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I conducted Taoist alchemy rituals at this Mayan temple in Tulum on the Gulf coast of Mexico for many years at Spring Equinox. Tulum is the only Mayan temple (out of thousands) on the sea, and the only one at which no human sacrfice was made – so the energy was “clean”, not filled with ghosts. Mayan culture amongst esoteric groups is considered to be a mix of neo-Lemurian (Pacific) and neo-Atlantean culture. Taoists are the inheritors of the earth-centered Lemurian tradition; in China stories about “Mu” persist today. Dear Lovers of Natural Cycles and their Original Source (Tao), There are many folks out there vulnerable to apocalyptic predictions and media hype. Some of them are wondering if there will be a recognizably comfortable life AFTER December 21, 2012. One public poll found 1 in 7 people believed the world could end this year. There are over 300 books about 2012 for sale on Amazon. The Guatemala Tourism Ministry is hosting an event it expects 30,000 foreigners to show up for. I get emails every day from people asking “what should I do to prepare?” I hope to clarify five things in this newsletter: 1. What exactly is happening ASTRONOMICALLY? Scientific observations on the Mayan Galactic Alignment. 2. What ancient Mayan inscriptions and calendar actually predict. 3. Fascinating parallels between Chinese and Mayan culture that suggest historical influence, and possible parallels in their calendar time cycles. 4. The ASTROLOGICAL significance of this galactic alignment to humanity. My own experience tracking this in the inner planes using Living Astrology (= direct communication with embodied natural beings, planets, stars, etc.). This goes beyond academic Talking Heads and channelled new age chatter. 5. The absolute best thing for YOU to do this Winter Solstice 2012, and going forward, to make sure you are not shocked by the coming changes. I list 3 separate Solstice ceremonial dates, starting with the Dark Moon tonite. I also offer reminders of tools to cultivate yourself (winter seminars, summer retreats in 2013 – note the website is updated – and reminder of special 30% savings on Tao homestudy DVDs and CDs until Jan. 6, 2013 – assuming that life goes on past Dec. 21 :). My general advice for the next cycle of Time: Don’t settle for being an armchair philosopher: “Talk does not cook the rice”, is my favorite Chinese proverb. If your body is not involved in some movement or meditation practice, you are NOT changing anything. Passive readers just move their mental furniture around inside their brain as the Titanic (metaphor for one’s natural connection to the Life Force) slowly depletes and sinks into dark watery depths. There is a lot of very interesting ground to cover here, and material that you will not find in most discussions of 2012. Enjoy! Contents:
» 1. What is Actually Happening, Astronomically? » 2. The Actual Mayan Predictions » Solstice Ceremony: Choosing a Time, How to Design Your Own » Summer Retreat Program 2013 – WEBSITE is LIVE » 3. Parallels between Chinese and Mayan culture » RSVP for Dec. 22 Solstice Concert & Meditation » 30% Holy Gift Savings on Tao DVDs & Homestudy until Jan. 6, 2013 » 4. What is the ASTROLOGICAL significance of 2012? » 5. What’s the best thing to “DO” on Solstice? » Winter seminars in Mexico, Holland & USA » Entrance to Celestial Paradise (Hieronymous Bosch painting) 1. What is Actually Happening, Astronomically?
