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- This topic has 114 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 7 months ago by
August 1, 2005 at 11:28 pm #6726
It seems that weight loss is a HUGE and growing industry these days. The problem is, I see so many people suffering. It should be fun to loose weight, no?
My question is, what methods are recommended? What fasts? What suppliments? What qi gongs? There is a course at tao mountain, but I am not really trying to take it becuase I am underweight! But I want to help those around me, and turn them on to something a bit deeper and more effective than the ever popular “Weight Watchers” diet that my parents love, always counting how many “points” they eat and if they gain weight they have to pay the company $10 according to my Mom! What a joke?!?!??!hahahahaah
Om Blessings.
August 2, 2005 at 5:03 am #6727Ken Cohen is kinda fat.
What is going on here?
Why would he look overweight?
Most yogis are underweight?…no?
August 2, 2005 at 10:08 am #6729I believe that weight is not a factor in spirituality. I know there are lots that will not agree with me but that is what I totally believe. Look at Sylvia Browne. In fact look at even most psychics. They are highly sensitive to what they feel. Food is more than likely a pleasure that they can experience within all of the crap they receive. Most very good psychics are what you are calling “fat”. And actually who and when is someone fat? Body type and structure acceptance is really societal. There is a group of tribesman in Africa that “fatten” the bride before the marriage ceremony to make her more pleasing to the groom. “Fat” is all relative isn’t it.
One should be healthy though, that is important.
That is one of the ways I test a teacher. If he puts too much emphasis on weight then he is not good enough. If however he puts emphasis on health and helps you get healthy that is entirely a different matter. I am finding a lot of so called qigong or even taiji masters are more interested in $$ and appearances to their school then actually helping people be healthy. Sad but true.
August 2, 2005 at 4:41 pm #6731jsrit,
Pick up Daniel Reid’s book on Health, Sex and Longevity. There is a chapter in there on food combining.
Here are the basics
-Only eat fruit on an empty stomach (e.g., in the a.m.)
-Don’t mix starches (rice, pasta, bread, potatoes) with concentrated proteins (milk, meat, fish, tofu, eggs, etc.) in the same meal
-Eat vegtables often, with starches or proteins or by themselves
-Avoid processed foods and processed sugarsThe hardest part is not mixing starches and proteins, because most “normal” meals mix them (meat&potatoes, chicken&rice, pasta&cheese, any meat sandwich, etc.). If you eat a protein meal and are craving a starch, wait at least a half hour (better yet an hour or so) and then have some starch.
Personally, I think that this may be why Atkins and other protein heavy “diets” work — that is, they are inadvertently using a similar food combining formula.
In any event, I firmly believe that anyone that follows these basic rules will drop weight.
August 2, 2005 at 5:09 pm #6733I have known so many fat people who lost weight and gotten “unrecognizably” thin (in a healthy way).
ALL of them confessed that it ONLY happened when they stopped gorging themselves on EXCESS food.
Most people eat way too much. It is disgusting the way they shovel shit into their maws and then give everyone the story about how they’ve been dieting.
Yeah right!
Simple fact: cut EXCESS food intake and you lose weight. Everything else is total bullshit.
Every woman out there packing on pounds is tubbing it on the sofa with Haagen Daz. Guaranteed.
So stop looking for secrets to losing weight as there aren’t any.
Just stop EXCESS eating!
August 2, 2005 at 7:40 pm #6735Well hello!
I do agree with you mostly that excess food equals excess weight, but not 100%. After I did my cleanse – while doing it I lost 50 lbs. Was okay but I also found out that I had a heap load of allergies: eggs, milk products, whey, wheat, wheat products, yeast, peanuts, not good with sugar… And in looking back at my father’s life I am certain he had the same or very similar allergies because he had a heck of atime losing weight. BECAUSE being borderline diabetic and way too heavy the doctors encouraged him to follow the Canada Food Guide which recommends eating at least 5 servings of bread (BAD IDEA), and peanuts (ANOTHER BAD IDEA).Me, and I am not exageratting. I was training hard 6 hours a day with young men, 20 years my junior and holding my own and I never lost an ounce. Never pigged out either. Had the occasional chocolate but that was it. I was heavier than I should have been. WHY? Because of allergies. I also know for a fact that allergies when reacting with your body will in most cases make you want that food. My son reacted that way when he was two. He ballooned and appeared quite fat for a 2 year old. He go really sick one night, took him to the emergency, ended up they did some allergy testing. He was allergic to milk and eggs. Took him off the milk and he whittled away to normal size. So you see it isn’t always as straight forward as you think or it appears. Nothing ever is.
But you know me … it is hard to find the right diet for I cannot have a lot of foods. High protein is not good for my kidneys. Difficult. I had a fella come by once who said he could reverse the allergies by doing a little toe and knee circuit. But he looked at me, I reminded him of an old girlfriend which freaked him out and he never did do the circuit on me. Showed me just a bit of it but I never received the full amount of info I needed to completed the healing. Damn this always happens to me. Friggin get tired of it sometimes, people look at me and see their illusion. Most times I get screwed by it all. Anyways, Just to let you know that I do disagree with you.
Allergies will make you crave the wrong food, whether it be sugar or eggs or whatever. Mind can really screw you up with all of this. I am still trying to figure it all out. Just that now my body wants pure htings, I heard that crystal bodies prefer veggies and brown rice so that may just be my lot in life. Except of course my iron is a little low. Go figure.
August 2, 2005 at 11:44 pm #6737If you say you are an exception, then you are an exception. Congratulations!
August 3, 2005 at 1:20 am #6739Most fat people may have gotten fat because of excess food (or, more accurately, a change in their level of exercise). But they don’t STAY fat because they’re eating excess food.
