![]() March 19, 2010
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: image: Easter eggs and Chinese silk carpet mandala
Dear Seekers of the Natural Fountain of Life, The springtime sap is beginning to run in the veins of trees, and birds This weekend is the Spring Equinox, the exact moment is 1:32 pm EDT (5:32 GMT) on Saturday March 20. But this celestial event is energetically huge, and I urge you to seize the moment anytime this weekend and capture the gift that Nature is offering each of us. I am in Holland, celebrating the Spring Equinox with a fabulous group of Dutch Taoists that are deeply committed to their spiritual practice. Every year we do a powerful ceremony together and everyone feels renewed and re-charged.
Equinox is recognized in the Taoist tradition of inner alchemy as one of the four cardinal moments during the yearly cycle that a deep opening occurs in the earth’s chi field. On the journey between the extreme poles of Great Yin-Winter Solstice and Great Yang-Summer Solstice, this is the halfway moment of perfect yin-yang equilibrium. When equal night and day express this equilibrium, an abundance of yuan chi/Original Breath is released by Nature’s spontaneous alchemical process. It is an exquisite moment of perfect balance in the marriage of Mother Earth and Father Sun. The word “equinox” derives from the Latin words meaning “equal night” and refers to the time when the sun crosses the true celestial equator – the line in the sky above the earth’s equator. It crosses from south to north, around March 20 (or March 21) of each year. At that time, day and night are balanced to nearly 12 hours each all over the world and the earth’s axis of rotation is perpendicular to the line connecting the centers of the earth and the sun. While the March equinox marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, it is the start of autumn in many parts of the southern hemisphere. Equinox as Nature’s Alchemy When outer fire and water achieve balance, this third force, the hidden The energetic mechanism is different than the solstices, but the effect In western astrology – originally an initiatory process of western inner Wow! These great cosmic forces are aligning NOW. Why not dive into Suggestions for a Spring Equinox ceremony are below. But first consider doing a “spring cleaning” on your emotional body, with Fusion of the Five Elements. Contents:
» How to Tell if a Feeling is True? Emotional Alchemy: Fusion March 27-28 » 3 Spaces left on China Dream Trip May 2010 » The Power of Ritual Physical Movement » Suggestions for a Spring Equinox Ceremony » Contact Info How to Tell if a Feeling is True? Emotional Alchemy: Fusion March 27-28
image: Fusion of 5 Elements, by Mike Teeters, www.arrowofmoonlight.com
Taoist Fusion of the 5 Elements practice is the best method I’ve found for refining my ability to know the truth of my feelings. By dissolving all the reactionary type feelings eventually the deep feeling underlying them comes to the surface. By understanding that feelings are generated by an internal “family” dynamic between the vital organ spirits, we can sort out who wants what and why. This alchemical technology relies on the fundamental tools also used by Chinese medicine: the control and nourishing cycles of the five phases. Fusion practice goes further. It adds in the power of fusing all five types of emotional chi into our Original Breath, or yuan chi. This is the type of chi that gives us emotional detachment without taking away our potential for feeling passionate about our truth.
March 27-28, 2010 (Sat-Sun): Asheville, N.C. Description of all 7 Formulas: http://www.healingdao.com/tao_alchemy_formulas.html Practical Emotional Inner Alchemy methods for managing the emotional layer of the Energy Body. This is part of One Cloud’s 1st Inner Alchemy Formula. It integrates 5 phase chi cycles in your emotions with your biological and spiritual life. Learn to control your inner psychic weather, nurture your inner powers and natural virtues, and especially how to “eat” or dissolve negative emotion and egoic reactivity. Find out where your feelings originate and their true purpose. Learn to reverse the loss of chi flowing out thru your senses, how to alchemically gather an Inner Pearl, the essence of your original self. Very powerful tools for working on yourself, and centering the energy body. Course is mostly meditation, plus “Nourish the Five Shen” Qigong for emotional body. Pre-req: Fundamentals 1 & 2, live or audio-video. Good to have Fundamentals 3 & 4 if possible, the rooting is also key to managing emotions. Contact: winn@healingdao.com Location: Lighten Up Yoga in downtown Asheville. ————————————————————————- Open the Macro-Cosmic Orbit by linking chi flow in the Eight Extraordinary (“psychic”) channels. These channels link your pre-natal and post-natal energy bodies, i.e. the deep structure of how you birth yourself each flowing moment. Learn to purify your aura & regulate your Energy Body with belt & thrusting channels. Give to and Receive chi from the environment with Positive & Negative Arm & Leg channels. The 8 Extra Vessels connect the inner and outer chi field, and allow you to “dance” The macro-orbit is the