Qigong: Can We Live Multi-Dimensionally? June 10, 2019 By Share: \ FREE EVENT: Summer Solstice: High Noon (12 pm), Friday June 21 RED FIRE DRAGON CEREMONY led by Michael Winn + Crystal Bowl Concert by Malana. Wear Red clothing. Prepare your INTENT: What you want to radiate to the world. What your soul need to fully flower its highest destiny? In the Crystal Stone Circle behind my Asheville, N.C. log cabin. RSVP. required. Hit REPLY or email winn (AT) healingdao.com. Heart-Fire cultivating Qigong included. Light refreshments (bring some!). This is also the kick-off celebration of Tao summer retreats. ________________________________ FIVE Weeks of FABULOUS Summer Retreats June 21-July 24, 2019 — at my mountain top home in Asheville, N.C. – Book NOW with a $150. deposit. www.HealingTaoRetreats.com — Geo-locate nearest Air B&B: 19 Merrills Ridge, Asheville 28803 is our meeting place. — Zachary Fant, Registrar (864) 419-4502 OR summersupport@earthlink.net Week 1: June 21 – 26, 2019 (Fri-Wed) 1a. Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1- 4 + Summer Solstice Ceremony Week 2: June 28 – July 3, 2019 (Fri-Wed) 2a. Healing Love: Taoist Sexual Secrets Michael Winn & wife Jem Minor Week 3: July 5 – 10, 2019 (Fri-Wed) 3a. Inner Sexual Alchemy (Lesser Kan & Li) Week 4: July 12- 17, 2019 (Fri-Wed) 4a. Planetary Alchemy (Greatest Kan & Li): Living Astrology — Merge Sage into Inner Sun Week 5: July 19 – 24, 2019 (Fri-Wed) 5a. Heaven & Earth Alchemy: Marriage of Form & Formless, Open Central Sun Portal of Pure Love Qi ————————- QUESTION: When is a Human living Multi-Dimensionally? ANSWER: Every human is already and always living multi-dimensionally. To become CONSCIOUS of the dimensions within our body (micro-cosmos) is to claim one’s immortality. This requires a very deep Self-Love. This is not a conceptual-mental or blind faith process. We need a TANGIBLE medium that links our physical-sensory and sub-conscious dimension to higher dimensions. Qi is that universal medium. It is the super-highway to multi-dimensional living. We must come into direct relationship with the Qi field. It’s not enough to simply pray to entities within it (religion), or be wowed by manipulators of Qi at the physical level (science). Due to the distracting intensity of our physical senses, most people live in about ONE PERCENT of the full spectrum of their potential consciousness, sometimes called the Higher,True, or Greater Self. Nearly everyone “intuits” or has faith in the far end of the spectrum, but it seems fleeting and thus is easy to ignore or dismiss as not important. That is the Cosmic Joke: our 1% personal illusion dismissing the 99% as unreal. How does one cultivate and function within the other 99% of Self? There are countless paths to achieve this. I’ve chosen to illuminate the path of spiritual science as the most suitable for modern people. I call it Loving Energy Science, the integration of the entire spectrum: religion, science, and human Self-empowerment. You need two things to use Loving Energy Science to cultivate multi-dimensional living: 1. A cosmology. a story of evolution you resonate with (believe in) that keeps the truth of our Oneness in close bodily focus. The Taoist Qi Cosmology belief map offers the simplest explanation for how everything flows and differentiates, yet stays in harmony. Qi flows from Source to Creation and back, a macro-cosmic orbit eternally exploring and evolving itself. Humans can hold the amazing power of the entire spectrum, called Heaven and Earth, in equilibrium within the Qi flowing in our own body. 2. Methods that match your belief map, that quicken your evolution. The most direct path I’ve found to whole-body enlightenment is the combination of qigong + internal alchemy. These Arts of Self-Cultivation of Qi is what I teach exclusively at my summer retreats. That is why I feel the retreats are not only low-cost and great fun. They are spiritually priceless. Ultimately, nothing else matters but cultivating our original essence. Taoists call it the Golden Elixir. All other accomplishments dissolve at the moment of death – your money, your reputation, your career accomplishments, your love relationships. your expensive toys, your personal memories. None of those will travel back to Origin, they are the byproducts of exploring creation and must be discarded on the Return Journey Home. But if you cannot recognize your own original essence at the moment of death, how can you possibly recognize the Way back to Source? Plua there are dark forces eager to confuse you at the vulnerable moment of death. The downside risk is HUGE: cycling aimlessly in the cosmic washing machine for what will feel like eternity. Waiting for higher forces to complete what you failed to do during your lifetime. But most of your free will is scattered at death, astral plane life may feel random floating in an ocean. I love and appreciate that all paths support our integration and worldly life. But most are not designed to Return us to Origin. Indeed, I’ve found only specific combinations of qigong and inner alchemy will accomplish this. Return is the central theme of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, the Way and its Inner Power. If you cannot make a retreat, no worry. Self-cultivate using home-study. See the Products menu on my homepage. Digital or hard copy available. LIVE Qi Transmission is the fastest and deepest path. Learn to recognize and manage your Qi flow NOW. Being in human form is a high spiritual gift. Having a body helps to focus our Inner Will. —————— “Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Integrity as his home, the Tao as his door, and who becomes Change — is a Sage.” — Chuang Tzu, Inner Chapter “The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away. Life is very simple, but everyone seeks difficulty.” — Taoist Sage, 200 bce. Blessings on our Loving and Creative Way, Michael Winn Founder & Director, Healing Tao USA University POB 601 Asheville NC 28801 USAUnsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options Download article as PDF