The same reason Plato doesn’t gain or loose weight like a yo yo is the same reason fat people don’t either. They are at a certain weight and they are maintaining it. In other words, they’re NOT eating excess food (if they were, they’d just keep getting fatter). Rather, they are eating the amount of food needed to maintain equilibrium, which actually might be the same amount of calories (or less) than a non-fat person eats.
This is why it’s hard to loose weight. You’re body naturally tries to maintain equilibrium. If I skip a meal, I get very hungry. If a fat person skips a meal, they get very hungry. The same bodily need for equilibrium keeps me and the fat person from skipping meals and keeps us both eating the same amount of calories.
August 3, 2005 at 2:33 am #6741I am trying to lose weight myself and have always been a bit chubby. I was down right obese as a child and had an insane appetite . I would order the largest steaks off the adult menu or single handidly eat a pie of pizza. Of course, smoking pot didn’t help always getting munchies etc etc.
I read a post on MMA.TV today from a guy trying to lose weight and someone responsed ” Put down the fork and do Muai Thai 3 days a week”. Substitute any vigourous form of excercise for Muai Thai and I think that’s as good a formula as any to hack off fat.
You here outlandish stories from people into Kettlebells and such that “I ate whatever I wanted and just did kettlebells and dropped 30 lbs in 1 month!”.
But that isn’t really what I am aiming for or a healthy thing . Like one guy I know who is a ripped a bodybuilder that won a fat loss competition on Tmag.com a couple years ago told me ” The main thing is to be active, be an active person”.
But like P said even if your active if you eat a pizza pie every night your going to gain weight.
P and the guy on the underground forum make it sound easy just put down the fork and excercise but it’s alot like what p was saying about changing deep karmic habits. Someone like me, for example, who has been eating a bagel w/ double lox and cream cheese for breakfast, large steak burrito for lunch along with a mochachinoe and steak and potatoe for dinner followed by a couple beers( I don’t eat that every day but not too far off) doesn’t just “put down the fork”. What your talking about is changing a deep seated conditioned behavior.
It’s really about learning to take respnsibilty for yourself and your actions. also, I am somewhat convinced that on atleast some level, people that are fat wan to be fat. It sounds mean but in reality there is some underlying reason you overeat or don’t excercise .It is a choice. In my case I didn’t learn to eb active when I was young. I basically forced myself to get into martiala rts and other activities as a teenager and lost some weight but still could easily drop 30 lbs.
Of course, what I am running into now is the thing where I am “so busy” with work and other stuff to get around tog etting into the gym and when I am in the office running around it’s just so easy to call my faovrite restaurant around the corner and order a pastrami snadwich and soup with fresh french bread than be discipled and do a chicken breast or tuna salad with some vegetables or fruit.
But I will always be chubby until I make those little adjustments or need to make those little adjustments in order to get lean. It’s pretty simple in reality.
(Looks disgracefully at the chocolate mint frappacino recently finished on desk).
August 3, 2005 at 10:06 am #6743Eating disorder is a very complex problem and is very much the same as any other addiction. It is mainly a craving for connection and deep healing. I truely believe it is a call for help to reconnect with ‘home’ and yourself. Food, drugs, alcohol, tabac, sex, they all fit into the same pattern. Just stop eating is not solving the deeper issue.
A lot of fat people are ‘home sick’ and because they are not fed properly with love, attention, connection with family or friends in their childhood or in the womb or having a karmic issue about that, they need food = earth to feed that loss or hole in their earth=mother=family=society connection. Without that earth connection they feel lost and disconnected from their real ‘home’.
Christina Grof : The Thirst for Wholeness is about addiction and spiritual crisis – very interesting and inspiring.August 3, 2005 at 10:19 am #6745I have to somewhat agree with Plato in essence if not in tone.
Since we talk about energy so much here I think it is relevant to look at simple physics.
Everyone knows the formula.
Burn as much as you take in.
Means, move body more, eat less to lose weight.
So why are there so many fat people.
Nothing simple, is simple.
August 3, 2005 at 11:26 am #6747Agreed.
But, if you are addicted to eating, then you have to stop and flush out the energy behind it. Sure, the energy is too strong for most, so go seek out assistance (healing, etc.) but no matter what you do on the side to facilitate this (skillful means), you will still have to grab the bull by the horns.
August 3, 2005 at 11:35 am #6749Most people continue eating EXCESS food yet don’t continue to get fatter because the EXCESS is not INCREASING nor is it ACCELERATING. ๐
The big lie once again is this notion that fat people eat the same as me. Total bullshit. When nobody is around they are throwing steaks in the frying pan, melting ice cream in the microwave and drinking it down, taking baths in soda pop, etc…
August 3, 2005 at 11:36 am #6751Sometimes we have to forget about “esoteric” stuff and be normal human beings. ๐
August 3, 2005 at 11:50 am #6753I think you will find that there are more people out there with allergies and related weight problems than you think. I am truly not an exception. In fact I gained the 50 lbs. back because I lost the weight in relation to a fast to rid of toxins, the purpose was not to heal the weight problem. Eating has of course something to do with overweight but it is only part of the problem.
Just a part.For me, I got rid of toxins, lost weight and said … so now what. Ho hum. Wrong timing … emptied the cup and had nothing to put into it.
Just because I write about my experiences here and just because I have opinions don’t get the wrong idea that I think I am an exception or that I am “special”. You guys always do that. Get off your high horse. Can’t you just read something and take it for what it is instead of putting your own slant of ego into it. GEEEEZZZZ! I guess I will have to continually prostrate myself while discussing or adding any of my two bits. Stuff like well, you know … I don’t know a thing about energy or qigong. You guys are great though. You know I sure do wish I had more training. Does that make you feel better?
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