Soul Mates is a hot topic,
Where do Souls come from?
What’s their purpose?
Why mate with other souls?
It’s my best essay on this topic.
Lengthy, for serious Soul explorers.
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Way (Tao) of Finding a SOUL MATE
Does Conscious Conception of a
love child direct from Source interest
you? Read my lucid dream at the end.
EVERYONE: see my test of Taoist Singles
dating site (“Go with the Loving”).
In popular culture, the deepest desire
driving relationships is a quest
to find a “soul mate”. Earning
money or looking beautiful are
often means to that end.
Should we define “soul” before
we go hunting for its “mate”?
“Soul” is a religious term, on loan
to the Sex-Romance Story.
– Christianity borrowed its notion
of soul (Latin anima) from Aristotle
and Plato (Greek psyche).
Religious wars were later fought:
does a soul have two or three parts?
Answer wrong, your soul was killed.
Hmm… Lot of passion on soul topic.
– Material scientists and Buddhists
deny the existence of a soul. Result:
flat, concept-driven cosmology,
no soul love. Exclude Tantric Tibet.
– Vedic Hindus believe all beings,
including animals and insects,
have a soul (atman).
– Many cultures believe in multiple souls.
“Soul” vs. “spirit” is a very blurry line.
Shaman “soul journeys”, ancient Egypt
(ba & ka); most African, Native American,
Tibetan, Inuit, trans-Pacific, aborigines,
China, – all use multi-soul models.
– Tao alchemy uses up to 12 body spirits.
Lung “po-soul“ may re-incarnate,
especially after violent death. Ancestor
rites were designed to pacify them.
The soul vessel (ling) holds multiple
body souls, does NOT reincarnate. Ling
arrives fresh from Origin, Great Oneness.
Tao model allows complex, rich relations.
Is it 12 organ spirits who match? or does
ling, inner heart / soul, choose soul mate?
This issue confronts EVERY couple:
“After our sub-personalities (=organ
spirits) get their fill of sex, money,
kids, career, will our two souls
move on to different destinies?”
Soul Mate Defined: Very Fuzzy
Ideas of “soul” are all over the map.
It makes “soul mate” even fuzzier –
it’s whatever you want it to mean,
likely a replay of your Culture Story.
My OED: “soul mate” first English use
was 1822 letter by poet Sam Coleridge.
Some New Agers believe a “soul twin” is
lurking out there. It implies souls are split
in half at some point. I don’t buy it.
My missing half is one of 8 billion souls?
You get better odds in Las Vegas.
Key Cosmology Question:
Are Souls Pre-Sexed at Source?
I’ve spent decades diving deep
into cosmology, the Story of How
We Got Here. It’s impossible to figure
out origin of souls in higher dimensions
while living on surface of our planet.
The only info I trust is from Immortals,
the Go-Between for humans and Origin.
Are Soul and Sex gender linked?
Hard to say. Most are distracted
and confused by sexual attraction.
Is it mutual ego love, animal lust,
or divine soul mate love?
My conclusion:
Origin does NOT generate “sexed
souls”. It’s 100% non-dual. Gaia
controls its own local gender pool.
Science cannot explain the fixed
planetary 50-50 male-female ratio.
Gaia does not cut souls in half. She
shapes each personal Energy Body
(= soul) with gender qualities needed
for Humanity’s equilibrium + evolution.
Why are YOU Seeking a Soul Mate?
Sex attraction drives evolution.
But what drives sex attraction?
It’s NOT “survival of the fittest”,
nor neo-Darwinist “diversify genes”.
Those are head-tripper theories,
by scientists who, pitiably,
never felt their own soul power,
much less the bliss of merging
with another soul. Darwin admitted
Science made him feel empty.
It took me years to unlearn
my Ivy League education,
to cast a cold eye on these
material science myths. My
Loving Energy Science has much
deeper, practical Ways to evolve.
After three marriages, many affairs,
decades hacking inner alchemy
formulas, I figured a few things out.
I was assisted by immortals
whispering in my inner ear.
Cliff notes: Sexual lovers are
souls using bodies to heal
Humanity of its deepest trauma.
Our Soul Mate is Hidden Within
Here’s the cosmology-sexology
story I find most credible.
Humans used to be androgynous.
We had 25% Male-Female, and
75% Neutral energy from Origin
within our personal Energy Body.
Neutral energy (Yuan Qi) bonds
and nurtures all Yin-Yang polarity,
in subtle and physical forms.
With three primal forces,
humans could reproduce at will.
We were immortal.
We lived in a higher dimension,
an astral plane where forms are soft,
free flowing, mostly luminous.
Similar to human dream plane,
only the dreamers are from Above.
They dream our bodies from the realm
of formless Spirit, aka Over Souls.
Our human Soul-job is to cautiously
explore the dense state called matter,
on behalf of our “parent” Over Soul.
