Michael Winn Asheville Workshops & Summer Retreats 2017
Asheville workshops – Registration & Lodging Info
Spring 2017
1. Mar, 4-5, 2017 Emotional Alchemy: Fusion of Five Elements 1
2. Mar. 19, 2017 (Sun 7 pm), Spring Equinox Green Dragon Ceremony (Free)
3. April 15-16, 2017 Fusion of Five Elements 2 & 3 Psychic Alchemy: Open 8 Soul Channels
4. April 28-29, 2017. NYC Open Center
5. May 26-29, 2017 Omega Super Qi Summit
Summer 2017
Retreats with Michael Winn:
http://www.HealingTaoRetreats.com will be updated in January
(Winn schedule below is final; other retreats soon to be posted)
Week 1: June 16 – 21, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Qigong (Qigong) Fundamentals Levels 1-4.
Week 2: June 23 – 28, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Healing Love: Tao Sexology – with Minke de Vos
Week 3: June 30 – July 5, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Inner Sexual Alchemy: Lesser Kan & Li
Week 4: July 7- 12, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Planetary & Soul Alchemy: Greatest Kan & Li.
Week 5: July 14- 19, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Heaven & Earth Alchemy: 3 Pure Ones & Central Sun of Great Oneness
a) for all PRODUCT (DVD/audio) questions & ASHEVILLE WORKSHOP registration:
or call 888-999-0555
(in USA only) or 828-555-1444 to speak with Jan, office manager
b) for all summer RETREAT questions:
or call 888-750-0555 (in USA only) or call 888-750-1773
c) Frequently Asked Questions on Qigong & Tao
d) Winn Home Study Courses: Recommended Sequence

Michael Winn has 36+ years international teaching experience in Tao medical, martial, & spiritual arts. He was a
founder and two-term President, National Qigong Association; is founder of Healing Tao University, the
largest Tao arts summer program in the West, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina. He
is president of the non-profit Dao Alchemy Research Institute, was 9 years Chairman of the Healing Tao
Instructor’s Association, and a founder of the Council of 9 of the Universal Healing Tao foundation.
Winn has authored ten Tao home study video-audio courses, written dozens of articles, book chapters, and
presented papers at numerous international Daoist/Taoist scholar conferences. He is co-author or writer with
Mantak Chia of 7 books, including the classic Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy. His
ebooks include Way of the Inner Smile, Five Animals Qigong, and Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Self-Love.
Winn lives with his wife Jem and son Emerald in a simple log home in the mountains near Asheville, N.C. He
has a private “qigong & shengong therapy” practice when he is not traveling.
Michael Winn’s full bio is in his ebook, Way of the Inner Smile, a $20. value available FREE
(subscribe on homepage of http://www.HealingTaoUSA.com).
Or visit: Who is Michael Winn? http://www.healingdao.com/ckf1.html#bio
In Memoriam: www.HealingTaoUSA.com/JoyceGayheart
Joyce Gayheart was Michael’s previous wife of 25 years; her site has great products & amazing life
Asheville Workshop Registration & Lodging Information
- Location::We’ve returned to our old location – lots of free parking. Asheville
Training Center, 261 Ashland Ave., Asheville NC. 2 long blocks south of downtown. Enter alley behind Town
& Mountain Realty. May enter from left or right backside of building.http://ashevilletrainingcenter.com/directions.html
- Cost: most still cost only $144. (not increased in 17 years – based on sacred
number, not value!) Sat. only: $90. Review both days (previous students): $90. If taking a course for
certification, review prices do NOT apply. Note: Cost/location may be different for some workshops.
- Deposit: $72., payable to “Healing Tao USA”. 828-505-1444 or 888-999-0555 for
credit card. Send check to Healing Tao USA, 4 Bostic Place, Asheville NC 28803. If cancel one week prior to
workshop, deposit is 100% refundable. After that , no refund. VISA/MC, extended pay available.
- Home Study Option: Live transmission at workshops is best. If you cannot attend,
you can still receive an “oral transmission” via my ten Tao Home Study Audio-Video courses on my
website. Home study courses are ACCEPTED AS PRE-REQ’S for the next level course. All weekend courses are now available in CD Audio format.
- Product Discounts: Live workshop attendees may buy AT the workshop the video-audio
as review material – about 50% discount off retail.
