Soul Fire bursts forth, dissolving dark clouds of illusion that fool our ordinary personality.
Dear Lovers of Pure Love Itself,
What is beyond Unconditional Love? Every religion or path has its own answer to that question. But for many teachings, unconditional love is posited as the highest value of “the God of your Understanding” or Source of All That Is, or at the core of whatever kind of self-help therapy you are engaged in. Conversely, “conditional love” is often put down as the cause of separation and struggle.
I have been exploring this question deeply while writing my book on Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Love over the last 3 years. I haven’t published it yet, because I realized I had so much good material as I delved deep into Taoist cosmology and Qi science behind this magical form that it had to become two books. The second book is nearly finished, and I plan to publish them bogether along with an updated version of my Primordial Tai Chi DVD, aka Primordial Qigong and Tai Chi for Enlightened Love.
One of the key discoveries that I made was in understanding that everything, including love, comes in trinities. These trinities are just a reflection of the Life Force having three streams of consciousness: yuan or neutral-Original Breath, yang or Positive-Creative Breath, and yin or Negative-Receptive Breath. “Breath” is the Chinese translation of “Qi” or “Chi” – it implies that the Cosmos is a living Being, who from it’s original place of primordial deep stillness (yuan) is breathing in and out (yin-yang breaths).
Here’s an excerpt from the introduction to my book that elucidates my understanding of the three types of love.
In the map of consciousness that I’ve evolved, the love trinity is Conditional Love, Un-conditional Love, and Pure Love. These roughly correspond to the Taoist trinity of Human love, Earthly love, and Heavenly love. Un-conditional Love first arises in the soul, prior to our birth and experience of the world. It is our ground on Earth. After birth, the personality is gradually driven by various kinds of Conditional Love to meet it needs. Unconditional Love by the soul holds a mirror to the embodied personality to help it become aware of the limits of its Conditional Love.
Conditional Love and Unconditional Love each hold one half of this mirror. The embodied personality and formless soul form a polarized yin-yang pair within every individual. Beyond both is an impersonal kind of love. Lao Tzu might call it the Love from Heaven. It is the root or ground of the other two, i.e. it generates Conditional and Unconditional Love.
This third type I simply name Pure Love. Pure Love, within this trinity, is the spiritual ground of the cosmos, the source or origin of all souls. In religious language, it’s Divine Love. Pure Love is a name for the feeling quality of Cosmic Unity or Oneness or Source. Feeling makes it more tangible than simply “believing” or “thinking” of Unity. Out of this field of Pure Love feeling our individual human soul is born.
The human soul steps down and focuses the impersonal feeling of Pure Love into an individuated spark of Unconditional Love. The soul spark enters into manifestation, into body-matter via a mother. We spend nine months in our mother’s womb, time needed to convert our soul love into an embryo and eventually birth a body-mind (defined in Chinese medicine as 12 organ and bowel body spiirits).
Inside our mother’s womb, our soul’s Unconditional Love meets resistance as it flows through bloodline ancestral filters, astrological archetypes, and unresolved issues absorbed from the collective human field. These shape the quirky patterns of our personality and body. After we’re born, our soul’s desires gets diffused and expressed as the many forms of Conditional Love (“I love you/ I love that pleasure as long as I get it on my terms”). The most popular form of Conditional Love is romantic love. Most kinds of ordinary mind desire, whether healthy or obsessive, I classify as types of conditional love.
Love is held up as a “highest value” in most cultures, and is constantly exalted in popular song and film. But we must look beyond the never-ending “lip service” paid to love. It’s easy to become programmed by unconsciously adopted cultural ideals. I am a life long seeker exploring the mysteries of love and sex. But I’m no longer really interested in trading in old beliefs on love for new ones, or in the psychology or physiology of conditional love, or the promise of divine love in my afterlife, or even chasing after sexual love this life.
My Quest: Embody Pure Love NOW
What I seek is the EMBODIMENT of pure love, NOW, direct from the Source, in the present moment, in my physical body. I want to love the ground of my Being, and to feel its love for me, in both my soul and personality-body and in my relations to others, i.e. the collective field of love. The emergence of pure loving Presence in our own body is what I’m calling true Self-Love. That’s very different than worshipping some deity (Christ, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Buddha, etc.) as holding that loving Presence for us as a divine intermediary.
Taoists would call self-love the personality’s acceptance of its natural essence or personal spiritual power (de). De, also translated as natural virtue or integrity, arises spontaneously from the Tao, the Great Way. It is embedded into our soul, and thus defines our personal Way, our life mission and destiny. We don’t need outside beings to mediate between our personality and our soul’s inner essence. We can perceive our truth directly.
