Fajin replied to the topic Daoism and Buddhism in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Bagua,
The alchemy that is taught where I am has supposedly originated from Zhang. It was passed down generations and generations by Wudang Taoists. I can’t tell you everything because I have not done their alchemy myself, because at the town school only the beginner phases are taught. You would have to rent a retreat house in the mountains…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic For all you Kung Fu guys in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Great to see an old shaolin art hasn’t died yet. Alexander Tao knows this too, but don’t know if he can stand on one finger. At this level, or maybe even higher, one can peirce through tree trunks. I prefer fa-jin, hence my name.
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>but what I realize now is it doesn’t matter – only practice will clear these things up.<<
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
You are correct that we should put our efforts on what is true. But that doesn’t mean that what is illusionary will just die out or be eliminated. It is like Michael is saying that free will is going to be eliminated. NOOOOOOOO!
When we see what really is, the illusions just return to the primordial source. We are returning to our…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic The bridge to heaven on earth in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Nnonnth,
“Some ask if the basic spirit and the thinking spirit are one or two. Mind, essence, and spirit are one … When this basic spirit is later moved by emotional consciousness, the basic spirit sinks into emotional consciousness and turns into the thinking spirit.”
Remeber that quote. Part of yuan shen becomes the ego/personality…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic 3 questions for Bagua in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Giving up their egos for their true selves. How can it get more simple. You seem to be baffled by this?
Fajin replied to the topic The bridge to heaven on earth in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
The illusion is not that things happen. Things happen because of a cause. That’s cause and effect – karma. The illusion is that we don’t see things as they are. If we did, we would have no need for killing someone else.
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Can you please find a quote where I said we should have the intent of killing the ego? Bagua and I agree, but not Michael.
Fajin replied to the topic Daoism and Buddhism in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Nice peice, Snowlion.
I draw my conclusion from what Zhang, Sanfeng believed. That Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism are all different routes heading towards the same goal. I like using both Buddhism and Daoism to get there. For me, they are one.
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Nnonnth,
The other 5 shen take their role once we be ourselves, which like you stated, is called Tiphareth or yuan shen. Our yi is not attempting to destroy the other 5 shen, but it is trying to awaken our yuan shen so we can become ourselves. As you say, they then join. False can mean impermanent or illusionary. Whatever fancy term you…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic The bridge to heaven on earth in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
I think you have also misunderstood. Try substituting false for illusionary and then maybe you can get a better grasp. It is difficult to understand thigs with terminology, as you said it is a battle of words.
Fajin replied to the topic The bridge to heaven on earth in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Wendy,
I think you have misunderstood me. I didn’t say that the Buddhist role was that there is no such difference between man and woman. On the jing level, there is obviously a difference. On the shen, level, there is no difference. Have you ever heard of a female yuan shen or a male yuan shen?
You are not running away from a dual state…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic 3 questions for Bagua in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi NN,
Bagua does not take such a Buddhist role on the traditional views, he prefers to keep things simple, I do. So my answer my shed a different light.
>You say that to become enlightened is to give up the self. You also say that both Buddha and Lao-tzu were so enlightened. Therefore neither has any longer any ‘self’. What then is the…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
>>why not bring the original self into the categorizing intellect, and integrate them together?<<
*They are already integrated together. One can ONLY experience true nature by stilling the mind. So any ideas of doing anything with the original self are best abandoned.
Fajin replied to the topic Great Alchemist's Denial: Why Misconstrue the Process? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Bagua,
Many influences from the past is what makes us what we are now. That’s all karma, be it good or bad. The point is in being free from karma.
We are only born again because of karma from past lives, so the question is, what happens when weare free of karma, what will happen when the body goes?
To me, immortality is complete…[Read more]
Fajin replied to the topic Great Alchemist's Denial: Why Misconstrue the Process? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
What are your views on reincarnation?
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Immortal Ziyang said, “Use the basic spirit, not the thinking spirit.”
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
It is not that we are intending to purposely deny it because we see it as something evil, or not useful. We are merely trying to use it to activate our original self, so that it can be used. It must run the show and the ego does nothing. The oringal self must run the show, not the ego self.
Fajin replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
I think Bagua is referring to the false veil as the ego that overshadows the true nature.
Fajin replied to the topic Great Alchemist's Denial: Why Misconstrue the Process? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Michael,
I only want to quote one part, rest is for Bagua.
>>this part of your sentence contains a false assumption. Consciousness cannot die, but it can change shape. Until you integrate your persona, you don’t “own” your spirit, Humanity owns it. Nothing is lost, Humanity recycles your struggles and learning into new form that will…[Read more]
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