Mr Chan started the topic What Do You Think About Human Existence in the forum General 4 years, 2 months ago
Hi guys, I’m Chan. I have a passion for the field of Astrology. But One concept stuck in my mind, I need clarification about that concept. What do you think of human existence?
In this video, you can get about related info. Please help me to clarify the concept clearly.
Mr Chan replied to the topic Scientists: Efficacy of COVID Vaccines Mis-leading, May Cause Massive Side Effects. in the forum General 4 years, 2 months ago
I don’t know sure about it. But I think COVID vaccines may cause side effects. Because Vaccine testing taking a few years. But Nowadays, there is no time for testing, that is why scientists taking less time to test vaccines. And taking risks to directly testing on human beings. It can take time to show side effects.
Mr Chan became a registered member 4 years, 2 months ago