Pure Love is also my term for what Taoists call Primordial or Original Qi. This pure love arises as an impersonal cosmic field that is extremely subtle, with a very high vibration. The gap between this high frequency rapidly vibrating field of Pure Love Qi and our slow body sensory reality makes it a challenge for humans to physically experience this Pure Love Qi.
In the same way, millions of high frequency cosmic rays (gamma rays, neutrinos, etc.) constantly pass through our body unnoticed by us. But this background cosmic radiation supports our environment. Likewise, our personality, instead of directly radiating the true background Presence, expresses a watered down, diffuse, often corrupted, slow vibrating form of love via our personality’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. It seems that our main spiritual job as human beings is to dissolve this distortion between source/Original Presence and our personality.
I accept that all qigong, tai chi, sacred dance, and other body-centered methods (yoga, Feldenkrais, Alexander, Eurythmy, other martial arts, etc.) help us bridge that vibrational gap through conscious body movement. But the intent and design of the movement form is critical. I spend the entirety of Ch. 5 on how to most effectively align our intention before, during, and after Wu Ji Gong. Other chapters explore the unique geometric shapes of the Vesica Piscis and Torus created by the arm movements and show how one’s feet are dancing a Mandala of the I Ching. The functional Qi flow follows the shape of the movement form.
My personal mission as a teacher is to make subtle Qi (chi) as tangible as possible so everyone can use it to unfold their highest destiny. Understanding that Qi is the energy behind all levels of Love makes it easier for Westerners to grasp Qi’s essence. After spending thirty years teaching qigong, tai chi, yoga, and meditation to thousands of Western students, I’ve received lots of feedback as to what works and what doesn’t.
Wu Ji Gong – also known as Primordial Tai Chi or Qigong, Tai Chi for Enlightened Love, Enlightenment Qigong – has been the single most successful method I’ve found to help people experience and stabilize Pure Love Qi within their personality and body. Many of those reporting amazing results are total beginners. It is not only seasoned adepts of the esoteric who can feel powerful energetic shifts in their body, health, and life destiny.
More excerpts will be coming as I approach publication date. Meanwhile, the most important thing is to practice the form itself. If you want greater insight and feeling into the form, or certification for it as a teacher, there are still some spaces left this next weekend.
- Nov. 23 – 24, 2013 (Sat/Sun): Asheville, N.C.
This is where I go when I practice Primordial Qigong/ Tai Chi for Enlightened Love. It’s a bridge to the center of my cosmos.
with Feldenkrais for Effortless Super Learning of Tai Chi.
Led by Michael, plus recorded guidance by Joyce Gayheart.
Magical, powerful 800 year old lineage qigong ceremony (a.k.a. “Tai Chi for Enlightenment”). Integrates the magic square of feng shui, the dynamic inner coupling of Taoist alchemy, the healing benefits of medical qigong, and the earthly transmission power of China’s original tai chi form!
We gather the directional chi of Heaven and Earth in graceful spirals. This is one of my favorite forms, but requires deeper commitment (15 min. practice length). Combined with Feldenkrais, it opens up many levels of healing energy and ease of movement amazingly quickly.
I go far beyond the DVD during this class, revealing many things about the inner structure of the form, and how to intensify it with toning and focused intention.
For more about the form, and numerous testimonials about how amazing the form is, please see
Cost: $185. ($90. deposit). Reviewers: $125.
NEW Location: Asheville Training Center, 261 Asheland Ave, two blocks south of downtown Asheville, corner Phifer St.. Use side entry (walk behind the main entrance, on the left) of Town & Mountain Realty building.
For list of hotels, please see website (scroll down a few pages):
or call: 828 505 1444
Note: The course is the certification course for Primordial QiGong/Tai Chi for Enlightened Love. You receive a teaching certificate from Healing Tao University. Those seeking certification should have been practicing the form well in advance, if only from a DVD.
Mantak Chia learned this form from me on a China Dream Trip, and loved it! He has made it a part of the Healing Tao curriculum, so you can also now use this course as hours towards becoming a Healing Tao Instructor. For more info:
» Dec. 7-8: Internal Chi Breathing & Bone Rooting n Asheville NC
» China Photos – Spiritual Adventure of a Lifetime!
» SPECIAL DEAL: Internal Chi Breathing & Bone Rooting DVD
» Inner Heart within our Outer Heart
- Dec. 7 – 8, 2013 (Sat/Sun) Asheville, N.C.
