Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Trunk,
The main difference is the non-thinking is not grasping to those thoughts. Yes idle thoughts die, not the thinking process. I put that article in there to show some that Zen doesn’t make people’s mind like a rock.
As Dogen says, put your thinking in the palm of you hand. To think about not thinking. This is non-thinking.
Fajin replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>What we are really talking about is addiction on the part of traditionalist practitioners to traditional forms of WORDING about spiritual development, which causes argument by sticking to wordings – not because of ‘correctness’ or ‘incorrectness’.<>>>>Nirvana is the extinguishment of all desire; it is the realisation that the Self does not…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Gather and become One in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Wendy,
I agree. Wu Ji holds yin and yang as one. Space element holds other five elements as one. 9th empty force holds other 8. In Buddhism, there is a 9th consciousness. This can be compared to Christ Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness in Hinduism as they call it.
Each chakra stores a part of one’s consciousness and in kundalini…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Gather and become One in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Wendy,
It is nice to hear from you on this topic. What do you think that Nine meant?
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Max,
Thanks for the link, I’ll get this one and Nan’s enlightenment books, great stuff!
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
>>Are you without ego perhaps? …<<
*I'm with ego but I don't use an alchemist's point of view when I read things anymore. I said Heaing Dao egos. As Bagua said, they isolate and polarize in their discussions, in a sense polarizing further. It is like dissecting a corpse.
They even go so far as to say that the Tao Te Ching is an alchemical…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Max,
Excellent peice. I still doubt any Healing Dao “egos” will be able to “digest” it though. Just wanted to emphasize one brilliant point you made.
>>So my point is…
…if you want to practice stillness or alchemy, do it. Because you are drawn to it a the moment and that’s all that matters now. The moment.<<*The moment is all…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Q: Is living your life in every moment in wu-wei the highest free will or not?
Fajin -
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
You keep babbling about more free will in the alchemical path because you can create. What is creating? Yi is. But what scatters yi? Xin does. THIS IS WELL KNOWN IN QIGONG AND ALCHEMY CIRCLES. Read any of Jwing Ming Yang’s books and he shows you that xin scatters yi.
When yi is clear and unobstructed by xin, that is TRUE free will,…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Fajin replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Fajin replied to the topic On Eating Meat, beliefs in Karma, and nature of true self. in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Fajin replied to the topic On Eating Meat, beliefs in Karma, and nature of true self. in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Michael,
I am a Wudang Daoist. I use many Buddhist ideas and advocate a variation of sitting in forgetfulness as characterized by the Japanese Soto Zen school in a meditation called shikantaza.
I take what’s effective from Mahayana Buddhism, Raja Yoga, Tibetan Tantra, Japanese Zen, Chinese Ch’an, etc. and put it all together. I think all…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic "Watching the Breath" as Alchemical Practice in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
>>This is what I find to be dualistic thinking, i.e. a “separate self” vs. false perceptions. Separate self leads to judgements….and judgements become Self-Judgements at the moment of death, when there is no one else to project them onto.<>I am always amused by Buddhist attacks on intellect, and in the same breath their ability to…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>On the other hand, I think you are blindly following what others have said, be them wise or not. (not meaning to be offensive or anything)<<
*This board seems to smash what ancients knew what was being one with the Divine. I just use examples to back that up. They are saying that Daoism is this and this and that. Just read what Daoists of the…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Dalai Lama: Mother's Touch Root of all Human Value (& Religion) in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>I eat dead meat and I eat to live. So the thing that nurtures my body is creating bad karma? I think not. I think it`s more about intention.<<
*Example: You and a friednd go out hunting. You just watch, your friends shoots an animal. You eat the animal. You can say, oh, I didn't kill the animal, I'm just eating it. It's already dead. Mayeb…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Dalai Lama: Mother's Touch Root of all Human Value (& Religion) in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Fajin replied to the topic Dalai Lama: Mother's Touch Root of all Human Value (& Religion) in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>One thing I read some time ago about why Buddha taught not to eat meat. Supposedly, at that time in India, there was a lot of slaughter houses (right word?) for meat, that produced more than was neccessary. So they were uneccesserally killing many animals. He wanted to stop that.<<
*Hiduism is against it too. It's really a simple subject. You…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
You have again displayed, like others on this board, an example of intellect trying to disprove what wise sages have said. I won’t even bother with this anymore. I’m done.
Fajin replied to the topic Dalai Lama: Mother's Touch Root of all Human Value (& Religion) in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
“Do it” the crystals became beautiful. There was no “lets do it”.
The point is that they recognize the thought frequencies/yi and they react spontaneously to that. Plants react spontaneously too, just like with music making it grow.
Animals have a brain, they are different. I don’t know too much about this subject but killiang an animal and…[Read more]
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