Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Yes, you’re making some good points. I hadn’t thought of the possibility that the language barrier and cultural background could be creating some of what looked like self-contradiction to me. The world is full of other instructors who don’t know this method themselves or, like the Healing Dao instructor I was studying with, are simply unwilling…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
It looks like I just posted the same message twice because there is a typo in the first one that makes it look kinda nonsensical… ๐
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
I have heard about how MC has one big thing in common with Bruce Lee, and that is they both made a lot of enemies by revealing things to the whole world that some people preferred to keep secret within the Chinese culture. And I have certainly not failed to notice that the people who don’t approve of the Healing Dao system are not…[Read more] -
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
I have heard about how MC has one big thing in common with Bruce Lee, and that is they both made a lot of enemies by revealing things to the whole world that some people preferred to keep secret within the Chinese culture. And I have certainly not failed to notice that the people who don’t approve of the Healing Dao system are not…[Read more] -
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Show me some better books before telling me these are crap?
That would be a touche I guess. You got a point there.
Explorer replied to the topic Tiny DNA Molecules Show Liquid Crystal Phases in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
I always thought it was fascinating how closely the solar system resembles the inside of an atom. Fascinating.
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Actually I always thought the truly Daoist approach would be between two extremes, not being too goal-oriented but at the same time recognizing that goals and results do matter to some extent. ๐
“There is stick-to-it-iveness and there is getting entangled; stick-to-it-iveness is strength and entanglement is weakness. You must know the…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
I did know that already. But does that mean that the energy from the sperm is saved even if the energy from the semen is not? Another factor is the unreliable nature of the Daoist method as a form of contraception since it takes so many years to learn the method thoroughly. -
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Now that I really think about it, I don’t think you are correct at all when you say a lot of martial artists are impatient or that the practitioners of shing yi don’t understand what’s really involved in subtle energy methods. But it looks like you are suggesting certain things as prerequisites that they haven’t done so I’m hoping that…[Read more] -
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
That sounds like insightful input from you on this and makes this situation easier to understand. I have just ordered the Qigong fundamentals 1 and 2 that you suggested.There’s one thing I want to make sure I’ve explained clearly about my experience to see how common it is. I’ve had enough practice and training so I can easily…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic Ten things you didn't know about the People's Republic of China in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
One of the things China has in common with the US is the striking similarity between the way the Tibetans have been treated and what the Native Americans of the Western plains went through in the 1800s and early 1900s. There still is plenty to admire about China, though. It seems they’re playing a role in getting the American space program back…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Mantak Chia has a reputation among the people I practice Shing Yi with as being an incompetent quack who doesn’t know hardly anything about chi kung but just knows how to get rich quick selling dangerously misleading books. This is not my opinion personally and I am the only person in the group who has actually studied with one of the Healing Dao…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
I got the 17 disc set “Healing Love Taoist Sexual Secrets”. I’ve been familiar with the microcosmic orbit for a long time and the energy channel work that’s done in Shing Yi Chuan, but this is the first I’ve heard of the wudang orbit. I’ll check out that Qigong Fundamentals 2 next if that would explain more. I’ve been looking for more effective…[Read more]
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
I’m not familiar with “tao bums”, is that another part of this website? Thanks for the info because obviously I could use all the advice I can get. I haven’t heard anything about starting after 30 being a problem, but I did start around the age of 25 or 26 and I am now 38.
Explorer replied to the topic in-person instruction vs. DVDs and books in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
I thought I wouldn’t be the only one to have thoughts like that about the books and recordings. Since starting to learn the Healing Love methods I have learned enough to benefit from them but it seems I hit a sort of glass ceiling where I can’t figure out how to learn the method any more effectively. When I got the new DVD set I was puzzled and…[Read more]