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November 30, 2006 at 10:08 pm #19550November 29, 2006 at 10:12 pm #19546
A cranio sacral therapist should be able to easily release the atlas/axis bones. I noticed my vision, clarity of thought, and sense of smell improve when mine was released. It wouldn’t hurt to do positional release on the neck to free up the entire area.
I live in Michigan if you live in the area I would do it for nothing. The atlas/axis usually takes 2-3 mins to release, and neck releases can go for about 10-13 mins for one session.
June 10, 2006 at 10:46 pm #14715Thanks matblack,
One other thing on building energy in the pelvis is as you focus on moving chi up, also focus on the good feelings coming from the pelvis up into the upper body. So your whole body feels good, the chi and the feelings are pretty much the same thing. It’s not really a turned on feeling, it just feels really good. I wouldn’t say blissful because I think of the high of orgasm as being blissful.
Osho sounds like he has some really good insights. Can you recomend one of his more inspiring books?
June 10, 2006 at 2:47 pm #14711Wendy: “It took a very long time before my partner understood this. I can have orgasms yet not being satisfied in the core. He was only focused on giving me that ‘pleasure’ while in fact I was almost ‘bored’. Read I never fake orgasm but I switch my ‘spiritual’ aim off and go into body/emotional mode and can have orgasms as wanted.”
I agree once you’ve had the experience of being loved while having sex and then just having sex, it’s not nearly as fulfilling on a personal level. After that you’re always looking for more than just sex.
Wendy: “I am very much into energetical exchange, where a man ‘offers’ his energy which can be absorbed by woman, read carefully it is not a depleting exchange but an enhancing one, like explained on the karezza website. And is possible between any man and woman, not just solid partners, when the alchemy and frequence is right. I find this a very satisfying, ‘clean’ and honest way of exchange. It can result in a full ‘body’ orgasmic feeling even from the other side of the planet.”
I agree the Karezza method gets a little preachy on what is “clean” and “pure”.
Wendy: “It is like an energy dance, where the man leads and the woman takes and follows.”
I love the way you put that.
There is nothing as powerfully fulfilling to me then when a woman melts in my arms full of love and trust.
June 10, 2006 at 2:27 pm #14709“I’d like to hear your thoughts on this, and also a bit more about how you did this:
‘I practiced relaxing into my pelvis and sexual energy and letting it freely absorb into my whole body for 3 weeks and found that I felt great and my mental ability became more focused. As long as I didn’t focus on physical sex (which is what caused me start over again) it worked fine'”
First I focused on my breath (about 4 days of 3 hr practice per day) until I built a good charge in my body. Any practice that builds chi will work fine. I like the breath practice because it is calming where other methods tends to build hot chi.
I then became conscious of my pelvic area and any energy sensations.
Then I drew that energy into the rest of my upper body, saturating it like a sponge of energy.
After a while my legs became energized and I included them with the pelvis in drawing energy into the rest of my body. When I did this I could feel chi being drawn up threw the feet and into the rest of my body.
Although I was trying to energize the body without being drawn into orgasm. The practice I did above reminds me of the hollow body practice in “The Six Yogas of Naropa” and the practice in the book “The Five Tibetans” where the 6th practice is intended for celibates and moves energy into the rest of the body from the pelvic area. One of my concerns was if I built up a large enough charge, that despite my best efforts, I would lose it in a wet dream. So as I was lying in bed ready to go to sleep I did the practice until I fell asleep. Instead of focusing on the entire body as a sponge I directed the chi into the bones to store it better and then resumed the body as a sponge for the rest of the day.
I eventually dropped the bone storage because I forgot to do it and I was more interested in the good feelings I was having. So I don’t know what would happen if I continued bone storage. When I went to bed feeling good I slept more soundly and felt more rested in the morning.
One interesting side affect was that when I woke up in the morning instead of having a really hard erection, it was stiff but not super hard. Which I assume means that the rest of the chi was being circulated to other parts of the body. After a while my penis felt like it was broader in girth and it had a heavy hot and wet chi field, sometimes I felt this type of chi in the pelvic area too. It wasn’t painful or that distracting but the sense of a dense power charge was there. I’m assuming from the sensations that it was the water and fire element and maybe some earth element mixed in there. Also as the energy built, it flushed out emotional and event related wounds, either with the result of releasing it with a deep breath or reliving the emotion or event. I found how vivid or how well you release it on how much you want to release past experiences.
