dragonlove replied to the topic Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel? in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
interesting point.
I agree with it in the sense that I think that one shall be healthy and quite balanced FIRST before one ventures out on that alchemical path because it is so powerful. Especially now in 2011 with all these fast energies going on.
I think turning up the energy without being balanced first can have some ″interesting″…[Read more]
dragonlove replied to the topic Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel? in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
dragonlove replied to the topic Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel? in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
dragonlove replied to the topic Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel? in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
dragonlove replied to the topic Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel? in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
dragonlove replied to the topic Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel? in the forum General 13 years, 7 months ago
Hi Steven and everyone,
thanks for the warm welcome.Yeah I learned this technique first in 2009 but since then the escape issue that you mention kind of kept me from doing this because I dont really know what I am really doing. I know that the unknown is a good place and our ego mind cannot understand most of the things we do in inner alchemy…[Read more]
dragonlove replied to the topic Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel? in the forum General 13 years, 7 months ago
just adding that chia says that thanks to this method there where people healed of serious addictions and trauma which was neither possible with just the HS or just the EMDR!
I just thought to myself ″if this stuff works this would be the key to ALL trauma and kind of every reason for hate or anything″
It would be really fascinating to…[Read more]