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September 21, 2007 at 1:13 pm #24471
Yeah, I’m not sure the exact word or phrase you’re looking for, but I also encountered this knowledge through NLP and hypnosis – it’s around every 90 minutes for me… Also we normally breathe more from one nostril than the other and this flips in cycles (although it flips voluntarily, if I want)
{{>>now if I try to feel whether the channel starts and ends at these points I get that ‘non local’ feeling – my body tells me to stop intelectualising it too much, because in reality the core doesn’t have dimensionality…<<
Oh I think it does have dimensonality but not only *three* if you see what I mean. Or better to say, it has dimensonalit*ies* plural.}}
I like the dimensionalities!! Although I get into difficulties if I think in terms of '*it has* dimensionalities' – it certainly has a range between no dimensionality to omni-dimensionality (or infinite dimensionality), but how i percieve it depends on me… from the lower dantien it feels very different to how it does from the upper dan tien… also has something to do with pre-heaven and post heaven – it may take on dimensionality post heaven, but the pre-heaven is there too… anyway these are all models to explain the rather unexplainable core channel… you seem to have an easier time of explaining/observing it than I…
September 21, 2007 at 10:41 am #24467What we think of as the spine is what we feel on our backs… but the main ‘bulk’ of the spine is actually on the inside and phisiologically, that internal bulky bit could easily be considered as the ‘core’ of the body…
Ofcourse the core channel does not necessarily have a physical basis, but if it did, it *could* be considered as the spine (imo).
I also find the core to be kind of ‘non-local’ – i.e. it’s everywhere, but mapping it internally it’s definately the core bit of the body – for me it’s like a pillar of light – it goes from the top of the skull to the perineum… now if I try to feel whether the channel starts and ends at these points I get that ‘non local’ feeling – my body tells me to stop intelectualising it too much, because in reality the core doesn’t have dimensionality…
Have a look through – there is stuff on all the channels there. Keith, the webmaster, recomends “The Six Yogas of Naropa: Tsongkhapa’s Commentary by Glenn H. Mullin” as the best source on the core channel… it’s Tibetan in origin, but apparently indistinguishable from the Taoist model…
September 19, 2007 at 2:47 pm #24421can you guys give a bit of background on this?
I wonder what you found usefull in that video?
what’s with the aliens? what’s the evidence? it seemed that his evidence was ‘talking to a lot of people’ which (especially in our ungrounded culture) usually means multiplying and crossbreeding illusions (imho)…
any recomendations of where a skeptic needs to start? (in terms of free online material) – I’m always up for thought provoking entertainment…
September 19, 2007 at 2:37 pm #24401Like the blog a lot!
I was into magick for about a year and I think I took away the most usefull concept from chaos magic – that there is no truth in content – only in process… so whether your earth element is represented by a bear or a monkey does not matter, but the act of representing it does matter…
and this is what I see with the no-path path (lol)
I know people say that you make the greatest progress by going deeply into one ‘map’ and following it thoroughly, but I find it in my nature to use many different maps… The daoist map is an elegant piece of work – as a map it’s one of the better ones out there, so I’ve chosen it as the main map, whilst having many periphery maps explaining the same thing…
the feeling I have is that for me to go deeper I need many interpretations of the same territory – for example for someone a poem about a flower gets them to the essence/truth of the flower – I prefer a poem, a painting, chemical analysis, a song, colour chart etc…
I find that once you have many different maps of the same territory, you get so confused as to pop out of the map and experience the reality of the territory deeply… confusion is underestimated!!
And this links back with process/content duality – learning that content is unimportant allows your attention to stop clinging to the colourfullness of content and notice the sutle process beneath…
anyway… above is the drama that was created as a result of your blog, J – looking forward to the next entry.
September 13, 2007 at 2:56 pm #24335erm… doesn’t it make a lot of sense to not mix certain practices? Just as you wouldn’t want to constantly shoot energy out of your head when practicing microcosmic orbit…
To say that he says not to mix practices because he wants a monopoly is rather ludicrous to me…
September 13, 2007 at 2:50 pm #24093Yes Vartevor – (translates as ‘day of rose’) – I didn’t actually know the pagan or even christian tradition behind it – All I knew is that it’s the day when you get all your buckets out, any plastic bottles (fill em up and put a small hole in the lid) – and go watering girls… it’s a really fun day!