Anyone can see the Milky Way galaxy on a clear night, as it has hundreds of millions of stars. From the top it looks like a spinning pinwheel, with our solar system on what’s called the Orion arm. We spin around the Milky Way’s galactic center every 225 million years. Separate from this galactic cycle, the Earth’s axis also makes mini-spirals at a tilted angle that creates a 26,000 year cycle called the “precession of the equinoxes”. This creates the seasons on Earth, a rhythm that controls our life. The Earth axis tilts to point at different constellations, grouped by human cultures into 12 zodiac signs that each take about 2160 years to pass through. No “12-ness” objectively exists in the sky – the zodiac is purely a product of human imagination. Its our need to make sense (as “mythical truth”) of celestial events. of our human journey through Time and Space. At Winter Solstice on Dec. 21, 2012, the Sun-Earth axial tilt will cause 24 hours of darkness at the North Pole and 24 hours of light at the South Pole. Another alignment is simultaneously happening at this Winter Solstice: our Earth’s South Pole axis will point beyond the Sun at a dark patch in the Milky Way known as the Great Rift or Dark Rift. This dark patch in the visible Milky Way is caused by stellar clouds. Buried inside that dark area is the Milky Way’s galactic center, in the constellation Sagittarius, about 28,000 light-years away. It boasts a black hole weighing some four million times the sun’s mass, which the ancients could NOT see without infrared telescopes. But some Mayans noticed the black patch in the middle of the visible Milky Way, and created a 5,126 year calendar whose end coincided with Earth’s alignment with the Dark Rift in 2012. NASA has been bombarded by the public asking about this 2012 Solstice. If you want NASA’s take on it: http//:www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html The short summary of NASA is that the black hole in the Milky Way’s Galactic center is too far away to affect the Earth gravitationally or disturb its electro-magnetic field, and no, please do not kill yourself because you think the world is about to end. More significant is the factual revelation, described in several books and sites, that the Earth has REGULARLY been aligning at Winter Solstice with the galaxy’s Dark Rift since 1980, and that it will take about 36 years – until 2016 – for the Earth’s slowly tilting axis to fully cross this darkened area of the Galactic center. (Depending on how you measure the Dark Rift entry/exit points, some count 33 years, etc.). So crossing this Galactic Center alignment is a long, slow cosmic event, and 2012 is only being hyped because of the Mayan calendar ending then. We’re not actually aligned with the “true” center of the Milky Way, its black hole, in 2012, but are 6.6 degrees north of it (to the naked eye, 13 widths of the moon). We have another 3 years to go before the Earth’s axis is out of the Cosmic Woods and back into the “light” on the other side of the Dark Rift. Those are the simple facts from astronomy’s point of view. Science covers a narrow band of reality, and we’ll discuss some other bands below. 2. The Actual Mayan Predictions
(Thanks to Bruce Randall for connecting me to Prof. Mark van Stone (to view actual mayan glyphs, see www.Markvanstone.com). Mayan culture runs from about 300 BC to 900 CE, preceded by Olmec and followed by Aztec cultures. There are 33 different Mayan language groups in Central America, and most have different calendars. Mayan scholars are agreed that one Mayan “long calendar” ends around 2012, but there is NO PREDICTION made as to its effects, certainly no doomsday predictions of destruction or earth changes. Winter Solstice is definitely NOT an important Mayan event. The glyph on that Long Calendar stone stele says something like “the 9-God Tree (King) will get dressed”, meaning the ruler will do a formal royal ceremony to mark the end of that cycle. That’s pretty good advice in my book – I suggest we all do a Solstice ceremony to mark the event. However, I would be doing a Winter Solstice ceremony in any event, as it is my favorite “holy-day” created by Nature. Other Mayan calendars extend beyond 2012, with major cycles ending around 2039, so there’s no collective Mayan sense of the world ending in apocalypse. Modern Mayan spiritual groups have criticized the Guatemalan government for exploiting the 2012 story for profit, and distorting the nature of their real ceremonies. This makes the hype to be mostly Western fundamentalist religious or new age projection onto the Mayan Long Calendar. Let’s not forget our own European history regarding calendars. One writer summed it up nicely: “In the year 999 CE (common era), most of Europe was convinced the world would end as 1,000 CE rang in. Believers gave all their belongings to the church and sat in the streets and waited. When destruction did not come, people were left to carry on with their lives – minus their belongings, which the church refused to return. “We seem to have come no