.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>That’s very clever freeform<>no-one has a good word to say about anyone else<<
That's not really true. I know I've persoanally appreciated a number of people on this forum (and I'm not that active here – except when you're about – you vagabond). Alexander Alexis, Jernej, matblack and many others have really helped me in ways that are…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>That really pisses me off. NN<<
I know!
it's weird innit? on one level you want a discussion/argument on another level just simple agreement. But it seems the two are not mutually exclusive eh? If we *just* agree with you, then it pisses you off – if we argue/discuss further some subject on which we actually agree with you – that also…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>Peace is the absence of threat and the presence of justice.<<
do you see how if we have 'justice' we must have the opposite too. If you always try and make things just, you inveriably make other things unjust. Who gets to decide what is justice and what is not? If you pull the pendulum further one way – it will go further the other…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>That really pisses me off. NN<<
I know!
it's weird innit? on one level you want a discussion/argument on another level just simple agreement. But it seems the two are not mutually exclusive eh? If we *just* agree with you, then it pisses you off – if we argue/discuss further some subject on which we actually agree with you – that also…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
>>The reason I left this forum is because when people agree with each other here they seem nevertheless to choose to go on arguing.<<
I agree ๐
.freeform. replied to the topic Is Iron Shirt also Martially Applicable? in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
well – everyone has their reasons – for example he’s teaching rugby players to absorb blows – which is very usefull, I imagine.
I myself plan to become an infamous street-fighter and slowly gather notoriety untill I can take over the world!! muaahahahaha :0)
but seriously – why not? if it takes only a few months, and you become far more…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Is Iron Shirt also Martially Applicable? in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
so how about this guy (link below) – apparently teaches you to easily take serious blows, in only a couple of months.http://www.invisiblemaster.com
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
A link for an article by Dennis Lewis was just posted on the TB forum – and it’s very much relevant to this thread.
oh – and just to make a point on the “Armed Freedom” concept. To me this sounds like a joke – something they’d have on Team America. To be free is to be vulnerable – no way round it.Dennis Lewis’ article.
.freeform. replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
so you agree that the integration of opposites is the way to go in terms of spiritual cultivation?
I agree that culturaly we’re not at that stage now, but that’s no reason to activly partisipate in pushing our culture further and further into polarity.
>>In turn, we have an obligation to fight for justice and against…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I almost missed this post of yours, Jernej
It’s very interesting that you say his work develops the centre above the head. How have you foud it to work on the lower middle and upper dan tien? Because this is one thing I’ve noticed – the work doesn’t seem to go that deep down to the lower DT.
any other experiences with this stuff?
thanks a lot.
.freeform. replied to the topic question for freeform in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
hey matblack
Return to Oneness was the first book I bought – and I thoroughly enjoyed it – it’s definately worth having – the only thing is that it’s not so great on the methods. It explains one method DP3 which is another (more specific) version of Deep Peat… and although it covers the other methods available in a general sort of way it…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
Kinesiology is great stuff… I’ve got to spend some time and calibrate it in myself, so that I dont have to get friends to test me on things. It’s great to work out if the the change has really happened, and if there are any conflicting parts needing to be processed.
This process is less of a reshuffling… it’s more like taking each bit,…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
Great – you’re an NLP prac… so you know full well how many of the processes are more of a ‘re-shuffling’ excersise than a true integration… it’s like you move the fragmented parts around a little so it’s more comfortable to do what you want. With this technique it’s kind of like doing the 6 step reframe, but instead of coming to a…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
oh I see… I think the Core Transformations process I read about was an edited version. What I’m proposing is actually much simpler than either of the two.
Do you remember the Goals post I wrote not so long ago? That’s the exact process right there… but with a couple of slight variations… firstly you work on parts not goals… usually…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
1. yes you need to fill the empty space with something – I usually do the primordial chi kung after, so the space fills with a complete microcosm of the macro.
2. Creating does demand polarity… so does sex… so does living in this physical dimension. You cant get away from it… but once your ego is empty of *unconcious* tension… you are…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
>>Wait till you get to steaming. That’s a whole nother world. Much more blissful and powerful.<>I have taken them all to states like “Oneness” in which there seems to be no place to go beyond to. In these states the parts feel fulfilled of what they were looking for in the first place. So how is what you are doing different?<<
yes – it's a…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
Thanks Alexander,
You make some great points… and I do agree on the whole. I had a great giggle about your mention of my want for spiritual transformation on steroids… and I guess you’re right – a part of me is still trying to control the process and make it go quicker. And that’s another little ego-game that I need to deal with… But…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Fusion and Parts Therapy (part 2) in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
I’ve realised that this process of bring all your parts to emptiness is a rather buddhist approach to enlightenment… the people that have ’emptied themselves of ego’ in this way seem to have all their energy in the upper dan tien… ofcourse they have the problem of the ‘suffering down here’ much later on in their practice… because the shen…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Thanks! – green 'Training Log' in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
yup I also agree… red training log links are pretty distracting!
.freeform. replied to the topic hua hu ching in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
thanks mat!
your quote from hua hu ching (on another thread) inspired a post in the Tao Bums forum.
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