Chinese demon-slayer, invoked to purge bad spirits causing an illness or ill fortune. The red outfit is yang fire energy used to repel yin/dark forces of fear.
– Winn collection, silk scroll painting
Frequently Asked Medical Qigong Questions
Energy Healers, Reiki & Medical Qigong Certification
What is Medical Qigong?
- Any self-practiced body movement or internal mind technique designed to move “chi” (also spelled “qi”) in order to heal bodily suffering.
- Subtle energy guided or transmitted by a healer to benefit a client. Can be hands on or at a distance.
Most of Michael Winn’s qigong DVDs are considered self-practice medical qigong. If you practice them, you will also gain skill to transmit subtle energy to heal others. Healing is a natural human ability. Qigong enhances it powerfully, based on thousands of years of testing in China.
How medical qigong works: Physician’s Guide to Alternative Therapy.
Read Michael’s chapter for good description of how it works, efficacy, etc.
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Scientist’s Summary of Proven Health Benefits of Medical Qigong
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Summary of 3500 scientific studies on medical qigong
Proves qigong effective vs, most chronic illness. 30-year test period.
Reduced high blood pressure, reduced drug dosages, cut mortality rate of fatal strokes by 50%, and much more.
Frequently Asked Medical Qigong Questions
Frequently Asked General Qigong Questions
How long it takes to work, who it works for, essential information on qigong & self-healing.
Which qigong is best for my medical condition?
The Top Medical Qigong DVD and homestudy course section below will help you to quickly identify which qigong forms are best for different medical conditions.
There are thousands of qigong forms. Michael Winn spent 30 years testing hundreds of them, studying with dozens of top masters, visiting repeatedly China’s medical qigong clinics at Xi Yuan hospital, Army and Navy Hospitals in Beijing. He interviewed both qigong doctors and their patients.
Winn selected the safest and most effective medical qigong. He improved many qigong forms to make them more powerful, for both prevention and healing of illness, integrating high level internal alchemy secrets into the medical qigong forms. The way he teaches qigong thus emphasizes the spiritual aspect of medical qigong.
Every DVD form has audio CD’s that give special internal meditations to help your chi flow better. From Tao perspective, mind and body are one, flowing energy. A tranquil, balanced mind helps you more quickly re-grow a healthy body. Medical qigong allows you to quickly target the energetic blockage, which may be very different from the disease symptom.
Can medical qigong save me money on health insurance?
That will be your choice, after you develop some qigong skill. Millions of aging baby boomers are realizing that expensive health insurance, high tech drugs and surgery cannot guarantee true wellness. Up to 800,000. people a year in the USA die from the side effects of drugs. We must each take responsibility for our own health.
“Alternative” care is the only care that many can afford or choose to use. Qigong is the easiest, smartest, most powerful, and most fun way to take charge of your health!
Michael has not bought health insurance for over 30 years. Instead, he relied on qigong to heal himself and prevent illness. The money he saved on insurance he invested, and it easily paid for the few times he used doctors/diagnostic tests. His father was a brilliant pioneer heart surgeon. Michael believes Western medicine is great for certain conditions and that sometimes drugs buy valuable time and comfort while you work on self-healing.
But Western medicine has a very poor record with chronic illness.
The insurance decision is unique to each person/family. Some may choose to get catastrophic or high-deductible/low cost policies. But if your goal is to avoid hospitals, drugs, and surgery, investing in medical qigong pays a fantastic return! Invest in your current wellness, not your future sickness! -
Is medical qigong better than tai chi or yoga for my medical condition?
It depends on your condition. But generally, the answer is YES. Yoga is great for stretching and de-stressing.
Michael happily taught yoga for years. Later he discovered the medical effectiveness of qigong is far more focused and powerful than yoga. Qigong is energetically more sophisticated than modern yoga, which has become very gymnastic. But no need to give up your yoga practice — qigong complements it beautifully.
Michael’s medical qigong forms are short and much easier to learn than tai chi. Qigong is medically far more effective and will give quicker results for most people than long martial tai chi styles, which have different benefits.
Qigong (chi kung) is about to go mainstream, just as yoga did a decade ago. How do I know? I use TV as a barometer. Dr. Oz on Oprah recently declared that “If you want to live long and healthy, Qigong is the best anti-aging exercise”.
Energy Healers, Reiki & Medical Qigong Certification
Which medical qigong is best for energy healers?
I usually recommend healers start with Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1&2, and then see which of the other forms/trainings attract you. Self-practice of qigong and meditation is the most important part of energy work, whether you are the healer or healee.