further in our naivety. For years we’ve heard about a huge earth upheaval set to happen on December 21, 2012 – precisely at noon, no less. Supernovas, pole shift, rogue planets, black holes, volcanoes, floods, meteorites and more have been postulated to destroy the earth. “The 2012 doomsday theory is actually quite serious. NASA has reported calls from panicked people asking if they should kill themselves or their pets. Others are building survival shelters, assimilating arsenals and stocking up on supplies that they are more than willing to defend – hence the ammunition. Others are emptying their savings to buy bizarre items they believe will protect them through the presumed upheaval…” Of course, what usually happens the day after some apocalyptic prediction has failed is that the predictor comes out with a new story: “God (speaking through me) has given humans a brief reprieve….better stay in my fold, so I can protect you from the next round of God’s anger…” It’s amazing how many continue to play the role of sheep. 🙂 The thing to remember about calendars is that they are usually invented by advisors to Rulers. They are totally human, and thus involve some subjective choices as to what time cycle is most important. Pope Gregory XIII was told about problems with Pope Julian’s calendar losing 11 minutes every year, and issued a law changing the calendar. But to get things back on schedule, ten days had to be slashed. So on October 4, 1582, millions of Europeans went to sleep and woke up the next morning on October 15. Ten days were suddenly “missing”, and no alien abduction was involved…. There are infinite numbers of time cycles, micro to macro, that one can focus on. Atoms and molecules have tiny fast vibrational cycles. Electrons vibrate in 8 different levels of orbit, which defines material science’s Periodic Table of the Elements (received in a dream by a scientist). Human circadian rhythms run in 25 hour cycles. Hours themselves are totally a human invention, there is no scientific measure of them. Nature has innumerable cycles ranging from day (Earth rotation), lunar (month), solar (year), to galactic year and mega-galactic cycles that get into hundreds of millions of years. Different traditions focus on different cycles, some of them invisible spiritual cycles. Taoist numerology identifies many different cycles: 7 as cycle of man, 8 as cycle of earth, and 9 as cycle of heaven, as one small example. 8×8 = 64, number of hexagrams in I Ching, and number of codons in human DNA. Or is it derived from 2, also connected to earth, to the sixth power, also equals 64? It is pointless to argue about which cycle is dominant or true. What is important to humans: which cycle can you FEEL in your body and psyche and consciously respond to, in order to creatively shape its effect in your life? Humanity’s global fascination with Winter Solstice 2012 and the Mayan Calendar is far more important than pinpointing some causal moment in physical time. It means people are responding to something important that is afoot in the global psyche. And they need something to focus on in their physical time line, to satisfy their unspoken but felt need. Galactic Time cycles are huge events – this one takes 36 earth years. Most humans cannot grasp something that big – hence their willingness or preference to fixate on one date, Dec. 21, 2012. But that leads to distorted emotional projections about the fixed event, as in this case. Even Winter Solstice is at least a 3 day event, and one can extend it by aligning it to the New Moon or Full Moon preceding the event to a two week period. See my calendar for ritual participation in this Solstice, below. Solstice Ceremony: Choosing a Time, How to Design Your Own
Double Dragons Guard Moon Pearl. ANY natural celestial Being (from the Moon to the Milky Way) with a physical body can be safely used as a portal to Tao / Source. I am doing triple ceremonies this year. All my recommendations occur at midnight, as that corresponds to Winter in the daily cycle of time. But if you cannot do it then, find a time that works, your intention is more powerful than clock time. 1. The most powerful natural confluence of forces is at midnight December 12 or 13. This aligns the dark moon with the “dark sun” of Winter Solstice. A ritual performed then gathers the power of both sun and moon in concentrating whatever cosmic energies are present during the Solstice period. 2. December 21, 2012, midnight. This is loaded with human energy of millions of people, from projected fears of change to projected hope for change. Great time to celebrate the ongoing End of an Old Era and its outmoded cultural, political, economic, and spiritual structures. May they die a quick and painless death as millions awaken to the source of love and creative freedom within themselves. There will be a lot of chaos released this evening, but if you have the skill to capture and digest that, it could be very empowering. 3. December 22, 2012, midnight. Celebrate the ongoing Birth of a New Heaven on Earth. See below if you want to RSVP to my event. The energy will be more clear and peaceful, and easier to feel the harmonious expansion of the new Light within Humanity and the Earth. Time to plant the seed of one’s intention for the next cycle. To read about the history of the Winter Solstice, and how it has been appropriated by various religions (such as Christmas), and If you want ideas on how to do a ritual, please read my old newsletter. Winter Solstice Ceremony (How to Create One) https://michaelwinnv5.qlogictechnologies.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=114. You may need to register at top of page to get a cookie that opens my Article archives. Summer Retreat Program 2013 – WEBSITE is LIVE
