I like doing the standing movements from time to time, but I prefer seated meditations and feel I get more from them..
I take Codyceps everyday and they deffinately revitalise Sexual energy.
They are a very powerful kidney tonic and are classed as a Yin and Yang tonic.
Is there a way to obtain this handout..
I decided to shell out and get the CKF1 as well so that I am not missing
anything in my practice. My question is do I do CKF1 for a period of
time and then move onto CKF2 or do you do them both at the same time.
I just need a road map of how to progress through ..
PS. Im very keen to get started with your home study courses
You say “be warned of danger”, will there be any negative effects from going staright to the orbit to begin with. In a previous post you said some people can go straight to the orbit with good results, I definately plan on getting the CKF1 DVD in a month or so but I wanted to go straight to the orbit as I didnt understand Mantak Chia’s book and thought I could learn it via you home study course.
Does the video show just movement Qigong for opening the orbit or does it also cover seated meditation as well.
N/M ………………………………
Can you learn the orbit from the Chi Kung Fundamentals 2 Audio CD, at the moment my funds only allow for one purchase.
Ok,I see what you know mean. I tried to get into Alchemical Taoist Meditation a while back and had no success, I purchased Chia’s book
“Awaken Healing Energy through the Tao” and I was very dissapointed with
the instructions in that book. I found it extremely hard to follow and confusing, thats why I went back to Chu’s simple meditation.
My question is which one of your products is going to be the best for me
to start with?, I get up at 5am every morning and sit for 1/2 an hour and enjoy seated meditation, Im looking for clear and easy methods to follow..
Taoism is usually divided into two different types. Contemplative Taoists follow more closely the teachings of Lao-tzu in that they accomplish action through non-action and “go with the flow.” Hsien Taoists, or immortalists, practice various kinds of alchemy and yoga-type exercises in an attempt to live forever. The primary criticism of hsien taoism is that it violates the aspect of tao called wu-wei.
I follow techniques from the contemplative Taoists, the original teachings.
Max in the Taoist Mehtod I use we foucus on the dan tien before going on to counting and eventually empty mind meditation, by foucusing on the Dan tien we can charge the area with Chi, once the body is energized we work towards and empty mind so that the Chi can flow through the entire body.