arath replied to the topic Sean: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged in the forum General 18 years, 5 months ago
Just because there is judging Qi around, still keep it constructive but also would be nice to reflect on the things that those judgments arise from at the risk of repeatimg myself lets talk more about this…
Micheal says All secrets will come out eventually…very opinionable, but that’s what we like to believe and what they like us to believe…[Read more]
arath replied to the topic Sean: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged in the forum General 18 years, 5 months ago
I just found out i have been censored and a significant intelligent and not offensive letter was just deleted because it offered some points of reflection on some disturbing truths micheal??? i would like to see that letter back in the open if the tao is so exceptionally broad let people thik with their head. thanks
i can of course post it again…[
arath replied to the topic David Shen-Sean Denty latest Special Initiation – only $7,500. in the forum General 18 years, 5 months ago
Micheal says All secrets will come out eventually…very opinionable, but that’s what we like to believe and what they like us to believe maybe… anyway even if the outer form of them come out who will achieve them? Micheal point out that the formulas are in the texts, yes the drawing and descriptions, but with the descriptions also come the…[Read more]
arath replied to the topic David Shen-Sean Denty latest Special Initiation – only $7,500. in the forum General 18 years, 5 months ago
….Lao Kang Wen is a good man not any sort of highly achieved dude, met him in TG pissed off becuase Chia taught as usual stealing what is not his and deforming it to better sell to the crowd:-)
it is NOT the same person the guys met in Bangkok at All!…
all the rest well are prsonal opinions like it or not believe it or not… just food for…[Read more] -
arath replied to the topic David Shen letter of Sean Deanty in the forum General 18 years, 5 months ago
One more cool letter from Mr Deanty…i mean this is it not more bullshit want the real deal!!!
….If you do have an interest in learning these arts, I would invite you to email me personally. Please send me an email even if you have already contacted me; in the subject line of your email just write FOUNDATION in caps. In the email please w…[Read more]
arath replied to the topic David Shen letter of Sean Deanty in the forum General 18 years, 5 months ago
cut the letter short same link of thetaobums or wongkiewkit….Before meeting David I researched all the topics about him on the internet. I read about all the dirt just like you are doing. So of course I was a little worried. Well when I met David and saw how normal he was and when the retreat actually started I felt a lot better as I felt…[Read more]