not just on the mechanics of the meditation, but try to get really deeply into the feeling qualities of the five shen–the vital organ spirits. Allow them space to speak their truths, but also convey the sense of self-acceptance and loving kindness–the same way that you would show love to child that is going through pain. Simply be there with no judgment, and allow whatever arises . . . to arise. Do not allow anger to turn inward onto the liver from some judgment that it is acting “dysfunctionally” (i.e. “you still want me to smoke”) . . . instead, treat it with loving kindness and offer your support. Let it know that you are here for it and that you will try to support it to reach completion on that which it feels it can not resolve. Do so in a way that does not reflect desire from a starving heart, i.e. one of impatience that it is not resolving faster or that it is “bad”.2. Spend time doing grounding practices
Standing meditation, preferably rooted standing meditation . . . and Tai Chi, if you know it. The process of getting grounded becomes more cumulative with time, and as you get more deeply grounded, you become more able to “detach” from your emotional body and act more as an outside observer. This allows you (not to ignore or repress your emotions) but to allow them to manifest freely without being hooked by them, and thus you can provide more support to your inner body-mind in a neutral but loving way.3. Investigate the possible issues I’ve raised in my itemized list . . . through introspection and through meditation. When such things are identified, strive to have the courage to make shifts bringing you into more harmony with the inner callings of your soul, regardless of what that may mean–or what others may think of you–living from a space of deeper truth.
4. Supportive qigong: This won’t necessarily address the disharmony issues, but will provide support as you do #1-3. Good choices are Primordial Qigong and Deep Healing Qigong.
I think I’ve probably given you well more than you ever wanted, probably even too much . . . so at this point, I’ll simply be silent on this topic and let you digest it.
ALSO: If this post is NOT helpful, feel free to ignore it.
No worries or judgments on my end.
In particular, I don’t *know you*, so anything I say doesn’t mean terribly much in the scope of life. 🙂In other words, don’t take what I say too seriously. 🙂
Keep smiling,
StevenNovember 7, 2014 at 10:53 pm #43118Thank you, sir.
You could have just signed that post with Qi because that’s all I got from it!
Really appreciate it. Thank you, Steven.
Having a wonderful, seemingly glued-on, Mona Lisa…
Smiling TurtleNovember 7, 2014 at 11:46 pm #43120Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger, Lao Tzu’s ox _ Pareidolia- Illusions at Their Best!
Pareidolia- Illusions at Their Best!
Before this, I knew that I am lonely (Accepting what was, is, and may be). There’s a lot of truth in this, my oracle’s interpretation:
Pareidolia- Illusions at Their Best!
but first:
I try to be a good man but all that comes
Of trying is I feel more guilty-Ikkyu
What is Pareidolia?A psychological phenomenon that stimulates a vague perception is known as Pareidolia. The word Pareidolia comes from the Greek language and it means wrong image. It can be anything that triggers the brain to misperceive the most random image in our surroundings, which can be as random as seeing a face in the clouds, a rabbit in the moon or hearing a hidden message when a recorded audio is played in reverse. Such strange coincidences are inevitable and are impossible to resist.
this ink painting of wind
blowing through pines
who hears it?oh yes things exist like the echo when you yell
at the foot of a huge mountainsin like a madman until you can’t do anything else
no room for any morefuck flattery success money
all I do is lie back and suck my thumbone long pure beautiful road of pain
and the beauty of death and no painmirror facing mirror
nowhere elsesick of it whatever it’s called sick of the names
I dedicate every pore to what’s hereThanks again, if you don’t get a smile from any of this, well I do so, regardless, thanks, again.
November 8, 2014 at 12:41 am #43122What Connection has the hair of the body, especially of the head, to the 5 Phases/Spirits?
November 8, 2014 at 7:04 am #43124Different hair corresponds to different organs.
The hair on the top of your head corresponds to the Heart.
November 8, 2014 at 10:40 pm #43126Janelle Monáe – Q.U.E.E.N. feat. Erykah Badu [Official Video]
I hadn’t been listening to my love for that which I have no reason to judge, really. There’s a yin-yang symbol near the beginning. Interesting symbols…
Janelle Monáe – Q.U.E.E.N. feat. Erykah Badu [Official Video]
Religion and homosexuality Wiki
. . .
Among the religions that originated in India, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, teachings regarding homosexuality are less clear than among the Abrahamic traditions, and religious authorities voice diverse opinions. In 2005, an authority figure of Sikhism condemned same-sex marriage and the practice of homosexuality. However, many people in Sikhism aren’t against gay marriage.[49] Hinduism is diverse, with no supreme governing body, but the majority of swamis opposed same-sex relationships in a 2004 survey, and a minority supported them.[50] Ancient religious texts such as the Vedas often refer to people of a third gender known as hijra, who are neither female nor male. Some see this third gender as an ancient parallel to modern western lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex identities. However, this third sex is usually negatively valued as a pariah class in ancient texts.[51] Ancient Hindu law books, from the first century onward, categorize non-vaginal sex (ayoni) as impure.[52]
Hinduism has taken various positions, ranging from positive to neutral or antagonistic. Referring to the nature of Samsara,the Rigveda,one of the four canonical sacred texts of Hinduism says ‘Vikruti Evam Prakriti’ (perversity/diversity is what nature is all about, or, what seems un-natural is also natural).[53] Sexuality is rarely discussed openly in Hindu society, and LGBT issues are largely a taboo subject especially among the strongly religious. A “third gender” has been acknowledged within Hinduism since Vedic times. Several Hindu texts, such as Manu Smriti[54] and Sushruta Samhita, assert that some people are born with either mixed male and female natures, or sexually neuter, as a matter of natural biology. They worked as hairdressers, flower-sellers, servants, masseurs and prostitutes. Today, many people of a “third gender” (hijras) live throughout India, mostly on the margins of society.
