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October 25, 2015 at 8:14 pm #45035
excerpt to decide if you want to read more:
“this disease, this wetiko (cannibal) psychosis, is the greatest epidemic sickness known to man.”[vii] We, as a species, are in the midst of a massive psychic epidemic, a virulent collective psychosis that has been brewing in the cauldron of humanity’s psyche from the beginning of time. Like a fractal, wetiko operates on multiple dimensions simultaneously intra-personally (within individuals), inter-personally (between ourselves), as well as collectively (as a species). “Cannibalism,” in Forbes’s words, “is the consuming of another’s life for one’s own private purpose or profit.”[viii] Those afflicted with wetiko, like a cannibal, consume the life-force of others human and nonhuman for private purpose or profit, and do so without giving back something from their own lives.
One example that symbolizes our self-destructive, collective madness is the oil companies’ destruction of the Amazonian rainforest, the lungs of our planet. This is literally a full-bodied revelation showing us what we are doing to ourselves. Another literal example that is symbolically illustrating the wetiko complex in action is Monsanto genetically engineering terminator seeds that do not reproduce a second generation, thus forcing farmers to buy new seeds from Monsanto for each year’s new crop. This makes survival for many poor farmers impossible, which has triggered a wave of suicides among farmers, as Monsanto grows richer from the process.
or section on vampires, and how, like heartless technology, suck our life blood:
Vampires, considered to be the darkest creature of evil’s arsenal, have haunted our imagination for ages, as they are representatives of a living process that exists deep within the human psyche. A vampire is not a human figure, but rather, is a soulless creature, a being who has lost its soul; or if it hasn’t lost its soul, its soul has been “damned,” which is a soul that is lost. Either way, there’s something missing. Isolated from the world, it has lost any connection with the part of itself that is related to everything else; from its point of view, the world exists simply for its use.
Although it has lost connection with its heart and soul, a vampire hasn’t lost its mind (though in one sense it has), as vampires often have clever and incisive intellects that cloak their pathology, making their disease hard to see. This is similar to how people in a deep state of trauma can have brilliant minds as well, a gift that can hide the extent of their trauma, making their malady hard to recognize. The sharpness of the vampire’s mind, instead of being devoted to gaining insight into their malady and healing from it, however, is used for the “passing on” and propagation of their dark art.
One of the undead, a vampire is death taking living, human form. The wetiko virus is ultimately not a living life-form, but rather, a living form of death. Wetiko, like a virus, is “dead” matter; it is only in a living creature that viruses acquires a “quasi-life.” Members of the living dead, vampires are neither truly alive, nor truly dead. Like a full-fledged vampire, “full-blown” wetikos have forfeited their humanity, becoming a conduit for the impersonal, transpersonal and depersonalizing wetiko virus to incarnate through them. They are a living portal, an opening in the third-dimensional fabric of space/time through which this contagious, virulent higher-dimensional virus can spread itself throughout the field, both locally and nonlocally.
Lacking a sense of soul, wetikos are efficient “machines,” dedicated to preserving and serving “the state,” which, to quote Forbes, “is itself a creature of the wetikos who have seized control of its power apparatus.”[xxiii] A full-fledged wetiko has become a robotic automaton, conditioned to react to certain stimuli like a reflex. They have become part of “the machine,” with no spontaneity, creativity, originality, nor free thinking programmed in. De-humanized, wetikos have lost touch with any sense of aesthetics, of appreciating the inherent beauty of life, and have become “an-aesthetic,” i.e., anesthetized and numb to what it is to be a human being. Emissaries of an authoritarian, militarized, patriarchal planetary “culture,” the wetiko bug breeds fascism, and terror. To quote the great healer Wilhelm Reich, “Fascism is the vampire leeched to the body of the living, the impulse to murder given free rein.”[xxiv] Fascism is the outer, collective political expression of an individual’s ravaged inner landscape that has been crippled and suppressed by the authoritarian civilization of “the machine.”
Like a vampire, in full-blown wetikos there is nobody home, which is one of the reasons why, symbolically speaking, vampires have no reflection in a mirror (which, mythologically speaking, reflect back images of the human soul). Full-blown wetikos are empty to the core, so there is nothing to reflect. Inwardly there is just an infinite void, a sponge that can never be saturated, a devouring black hole that is feeding on the universe. Their atrophied soul has been emptied out like a piece of wood hollowed out by psychic termites.