- MEDICAL & SPIRITUAL QIGONG FUNDAMENTALS 3 & 4: Internal Chi Breathing and Bone Rooting with Michael Winn
Learn the 3 types of Taoist breathing: natural, reverse, and counter-force. Powerful “empty” or neutral force breathing method can be done anywhere, standing, sitting, lying. Opens belly center/dantien, the key to good chi circulation and self-healing. Standing and moving postures to open core channels of body. My simplified version of Iron Shirt Qigong.
We will also learn the Ocean, Sky, & Great Heart Breathing, aka Blissful Breathing Qigong. This form activates the Mystical Power of Three, that unites physical breath with subtle body breath in all three dantian. A short 5-minute form that packs a tremendous wallop.
Day 2 focuses on bone marrow breathing, rooting power, and simple bone-to-bone tapping. Excellent for grounding, preventing & healing chronic illness due to blood deficiency, osteoporosis, and many others. Stabilizes stillness for meditators, develops root for all movement artists (dance or martial arts). This bone work is the prelude to completing bloodline ancestral issues.
See for more details.
Open to all, no prerequisites. Useful to have Fundamentals 1&2, but they can be taken in reverse order as well.
Cost: $144. weekend. $90. for Sat. only, or reviewers (both days).
Email if you have questions. Or call Jan to register by phone: 828 505-1444.
NEW Location: Asheville Training Center, 261 Ashland Ave., 2 blocks south of downtown Asheville. Starts 9 am on Saturday.
For more information about Michael Winn and his qigong/chi kung trainings, visit:
L: Hanging Temples 1500 years old, near Taoist Sacred Mountain of North, Mt. Heng. R: Mr. Hua is center of Taoist Dream Practice, where many immortals are said to achieved themselves.
Dear Lovers of Spiritual Adventure —
Even if you believe you cannot go to China, please still read this, take the trip vicariously. You’ll get a great education, with 60 photos making it easy. China Dream Trip is for people who believe life is a spiritual adventure. It’s for souls that hunger for the riches of ancient wisdom in faraway lands, and dream of merging that exotic experience into their present moment. I’ve been to more than 100 countries. My philosophy can be summed up:
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the places and moments that take our breath away”. — an Enlightened Traveller
Visit 3 Sacred Tao Mountains on what I promise will be the most amazing trip of your life:
1. Mt. Heng, Taoist Sacred Mountain of the North, and nearby famous 1500 year old Hanging Temples.
2. Mt. Hua, Flower Mountain. Taoist Sacred Mountain of the West – the most spiritually powerful mountain in China. In written records, more Tao immortals achieved themselves on Huashan than anywhere else. In 2012 I got married atop its sheer 3000 foot granite cliffs. We stay in monasteries or caves used by ancient Tao adepts to dream their Way to immortality.
3. Lao Tzu’s Ascension Site in the Zhong Nan mountains, near Louguantai, “Place of Highest Contemplation”. This is where Lao Tzu also transmitted the 5000 character Tao Te Ching. It has amazingly high etheric energy – my favorite meditation spot in China.
PLUS stay in Huashan Monastery or Cave, and see China’s Major Cultural Attractions: Temple of Heaven, Great Wall, Xian ancient walled capitol, Terra Cotta Warriors, many powerful Taoist temples.
2014 DREAM TRIP HIGHLIGHTS – 15 Good Reasons to Go On This Trip
1. Beijing: Temple of Heaven, 4 days of qigong & tai chi training, Taoist White Cloud Temple, Forbidden City
The Temple of Heaven is a 14th century spaceship for launching Energy Bodies. I plan to build a replica in North Carolina for a retreat center!
2. Great Wall: do Primordial Tai Chi on top to capture its powerful Dragon Qi (chi).
3. Mt. Heng: Taoist Sacred Mountain of the North, breath-taking Hanging Temples, ancient pilgrim town of Datong with 9 Dragons Wall, Pagoda, and Sacred Grottoes with 50,000 Buddhas.
4. Xian: ancient walled capitol, Moslem bazaar, 8 Immortals Temple, City Gods Temple
5. Terra Cotta Warriors. 2300 year-old army of individually sculpted soldiers covers 5 football fields – China’s most famous site.
6. Mt. Hua “dream caves”: Flower Mountain’s fabulous peaks, temples, caves where we co-dream with immortal beings
L: those tiny dots are people, not ants, hiking up a ridge to West Peak monastery!