One of the possible intentions to focus on is to strengthen your ability to cultivate healthy energy in order to complete your life’s worldly destiny. Here are some folks who would love to help you do that: Healing Tao Summer Retreats 2013 are now POSTED online. Put down a $150 deposit to save your place. My wife Jem “embraces the Celestial Tree” at our bucolic retreat center in Mars Hill, a half hour from Asheville, North Carolina. We are nested in a natural cauldron of the Blue Ridge Mtns. Next China Dream Trip is May 2014 – led by Michael Winn Week 1 June 21 – 26 (Fri-Wed) + Summer Solstice Ceremony 1a. Medical & Spiritual Qigong: Fundamentals 1-4 – Michael Winn Week 2 June 28 – July 3 (Fri-Wed) 2a. Healing Love: Taoist Sexual Secrets – Michael Winn & Minke deVos Week 3 July 5 – July 10 (Fri-Wed) 3a. Tao Basics & Sexual Energy Yoga – Minke de Vos Week 4 July 11 – 16 (Thurs-Tues) 4a. Chi Nei Tsang 1: Deep Organ Massage – Jampa Stewart Week 5 July17 – 22 (Wed-Sun) 5a. Chi Nei Tsang 2 & 3: Open Wind Gates – Jampa Stewart
3. Parallels between Chinese and Mayan culture
I was quite shocked to see some years back a factual description in the museum at the base of the Statue of Liberty of a Chinese expedition that had sailed to the West coast of America and Central America. We accept that northern Asians hiked across the Bering Straits some time ago, but few are aware that in 499 CE, a Chinese Buddhist missionary, Hoei-Shin, came back from a long voyage and told of a strange people in a strange land, 20,000 Chinese miles to the east. That would’ve put him right on the west coast of the Californians, then part of Mesoamerica. His description of the plants and people in the strange land led some scholars to suggest that the Chinese had visited America a thousand years before Columbus.
L: Chinese jade burial mask and body suit, to ensure immortality after death. R: Mayan jade mask, to ensure immortality after death. Chinese artistic influences on the Mayan art of the period have also been suggested. Anthropologists have found Chinese influences on artifacts among Native Americans all the way south to Peru, including a distinctly Asian appearance in some Mesoamerican figurines. It appears that what Hoei-Shin was able to do, others probably did as well.
L: Mayan figurine. R: Chinese Terra cotta statue, 220 bc Other researchers have argued that the Olmec civilization (preceding the Maya) came into existence with the help of Chinese refugees at the end of the Shang Dynasty. In 1975, Betty Meggers of the Smithsonian Institution argued that the Olmec civilization, precursor to the Maya, originated due to Shang Chinese influences around 1200 BCE. This and later expeditions might account for similarities in their pyramid building.
Chinese pyramids in Ninxia (that I visited in 1985) and step pyramid in Korea. In terms of 2012 predictions, the similarity of Mayan and Taoist yin-yang cycles is the most interesting. I can say from my many annual China Dream Trips that it is common in esoteric circles and amongst Chinese psychics to predict that major planetary changes are imminent. L: I originally thought that the foundation of Chinese culture, the I Ching symbol of a yin-yang within 8 trigrams, is strikingly similar to the Hunab Ku (R:), a Mayan symbol thought to mean “One God”. Both symbols involve a splitting of 8 directions into 4 yin and 4 yang phases at a right diagonal, and both spiral into a core/source. However, deeper research revealed that the Hunab Ku symbol above was adapted from a square Aztec symbol by Jose Arguelles for his 1987 book, The Mayan Factor, which some argue was the foundation of a new religion called New Age Mayanism. Arguelles was evidently inspired by Taoism in his re-invention of Mayanism for modern times. The symbols are still revealing of the 2012 solstice event. The Chinese view is that there are eternally recurring yin-yang and five phase cycles (4 cardinal directions and a center) in Nature that arises out of a field of Original Oneness (called Tai Yi by Taoists). Some cycles are more dramatic in their change than others, perhaps caused by a surge of fresh Original (non-dual) Qi pulsing out of Tai Yi, the Creative Source for this cosmos. This Original Qi pulsation would filter down into the polarized physical plane where humans live as an expanded yin-yang wave, perhaps