Fajin replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Singing Ocean,
Coming from Erle Montaigue, he’s seen many of these Taiji masters who claim to be able to do this, but he’s come across fakes. I guess this teacher is not a fake if Max says so. But wether it is effective against a practioner who cannot be uprooted so easily, like the man in the video, is another thing. The real power in Taiji…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Max,
Just another question if you don’t mind. I’m curious to know if what he’s teaching is any different from Erle Montaigue’s Taiji. If so, can you tell me what please.
Thank you,
Fajin -
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Cause (yin) and effect (yang)
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Mat,
Yes, desires disintegrate there is more one-pointedness on the object. The Japanese call this concentration joriki. It becomes stronger as desire fades gradually.
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Emelgee,
As Zhang, Sanfeng says, one extinguishes his heart of passions and desires. There is no desire for sex, for unhealthy foods, for money, etc. They become extinguished. Your heart becomes like a baby’s when born into the world. It just looks around not knowing anything.
Fajin replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Max,
You were right about all the things you said about emptiness. When I tried the methods, my ignorance towards it melted away. Thanks. I agree that Master Nan is enlightened from looking at his Grass Mountain, excellent book. I need to get my hands on his other books!
How long have you been studying with this Taiji teacher? He teaches…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Non-action yields no karma.
Fajin replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
I think what Plato is referring to is that Michael is NOT teaching REAL Taoism.
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>this morning I looked over some old forum stuff from the days of Plato, Max, and everything. Ye gods! If I’d’ve known the history here, I never would’ve tried to bridge the divide.<>I have to take a break from the forum for a while – back in a couple of months.<<
*After Michael's response, I'm gone too. I'll also be back in more than a couple…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
In the Shaolin arts, there are such skills. They can take a decade to develop, through the training.
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Nnonnth,
Our yi is not to go destroy our desire nature. Our yi is on awakening our yuan shen. When we do so, our desire nature fades, it is not our primordial nature.
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Nnonnth,
You can give me 10000 examples of there being a need to do something or not, but until spontaneous action arises, you will continue to find Buddhists to be boring, serious, dull people. Good actions yeld good karma, bad actions – bad karma.
Enjoy your trip to Venice,
Fajin -
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hello Alexander,
I still have an ego. I am not saying one suddenly is done with his ego and is through with all desires with the snap of a finger.
Look at Buddha and Lao Tzu, do you think they have any desires to do anything? When all life becomes spontaneous in action, we don’t think about choosing what is needed or desired, we just do it…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Nnonnth,
I said desires, not needs.
Is there a need to practice alchemy, wether Wudang Alchemy or One Cloud’s alchemy? For what? Why? What is the end goal of alchemical methods? Tell me.
Is there a need to cure cancer? I’m pretty sure if we get to THAT level, cancer won’t affect us?
Is there a need to make love to your wife? Why? Do…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Daoism and Buddhism in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Bagua,
You have alot of experience if you started in your teens. I admire your openness to the different spiritual traditions, my cup was not empty when I was talking to you previous to my beginnings in Zen. Dao and Zen ARE one. A truth that hit me not too long ago!
Fajin replied to the topic Don't get me wrong in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Wendy,
In Patanjali’s Yoga, first it goes on with yamas and niyamas (right conduct) and after it is asanas, pranayama, and then meditation last. I think their focus is on first opening the pranic flow through the central channel so that you are able to go deeper into meditation and then start meditation. First working on controlling the…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic "Watching the Breath" as Alchemical Practice in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Michael,
The point is that the moment is perfect. In the moment, everything is perfect and in balance. When we attune to the moment, without needing to change anything, we also attain perfection, realizing that we, ourselves are perfect.
So, we observe the breath in every moment. Not just the pause, but as it goes out the nose, or in the…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Happy Birthday Michael,
Thank you for posting your thoughts on the benefits. I disagree with some of the things you say:
>>to get a stuck human mind to shift, sometimes it is a good strategy to completely deny its reality, i.e. use a “shock” tactic. This shock can occurs due to the challenge of a Self trying to wrap itself around Non-Self.…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Daoism and Buddhism in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, well said. Zhang believed in absorbing the best from each of the three as do I. What can I say, it’s my lineage!
If you’d like to share, what Zen methods have you learned Bagua? And which ones do you practice now? And have you been practicing Zen before qigong or was qigong first for you?
Fajin -
Fajin replied to the topic Tao Alchemists Great Denial? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
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