7. Louguantai. Lao Tzu’s ascension site, the original Taoist spiritual power center.
Cauldron and Taoist priest at the Temple of Lao Tzu in Louguantai.
8. Learn Spiritual Tai Chi in China. Anyone can learn and practice the gracefully simple 800 year old Tai Chi for Enlightened Love lineage form, aka Primordial Qigong. Mantak Chia learned this form on the 2010 Dream Trip, and loved it so much he adopted it into the Healing Tao certification system. Attendees on this trip get certified to teach the form. It’s an amazing form that combines qigong, inner alchemy, feng shui, and tai chi.
Get free DVD in advance, when you put trip deposit down. This is something that you’ll take home with you, a lifetime treasure. Even as we visit the “must-see” cultural highlights of China, we constantly focus on using Qigong & Tai Chi to develop a profound “earth connection”.
9. The EARTH QI IN CHINA IS DIFFERENT. It has been cultivated for thousands of years already, so it is more refined than other parts of the world. We practice in China’s most powerful sacred mountains and caves. Taoist adepts have practiced here for thousands of years. Their special Qi will support each of us. When you come home, you will feel super-grounded, ready to create your deepest Life Path.
10. It’s Easy. Climb on some of China’s most powerful sacred mountains. We keep the hiking easy, using cable cars to first get to the spectacular walking areas. Yes, there are a few short stretches of steep stairs – but who cares when the view is what is really taking your breath away? Our group qigong practice will give you incredible energy to handle those stairs and our packed travel schedule.
11. China’s top power spots: feel self-empowered. Our group tai chi practice at Taoist “sacred power” sites is very, very empowering. This form feels different in China, even if you’ve been doing it for years. The Tao Immortals who originally transmitted this form are likely to show up!
12. Shamanic 7-Star Big Dipper Qigong. Training by Michael Winn in the rare and ancient shamanic Seven Star Big Dipper Qigong Ceremony, from Nu Xian Pai, “Path of the Female Immortals” lineage. It aligns with Taoist inner alchemy method of absorbing purple Qi from the Pole Star. This shamanic qigong generates a very special and powerful Qi field — used in ancient times to build a protective field around one’s community or before going into battle. Taoists believe the Pole Star & 7 Big Dipper stars control human destiny. Are you ready to take control of your destiny?
L: Dream Tripper meditating in 8 Immortals Temple. You can feel the vibration of 1500 years of meditation. R: Tripper in deep trance at Lao Tzu’s Ascension Site near Louguantai – amazing etheric energy, my favorite power spot in China.
13. Deep Meditation. Taoist temples allow space for deep tranquil meditation in the midst of 1.5 billion people. We’ll meditate (you choose a method best for you) in Beijing’s White Cloud Temple and Temple of Heaven; Xian’s City God Temple; the 8 Immortals Temple (1400 years old!); Huashan’s Jade Spring Temple, White Ruler God Temple, and Goddess of the 9 Heavens Temple, one of many Flower (“Hua”) Mountain temples dedicated to female Immortals. There are many “cave temples” atop Mt. Hua, dedicated to various divine beings – Jade Emperor, Thunder God, Kuan Yin, etc.These temples are all highly charged with deep spiritual energy of the Tao.
14. Stay in a monastery or a cave on Huashan. This has been hugely popular and led to many powerful spiritual experiences. For those who don’t want to “rough it” fasting in a cave, you can sleep and eat in a comfortable monastery and meditate during the day in a special cave, a Kuan Yin Temple that is not open to the public, just our group..
L: Statue of Chen Tuan at base of Mt. Hua. He’s The Sleeping Immortal who dreamed for months at a time. R: Weak Peak of Mt. Hua has a monastery atop it where we stay.
15. Have the spiritual adventure of a lifetime!
Follow your own “Way” in China, on a Journey designed to be a life-changing experience. Do you want to enrich your life and have some “serious spiritual fun” with a fabulous group of souls? If you seek a shot of fresh energy to unfold your highest destiny, this is the trip for you.
To view the full China Dream Trip itinerary with 60 photos and cost information, please visit:
for more information, call 888 999 0555 or email: (please ignore false “bounce” messages – it’s working)
Featured Special available until Sat. Nov. 30, midnight, 2013:
1. Internal Chi Breathing & Rooting DVD: reg. $44.95. Save 35% ($15.!) Buy for $29.95. + s/h
2. Easy standing postures – get a profound sense of peace.
3. Gain new flexibility in your tendons & joints
4. Get Grounded – and Stay Grounded!
5. Prevent & Heal Osteoporosis
• Bone Breathing – Tapping, Spiraling & Rooting
• 25 Best Tendon & Joint Qigong
• Dantian – Mingmen breathing
• 5 Standing Postures to Activate Core Channels
The 9 Major Benefits of Qigong Fundamentals 4: combines internal practice taught on Fundamentals 4 Audio plus the postures taught on the DVD.