Full-blown wetikos are so compulsively possessed by and identical with the unconscious in its destructive, consciousness-negating form that they are not able to see nor think about themselves, which philosopher Hannah Arendt claims is one of the primary characteristics of evil. Unable to self-reflect, they can no longer access within themselves the faculty of the psyche from which such activity derives. One of the reasons we can’t see a vampire’s reflection in a mirror, however, is because our own inner, unconscious vampire obscures the reflection, which is to say that the unacknowledged specter of our own shadow gets in the way.
October 25, 2015 at 11:32 pm #45036on a local and personal level it doesn’t take much work with tao or other meditation practice to be introduced to all this ghost vampire aspect. Japanese movie comes to mind The Great Yokai War (2005)translated as the great hobgoblin war. IMDB: “This is the story of a young boy who moves to a small town after the divorce of his parents. At a local festival, he becomes an unlikely hero when he is chosen as the “Kirin Rider,” a protector of all things good. And he must lead Japan’s ancient Yokai spirits in their apocalyptic war against the evil bizarre-looking monsters.”
Starts off like a kids movie but ends up like Star Wars.The PO metal and Hun wood – wonder about parsley tea as a partial remedy – to stimulate the liver/GB and wood chi as control (opposite) metal lungs/LI.
Pls pardon if a bit off topic.
October 27, 2015 at 2:03 pm #45038Much of the spiritual community is similarly involved in this cannibalism. In the Book of Thoth, we are warned of the dark-light … the false paths. Most paths are false paths because humans mix the dark and light together, a grain of truth mixed with darkness, a seductive path leading nowhere.
This dimension itself destroys everything of value. Every teaching degrades quickly after the teacher dies, and soon wars will be started in the teacher’s name.
Even the Sun will die in this dimension of instability.
Humans suffer existentially but for the most part unconsciously … and attack anything that makes them aware of their pain. Hence the saying that one must be “gentle as doves, but sharp as snakes”. One must conceal one’s Light, the profane would surely destroy it. As they destroyed Jesus, Socrates, and so on.
That is why this plane of existence is called Samsara or Maya. Death is life, war is peace, slavery is freedom. It is impossible to tell which way is up here.
“Love” is used to sell lipstick and start wars or pre-nuptial contracts. Who really has experienced love ?
Many in the new age believe that “just around the corner” all the good human beings are going to be freed. That something bad is hurting us and we just have to find the trick to free everyone. Such Disney stories mirror exactly the ridiculous entertainment humans wind down the clock of their with.
Y2k, 2012, 2014, 2015 … the 2nd coming. Surely the aliens are just about to save us, next Tuesday morning.
No-one can save you but yourself, because it is YOU that needs to grow, to change – not the world. And you are not what you think you are. Everyone must work for their liberation. It is hard work.
Many are fooled by “feeling good” or “having power”. They bring the materialistic-egoist “education” directly into the spiritual path. Sacrifice and surrender are just “old fashioned ideas”.
But real teachers have been here. And they have left their light. All one needs to do is follow them. Few do. Very very few.
December 15, 2015 at 2:02 pm #45040Wetikos are hurting poor mankind.
But is it really so ?
The fundamental illusion that man lives under is that he is conscious, that he is. And of course if “he is” then why all the pain and suffering ? … well obviously someone else that is “bad” is causing it. Terrorists, your genes, wetiko, vampires.
The illusion that “you are” is the fundamental illusion. You are not. You might become, but only if you do what is required to become. Otherwise you will die as you have been born, amounting to little.
Even the Sun is under attack, one day it will die. Perhaps swallowed by a Black Hole or just as it’s body disintegrates. What makes humans so special that they should escape a fate that even the Sun will go through.
Humans cling at all costs to the ideas of self-protection, and resist ideas of real transformation … because for any real transformation you have to disappear. And that is the last thing they want.
Humans want energy, good feelings, money, longevity, beautiful mates, self-esteem … but they don’t want to give themselves up.
They are willing to do many things, just not sit in surrender. They can sit like a Buddha but inside they resist, secretly. They can be spiritual and do many practices, to collect more and more and more … but to give themselves up – never !
In fact the aspect that is refusing to change is not the real being. The real being is suffocating inside, but the real being is not yet strong enough to exist on its own. It needs your help. It needs your becoming and your surrender.
It is amazing to think that most spirituality or political campaigning is actually almost totally mechanical, just like Chinese Whispers. It is not true. The truth is hidden, but available to the few who are ready to die, and return.
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