Christopher replied to the topic Global Warming is NOT Human Caused (from my brother, Geologist) in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 4 months ago
I just want to walk downtown without all the poisonous exhaust fumes
Christopher replied to the topic Best cooking show I ever watched. in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
When you purchase some of these wild crafted superfoods,however, you are protecting endangered habitat like the Amazon and fostering economy in a fair trade situation.
“Less flashy but arguably no less alchemical:
Maitake mushrooms grown very locally
Chicken pastured on a farm about an hour away
Onions and celery root cultivated on the…[
Christopher replied to the topic Best cooking show I ever watched. in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
my version..this makes me feel incredible
all ingredients raw and organic
this recipe is for 2 people
soak overnight in fridge 2 small hand fulls of almonds and 1 tsp of sunflower seeds
rinse and blend with cold water then strain…add salt and agave now you have the “milk”.
4 tbls hemp protien
3 tbls ground cacao
2 tsp spirulina
3 tbls…[
Christopher replied to the topic Question around sexual practices in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
I thought this article was rather interesting.
Christopher replied to the topic Tennesseee Taoist Peter Ragnar (interview) in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
I have been interested in Ragnar for quite awhile but not enough to fork over the cash. I’ve been getting his newsletters for a year and I’ll just say I wont be ordering anything from him soon. He mentions Linus Pauling but if you look into the research there is nothing there about magnets having an effect on humans.And yes you can get rare earth…[Read more]
Christopher replied to the topic Anger and the Liver in the forum General 17 years, 8 months ago
I have noticed in a few acquaintances who are heavy drinkers are also angry people.
Christopher replied to the topic 2012 happened in 1998? in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
1998 was a huge,pivotal year for me and my wife.We moved away from an oppressive small town to the beach and started our life.Some of our best memories are from 1998-99.
Christopher replied to the topic Primordial Chi Kung and head problem in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
You may want to get your posture checked out by an expert.I dont mean just your Qigong but everyday posture,especially if you have a desk job. I have been experiencing tremendous benefits rehabbing my back with posture therapy from solution4pain.com.
My Qigong is much better and overall quality of life(I had chronic back pain from injuries).