Healing Tao USA LogoCenter Star = your True SelfTao of Balance and Harmony Song of a New Heaven on EarthClick here for easy printing of enlarged logo |
Tao of Balance and Harmony Song of a New Heaven on Earth
By Michael Winn Tao births the One. One births the Two. Two births the Three. Three births the 10,000. things. – Verse 42, Tao Te Ching This Healing Tao USA logo is a map of Higher Consciousness based on Taoist cosmology. I designed it based on decades of exploring the secrets of Taoist internal alchemy meditation, deep experience of qigong (chi kung), and study of the ancient classic – I Ching: Book of Unchanging Changes. Are you ready for a quick journey deep into Taoist cosmology? The logo maps an image of a vibrational experience: flowing consciousness is being ‘sung’ into physical form through a pattern of subtle tones. A subtle tone is just a vibration moving in a particular pattern, that can be known by the shape of what is created. Just as Nature sings itself into existence, we each sing our human body-mind into existence. But humans are generally not aware of how we ‘sing-vibrate’ the shape of our reality. This image expresses the principle of balance in the yin-yang pulsations of the chi field. Chi, also spelled ‘qi’, is the subtle breathing of Nature. Yin-Yang is any polarity – male-female, positive-negative, etc. – flowing dynamically in equilibrium within a matrix of neutral or Original Chi (yuan chi).Tao as Musical Cosmology
Each of the eight trigram tone-symbols has three lines or notes that form a musical chord. The eight trigrams are from the Early Heaven (formless) arrangement, in which each trigram-tone is the mirror opposite of the trigram-tone facing it. This creates four pairs of musical chords that represent the primordial Tao or Nature ‘singing itself into creation’ as the four sacred directions/ cardinal vibrations. The fifth direction ‘ the Center ‘ is symbolized by the five-pointed star emerging from the ‘vesica piscis’ or sexually coupled large red (fire) and blue (water) spheres. Three forces are coiled inside this geometric vesica piscis ‘ the black and white spirals of primal yin-yang chi force, and the golden glowing sphere of Original Breath, or yuan chi. In the center of the star is a tiny circle, representing the Original Breath emerging from the Supreme Mystery, or Wuji. This center can never be fully known, it is the Mystery beyond all other mysteries. Yet this Mystery lives inside each of us. It divides itself out three times into:- The Fundamental Tone of Oneness (yuan or Original chi field).
- The chi field of Two-ness (Yin-Yang polarity).
- The Five Phase cycle (five-ness called Fire, Earth, Gold, Water, and Wood).