Explorer replied to the topic Prostate health in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for those suggestions. Ejaculation as frequently as possible is often recommended for my condition and it does seem to reduce discomfort a lot but I don’t know what TCM would have to say about that one. I’m taking both cipro and colloidal silver so now I’ll add the massage techniques recommended in the Healing Tao books.
Explorer replied to the topic Prostate health in the forum General 14 years, 3 months ago
My Hsing-i (or shing-yi) instructor suggests colloidal silver solution as another antibiotic remedy. I asked a pharmacist if it was incompatible with the cipro that I’m on, but they just told me not to take it internally at all. Some people have gotten good results from C-silver but only if they take the right kind, not the stuff with a protein…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic Prostate health in the forum General 14 years, 3 months ago
Thanks, I’ve heard of that book but not gotten it yet. I’ll look for it.
Explorer replied to the topic Photo of Smiling Sun in the forum General 14 years, 3 months ago
Check out this “eye of God” nebula from Hubblehttp://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_eye_of_god.htm
Explorer replied to the topic Does any body remember the Lights over NYC and ships in China? in the forum General 14 years, 3 months ago
I haven’t heard of this particular case but stories related to UFOs or life on other worlds have been getting more and more common in the mainstream press for a while now. Some people, including Richard Hoagland, say this is an organized attempt to gradually get the public ready for some really big news. I’m not sure about that yet. It would be…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
Sounds like good advice. I feel that I may be recovering already, so your advice here is backed up by the reality that I’m starting to experience.
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
When you say “it’s not really worth of serious study any further, because he likes to use expressions like ‘hyperdimensional physics'” that’s kind of like saying at the time that the hot air balloon or airplane were being invented, that it would not be worth studying any further because in explaining how it worked they used expressions like…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic sex love relationships and retention and todays situation in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
Oh yes, “A gem is not polished without rubbing nor a man perfected without trials.”
I don’t know who said that, but any Taoist would understand that too many obstacles can lead to the same results as too little, right?
Explorer replied to the topic sex love relationships and retention and todays situation in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
“From one thing, know 10,000 things…to die with one’s sword still sheathed is most regrettable.” – Mushashi Miyamoto in The Book of Five Rings
I’m trying to make sure all the talent and opportunities I have are not wasted, trying to make sure I succeed with everything I think is important, including leaving behind a better world than the one…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
Maybe we’re getting into a controversy that won’t be considered particularly relevant to what this site is all about, but I think it raises a couple of issues that really would be of interest to this crowd. First of all, if I am asked to judge people by their official credentials rather than the quality of their evidence, logic of their…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
If you go to the website
Click on “Healing Love” on the left, then scroll down and click on the essay “Semen Retention: Danger”, you’ll see an essay that basically says what I have discovered the hard way on my own, which led to this thread getting started. Cheers.
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
I guess I didn’t choose my words very carefully at one point. “not feeling like I need one” was a reference to feeling like I wouldn’t be physically capable of sex, even though my desire for companionship, intimacy, etc. was still as strong as ever. It always has been. But which part of a car is more important and which is the “afterthought”,…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
Thanks again, this was even more encouraging. There are some issues you raised that aren’t relevant in my case, like not really wanting a partner on some level because of the sacrifices that would be made for a relationship, stuff like that I can confidently say has never been one of my issues. And appearing too needy or appearing to lack…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
Thanks, you gave me a lot of good news here. I recently went to see a modern Western allopathic doctor, he did all the tests they know how to do, and I was told that all my numbers were so spectacularly good that I was expected to make it to the age of 130 at least. That was also good news but doesn’t get me any closer to understanding why my…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
I’m afraid the whole population of chi gung practitioners is probably small enough and new enough in this part of the world, so no one has yet gotten around to doing any statistical study on whether we are better off than the Catholic priests when it comes to prostate health, but some countries are certainly better off than others due to cultural…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
I wasn’t just worried because of my age. I just wasn’t sure whether I could have done any long term harm by practicing all this for about 15 years before I started noticing a feeling of congestion, and the fact that using any of these methods without the finger pressure (the big draw) didn’t result in any less congestion. Sometimes I’ve felt…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic possible harm to the prostate in the forum General 14 years, 9 months ago
I have the sexual vitality DVD, the 17 disc set that came with it, Qigong fundamentals 1 and 2, and a couple of Mantak Chia’s books but none of them are addressing my concerns or providing information that I haven’t already heard. I’ve also been practicing the martial arts of Hsing-i and Bagua but that kind of qigong hasn’t gotten me any closer…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic Will Cell phones cause a Brain Cancer epidemic? (if you've got kids, READ THIS) in the forum General 15 years, 6 months ago
Explorer replied to the topic Will Cell phones cause a Brain Cancer epidemic? (if you've got kids, READ THIS) in the forum General 15 years, 6 months ago
I can definitely feel uncomfortable and unnatural sensations in my inner ear or the side of my head after a couple minutes on a cell phone, sometimes some part of my inner ear feels like it’s vibrating. It only gets worse and turns into a headache if I stay on the cell too long. Even without a news item like this I’m inclined to use a regular…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic Is loneliness increasing? (excellent article) in the forum General 15 years, 6 months ago
This article says levels of loneliness increase when people perceive more social activity in others, so they have a higher standard to compare themselves to. That doesn’t make sense to me since I really don’t need some kind of common standards to figure out what my own needs are. A lot of other things in the article make sense but I think the…[Read more]
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