ferrisiam replied to the topic Is anyone faithful any more? Article on adultery in the forum General 17 years, 8 months ago
Does Hedonism really grant freedom from the so called human rule of marriage? Does it really mean we are free if you can shag anyone or anything you want too? (Is there a chance that marriage creates its own unique freedom?)If screwing around truly brings harmony why does infidellity destroy so many lives? Are we not exchanging one so called…[Read more]
ferrisiam replied to the topic Primordial Chi Kung and head problem in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
Maybe you could try playing with the microcosmic orbit more. Try doing it before and after your primordial chi gung practice. Hope it helps!
ferrisiam replied to the topic Gift of Faith in the forum Philosophy 18 years ago
Its terrible to think that in the past if you questioned certain religions or had a different point of view and voiced it, you were in real danger of being put to death. I sometimes wonder if these memories are handed down to us from our ancesters giving some of us a real fear of seeking truth.
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
bore me, Yaaawn!
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
Benny Hinn is calling you back to his sheeple, oops I meen people.
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
He’s resorted to calling me an animal groper. How intellectual. Has he offered even one thing constuctive out of the 112 posts he’s made? I doubt if he’s ever even performed any type of meditation in his life, perhaps read about it but certainly didnt understand what he’s reading. Nice to know Im not the only one who thinks this guys acting foolish
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
Very mature!! Healing sounds is what you need.
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
Wow that was so deep, you are truly an enlightened being, I was totally out of line in calling you a joke. Did anyone note the sarcasm? Inner smile, and healing sounds are where you need to begin.
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
So if we have faith in Jesus and tell you to go away, will you? You seem like a Christian fanatic try going to Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland and the like, they would probably welcome you with open arms…and your money too. Seriously seek psychiatric help, then buy Qigong fundamentals #1, work with it for at least acouple of years. Forget all…[Read more]
ferrisiam replied to the topic earth-air-eter, the western central channel in the forum Philosophy 18 years ago
Yeah I read up on what you’ve written about a fairly long time ago. Its only my opinion but I think Eric Yudelove was wrong with his combining wood with metal theory. The Chinese five phases/elements do fit in with Hermetics, although your not likely to find that connection by reading Bardons work. You need to find info on the five pillars of Hermetics.
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
I checked the thread I was refering to and your right it wasn’t Genesis at all, it was the Gospel of St John, my mistake. It still doesn’t hide the fact that your kind of a, you know…joke! Hey you should try Qigong fundamentals 1 offered by Michael Winn. The six healing sounds would be of great help to you. That is after you’ve sought psychiatric help.
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
Did I say joke? I apologize your a cartoon character!
ferrisiam replied to the topic Need your advice, what would you do? in the forum General 18 years ago
This is the same guy who was quoting Genesis in another thread. What a joke!!