frechtling replied to the topic Recognition / Embodiment / Anadi in the forum General 9 years, 6 months ago
To follow up on Steven’s post, you can read about all of these forms in Mantak Chia’s books, although it is difficult to learn the practice (exception may be Tao Yin). There are excellent DVD’s for both Tai Chi 1 (Marie Favorito) and Tao Yin (Karin Sorvik) which I would recommend (see links below). Iron Shirt must be taught live though, but…[Read more]
frechtling replied to the topic Breaking Agreements with Karmic Lords of Dark Side in the forum Philosophy 9 years, 7 months ago
Wow that is a pretty intense article and I couldn’t stop reading… I can’t imagine that the sentient or “demiurge” beings in the astral plane are so devious to our enslavement, however. But still makes you think. I imagine what he is describing is similar to the cleansing that is done in inner alchemy.
frechtling replied to the topic YIN YANG YUAN CHROMOSOME SETS: Epigenetic molecules, homosexuality. in the forum General 9 years, 8 months ago
I am a joyist too! Haha love that post…
frechtling replied to the topic YIN YANG YUAN CHROMOSOME SETS: Epigenetic molecules, homosexuality. in the forum General 9 years, 8 months ago
Well said! I love the mayonnaise analogy…
frechtling replied to the topic sitting practice after standing, moving in the forum Practice 9 years, 10 months ago
I’ve heard good things about the Eight Extraordinary Channels book. David Twicken seems to be pretty well versed.
frechtling replied to the topic Free download: Intro to Taoist Alchemy by Fabrizio Pregadio in the forum Philosophy 9 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for sharing. So which lineage does One Cloud’s alchemy formulas come from?
frechtling replied to the topic "Opening" the psoas in the forum Practice 9 years, 11 months ago
I think my body may be recalibrating due to unbalanced hips from carrying around kids for so long on one side…
frechtling replied to the topic Ashram children starved, drugged, tortured, royal commission hears (article) in the forum General 9 years, 11 months ago
frechtling replied to the topic Ashram children starved, drugged, tortured, royal commission hears (article) in the forum General 9 years, 11 months ago
Who’s to say what is “natural?” Not that I am advocating it, but in some other societies, perhaps having sex with young boys/girls is completely natural? Do wild animals not force other animals to mate with them in nature?
frechtling replied to the topic Ashram children starved, drugged, tortured, royal commission hears (article) in the forum General 9 years, 12 months ago
I agree completely. Even to a (much) lesser degree, you teach kids abstinence and don’t let them have condoms and they end up getting pregnant.
frechtling replied to the topic great article on "zhangzhuang from an yiquan perspective" in the forum Practice 10 years ago
Steven – save your dissertation for your doctorate! Haha jk!
frechtling replied to the topic great article on "zhangzhuang from an yiquan perspective" in the forum Practice 10 years ago
I guess my picture link didn’t work…it was supposed to be Dr. Evil…
frechtling replied to the topic great article on "zhangzhuang from an yiquan perspective" in the forum Practice 10 years ago
I will teach you the ancient secrets of alchemy…
…for one…miiiillion…dollars…
frechtling replied to the topic great article on "zhangzhuang from an yiquan perspective" in the forum Practice 10 years ago
I think we all owe Steven a nice lunch!
frechtling replied to the topic Slow Exercise Pace better for Longevity (study on jogging vs. running) in the forum Practice 10 years ago
Anyone have this DVD or know if it’s any good: Mantak Chia’s Tai Chi Chi Kung II ?
frechtling replied to the topic Slow Exercise Pace better for Longevity (study on jogging vs. running) in the forum Practice 10 years ago
Sounds like someone needs to produce a DVD for Big Dipper Qigong (w/ and w/o alchemy) and for Tai Chi 2…
Just sayin’…I’d buy them…
frechtling replied to the topic great article on "zhangzhuang from an yiquan perspective" in the forum Practice 10 years ago
I actually think Steven should get paid for the service he provides on this forum!
frechtling replied to the topic great article on "zhangzhuang from an yiquan perspective" in the forum Practice 10 years ago
I should’ve known that was the answer… 🙂
frechtling replied to the topic great article on "zhangzhuang from an yiquan perspective" in the forum Practice 10 years ago
Adel made quite an inspiring testimonial. I am curious as to whether the “hunchback” corrections are related to tucking under the sacrum, or rounding the scapulae, or both…or something else? I’ve been practicing Embracing the Tree more lately and did feel a difference when I tuck my sacrum more.
frechtling replied to the topic Thinking of a Nursing Home? Plan G: Gun + 4 bulllets (humor) in the forum General 10 years ago
We’d clean up Washington in no time! All in the name of helping the elderly!
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