Several Hindu religious laws contain injunctions against homosexual activity, while some Hindu theories doesn’t condemn lesbian relations and some third-gendered individuals were highly regarded. Hindu groups are historically not unifyed regarding the issue of homosexuality, each one having a distinct doctrinal view.[55][56][57]
The Indian Kama Sutra, written in the 150 BC,[58] contains passages describing eunuchs or “third-sex” males performing oral sex on men.[59][60] Similarly, some medieval Hindu temples and artifacts openly depict both male homosexuality and lesbianism within their carvings, such as the temple walls at Khajuraho. Some infer from these images that at least part of the Hindu society and religion were previously more open to variations in human sexuality than they are at present.
In some Hindu sects (specially among the hijras), many divinities are androgynous. There are Hindu deities who are intersex (both male and female); who manifest in all three genders; who switch from male to female or from female to male; male deities with female moods and female deities with male moods; deities born from two males or from two females; deities born from a single male or single female; deities who avoid the opposite sex; deities with principal companions of the same sex, and so on. However, this is not accepted by the majority of Hindus, and is often considered heretical in nature. Those who do accept it justify with the belief that both God and nature are unlimitedly diverse and God is difficult to comprehend.
On July 2012 Gopi Shankar, a Gender activist and a student from The American College in Madurai coined the regional terms for genderqueer people in Tamil, Gopi said apart from male and female, there are more than 20 types of genders, such as transwoman, transmen, androgynous, pangender, trigender,, etc., and ancient India refers it as Trithiya prakirthi. After English, Tamil is the only language that has been given names for all the genders identified so far.[61][62][63]
It’s often regarded that Hinduism doesn’t promote nor condemn homosexuality.[64]
November 9, 2014 at 3:54 am #43128Hi Fool Turtle,
I’m not exactly sure what your comments after the video were about.
Were they about the singer, or was it a subtle commentary about yourself in reference to my original post regarding the possible sexuality component in my tips of self-evaluation? No judgment either way . . . just unclear of your intention.By the way, I find the “official” standpoint on homosexuality from various religions to be quite ridiculous. There is no one alive (or previously alive) that can know the nature of our existence, so some kind of judgment on homosexuality is mainly a combination of human ego, a thinly disguised self-insecurity, and some core immaturity.
Obviously it is perfectly fine, as it is here and is a natural manifestation of the Tao. How could it be otherwise?
If it does pertain to you, I suggest you release any self-judgments. You’d be much happier if you released that.
If it didn’t pertain to you, just ignore this.
I just wanted to reply via this post because I know that sometimes people have a cryptic way of expressing themselves on this topic, usually in an attempt to override some self-fear process of external judgment from others . . . and I try to pay attention what people are trying to say “between-the-lines” because often people want to be heard but are simultaneously afraid of this very same thing. 😉Just as a general statement, not having anything to do with sexuality per se: There are 8 billion people on this planet, not one of whom knows the true nature of reality. If you meditate on this for a moment, you’ll recognize that the opinions of others don’t mean much at all. Often we give too much power to others by not recognizing this basic fact.
Live in your own truth without caring what others think about you.
Once you truly embody this, you have true freedom. Then self-acceptance is a natural consequence.My best to you,
StevenNovember 9, 2014 at 10:06 pm #43130Janelle Monáe – Q.U.E.E.N. feat. Erykah Badu [Lyrics, rap.genius]
Janelle Monae Discusses Gay Rumors, Lesbian-Tinged Lyrics In ‘Electric Lady’
Cavan Sieczkowski The Huffington Post 09/12/13 02:17 PM ET
The lyrics on Janelle Monae’s new album, “Electric Lady,” have caused some to speculate whether the singer is hinting that she is gay. However, the artist quashed the gossip in a recent interview, while still offering major support to her gay fans.
Back in April, Monae told Billboard that her new album would be “more revealing” and “more personal.” When the album dropped Tuesday, some songs proved particularly poignant.
In “Q.U.E.E.N.” featuring Erykah Badu, she sings, Am I a freak because I love watching Mary? and “Hey sister am I good enough for your heaven?” …
The 27-year-old apparently was unaware that anyone has been speculating anything.
“I actually have never heard that,” Monae told Pride Source Thursday. “This is the first time I’m hearing it. But I will say that a lot of my work always comes from an authoritative stance, so it may not be about me; it may just be about a story, or something that I’ve witnessed, or my imagination. You just never know.”
She said it’s fine people are relating the music directly to her. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being gay or lesbian or straight or black or green or purple, so I’m OK with that.”
Her goal for “Electric Lady” is to unite and bridge the gap between various communities: black and white, gay and straight, conservative and liberal. She wants to create a “purple state” in contrast to the red versus blue America many are too familiar with today.
…As for now, she is regarded as a gender-bending artist.
“I’m a uniter,” she said. “I won’t allow myself to be a slave to my own interpretation of myself nor the interpretations that people may have of me. I just live my life, and people can feel free to discuss whatever it is that they think and use whatever adjectives they feel. It’s a free country.”
…but … she only dates androids.
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