My thoughts became clearer and I generally felt great and I was in a good jovial mood almost constantly. Maybe in time they would become blissful. Then since I was feeling so good, I wanted to share it with any woman that vibed with me. It was a whole person buzz that activates all the chakras that makes you feel very good. Then instead of the horniness urge where you just want to release it … it was more like you felt so good you wanted to share it with someone else. So when a woman vibed with me basically saying energetically “I like you” then I felt energetically ” I like you too, here have some this great feeling.”
So the desire for unification basically became more whole person centered then just sexual or heart centered.
I think the Karezza method for not having orgasm as an outcome, but to build on expressing feelings of love and acceptance is a good model. The main point being to channel the energy into something other than orgasm.
If I missed something you wanted more clarification on let me know.
June 6, 2006 at 2:45 pm #14697The Lover Within, Opening to energy in sexual practice by Julie Henderson
She talks about holding a sexual charge in a contracted or a relaxed state. It’s the contraction which causes the insane horniness, if you relax into it the horiness it dissipates into an energized pleasurable feeling.
I practiced relaxing into my pelvis and sexual energy and letting it freely absorb into my whole body for 3 weeks and found that I felt great and my mental ability became more focused. As long as I didn’t focus on physical sex (which is what caused me start over again) it worked fine. I did notice that the more I charged up the greater the desire to share this great feeling with any woman who had a compatible vibe with me. So in a way my male energy ramped up to a powerful but gentle glow, but it was more of a whole person glow than just a hot sexual urge of horniness.
What I didn’t do is circulate the energy through the microcosmic orbit because I didn’t want to take the chance of getting too sexually excited by accident so I don’t know how that would affect the horniness problem.
Karezza looks like a good way to use sexual energy without draining either partner. Jack Johnston’s Male Multiple Orgasm is another way to redirect sexual energy to prevent ejaculation through the breath.
One thing is for sure that the greater the energetic charge becomes, the greater the desire to ejaculate in regular sex is, so there is less room for error when you are highly charged.
June 6, 2006 at 1:42 pm #14695Information on Karezza can be found at: the bottom of the page you can download a free book on karezza originally published in 1931.
April 6, 2006 at 6:28 pm #12487A Cranial Sacral Therapist can easily release the sacrum area, if it’s just a matter of releasing the congestion. It usually takes about 3-12 mins depending on how stuck it is and the experience of the therapist. They are also trained to release the pelvic diaphragm, but they don’t specialize in abdominal release. A good Osteopath would be able to totally release the pelvic area as well as any stuck vertebra.
As already mentioned it’s always best to get a personal diagnosis.
November 20, 2005 at 7:01 pm #8532Thanks for the info Max. Do you know of any sources that talk about the Dodecahedron?
November 18, 2005 at 8:59 pm #8454Purifying and strengthening the physical body eases the effects of increasing amounts of chi on the body as one progresses. A purer body means less chi sickness as you progress.
November 18, 2005 at 8:44 pm #8452__Oral Intake of 6% Peroxide – For Information Purposes Only__
This information is based on the directions in Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe. McCabe is arguably the most knowledgeable person on oxygen therapies.
Dont detox while pregnant or lactating.
Roughly 5.5 parts distilled water to one part 35% peroxide makes 6% peroxide. Dont store the peroxide in containers that have metal on them. Plastic and glass are best.
You want to work up to a dosage of 300-450 drops for 3 months for a deep cleanse. You dont necessarily need to go up to the higher levels. A man at one of McCabe’s lectures took 18 drops 3x day of 6% peroxide to cure himself of silicosis poisoning daily over a period of months (silicosis is considered incurable).
Add 1 more drop every 3rd day to increase dosages. This slow progression allows the body to adapt easier to the detox effects of peroxide and adapt to increased oxidation. A maintenance dosage is a total of 60 drops total per day. Dont go longer than 6 months at a stretch then drop down to the maintenance dosage and load up on colloidal minerals and vitamins.
Using a calendar to mark your progress helps you keep track of dosages.
Dont stop abruptly so that the toxins dont settle in a new place.
Eat an antioxidant rich diet of green leafy vegetables and supplement with Vit C, a maximum 6,000 per day, and a maximum of 800 IU of ALA per day. ALA does wonders at helping your liver detox toxins. Ester C is easier on your stomach so it may help you feel more comfortable as you detox. Increase supplement dosages as you increase peroxide intake. Take the antioxidant supplements with meals so you dont mix it with peroxide. Wait 2 hours after meals before taking peroxide or 30 minutes before eating. Eating smaller portions of meat or no meat will increase digestion speed and reduce the chance of peroxide interacting with your food and making you nauseous. If you are eating a usual american diet take psyllium fiber to increase transit time, absorb toxins in the colon, defecating is much quicker, and there is also a lot less to wipe. Dont take fiber with minerals and EFA (essential fatty acids). Drink at least half your body weight in oz of water per day. 100 lb person = 50 oz per day.