Your skill as a healer depends on how open your Energy Body is to higher vibration, how balanced your flow is, and how grounded you are in your own core. Many healers burn out or injure themselves by absorbing sick energy because their skill level or grounding is weak. Many skilled healers have a bit of ego about what they can do, and are reluctant to take what they perceive to be a “beginner” course like Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1&2. This is a mistake; “fundamental” does not mean “beginner”.
Or, some have good healing ability, but its limited to shen/spirit or chi level only. You cannot ground it deeply enough to transmit to “jing” level of physical essence, where much chronic disease is stuck in the bones, blood, deep channels, or navel. These relate to ancestral and genetic issues.
We don’t yet offer online “healer trainings”. We want people to first get high level self-healing skills. This will naturally empower any modality of energy healing — Reiki, Golden Needle chi to acu-points, shiatsu, qigong or shengong therapy, dozens of other healing styles.
For professional training questions it’s best to attend live teachings:
I’ve already studied Reiki. Is medical qigong different?
The “ki” in Reiki is a Japanese borrowing from the Chinese “qi” or “chi”. Reiki (in my opinion) is a powerful but incomplete memory of an ancient Atlantean healing system. It channels in particular frequencies of energy using symbols that were previously charged by entities living in different times. It is great at creating alignment and dissolving resistance, very important in healing.
Reiki is completely compatible with medical qigong, and could be described as invoking a particular kind of “shengong” or spiritual frequency. But it often doesn’t penetrate into what Taoists call the “jing” or foundational body level where many chronic disease patterns are stored. It doesn’t give you the clear map of the energy body that medical qigong does, which allows for more precision and medical effectiveness.
Medical qigong teaches you how to concentrate the “spiritual light ray” into a more substantial beam of healing force. So many Reiki healers have absolutely loved the Healing Tao work as a complement and deepening of their Reiki practice.
Do I need certification to practice medical qigong?
You are free to share the forms taught here with your friends, clients, or existing students. Anyone can “do” medical qigong. But to publicly advertise the trademarked methods taught here, you need to get certified either as a Healing Tao Instructor, Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner, or Primordial Qigong Instructor.
In most states hands-off energy transmission healing is still exempt from medical or massage type licensing, but that could change. Self-practice movement methods are likely to remain free of licensing, but its important to get professional training and certification in order to offer it safely and skillfully to the public.
Many people go to acupuncture school hoping to learn about themselves and “energy”, and are disappointed by it heavy mental and memorization load. Many graduates never practice in a clinical setting. What they really want is the Experience of Chi (Qi) and medical qigong skills, which is what we offer.
For Healing Tao instructor certification requirements, see: “Become a Certified Instructor”.
How is Healing Tao University different from other schools?
Healing Tao offered the first and oldest medical qigong certification in the West. There are other schools of medical qigong training which are also good, but they are generally much more expensive. Some spend too much time learning TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) details. Healing Tao qigong healing is deeper, working direct with the 8 Extra Vessels, more direct, working direct with the Vital Organ spirits and the Original Spirit, and is part of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM). For these reason it doesn’t need as detailed a point or channel training as acupuncture school.
Other schools may lack the simultaneous spiritual training of One Cloud’s Seven Formulas for Immortality which Healing Tao University offers. Without high level spiritual training, medical qigong effects are limited.
What is the highest level of healing in your system?
The highest level Tao healers are those who have both completed their worldly destiny as a healer, thus no longer need to heal others. And in the process over a lifetime have made a noble attempt to cure themselves of that disease called “death”. They will grasp the relationship between the soul and the energetic pathways in the body. They will have better skill at converting primordial chi into useable and balanced yin-yang flow of chi. In short, they have surrendered to the Tao.
The highest Tao healing integrates qigong movement, neigong meditation, shengong (communication with body spirits), and neidangong (inner alchemy). These principles are learned at higher “Kan & Li” or Water & Fire retreats. Some private training with Michael Winn is suggested to integrate these. Alchemy works directly with the Life Force on the level of soul (ling), which creates the heart-mind (xin) or embodied personality.
To prepare for Kan & Li alchemy level, you need 1st Formula preparation of Qigong Fundamentals 1-4, Fusion of the Five Elements 1-3, and preferably Healing Love.
Top Medical Qigong DVDs & Audio courses
Healing Love/Taoist Secrets of Sex. ???
Chi Nei Tsang: Deep Organ Massage
More to come…