.freeform. replied to the topic For Bagua – in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
one thing almost anyone can do that seems kind of super-natural is busting clouds!!
it’s taught in Huna because it teaches you to collect and discharge mana (chi). There is no complex technique, and knowledge of elements and their qualities is not needed.
All you do is whatever breathing method you’ve learnt that accumulates energy – get…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic New Experiment: Losing Yourself in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
>>Jerry Stocking taught something similar in his references course.<<
I really like Jerry's work… I've got one of his Illusion Conclusion sets and a free CD he sent out where he discusses making decisions and recomends a lady consider decision a as the one to take, then decision b, then a then b again, carrying on like this as fast…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic saying no in the forum Practice 18 years, 7 months ago
The html obviously didn’t work!
I’m sure I’ve seen people doing italics and bold and stuff – can anyone let me know what I’m doing wrong?
.freeform. replied to the topic saying no in the forum Practice 18 years, 7 months ago
>>also noticed the Huna attitude to spellcasting which happens to be identical w/ mine. Do you do that at all? To me goals has become spells it is no different any more. I don’t approach this in what I perceive to be the normal western way<<
I dont do spell casting – much. I've done the simple practice of sigilising your intent – but found that…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic saying no in the forum Practice 18 years, 7 months ago
>>How does this duality-resolution apply to goal-setting procedures with you? Is the goal of goallessness important to you?<<
I've been looking into the philosophy of goal setting for about a year, and I've recently formulated a theory I like.
You may remember my favourite buzzword "tension" – this is not the 'feeling tense' type of tension…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic The Taoist Path in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 7 months ago
yeah – in the Taoist orbit the back channel connects to the front channel through your palette and your tongue. That’s why you’re always asked to press the tip of your tongue to the top of the palette.
In Huna the main breathing method suggests that the energy connects deeper in the throat. I’ve got a feeling now that their technique is more of…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Gone Fishing in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for all your imput, Alexander. You’ve helped me loads! Hope you enjoy your vacation and be back soon!
with Love
f -
.freeform. replied to the topic saying no in the forum Practice 18 years, 7 months ago
>>when one has a choice one always chooses both things. Whichever one is ‘officially’ not chosen becomes part of the shadow self to be integrated later.<<
that's very profound for me right now! As I've been discovering and integrating polarities in myself this last couple of months, I've noticed that with anything that you 'go towards' or…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>Perhaps we can be more than animals… <<
I think you've got a great understanding of how we (as the 'human race') are now. We really are just animals. I think it's a big mistake to think of ourselves as something 'more important'. And you are right about Armed Freedom – in our mamalian society *that* provides for the best solution -…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>Your straw man description of patrist and matrist societies is either intellectual dishonest or lazy.<<
Not sure how my description was setting up a straw man – dishonest? lazy? please explain. Give me some credit – winning a virtual-debate on a forum is the least of my concerns. I dont really see you as opposition – so no need to flatter…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic The Taoist Path in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 7 months ago
Yeah Huna has all the same basics – 5 elements, 3 selves etc. I think Taoism (in general) has more info on the specifics of the body and Huna has more usefull information on the practicalities of life and shaping your reality. For me they go hand in hand pretty well. I’m trying to find a Huna master here.
.freeform. replied to the topic Is Iron Shirt also Martially Applicable? in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>What does learning fearlessness really mean?<<
I actually mean it in a rather specific way. It's not 'active fearlessness' which is a duality (because there must be something to be fearless against).
Our bodies tend to react to stimulus in a certain way. it's meant as a protection mechanism – but it gets in the way of 'freedom'. One such…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
What a great article Alexander!
This is very usefull for many of the active topics! I really like Huna – so much wisdom there!
.freeform. replied to the topic Is Iron Shirt also Martially Applicable? in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I do agree with you on some level. The initial impulse of ‘protecting’ yourself creates the space for something to protect *against*!
And I also agree with the other guys, that as part of learning to protect yourself using your body, you need to learn fearlessness. The mamalian impulse of seeking safety and running from danger is transended and…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic The Taoist Path in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 7 months ago
Huna’s fantastic – it’s very Taoist in its approach (more ‘atlantean’ than ‘lemurian’ (i.e. ‘higher’ first, ‘lower’ second – if you know what I mean) – but still very ‘pure’) – very much about balance, and creating harmony in your life and the lives of others.
Have a good look through the site below for a decent introduction.http://www.ancienthuna.com
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
Great post! Nice to feel your Heart again.
>>(pace Freeform, who says Paolino’s heart is big) there can be nothing constructive coming from them.<<
I agree that pretty much all that comes out of Paulino is distructive. But it all comes from the tension between him as he is NOW and the Love he wants to feel and project. The tension is…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Happy Birthday, Mat (NT) in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
.freeform. replied to the topic The Taoist Path in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 7 months ago
In the Huna (Hawaiian magick/spiritual system) tradition we also have cords connecting us to other people and places/objects.
The cords are said to come from the solar plexus and can transfer energy back and forth. A great tip I learnt is to cut all your cords and connections after you raise your vibration through some powerfull practice and…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I agree with you on one thing – if someone punches me – I’m gonna block/punch back. But I dont think this discussion is about that. What interests me here is how societies work – and your description of Armed Freedom points to a very much Patrist form of society. Armed Freedom goes hand in hand with all the other things that a Patrist society…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I agree – catharsis cannot be reached in an online forum. The pattern is – find inbalance in someone/something else (which is a reflection of an inbalance in you) then through discussion reach some kind of temporary balance in yourself. It’s great for feedback – you can discover a lot about yourself by doing this.
>>The draw I feel towards this…[Read more]
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