explosive in its nature. In the process of being stepped down, the Qi would pass through the center of every galactic being, including the Milky Way. Hence a potential source of excitement about Galactic Center alignment with earth. But the core pulsation from Source could also simultaneously flow DIRECTLY to human souls, which are birthed directly from Source. In other words, we don’t NEED a chain of transmission from higher Beings (like stars and planets) to get the message “time to raise your vibration” from the Milky Way’s center. Humans can receive it directly – if they are able to perceive it. If they aren’t sensitive, then seeing it reflected in natural events in the sky would be another way to get the message. If that’s the case, and we are in a major change cycle, then humans will potentially feel an implosion-explosion of energy from within their own soul’s core channel. That intuition of a deep vibrational change within the collective human psyche may be behind the external global fascination with the Mayan calendar predictions. Origin of the Yin-Yang symbol. In the West this diagram is known as a gnomon: a pole placed in the center acts as a sundial to measure sun and shadow. Over one year, it will produce this Yin-Yang image, marking the solstices and equinoxes perfectly. But the center pole itself stays neutral, is neither yin nor yang, neither light nor dark. This discovery is attributed to the Taoist Chen Xiyi from Mt. Hua (where I got married this summer on its top peak). The gnomon or center pole symbolizes Tai Yi, the Great Oneness, the Central Sun whose clear light does not cast a shadow, i.e. the Pole that paradoxically never becomes Pole-arized…:). RSVP for Dec. 22 Solstice Concert & Meditation
Dec. 22, 2012 (Sat. eve) Asheville, N.C.
WINTER SOLSTICE CEREMONY + MEDITATION & Crystal Bowl Concert (RSVP needed!) 7:15 – midnight. Free, open to all, at our (Michael & Jem’s) cozy log home in the Blue Ridge mountains surrounding Asheville. It is a deep, quiet ridge far from city traffic and in a natural mountain cauldron. Come explore the power of the Dark Winter Sun. Dark here implies the power to birth the Light anew, from the depths of the dark cosmic womb, the eternal mystery of creation. I’ve chosen Dec. 22 for this event so we can harvest the Harmonious Qi (Chi) and relief coming out of the chaos and mass cultural fear being projected onto Dec. 21. The Original Breath (yuan qi) of Winter Solstice will still be flowing strong, it’s a big event. Please arrive by 7:15 pm. We’ll start at 7:30 pm with a Crystal Bowl concert by Kate Beloved, who gave a very amazing sonic performance at previous Solstice events. 7:30 – 8:10 Crystal bowl concert 8:15 – 8:45 Winter Solstice Ceremony. Come prepared! Think about what you want to REBIRTH. Form a Clear Intention, and put it into words. Ask your inner heart what you most want to plant as a powerful Seed Essence in your life. This short but powerful Solstice Ceremony will help to focus our intention, to align with the Central Sun behind all cycles, and to rebirth our authentic personal self during this powerful time on earth. A short break after the ceremony, with tea and light snack. Then two silent sitting meditations in total darkness on the cycle of rebirth. It is not necessary to stay for both sittings. All are welcome to stay later to celebrate the True New Year. Sitting times approximately (chairs available): 1st sitting: 9 pm – 10:15 pm Light refreshments afterwards. No need to bring anything. If you have some really delicious Holy-day food or drink that you want to share, it will be accepted. No alcohol, please. This event is very popular, so RSVP early. Concert is open only to those staying for one or both meditations after the concert. If overbooked, priority given to those staying for both meditations. To RSVP, just hit REPLY and put RSVP in the subject line. Let me know how many are coming, one or two meditations, and if you need driving directions. If you cannot make it, please attend in Spirit. Time and space is just a playground for our souls!
30% Holy Gift Savings on Tao DVDs & Homestudy until Jan. 6, 2013
The last newsletter has the specifics of many holy-day seasonal savings on products available for my readers and their friends/family: https://michaelwinnv5.qlogictechnologies.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=156 (to access this newsletter, you may need to sign in at the top of the Articles page to get a “cookie”). This link also has specials on Mantak Chia books and a free Livia Kohn book on Taoist healing arts. Special Savings continues until midnite, Saturday, January 6, 2013. (Note office is closed Dec. 10-17. If you need fast delivery, it may be best to ask for expedited service (not an option on website, just call Jan after Dec. 18 at 888 999 0555). Summary of the main offer: on any order of Michael Winn DVD or homestudy audio courses. 1. 15% off any order of $75. or more (before s/h). 2. 20% off order of $150. or more. 3. 25% off order of $300. or more. 4. 30% off order of $600. or more.
