I like your “translation” of the word packing. The expanding of the word into physical correlates reminds me of some of the strange phrasings used in some translations of alchemical texts. Only, yours is clear while theres is obscure.
It also gets at why it is so important to receive teachings in person – so much is communicated by the energy of the teacher, while their words are just a place to focus our monkey mind and, also, to convey the energy as sound vibrations.
There are many ways for a a teacher to say, and display, “pack your breath”. But likely only one way that any individual would interpret them when reading.
Live teaching is so important when learning forms and can inspire regular practice. In more advanced stages, regular meetings can become a crutch and a limitation because we have to become more and more directly conversant with the shen and chi fields and not reliant on a non-personal intermediary.