- Rebate on products: If you buy a Home Study Course in advance of taking the SAME
FULL WEEK-LONG summer retreat within one year, you receive nearly 50% credit back on the product at the
time you register at the summer retreat. (Does NOT apply to Asheville weekend seminars). Example: Buy a
$99. DVD-CD package now, you get $50. back when you take the same summer retreat. For more details, see:
- Instructor Certification: Asheville workshops count toward certification as Healing
Tao instructor, and meet all UHT and HTIA requirements. For certification requirements: http://www.healingdao.com/instructorbecome.html
- Assistant Instructor Certification Summary:
Associate Instructors need 70 hours prerequisite core curriculum (any four weekend courses (64 hrs)
with Michael + 6 hours of privates, OR two week-long summer retreats (80 hrs). Then take an additional 40
hours Senior Instructor certification (re-take either his week-long Qigong Fundamentals 1-4 at
summer retreat, OR repeat three weekend courses in Asheville. - WHERE TO STAY in Asheville?
Note: Prices subject to change, vary widely by hi/low season and corporate/other discounts offered.
workshop. Reserve in advance: no walk-ins. avlbooking@gmail.com 828-225-3278. Single rooms are $35-40.,
add $10.+ per roommate.
Closest airport hotel: Hampton Inn (828 687-0806). $99-129.
Enka Budget Motel (828-665-2100) $56-75. 15 minutes.
Super 8 Motel (828-505-4648) $69-89. in low season, on Tunnel Rd.
For apartment with kitchen, Extended Stay America on Tunnel Road (828 253-3483.
We have some local Tao students who rent out a bedroom for $40. per night. Contact Jan at 828 505 1444
for references.
Ramada Inn downtown (pricey), 5 long blocks walking distance.
For wilderness retreat experience, rooms with one wall open to a fairy forest, try Mountain Light
Sanctuary. Barnardsville, 45 minutes. http://mtnlightsanctuary.com/lightweave/index.htm
Practical Emotional Inner Alchemy methods for managing the feeling layer of the Energy Body. This is part of One Cloud’s foundational Inner Alchemy Formula. It integrates 5 phase chi cycles in your emotions with your biological and spiritual life. Learn to control your inner psychic weather, nurture your inner powers and natural virtues, and especially how to “eat” or dissolve negative emotion and egoic reactivity. Find out where your feelings originate and their true purpose.
Learn to reverse the loss of chi flowing out thru your senses, how to alchemically gather an Inner Pearl, the
essence of your original self. Very powerful tools for working on yourself, and centering the energy body. Course is
mostly meditation, plus “Nourish the Five Shen” Qigong for emotional body. Pre-req: Fundamentals 1 & 2, live or
audio-video. Good to have Fundamentals 3 & 4 if possible, the rooting is key to managing emotions.
Contact: info(AT)HealingTaoUSA.com or call 828-505-1444 to register.
Ashland Ave., Asheville NC. 2 long blocks south of downtown. Enter alley behind Town & Mountain Realty.
Open Macro Orbit: 8 Extraordinary Vessels, Develop Psychic Abilitieswith Michael Winn
Internalized bagua opens the 8 Extraordinary Vessels
• Open thrusting, belt, arm & leg channels
• Heal chronic illness & deep pre-natal trauma
• 8 Extraordinary Vessels Qigong (on DVD)
• Pangu Mystical Qigong (on DVD)
To read full description of the 9 Major Benefits of Fusion 2 & 3:
This Wudang Mtn version of the macro-orbit lays a foundation for opening chi flow between the 8 Original Forces of
Universe (I Ching trigram-tones). A powerful “8 Extraordinary Vessels” qigong form makes this practice simple to
remember. It heals deep psychic imbalances not reached by acupuncture. Many mysterious chronic illnesses can be
healed at this deep channel level, much faster than using acupuncture or herbs working on the 12 regular meridians.
i.e. the deep structure of how you birth yourself each moment. This is why the training also opens up psychic
abilities. These abilities are simply the result of having clear channels for communication between the soul and the
We’ll learn to purify our aura & regulate our Energy Body with belt & thrusting channels. Give to and
Receive chi from the environment with Positive & Negative Arm & Leg channels.
with the Five Directional Dragons. This practice connects the internal flow of your macro-cosmic orbit out to
the edge of the universe and back! A wonderfully empowering and healing journey.
$144. for weekend, $90. reviewers.
Pre-req: Microcosmic Orbit & 6 Healing Sounds (Qigong Fundamentals 1 & 2), live or by homestudy. You can
learn the energy channel work of Fusion 2/3 without doing the emotional body/inner pearl work of Fusion 1. But
it is optimal to first learn Fusion 1.
Contact: Call 828-505-1444 to register or email info(AT)healingtaousa.com
Asheville NC. 2 long blocks south of downtown. Enter alley behind Town & Mountain Realty.