Consider upgrading from DVD only to Audio CD + 2 DVDs for Fundamentals 3&4 Package
- Opens up our ability to expand the space inside and breathe inside our bones. Bone breathing moves the deep “jing” or sexual essence that shapes our body and health. A new sense of aliveness is born within our core self. When the bones are awake, the rest of you runs more effortlessly. You pump fresh hormones and life into your blood.
- Five standing postures calm your monkey mind. The anxious thoughts and distractions are re-directed into your bones and the earth. Some ‘empty mind’ standing postures drive the monkey crazy. The dynamic nature of bone breathing keeps the monkey engaged in a positive process and gradually brought to stillness.
- Allows healing of many chronic illnesses or alleviates their severity, including cancer. The deepest imbalances in our organs and tissues get gradually pushed down into our bone marrow. Releasing the trapped sickness from the bones can product swift (“miraculous”) healing beyond the comprehension of western doctors. 3500 scientific studies prove Qigong’s power to prevent & heal chronic illness.
- Excellent for women seeking to avoid or heal osteoporosis. Bones waste away because we don’t live inside them. Women lose blood monthly, and this exhausts the jing (= stem cell) supply in the bones that converts itself into blood. Hormonal precursors are produced inside the bones. Learn to manufacture what you need for good health – supplements are not enough. Isometric pressure on bone muscle + chi flow is what works.
- Increase your flexibility and stretch-ability with tendon and joint qigong. You never grow old if you stay limber. Spine, arm & legs & finger and toe joints all get a beautiful and quick tune-up.
- Prevent and heal arthritis – the bane of old age (and young age for some). Joints are like spark plugs between the bones – they need cleaning regularly to keep your “spark” in life. My top joint qigong exercises, collected over 20 years search.
- Learn to clear up and access ancestral issues. This is just beginning level of this work, being able to witness how many emotional and health issues are really blood – ancestral – genetic. But they can be changed by vibrating the bone marrow and “washing” it. Higher level marrow washing method is Lesser and Greater Water & Fire alchemy (Kan & Li).
- Standing practice and bone breathing is the very best method to build grounding. Grounding is essential for anyone stuck in their head or not quite living “in their body”. It benefits energy healers, meditators, martial artists, dancers, yogis, psychologists, all health care workers, business people. Everyone needs more grounding for comfortable flow of energy and to keep their sanity!
Open up deeper level of internal chi breathing, between 1) bones and the dantian, 2) dantian and mingmen (gate of life) where you convert formless chi into your body & mind, and 3) internal counterforce breathing between crown of head (bai hui) and perineum (hui yin). This is deep, blissful experience of core self.
1. Internal Chi Breathing & Bone Rooting DVD reg. $44.95. Save 35% ($15.!) Buy for $29.95. + s/h TO ORDER DVD, please email my office manager: Jan <> or call 828 505 1444 (or 888 999 0555 within USA). This discount is NOT available online. Ask Jan about upgrading from DVD only to Audio CD + 2 DVDs for Fundamentals 3&4 Package – still keep $15. discount!
Loving the Pure Love at the Heart of the Way,
Michael Winn
“Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home,
the Tao as his door, and who becomes change — is a
Sage.” — Chuang Tzu, Inner Chapters
“The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away.
Life is very simple, but everyone seeks difficulty.”
— Taoist Sage, 200 B.C
Register online for on Healing Tao University, the largest Tao (Dao) Arts & Sciences program in the
West with 20 week long summer retreats featuring qigong (“chi kung”) and inner alchemy (neidangong) training. For more info, see
Or visit, to order books/videos/tapes from the Tao Home
Study program. Call the Healing Tao USA Fullfillment center at the Mystical Number 1-888-999-0555 or more
ordinary numbers: 828-505-1444, or email
Visit for a glimpse into the world’s most magical spiritual tai chi form.
To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the Inner Smile, with 25 fabulous photos of the world’s most spiritual smiles, go to homepage and subscribe to “Tao News”. You will receive his “Chi Flows Naturally” newsletter and be on his most updated elist. You will immediately receive download info.
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