4. What is the ASTROLOGICAL significance of 2012?
What is astrology? It’s the human symbolic science of charting the cycles of Time, Space, and Human consciousness. Modern Western “tropical” astrology, due to precessional drift over thousands of years, is disconnected from actual astronomical alignments. It still nicely tracks human archetypes and the seasons. But Mayan (as far as we can guess) and Chinese astrology are different – they are tied to the movement of natural bodies, similar to Vedic astrology, in which the planets and stars function as a “real time” mirror of the cyclical workings of a Cosmic Mind. This is very significant in understanding the 2012 Galactic Alignment as a mirror for humans. The astrological view is that we’ll see in that mirror whatever we need to learn. So for some people, the galactic alignment is already showing them their fear of change. L: Russell Neill & W. Tait 1997. Beautiful diagram of western astrological view of 12 zodiacal forces in the sky creating the Earth. R: Taoist view is that these 12 forces above are mirrored WITHIN the Earth’s self-creation process as the 12 Terrestrial Branches (aka 12 Animals). So the first planet the Chinese study is planet Earth, as it mirrors the rest of the cosmos and is very accessible – it is immediately below our feet. Russell later studied Taoist alchemy with me, and got into Taoist Living Astrology – the practice of communicating directly with planetary and star beings, and learning to align our body’s vital organ energy to them and shape their cosmic energies productively for human benefit. He found it more rewarding than making Western astrological calculations as mental descriptions only. One thing I like about Russell’s diagram is the column of Light at the top from another, higher Source – beyond the astrological cycles of time. I believe that is also the key to grasping the essence of Solstice 2012. This higher light is the Central Sun or Tai Yi, Great Oneness in Taoism (substitute your name for Source, but note the Taoist have one higher level, Wu Ji, meaning the Supreme Unknowable Mystery). No system of astrology, Western or Taoist, is more “right”; they all deliver information about natural cycles via different pathways. Same with Mayan astrology, although we really know very little about it. I believe inner alchemy was originally part of western astrology, but its initiatic access to planet and star Beings is now largely lost or underground. Unless one is alchemically initiated into these astrological mysteries as relationships with Living Beings, it is hard to truly fathom the meaning of the planetary and star symbol alignments. It can become reduced to an intellectual or mathematical-geometical exercise within one’s brain. That’s why I used to consider astrology useless, too mental, no way to change yourself with it. If fear of change is projected into the astrology calculation, it leads to the kind of panic we have today about 2012. Instead humans could be having a profoundly peaceful and spiritual-myth making dialogue between their individual human soul and the collective soul of the Nature. People are panicking because they are so disconnected from their own body, and the body of Nature. Don’t get me wrong – I love and appreciate the scholars, Mayan and Taoist, who chip away at old alchemical texts or glyphs and try to decode them. It’s invaluable. They reveal many aspects that lie hidden. I love the 300 people who wrote books about 2012 – they add focus and excitement and diversity. But most rarely cut to the quick and create a practical application of their finding, like an initiated adept can. That has happened with the 2012 event – many are looking at it from the outside, from their personality looking at the sky above as a force impinging on them or the planet. I am not initiated into the Mayan mysteries. We don’t know what the ancient Mayans really believed or practiced or intended with their calendar. The modern Mayans have been through hundreds of years of Aztec and then Spanish colonization, and are now different. A parallel would be how different modern Egyptian beliefs are from ancient Egyptian beliefs. So I view this 2012 earth-Milky Way alignment independent from the Mayan Calendar. My view is based on decades of Taoist alchemical meditation spent energetically networking the planets, stars, and the Central Sun behind the zodiac. In my view, the Milky Way by itself is Small Potatoes. Consider the billions of galaxies out there. Aligning Earth with its own galaxy’s center is symbolically significant, it suggests an awakening. But it’s not definitive of Humanity’s relation to the entire cosmic process. So what would Big Potatoes