Dog replied to the topic Reality is colored by our ideas in the forum Philosophy 13 years, 6 months ago
I would say you are both that which is accepting that which is accepted. Freeing heaven and earth through the heart-mind of humanity the inner smile. Essence and sense in harmony. I love you sense, I love you essence. I wished to be ravished, I wish to ravish you. We dance infinity.
Dog replied to the topic Reality is colored by our ideas in the forum Philosophy 13 years, 6 months ago
I would say you are both that which is accepting that which is accepted. Freeing heaven and earth through the heart-mind of humanity the inner smile. Essence and sense in harmony. I love you sense, I love you essence. I wished to be ravished, I wish to ravish you. We dance infinity.
Dog replied to the topic Reality is colored by our ideas in the forum Philosophy 13 years, 6 months ago
Can we find our selves in union? That is what we are talking about here. The art of union. The body politic is suffering from parasites(industry) and a war between mommy and daddy our soul. I view a healthy society (game) like the formulas. A net that catches the fish and when the fish is caught you can forget the net but not till, or the people…[Read more]
Dog replied to the topic Is a modern Taoist Wu-wei State (no-govt) possible? The Failure of Democracy & One World Govt. in the forum Philosophy 13 years, 11 months ago
I think the shen can find home in the soul. I feel it is compassionate to have a process to take some one or a society back to a natural state. I feel Lao Tzu was arguing for helping people return to a natural state not for any particular economic strategy. I also feel that governments can function with natural principals. Such as instead of law…[Read more]
Dog replied to the topic Earth in Five Elements and Yin/Yang in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 1 month ago
I also suspect there is stuff lost in translation. One might translate earth in the heaven and earth relationship as matter and spirit. Ofcourse for me it is the enjoyment of its essence that is important. Scientists have a tuff balance to play with, if you pin a butterfly down to understand it you loss the flying. So we ask are selves “is it…[Read more]
Dog replied to the topic 5 Element Nutrition in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
I was not arguing for or against a raw diet but trying to put it in its place in the cultivation path. There are allot of mountain hermits or temple monks that do not eat the small amounts of raw food I am talking about. So yes most I would say cook there food, that is a great clarification.
JD -
Dog replied to the topic 5 Element Nutrition in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
My take on it is that most of the Chinese medicinal advice is for people living in cities. IF you are a cultivator closer to nature things change. One you are bringing in allot more yang. Two you are not eating big raw salads and cold shacks. You are wild harvesting, top Chinese herbs and berries. Until you can just breath.
Dog replied to the topic Protocol for Curing Diabetes in 1 Month in the forum Practice 14 years, 4 months ago
It is interesting that before juicers the power of grasses where only accessible through a bio juicer called grassing animals. We ate there meat and drank there milk and blood (pea pea was fertilizer) which was all more digestible. I feel Supper berries are more digestible and alchemically take the best from heaven and earth. They are super…[Read more]
Dog replied to the topic Alaska's Legendary Mountain of Jade in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
I would be interested.
Dog replied to the topic Chinese Medicine Demystified (Part I): A Case of Mistaken Identity in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for the feed back. That was my feeling as well. I was mainly taking about historical battles in general.
Dog replied to the topic Chinese Medicine Demystified (Part I): A Case of Mistaken Identity in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 5 months ago
I mainly was posting just to share an opinion and get the wisdom of the forum on the subject. I am not a big medical history buff. That academia battles I will leave to you.
Dog replied to the topic Chi Master in Indonesia in the forum General 14 years, 6 months ago
Why dangerous? How do you know? I know Rene Navaro claims to have studied with him.
Dog -
Dog replied to the topic Your Brain on Digital Gadgets: Does it Negatively Affect Qigong Practice? in the forum Practice 14 years, 6 months ago
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Dog replied to the topic Question for Dog in the forum Practice 14 years, 6 months ago
Holy Tofu to you Grasshopper. Great question. Best to simply relax at let your time in train in the second camber come out during the deadly dance. My favorite practice to really get the principals of meridian clock reversal down is Dog Squatting on Lotus. This practice just gets deeper as you progress through the 36 chambers. As grandmaster…[Read more]
Dog replied to the topic Jumping Time Lines to the New Earth in the forum Practice 14 years, 7 months ago
Just want to share my experience. Often when people talk about reality i feel they are talking about what is presently going on in the denseness. What is real is mainly a judgment that what is more dense, statues quo and idol is more real. In my opinion the flow and presence of a dream is more likely closer to the reality of nature with out the…[Read more]
Dog replied to the topic semen retention and multiple partners in the forum Practice 14 years, 7 months ago
Heart kidney, water fire, sex with out intimacy. No good. Find the joy in sorrow, let life flow. Hold your heart give that which over flows. Practice sitting do not grasp. Let it flow. Feed your self like you would feed a loved baby. Quality moderation. DO with joy, not from fear or in head. Focus on healing, feeling. Let things rot and then…[Read more]
Dog replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Do not fully assume that this is Eric. The reason the name Eric Yudelove is not usable on this forum Is because Plato pretended to be him. I heard they latter became good buddies over drinks.
Dog replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
I got allot of that. I just shared what I felt, to hopefully serve you. More that I would love to share if I get a chance to visit with you again in the future. seeyah
Dog replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Same you are not teaching or giving seminars. I would love to have you down to teach some seminars. But I understand if it is not calling to you. Blessings.
Dog replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
I feel you may want to look at this from what is right for you. If you just stick with what is right for you and tell why, that is wonderful. As soon as you get into this is right for everyone, at every time, I just do not see the logic in that. Just stick with what is right fro you and you will serve others to a greater extent. In my classes I…[Read more]
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