• April 28 & 29, 2017 New York OPEN CENTER 212 219-2527
Sexual Energy as Taoist Alchemical Elixir
for Healing, Love-Making & Secret of Immortality
Sexual energy is the key driver of deep attraction between humans. Yet it’s paradoxically the cause of
psychological confusion, disease, power struggle, and is mythically linked to the Fall of Humanity. Michael Winn
has spent four decades sorting out both the theory and practical methods needed to effectively apply sexual
energy as the secret Taoist alchemical elixir.
It’s also called the Golden Elixir, the Luminous Pearl, and Pill of Immortality. Ancient Taoist texts claim it
accelerates healing, deepens sexual love relations, increases longevity, and advances meditation. Don’t allow
your potent sexuality to sit buried in your subconscious. Attend this talk by a pre-eminent western Tao adept
and get a clear map of what is possible.
Sat April 29 10 am -5 pm
Tao Cosmology & Essential Tools for Self-Cultivation:
Inner Smile and Red Dragon Micro-cosmic Orbit
Tao cosmology offers a clear map of how we came into a body, and where we can go from here. It’s the story of
how Qi (chi) flows from Source into matter, then returns. Humans embody this Qi. We have a unique power to
harmonize and accelerate this Eternal Cycle of Qi Flow. Having this clear map is essential. But its not enough
to extract humans from the sea of suffering and confusion they are drowning in.
We need methods that allow us to navigate our chosen cosmology map. Come learn two essential tools of Tao
self-cultivation of Qi. One is Way of the Inner Smile – the most simple yet powerful meditation ever devised.
Learn how to smile “inside” our body-mind to unify our Qi, and connect us back to Source. This can dissolve
physical pain, mental & emotional suffering, and harmonize our personality’s 12 vital organ spirits with
soul. We’ll also learn to smile and embrace the “insides of what appears to be outside”.
The second method is the Wudang Mountain Red Dragon Spinning Pearl Micro-cosmic Orbit. In 1982 Michael Winn
wrote for Mantak Chia the first practical book on how to circulate the Orbit. He’s spent 36 years exploring many
orbit methods. The lineage Wudang Method is only transmitted orally. Winn says it is 100x more effective and
long-lasting than other methods, as it penetrates into the jing (substance) level of the body. Don’t miss this
rare opportunity to receive this transmission.
• May 26-29, 2017 Omega Super Qi Summit. Rhinebeck, N.Y.
• next China Dream Trip: May 2018
Visit http://www.HealingTaoRetreats.com or call 888-750-1773.
Folks have FUN at these retreats – come join us!
Winn’s Summer Schedule at Mars Hill, in Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, N.C. (30 minutes from Asheville airport AVL, 2.5 hours to Charlotte CLT, 1 hour 15 min. from Greenville GSP).
- All Michael Winn courses at Healing Tao University count for Instructor Certification.
- Courses are open to all levels of students, but please check pre-requisites. Pre-requisites for Winn
retreats can be met by his home study courses. - If you buy the homestudy course BEFORE you take the retreat — which I strongly recommend — then you receive
back HALF the price of the homestudy course upon registration. Purchase must be within one year before the
retreat. - See www.HealingTaoRetreats.com for full course
descriptions. Tuition cost only $495., lower with multiple-course discounts. Housing/food is separate.
Commuters pay a $100. facility fee. Cost is subsidized by non-profit Healing Tao USA, prices have not risen
in 6 years. - All retreats: register 2-5 pm on starting day, class ends at noon (then lunch) on final day. Plan your
travel accordingly.
- Week 1: June 16 – 21, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Qigong (Qigong) Fundamentals Levels 1-4.
– Michael Winn
Includes powerful Taoist Summer Solstice Ceremony to aid completion of your deepest authentic needs.
Description of material: www.healingdao.com/ckf1.html
Open to everyone. Can be used to fill pre-requisite requirement or final certification as Associate Instructor.
Possible to take weekend only, which covers Fundamentals 1 & 2.
- Week 2: June 23 – 28, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Healing Love: Tao Sexology for Health & Bliss
– Michael Winn & Minke de Vos
- Week 3: June 30 – July 5, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Inner Sexual Alchemy — Michael Winn
Lesser Enlightenment of Kan & Li
Crop circle with Vesica Piscis coupling of yin & yang
- Week 4: July 7- 12, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
& Li.
– Michael Winn
Note: The prerequisite Sun-Moon-Earth Alchemy (Greater Kan & Li) can also be taken in advance by home-study
- Week 5: July 14- 19, 2017 (Fri-Wed)
Note: The prerequisite Star Alchemy course can be taken in advance by home-study course.
Trees dominate the landscape at our Ivy League-feeling retreat center in Mars Hill, NC (near