Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi Bagua,
Yes, there are other elemental systems like placing space/ether in the center and earth as part of the other 3. The ether/space element always keeps one in balance as it is Wu Ji in Daoist terms, so they don’t need earth as the center since they use emptiness meditation as their backbone. I like 5 elements, with ether element within…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi Bagua,
Yes, there are other elemental systems like placing space/ether in the center and earth as part of the other 3. The ether/space element always keeps one in balance as it is Wu Ji in Daoist terms, so they don’t need earth as the center since they use emptiness meditation as their backbone. I like 5 elements, with ether element within…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi Bagua,
I never said or meant that neutrality negates dual, if that’s what was understood.
I was talking about the 9th consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness, or Christ Consciousness, the achievement of nirvikalpa samadhi, beyond the beyond of the 8th jhana, enlightenment, or realization of immortality, whatever you call it as this…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
>>Neutrality is not the end result<<
*Is there a level of consciousness higher than the non-dual state of awareness? If no, then neutrality is the end goal.
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi Jernej,
Ya, still here finishing up some last posts.
What’s wrong with extending elbows, keeping them unbent. It is a more flexible movement that way and provides easier circulation of qi across the tendons where hard jins are built.
It is kept consolidated across the whole arm. The elbows should be bent for fajin so as not to tear…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
Singing Ocean,
>>do you feel you have you reached “THE state of mind that alchemy should bring?” (i.e. “superconsciousness”)?<>how do you know what alchemy can bring if it is an everchanging process, and more concretely, if you have never practiced alchemical formulas?<>On a more practical level, do you feel that your practice produces a…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
You keep getting better and better at it. As you go deeper and deeper, the mind becomes more and more still.
Scientists measured brain waves of Zen monks and some, who have been meditating for 20 or more years, can reach very low delta wave states. These states only occur through deep dreamless sleep or coma, yet the meditator is complelely…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi Singing Ocean,
You have made a good point. You are basically saying that the vital organ spirits function is manifested through their partner (yang) organ. I agree with this.
So, spleen houses the yi, and stomach carries it out. But why carry it out? Why make the yi move from one place to another?
Daoists have learned alot from the…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
But that’s the major thing. That it is not that you are unconscious, but are superconscious, ie. more conscious. I just finished a post with Trunk about what people’s minds are like through Zen training and he even said that people’s minds are more like a clear sky, not a rock.
Remember, the stillness lies within the movement and the…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi SO,
I was supposed to take a break but I’ll reply to any last second replies still.
>>so, in your view, is the yi separate from the xin? it seems that you are separating all the functions of the organs’ consciousness, and that some function here in later heaven, while others are part of the wuji or something?<>If this is the case, then…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>I disagree. I still assert that, as meditation deepens, thinking stops altogether for periods of time… This doesn’t mean that you can’t think again, ever. It just means that you get better at turning the thinking process off and on<>I say this as a matter of personal experience<<
*That makes the two of us.
At first, the eyes stop…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>the only reason one would HAVE to take a break from this forum, or decide to leave all together, (having been so intensly involved in the first place) would be because they were exerting a lot of energy here by taking it all too seriously.<<
*When people start to get a negative impression of me when I discuss with them, I have a major flaw…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Greetings Wanderingoak,
I just came here to check the board one last time because I am taking a LONG break from it. So I’ll just reply this one time then I’m a gonner, OK!
A Bodhisattva is a someone who helps sentient beings towards their enlightenment. But I don’t know what a Bodhisattva ordeal is. I never studied at a Japanese Zen school,…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>Do you know the circumstances of his transformation
from being a meaty/beefy man to not being so.<<*I interpret your question to mean either A. Why he transformed from muscular to slimmer, or B. What were the consequences of doing so. So I will answer both in case.
A. He stopped weight lifting and his muscles became smaller. He used to…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Michael,
Glad you didn’t turn away from the xin vs. yi issue this time.
I think it is safe to assume that Po spirit governs the involuntary functions of the body like blinking and Hun Spirit governs the mind. Yi is yi, something separate. It is yuan shen.
When xin is there, whether divine or not, our yi is not clear, and absorption…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for your apology. I have made a firm decision to depart from the forum, and will do so, not based on emotion. The time I spend here, could rather be used to cultivate which is time better spent.
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>But why is this [Mat, are you there or are you just an illusion] ‘insulting’? Somebody has one view you have another, why is that an insult to the Buddhist tradition? If they misunderstand it is because the tradition has not conveyed itself correctly…<>Michael himself says that he often uses stillness. Why does it matter so much to you that…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
You haven’t chased me from the board, but the general outlook that people have on me is what is chasing me away. I have no need to stay here any longer.
Here’s my response to some things you said:
>>But nobody said this! What was said was that the Buddhist *wording* tends to *imply* such things. In practice I certainly do not…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Pero,
Thank you for the kind reply, but I am considering of going to Taobums, they seem to have a nice forum there for Daoists and others to share their practices and experiences. It’s not so hectic like here. People here just see me as someone who is arrogant, a “know it all”, who velhemently pursues his way as the best way, etc. I’ve had…[Read more]
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