entail? We have to extend the Earth-Milky Way axis one step further out. Humanity would align with the Super Galactic Center that births the billions of galactic centers, including our tiny Milky Way. That’s a big vortex. Much closer to Source. The 2012 alignment helps us to become aware that a higher consciousness exists beyond our solar system. Our awareness of “spiritual gravity” is being awakened. There is some invisible force “attracting” our attention to the dark black hole center of the Milky Way. What is the consequence of our crossing of the Dark Rift band as a 36 year process? (Is it a coincidence the Taoists have 36 heavens?) The simple answer, as always, lies within. This alignment of Earth with its own galactic axis awakens a sense of inner alignment within our human core axis. This axis enters the crown of our head (Great Yang), runs down through our brain, heart, and belly center to exit at the perineum (Great Yin). This is what the Taoists call the Taiji Pole, the celestial axis within. All energy centers, whether you work with dantian cauldrons or chakras, are sustained by this vertical core channel. As above, so below is the famous alchemical maxim. But how do you link the two? First ask yourself, where do we humans actually live? On the “below”, on Earth. Then, ask again. Ultimately, the “below” is our own physical body, as a microcosm of the Earth. To a Taoist, the 12 organ and bowel spirits of the human body are our inner earth, that mirror the stellar zodiac above. The Milky Way’s center is just an entry point, the outer foyer, as we enter the super-galactic portal that leads to the Central Sun. The Earth-Milky Way galactic axis symbolizes our body’s own neutral channel. But if we surrender to it, it will connect us all the Way back to Source, to the Great Oneness, of Tai Yi. Astronomers cannot find the Central Sun’s portal yet, because it is in another dimension. But astro-physicists have theorized that such a super-galactic black hole portal must exist – the “mother of all black holes”, so to speak. But for humans to pass through it requires having a very integrated and high vibrating human energy body. Developing that vibrational purity and crystallization of one’s “pearl” or “inner sage” is the main task of One Cloud’s 9 Formulas for Achieving Immortality ( see: https://michaelwinnv5.qlogictechnologies.com/one_clouds_nine_tao_alchemy_formulas.html). The Central Sun is the source of immortality. Merging deeply with the Mother Earth Being offers completion of our worldly destiny. Merging into the Central Sun offers highest completion of our spiritual destiny. This Central Sun is actually hidden within our human body, if we can activate it. Which brings us to the question: what do we “do” this Solstice? 5. What’s the best thing to “DO” on Solstice?
My favorite short answer: 1. Stay deep in your body. This means not getting pulled into other people’s projections or fear about what is happening. Forget the Mayan calendar and any predictions about it, remember to stay in your body. If fear comes up, go into the fear, you’ll be fine as long as you stay INSIDE your body. Smile to the fear, embrace its power, hang with it until it finally dissipates. The trick to staying grounded can be as simple as moving, talking, walking while holding awareness of your lower dantian (belly center of physical gravity). Do this all day long, you will be amazed at much more grounded you feel. The reason staying in your body is your best protection is because your body is a print out of your soul. If you stay in your body, you will get guidance of where you need to be, from one Present Moment to the next Present Moment. Our soul lives in the present moment, it is our mind that wanders off. If you follow the body and get deep inside it, it will lead you on a simple pathway: Mind-> Body -> Soul -> soul collective/stars -> Central Sun The other simple method is using the Inner Smile. If you have a friend or family member who is not grounded, sign up their email on my homepage on the top left, and they will down load the Way of the Inner Smile free ebook immediately. I also just recorded a new and beautiful inner smile talk and guided meditation, if someone does better with guided voice. Email Jan for that at info@michaelwinnv5.qlogictechnologies.com. (It’s two hours total, $15). I have watched a lot of very ungrounded spiritual groups flip out over the last 30 years during this ongoing re-alignment of the Earth. They are the first casualties of a raised vibration. They prefer to listen to channels instead of their own body. Example: Elizabeth Claire Prophet got the message that nuclear war was imminent. She had her followers build