What is an Over Soul?
In sacred geometry, 12 Over Souls take
shape as a dodeca-hedron, 12 pentagons.
Hindu’s call it “para-atman”,
lit. “above-the-soul”. Other religions
call them Gods and Goddesses.
Taoist term: “da shen”, Great Spirit,
the collective causal realm. In the
I Ching, Over Soul = “fates”. Their
yin-yang patterns (64 hexagrams)
shape all Nature, DNA and destiny.
Over Souls collectively co-create
Heaven, Earth, and Humanity.
One level removed from Origin,
they received gift of Free Will,
then pushed out of Origin’s Nest:
“Go create & love your creation”.
12 Over Souls, aka “Mind of the Tao”,
engineered creation (Nature).
Still evolving, not perfect,
they are the archetype of 12-ness
embodied in Western star zodiac,
12 God/desses atop Mt. Olympus,
China’s 12 Animal earth zodiac,
12-hours on a clock, 12 jurors
who decide the fate of others.
Spirit – Matter Accidental Split
Two Over Souls explored
slowing their vibration down.
This accidentally created Matter. It
triggered a cosmic identity crisis.
Why? They got “stuck” in Matter,
a split, separate from other Over Souls.
Another experiment compounded things.
Astral human (Male-Female-Neutral)
immortal body was split into separate
male and female physical bodies, and
infused into the DNA template of a
lemur monkey. Almost hairless,
as it mostly swam in the sea.
The unintended consequence?
Our Neutral Qi, which bonds
Male-Female, was scattered,
lost in the field of physicality.
Astral humans went from 75% neutral
to 1% neutral. Physical bodies were
99% Yin-Yang polarized. Human-lemurs
became a short-lived, mortal species,
a.k.a. homo-sapien. Scientists will
never find their “missing link”, it’s
hidden in astral, Over Soul planes.
Sistine Chapel, Michaelangelo
depicts human – divine gap.
The Sexual Fall of Humanity
This sex-splitting disaster in myth
is “The Fall of Humanity”.
We fell into matter-body,
could not easily get back to
our immortal high astral unity.
We carry no blame for this Fall,
Not caused by sin or bad karma,
contrary to later religious judgments.
Lao Tzu asked: “Can you live
without judgment?”.
It’s hard without high percent of
neutral force, lost in the Fall.
And so we JUDGE and WAR on others.
Humans are the Effect, not the Cause
of separation from Origin.
Human souls are tiny cell-like
projections of vast Over Souls.
Suffering and slow evolution
was prolonged by struggle between
Over Souls. “As Above, So Below”.
The Fall vastly reduced our link
to Origin’s ocean of Pure Love.
We intuitively know we are divine,
part of a whole, but cannot bridge
gap in vibration to “Return to Origin”,
the main theme of Tao Te Ching
(“The Way and its Inner Power”).
The Fall explains why it’s virtually
impossible for a 99% polarized human
to merge into the 100% neutral ocean
of Origin. Oil & water, don’t mix.
Inner alchemy combusts our resistance,
speeds up restoring of our of Yuan Qi.
A neutral Yuan Qi field surrounds us,
feeds the infinite Yin-Yang patterns
of Creation. Yet hard for humans to
know Origin via lens of polarized senses.
If we cannot escape ego-polarity,
How can we find our soul or its mate?
Can Sexual Love Restore Our Soul?
What happens when we copulate?
If two hearts LOVE each other,
they merge sex polarities, thus capture
and restore some lost neutral force.
Lustful (heart-less) sex just scratches
the itch of polar-sex attraction.
Ultimate purpose of each human soul
is to heal the loss of neutral force
still keenly felt by the 12 Oversouls.
The infinite pathways of LOVE
is the Way to complete our mission.
Can I Meet My Soul Mate Online?
Modern singles flock to internet
dating sites, looking for a soul mate
who will stabilize LOVE
and restore them to wholeness.
The quest for a “soul mate” is for
someone who will assist us to
complete our Highest Destiny.
Nature is generous, it releases millions
of spores to grow a few mushrooms.
Likewise, there are millions of outer
SOUL MATES available to love us
on our return journey to Oneness.
I’ve found many “outer” soul mates
in my short lifetime.
Here’s the truth:
if you are in a female body,
your male soul mate essence
is already within you.
It’s just in a reduced percentage,
so easy to miss, hard to embrace.
Same for men seeking a female
soul mate. No matter your sexual
preference (LGBTQ), every soul
has varied ratio of male-female
polarity. But all use sex polarity
to quicken their Return to Oneness.
The opposite sex (or polar partner)
can NOT give you their soul essence
during love-making. They can only
activate, by harmonic heart resonance,
the suppressed or lost half of your soul.
Same for men seeking a female
soul mate.