foundation for opening chi flow to 8 Original Forces of Universe (I Ching trigram-tones). Powerful “8 Extraordinary Vessels” qigong form makes this practice simple to remember. It heals deep psychic imbalances not reached by acupuncture. Many mysterious and chronic illnesses can be healed at the level, much faster than using acupuncture or herbs. Another new practice taught is my recently developed “9 Spirals of the Energy Body” in the four directions to integrate the Five Shen with the Five Directional Dragons. This practice connects the internal flow of your macro-cosmic orbit out to the edge of the universe – and back! A wonderfully empowering and healing journey. This course lays a strong foundation for Healing Love and Water & Fire (Kan & Li) Pre-req: Fusion 1, live or by homestudy. Learning the energy channel work of Fusion 2/3 without doing the emotional body/inner pearl work of Fusion 1 is also possible, but not optimal. Email me first. Contact: winn@healingdao.com Location: Lighten Up Yoga in downtown Asheville. 3 Spaces left on China Dream Trip May 2010
photo: atop Mt. Wudang’s Golden Peak We have just three spaces left – all you need a valid passport, we can get the entry visa for you at the last minute. See this exciting itinerary on http://www.healingdao.com/chinatrip2010.html. This will probably the only Dream Trip with Mantak Chia attending. He is coming to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Healing Tao with powerful ceremonies atop Mt. Wudang. We have a fantastic group of Taoists coming, folks from all levels of interest and skill. Five people from last year’s Dream Trip are coming again. There are no pre-requisites, only a willingness to learn the magical Primordial Tai Chi form in advance. (see http//:taichi-enlightenment.com). The Power of Ritual Physical Movement
image: North Vietnamese tribal bagua-mandala For the Equinox and Solstices, I feel the most powerful movement ceremony is doing qigong. The movement of the physical body invokes your deepest soul essence (jing) if you are deeply centered while moving. When you combine a movement ritual with specific intention, it becomes neigong, or “internal skill in cultivating the life force”. My favorite ceremonial form, as I’ve proclaimed many times, is one developed by the Taoist sage Chang San Feng, the creator of the original 13-movement tai chi form and its esoteric sister, Wuji gong. Wuji gong I translate as Primordial Qigong or Tai Chi for Enlightenment. For more about its origins and efficacy, see http://www.taichi-enlightenment.com. My eBook on the form is nearly complete, and will offer many new insights to its hidden energetic patterns. It’s still not too late to send in your experience with the form! (just hit reply). The Yang family tai chi chi kung form taught by Mantak Chia is also a My Deep Healing Qigong form is also very ceremonial in nature. It faces all the directions and harmonizes the outer manifesting chi field with the inward flowing field of chi. Doing just one of its six movements – the three part mandala of Sun-Earth exchange – transports me into an altered state. It’s called medical qigong simply because it was developed with that intention. But it could be directed to any other goal. For Deep Healing Qigong DVD, see: https://michaelwinnv5.qlogictechnologies.com/deep_healing_qigong.html You don’t have to know a qigong form, although having one that you do The truth is no one owns the chi field, and it is not controlled by any Suggestions for a Spring Equinox Ceremony
image: North Vietnamese mandal, textile 1. SACRED SPACE. keep it simple. Find or create a sacred space where no one disturbs you, indoors or out. The more neutral the better – if any element (wind, noise, sun) is too strong, it will distract you. If you light a 2. FOCUS INTENTION. Get a clear intention as to the ONE thing that is most Or grow a specific spiritual quality in your inner body-mind space, such 3. RITUALLY COMMUNICATE WITH CHI FIELD. After you have established the clear intention, face EAST (direction of Spring, sun bringing new life). Do your movement ritual, which may involve facing and gathering chi from all the directions. If you don’t have a chi kung or a short piece of a tai chi form, do spontaneous movement. After you finish, face east again. 4. RELEASE INTENTION TO FIELD OF YUAN CHI. Infuse a booster shot of yuan chi or Original Breath from the Equinox chi field into this specific desire. 5. BE PREPARED TO ACCEPT CHANGE. A lot of people forget about this part of the deal. You want something new, and you do a powerful ceremony at a I wish you a powerful ceremony and the power to digest what you invoke! Contact Info
Celebrating the Tiger’s Leap into Spring with You, Michael Winn “Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home, “The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away. Register online for on Healing Tao University, Or visit www.HealingTaoUSA.com, www.HealingDao.com to Visit www.Taichi-Enlightenment.com for a glimpse into To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the If you change your email address in the future and wish Newsletter powered by www.ListPilot.com |
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