August 23, 2007 at 3:01 pm #23886Actually it’s the Turks vehemently denying any genocide (they see it as a genorous act of re-settlement, with the unfortunate loss of over a million people) – oh and some Kurds and Greeks too… most of my grandfather’s family were burnt alive trying to hide out in a church.
So since Turkey wont admit it, it’s not quite ‘internationally’ recognised (even with overwhelming evidence) – then again even if it’s not openly recognised most of the countries know it, there is a rumour that Turkey will only be allowed to join the EU if they admit to it.
Armenia is one of those countries that has seen a bit of everything (from Assyrians to Communists) so there are always a few cultural leftovers, and belly dancing is one of them (although not that hugely popular) – it’s the first christian country (surronded by muslim ones), so it tends to resist the muslim culture – but ofcourse you can see it’s there to an extent.
August 23, 2007 at 2:45 pm #23687August 23, 2007 at 12:17 pm #23874It’s also quite hard to notice 9s – very often misrepresented because we tend to take on the personality of whatever we’re near (so haveing a 4 girlfriend at the moment has me connecting with people intimately) – my internet persona is very 5ish (that’s the most appropriate type to be on the internet)
6’s are hard to connect with – that’s another reason *you* dont have a feel for 6ness – you have to be very trusted to be let in to a 6’s world. But there is this perceptive melancholy about them – different to a 4 because it’s not so emotional or expressive – but it’s usually very funny – 6’s can be really funny – self depricating humour is quite 6ish, and also the type of humour that focuses on something small and normally unnoticed. Woody Allen?! Also have you seen Curb Your Enthusiasm? – Larry David (I think) is a 6 – but not the character in the show – I mean the Larry David who created the show – it’s a very particular 6ish comedy that he does, and it’s so entertaining because it’s based on a kind of perceptiveness that most of the rest of us don’t have.
By the way – regarding Yudelove – he has a book called ‘Tao and the Tree of Life’ – quite interesting – he goes quite indepth with the comparison of Bardon’s 4 elements and the Taoist 5 elements – I think you asked a question about that a while ago, no?
what made him go crazy?
August 23, 2007 at 10:38 am #23870Some very interesting essays:
and see how that work evolved over 10 years here:
9’s 8’s and 1’s are all meant to be belly based, and the others are either heart or head based… these guy experientially found something different (I believe they’re looking at different anatomy – the core channel, the spine and the chakras) – the belly, heart and head are about sensory systems (gut reactions, heart connections, seeing with clarity) – they’ve found something more energetic – anyway, check it out, it’s an interesting work.
August 23, 2007 at 10:27 am #23868You dont get 6s? – I bet they get you!
the gift of the 6’s is their level of awareness (on what they focus on) – they’re the most energetically sensitive people around! This sensitivity can also be their downfall – they tend to notice immediately what’s ‘wrong’. You also have phobic 6s and counterphobic 6s – the difference is how they relate to what’s ‘wrong’ and perhaps ‘dangerous’ – the phobic ones retreat, the counterphobic ones run at it blindly… you know the ‘adrenaline junkies’? – most of them are 6s (and some 7s). 6s have a way of seeing authenticity in a person – I used to have a 6 type girlfriend, and she would feel so comfortable with me because I could hold everything in spaciousness, but arround other people she would seem really nervous, would easily dislike people (because of their inauthenticity), whereas I usually like people no matter what…
5’s – well I tend to like them for some reason – two of my closest friends are 5s – your gift is being able to see information and immediately pick out what’s important and relevant. So no matter what information you’re given you can work it out very quickly – this is something no other number can do to the extent you can. Steven I don’t get 1 from you – the perfectionism you talk about is also quite a 5 characteristic.
The thing about 1s is that they see things from a social perspective – they are the ‘moral’ ones – you know the vegetarians that think everyone else has to be vegetarian?. Their gift is to pick out what is vital for the group – they have access to this group consciousness to the extent that no one else has…
August 22, 2007 at 7:50 pm #23745Interesting about the pure tones and pure forms (geometry?)
I remember reading somewhere that Tibetans see geometric mandalas as sound/tones frozen. I remember also seeing how playing tones aimed at a container of water causes these geometric (3d) shapes (that change completely depending on the pitch).
I think it was also on here that someone posted a youtube video that showed a plastic/metal surface placed on top of a speaker, they pour a bag of sugar onto it and then they would play a tone and all the sugar would move into a geometric configuration – the pattern would change completely depending on the tone.
I find this facinating – sound seems to be yin and geometry seems to be yang, but they both point to the same thing.