Beyond sexual love, you can accumulate
lost Neutral Force by many paths,
meditations and Qi movements.
But spiritual progress will be slower
if you don’t use polar sex energy to
quicken recovery of Yuan Qi, healing
the sexual trauma of the Fall.
Healing the horizontal Male-Female
soul split speeds healing of vertical
Spirit-Matter split of Over Souls.
The main practice of inner alchemy
is to sexually copulate male-female
halves of our soul. Some methods
download Neutral Qi from subtle bodies
in higher dimensions. When Sun-Moon
copulate, our Male-Female bond deepens.
Step by step, climb the cosmic stairway,
restore your Yin-Yang-Yuan Qi balanced
immortal Energy Body.
The goal of internal sex coupling
is NOT physical immortality,
rather spiritual immortality –
creation in higher dimensions.
Inner alchemy can trigger astral
soul sex with others. In this video
interview I share my astral sex history.
Trans-humanism, including mRNA
GMO devices wrongly called vaccines,
aim to create a long-lived
part-machine physical body.
It’s a Dark Side (False Yin) agenda
using fear of death to scare humans
from natural journey to Origin.
Death is a natural Way
to Return to Oneness.
Make friends with Death,
it is your spiritual ally.
Body-mind (ego) is mortal,
Soul is immortal.
Daily live more from soul,
You will live in peace.
Do Inner Smile daily to
love your 12 organ spirits,
unify inner male-female soul.
Embrace coherence, drop fear
of death, it is a “fast Way home”.
You Do NOT Need a Sex Lover
or soul mate to Return to Origin.
Do NOT follow the light when dying.
It will disappear soon after death.
Listen to the Fundamental Tone,
high pitched ring of Cosmic Heart.
It’s a GPS tone guiding your soul home.
If you don’t find the “one” perfect
outer soul mate, don’t worry.
No one out there is perfect.
A truly perfect soul mate
lives right inside of you.
Still, we all want a security
blanket, someone to love us
on our journey to soul wholeness.
We’re here to help each other
evolve, share Ways to open the
portal to Origin within each of us.
Just be authentic,
enjoy the life-death journey.
If you find someone to love
your Highest Destiny, great.
If not, also great.
Destiny will still unfold.
Love your inner male and
female soul halves internally.
It will express outwardly as
a life of balance and harmony.
For Women (mostly):
Way of Conscious Conception —
Birthing a Soul from Source
Every soul arises from Source.
99.9% are from UN-conscious sex.
Buy a lottery ticket, then pray to win.
Consciously conceiving a child is the
highest deliberate act of human
To prepare, sperm and egg need
to be super-charged with Qigong
and potent herbs to hold high
vibration of Original Qi.
Lovers set clear INTENT at moment
of conception:
“Our child shall remember
and embody Pure Love from Source”.
It gives the child a spiritual head start
+ better health. My Inner Sage:
“A consciously conceived child is the
best gift to the planet…it will radiate
a lifetime of divine love.”
As readers know, I have an amazing 8 yr
old boy. Emerald was consciously
conceived. He’s precocious, Awake, has
Exuberant Yang Qi, beats me at chess. (sigh)
Read his poems Beauty of Yin and Yang
and Love Poem to My Pink Love Dragon.
He is the spiritual teacher I called in.
Living proof conscious conception works.
Tiger Year: Time to Re-invent My Life
Three years ago Emerald’s mother
and I amicably parted Ways.
We lovingly co-parent Emerald.
It’s all good, no drama.
I learned a great lesson. She was
a deep Soul Mate. I felt connected
in multiple dimensions. But Souls
can only execute a mission if their
personalities (12 organ spirits) are
aligned. Ancestral and karmic issues
can lead a couple to different paths.
After our parting, my Inner Sage
(tangible aspect of higher self,
self-cultivated, NOT channeled)
told me:
“A woman in your soul tribe
will appear in three years,
to mother a 2nd Love Child.”
I was very skeptical.
Emerald was a handful,
I felt complete as a father.
I ignored the message.
My Lucid Dream
Three years later – a few months ago,
I had a powerful dream:
A woman gives me a warm hug.
I cannot see her face clearly.
Our two hearts connect.
Blissful love envelops us.
It is not sexual.
The feeling grew so intense,
our bodies cannot hold it.
I awaken, lucid, feeling both
dream and physical reality.
Then our hearts combust.
My physical heart ignites,
totally melts down.
Over whelmed. I lay
awake in bed, unable
to move for five hours.
When I recover,
I ask Inner Sage:
– Wow! WHO was that?
Sage: “The woman in your soul tribe.”
I feel this dream was a push
from above, from my Over soul.
Not a horizontal greeting from
a specific female human.
But message was clear –
next partner will be
deeply heart-centered.
Post dream, driven by curiosity,
I dowse the alphabet to get
“Her” name . It begins with “D”.