If you feel nauseous or have a headache these are detox reactions (assuming you arent taking it too close to meals) and its a good idea to reduce dosages 25%-50% to let your body adapt to the detox. At the higher dosages its common for your skin to look worse as toxins are excreted. When I went down to a maintenance dosage my skin absolutely glowed.
If you are very ill start off 3 drops 2x a day.
For healthy individuals start off at:
15 drops 2x a day = 30 drops TotalAs a general rule ingest up to 30 drops at a time throughout the day. The main guide in dosages is how you feel so you may need to divide it into more dosages of smaller amounts.
60 Drops total per day = 2 dosages of 30 drops a day.
90 Drops total per day = 3 dosages of 30 drops a day.
120 Drops total per day = 4 dosages of 30 drops a day.
150 Drops total per day = 5 dosages of 30 drops a day.175 Drops total per day = 5 dosages of 35 drops a day.
210 Drops total per day = 6 dosages of 35 drops a day.
240 Drops total per day = 6 dosages of 40 drops a day.
270 Drops total per day = 6 dosages of 45 drops a day.
300 Drops total per day = 6 dosages of 50 drops a day.
330 Drops total per day = 6 dosages of 55 drops a day.Increasing 1 drop every 3 day Example:
Day 01 – 15 drops 2x a day = 30 drops Total
Day 02 – 15 drops 2x a day = 30 drops Total
Day 03 – 16 drops 2x a day = 32 drops TotalDay 04 – 16 drops 2x a day = 32 drops Total
Day 05 – 16 drops 2x a day = 32 drops Total
Day 06 – 17 drops 2x a day = 34 drops TotalDay 07 – 17 drops 2x a day = 34 drops Total
Day 08 – 17 drops 2x a day = 34 drops Total
Day 09 – 18 drops 2x a day = 36 drops Total__Peroxide Bath__
Peroxide baths are recommended over oral intake of peroxide because it avoids a lot of the irritation and discomfort. But it costs more. You can buy 20oz of 35% peroxide for around $10 which will easily be enough for 5 full treatments, but the cost of taking a bath ranges from around $4-$5 per bath depending on the quantity you buy. You need to take baths also for months to get a good cleanse.Draw a hot bath so your skin turns pink, but not so hot that you get burned. The blood that flushes your skin will absorb the peroxide better. Add 16 oz of 35% food grade peroxide to the bath. Use dish gloves and eye protection when handling 35% peroxide. Stay in it 20-45 mins depending on how you tolerate it. 1 to 3 times a week or once a day if severely ill. You can easily go up to 32oz per bath if you tolerate it well. Mostly what happens when you take a bath is your body bubbles all over.
To treat AIDs patients Dr. Boyce had patients soak in baths with 1 gallon of 35% peroxide added for 45-60 mins daily. This combined with other oxygenating methods turned 118 people HIV negative. This is a VERY potent bath you are going to tingle and bubble.
November 17, 2005 at 9:09 pm #8440“I drank hydrogen peroxide last night for the first time. Diluted in water, of course. :)”
Never use drugstore 3% peroxide. It has stabilizers in it that aren’t meant for internal use. For internal use you need 35% food grade peroxide. Then dilute it to 6% with preferably distilled water, so the peroxide doesn’t react with minerals and other contaminants in the water.
“I am having thoughts about nebulizing it as well.”
Inhaling peroxide is a very bad idea. The hydrogen and oxygen in peroxide acts as a type of burning chemical reaction when it breaks down. So peroxide would be irritating to the lining of the lungs, or any mucus lining. Taking it orally or taking peroxide baths is the best way to absorb peroxide. Ozone is considered much safer because it doesn’t have the burning reaction.If you are interested in the the oral and bath protocols let me know and I’ll post them.
October 24, 2005 at 5:51 pm #8082I was wondering how the Atlantan “lived to the age of 2300 years”? I’ve heard of “earthly” immortals but it is usually skipped over in favor of “heavenly” immortal practice. It seems to me if you have more time to practice on earth you can always get to heavenly immortality later. Is being a breatharian a precursor to physical immortality? Does endogenous breathing (referred to by Frolov) play a role in this? Or is it purely a matter of increasing your chi to the point that you can manifest an immortal physical body with intent?