It’s also interesting that mathematics in China was based on sound – they would have a standard thickness of string – and then pluck it – the note it made would correspond to its length. They also made standard thickness bells, and the tone would correspond with the volume the bell could contain etc… Western mathematics was based on geometry…
Jason – yeah only one tone – I thought it’s something to do with my core channel (?) – I first started getting it after taking an external alchemical elixir… It’s not neccessarily at will, but it does feel like it’s always there, and if I’m still enough I can focus in on it. I have quite good hearing, so it’s rare that I’m ever in silence (I can often hear if my muted tv is on from another room) – but I get confused and dissoriented with too many sounds…
August 22, 2007 at 4:06 pm #23852I completely agree about there being a big breakdown once you go below the highest level of generalities… it’s the same in Taoism – in the highest generalities it’s about neutrality (9) – then you get into taoist practices – feng shui, alchemy, martial arts etc and you’re in the world of the 5s.
In a very general way I find Judaism to be 2 – there is a very close, family like bond – you never forget you’re a Jew – who in London knows what religion he or she is (unless they’re Jewish ofcourse!)? “errrr church of england I guess…”
My name (Harutyun) is Armenian – I was born and lived there untill I was about 10. There is a very similar feel to the Armenian culture – 2ishness combined with this sense of woundedness (we had our own genocide), so I can get the feel of it… we have similar mother too 😉
August 22, 2007 at 12:38 pm #23739yup I started getting the ringing about a year and a half ago – only one tone I can discern – it’s always there in the background, I can tune in and become conscious – I only percieve one tone (yes very high pitch) and not in any specific ear (it’s kind of in the middle of the head) I can sometimes expand it through my whole body.
No idea what it is – I tried to use a tone generator and find the exact pitch, but no luck – it’s not quite ‘sound’ but i can hear it – if that makes sense… or I could just be going deaf from listening to far too much squarepusher…
August 22, 2007 at 12:29 pm #238461’s have the daunting task of saving the world (that’s what it feels like to them) – so the focus is global or on humanity – they also come from the lower dan tien, and that’s what I get with you, AA… ofcourse you may have your heart open and enveloping the world and that’s why there is often a ‘globalness’ to your ‘tone of voice’.
It’s also interesting to notice that religions (or ‘mystery schools’) can follow the enneagram perspective too. Taoism (Lao Tzu style) is completely a 9… Sufism is very 4ish… Judaism is a 2… the earthy, pagan religions are very 8… etc.
It’s interesting to notice the *feel* of each of the religions and you start noticing that feeling with people…
each of the 9 types can be expressed as certain qualities of energy and you notice it in nearly everything, from trees to company logos. It’s easiest to start by getting the feel for 9, 3 and 6… these, as Jason said are the neutral numbers in each category (but have their own yin, yang qualities) – 3 rises, 6 falls and 9 is in the middle…
In terms of self reflection it’s usefull to find out the healthy and unhealthy tendencies in your type…
9’s have a way of getting lost in other people’s agendas (we’re so neutral we can put ourselves in anyone’s shoes and see the world from their perspective… everyone’s except for our own that is!!) There is also a great dislike for ‘problems’ or disharmony, about which we get very angry and never show it (unless with people we love – then we get stubborn and annoying). We easily get taken advantage of. Getting angry feels like the end of the world – quite literraly – so sometimes we burst out with accumulated rage but at that moment we’re completely disassociated and not in our bodies – somewhere very far away.
4’s have a way of getting into dramas – all kinds – and feeding off the emotions circulating there. I find that female 4’s get completely lost in the storms of their emotions and cant get centered. There is often a sense of superiority hiding in the background of a 4 – the funny thing is the superiority is based mostly on wounds and difficulties that they’ve ‘overcome’ (or suffered from a 1’s point of view). A lot of goths are 4’s.
7’s are fun – they’re the crazy ones – always doing something exciting, but never finding satisfaction in the present – whatever they’re doing now, they have already planned the next exciting thing to do. I have a couple of 7 friends – they wear me out, but also inject a bit of energy into my stillness…
anyway enough for now – I was just inspired to share – remember I say 4’s and 7’s etc it seems like a very tight, rigid way of looking at the huge diversity of people – it’s the energy driving the person that the enneagram is concerned with – everyone really is different – but most of us still have two hands one head two legs (even if the variation in what the legs, hands, heads are like is huge). This helps us relate to people easier – we can take people’s differences less personal…