I dowse female D-names.
Get YES on “Desiree”.
Is “Desiree” just my mind
playing games, a word mirror
of my “state of Desire”?
I don’t know. Body-minds
and souls live in different realms.
My Inner Sage is still urging me
to conceive a 2nd Love Child.
As service to the Great Tao.
Says this one will be a Girl.
Emerald wants a sister.
Pressure from Above and Below.
Possibly with YOU?
You tell me.
Or it won’t happen.
Go with the Loving
There are no Taoist dating sites.
So I’m creating one, NOW.
It’s an experiment.
I’m the guinea pig.
Let me know if I should create such a site.
A. Profile Name:
Michael Winn
Seek woman who is YES on 4 points:
Heart-centered. Energy-
sensitive, feels strong Self-love.
You hear inner voice, or feel
strong desire to consciously
conceive, raise Love Child.
You have no kids.
I have limited home space.
Willing to re-locate to Asheville.
Lovely home, cathedral ceiling,
strong sacred energy. Forest, wildlife,
spectacular mountain views.
Hip town: dance, music, art,
spiritual culture. 100 waterfalls
within one hour. Voted Top 10
Best Place to Live in America.
No mRNA jab.
Spike protein goes to ovaries.
Long term effects unknown.
Science: mRNA can hijack DNA.
B. Contact: hit REPLY (to newsletter)
OR Email
C. Kindly attach:
Recent photo.
Geographic location (no limits)
Birth date – time – city
Anything you care to say
about your self or life.
D. My Process:
I scan dark ocean of
Mother of All Things (Lao Tzu,
verse 1) for positive timeline.
If YES, I send you a
Chinese Astrology reading.
then we talk.
If NO, a thank you note.
Michael Winn
LIVE 2022 Workshops
& Summer Retreats
Or call (864) 419-4502 – Zachary Fant, office mgr
All events LIVE in my home. NOT Online!
• Can’t make a LIVE event?
Tiger Year SALE: up to 50% off.
ENDS midnight March 31, 2022.
Details below.
1. May 7 – 8, 2022: Sat/Sun
Fusion of Five Elements 2 & 3:
Psychic & Soul Alchemy
Fuse I Ching 8 Trigram “Cosmic Winds”
Open 8 Deep “Psychic” Core Vessels
Link pre- and post-natal Self
Open MACRO-cosmic Orbit
Expand Your Energy Body,embrace Nature
Thrusting & Belt Channels
Heal Womb & Ancestral Trauma
8 Extraordinary Vessels Qigong
Cost: $144. (based on sacred number 9)
or call (864) 419-4502 – Zach, office manager
Michael Winn home in Asheville, N.C. Quiet,
secluded, with a Crystal Stone Circle &
spectacular views of Blue Ridge Mountains.
After register, directions will be sent.
Book Air B&B early, Asheville books up.
Lower your cost – Tiger Year Sale – scroll down
Can’t make it to a live workshop? Get the home study course.
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UP TO 50% OFF on Michael Winn Audio & DVDs – download or hard shipped.
— EXTENDED TO midnight APRIL 15, 2022
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1. 10% off $20 – 99. total purchase (before s/h).
2. 20% off $100 – 199. total purchase (before s/h).
3. 30% off $200 – 299. total purchase (before s/h).
4. 40% off $300 – 399. total purchase (before s/h).
5. 50% off $400+ total purchase (before s/h).
TO ORDER, email your list of products you want to:
Or call (864) 419-4502 – Zachary Fant, office manager
ASK if you don’t find what you are looking for.
— All discount sales are final.
— No additional rebate on summer retreat courses.
Summer 2022 Tao Retreat
- Weekly Tuition only $550. – an incredible value!
- Discounts for multiple retreats, Jr/Sr., foreigner
- Click each retreat to view details.
- Plan to arrive Friday afternoon in Asheville, meet 7 pm Friday to start retreat. Eat dinner before class.
- All retreats end at following Wednesday noon.
Week 1: June 17 – 22, 2022 (Fri-Wed)
1a. Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1 – 4
+ Summer Solstice Ceremony
Best course for laying a foundation. Flows smoothly into Weeks 2 and 3,
if you want to dive deep. Listen to homestudy package first,
you’ll get more out of the live training (+get 50% rebate on homestudy).
Week 3: July 1-5, 2022 (Fri-Wed)
3a. Inner Sexual Alchemy (Lesser Kan & Li)
Pre-req Fundamentals 1&2 + Fusions 1,
OR Fundamentals 1&2 + Healing Love Retreat
Week 4: July 8-13, 2022 (Fri-Wed)
4a. Sun-Moon-Earth Alchemy (Greater Kan & Li)
Heal Bloodline Ancestral Issues, Learn to Navigate Planetary Energy Body
Pre-req: Lesser Kan & Li (live retreat or homestudy audio)