deep bunkers with guns & food. Problem was the message was old stuff bouncing off the ionosphere, zinging around since the 1950’s Cold War. Tracking astral airwaves can be very tricky. Your body doesn’t lie like that. 2. During Solstice ceremony: Open your heart to receive the Pure Love of the Central Sun. This Pure Love will harmonize your soul with whatever is coming through the earth-Milky Way – Solstice alignment. Everyone has an intuitive feeling that we are all One. But Oneness is just a concept, a word in our brain. Intuition is like tasting a tiny, delicious drop. When you actually merge into the ground of Nature, you FEEL the ocean of Pure Love. Lots of folks have Near Death Experiences and described this awesome state. But its hard to stay in that pure, loving non-dual vibration while living in a sexually polarized physical body. This is the main challenge humans have. I first fully merged into the Central Sun field during an alchemy retreat, Spring Equinox of 2010. I used One Cloud’s 9 Formulas for Attaining Immortality to climb the celestial ladder up to the Clear Light Vortex that guards the Central Sun. Alchemy prepares the vessel for one’s Inner Sage, a “pearl”, to hold the highest vibration possible. (for a concise description: https://michaelwinnv5.qlogictechnologies.com/one_clouds_nine_tao_alchemy_formulas.html). Then I just asked, “Please show me the source of all love”. Apparently I was ripe, and found my body completely dissolved in a vast oceanic field of Pure Love. It’s totally passive, detached, impersonal, and wonderful. There is nothing to do there. I realized there is nowhere farther to go, only return to physicality and try and hold this love vibration here. I’ve found new ways to transmit this during my inner alchemy retreats, which for me is very exciting and satisfying. I believe vast portions of the human race are slowly awakening to this reality, and that it will transform the planet. It will increase our physical longevity to 150 years, and require us to restructure our society. Right now we are focused on evolving new TECHNOLOGY. We will shift to focus more on evolving and refining our human ESSENCE. The higher we get, the cleaner the technologies we will develop. Some folks will not handle the shock wave of higher love vibration well, and may check out early. There is lots of old karma and ancestral patterns to be cleaned up here. The dark side will find itself cornered and forced to hide in the “old earth”. All in all, I am excited to part of the human drama, and plan to play my part to the hilt! Enjoy your inter-galactic, deep earthed, pure loving Winter Solstice! Winter seminars in Mexico, Holland & USA
5 Elements Mandala, by Mike Teeters, arrowofmoonlight.com. March 1 – 5, 2013, Casa Azul, near Mexico City Inner Sexual Alchemy: Lesser Kan & Li (Water & Fire) Taught in English, with Spanish translation. Foreigners welcome to attend. Fusion 1&2 are pre-requisite, taken live or homestudy. contact: Yolanda Kelly yolanda_kelly@hotmail.com Description of all One Cloud Formula: http://www.healingdao.com/tao_alchemy_formulas.html ——————
HOLLAND Retreats Winter 2013 (taught in English, no translation) � March 15 (Fri. eve): Talk on Taoist Inner Alchemy in Amsterdam
Prerequisite: Inner Sexual Alchemy (Lesser Kan & Li), live or homestudy March 21 (Thursday): Heaven & Earth Alchemy review in Mennorode March 23 – 24 (Sat./Sun) : Taoist Dream Yoga in Mennorode. No pre-requisites, open to all. Contact: Fransje Bannenberg <youknow@xs4all.nl> —————-
USA events: 1. April 6-7, 2013 (Sat/Sun) in Asheville FUSION OF FIVE ELEMENTS 1
2. April 19, Friday 7-10 pm, 2013 in New York City Open Center Kong Jing: Empty Force, aka Internal Chi Breathing
3. April 20, 2013 (Sat/ 10 am – 5:30 pm) NYC Open Center PRIMORDIAL QIGONG aka Tai Chi for Enlightened Love
4. May 4 – 5, 2013 (Sat/Sun) in Asheville, N.C. FUSION of the FIVE ELEMENTS 2 & 3. Entrance to Celestial Paradise (Hieronymous Bosch painting)
Medieval surrealist Hieronymous Bosch painting. Are we humans moving towards the Central Sun at the end of the tunnel? Or is that celestial sphere moving down the tunnel to greet us? Loving the Central Sun shining Pure Love within your body, Michael Winn “Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home, “The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away. Register online for on Healing Tao University, Or visit http://www.HealingTaoUSA.com, to Visit http//www.Taichi-Enlightenment.com for a glimpse into To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the If you change your email address in the future and wish Newsletter powered by www.ListPilot.com |
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