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December 28, 2005 at 10:04 am #9602
Forgot to mention.. Almond flour also makes great breads, muffins, cookies, etc. Similar in consistency to corn bread, but no grain at all, and tastes great. Lots of good recipes available.
December 28, 2005 at 12:07 am #9600Real eye-opener book is Dangerous Grains by Ron Hoggan. Hundreds of health conditions associated with gluten grains.
Chebe bread is a terrific alternative if you need something bready, since rice flour breads are horrid. But chebe bread is made from tapioca (manioc) and has some of the same elasticity as gluten breads, so the texture is nice and it’s delicious. It’s traditional in Brazil. Many health foods stores carry chebe bread mixes, very simple to make, or you can buy the flour and make from scratch, also easy.
But I got away from all things bready for quite some time and didn’t miss it. Weston Price style nutritionally dense food really replaces all that.
Interesting that in Ken Cohen’s book the Way of Qigong he cautions about eating too much grain.
December 15, 2005 at 9:47 pm #9456Another great site is Michael Tierra’s,
November 21, 2005 at 1:33 pm #8536Not only the shape, but the materials used.. for orgone devices, see: and
http://www.orgonite.infoand for some of the most beautiful pieces:
October 19, 2005 at 3:26 pm #8105I’ve been treated with craniosacral therapy and cranial osteopathy, at different times and for extended periods, and I can say that the cranial osteopathy helped me tremendously, while craniosacral didn’t seem to have much effect.
That’s just my own experience, for what it’s worth. Cranial osteopathy is a sub-specialty, and is sometimes called “osteopathic medicine in the cranial field.” I’d recommend looking into the Cranial Academy.
My osteopath said that “craniosacral” work is a watered down version of cranial osteopathy, and although that may be a biased view, it matches my personal experience. Craniosacral training is a shorter training and may be more practical in that sense.
Good luck ๐
KarenOctober 3, 2005 at 11:05 pm #7935Sorry to be so brief, but that site describes it better than I can!
Take care,
KarenSeptember 13, 2005 at 4:24 pm #7695thanks, hagar! i love those ideas and will do. might as well slap the shoulders after doing slapping guitar techniques ๐
September 13, 2005 at 4:20 pm #7693Thanks for the ideas.. re. craniosacral, I’ve had many treatments over the years but I found that cranial osteopathy worked much better for me. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to find a D.O. who does cranial manipulation as their main treatment modality; most of them these days practice conventional medicine like MD’s.
Actually when I was getting cranial osteopathic manipulation, my migraines ceased, and a whole lot of restrictions in my upper back were released. I just wish that work was more accessible. The D.O. who did terrific work with me moved to the Asheville NC area.. which actually, come to think of it, would be very accessible for some people!
Re. NAET, I never experienced that personally, but I’ve done EFT and TAT extensively, and from what I’ve heard, those seem to be equally if not more effective. Plus the latter are inexpensive, more accessible, and less time consuming than NAET.
TAT was developed by Tapas Fleming, an acupuncturist who had worked with Dr Devi.
If you are getting good results with NAET, that’s great, and I wouldn’t mess with a good thing :-), but I would certainly check out EFT and/or TAT. They are both much easier to learn and practice in reality than the literature suggests.
Just like with most things, once you have learned the ins and outs, you can develop your own shortcut approach that is more elegantly simple.
Take care,
KarenAugust 30, 2005 at 11:22 am #7564YES on the Harmonic Protector! I feel it has a beneficial energy without measuring anything. I also have Carol’s large orgonite pyramid, and a houseful of other orgonite creations that friends and I have made, and it makes a distinct difference on many levels. People who come into the house are generally more cheerful, too.
I would also recommend the small Med-Best unit from which I acquired based on recommendations from several people I know who got good results with it. It’s $300, as compared to the ~ $800 units. I’m playing with it at the moment, and it’s subtle but definitely feel worth continuing to play with.. whereas I didn’t much like the alpha-stim from the start.
I agree to thumbs down on the Q-Link, although I’ve never seen one in person, but my energy sense said NO. These are of course just my own personal responses, and as always, YMMV.
August 26, 2005 at 7:45 pm #7556Hi Craig,
Interestingly, I don’t think I mentioned the zapper here on this forum, but somehow you made the connection between me and the zapper which was correct :-).
I do use the zapper, but not the Hulda Clark type. I use the one made by Don Croft which is orgonite-enhanced (link below). It uses a lower frequency than the Clark zapper. 15 Hz square wave.
The short answer is: I think the zapper is great for what it does, which may be enough for some people, but usually not enough for those with complex, chronic health issues.
For me, it didn’t do enough, and actually made me feel worse. Some people feel better with it, and some feel better only temporarily. Let me explain how I understand that.
What the zapper did was to remove some of the stressors (parasites, viruses, etc.), but then I was up against deeper energetic blockages that it could not take me past. So in addressing those more superficial levels, it freed up the life force to some extent to begin to tackle a deeper challenge.
That’s actually the way most natural healing treatments have only worked superficially for me. Some level of strain is removed, but then more symptoms may appear, which are just a reflection of the system trying to tackle deeper issues.
For me, Heilkunst and Sequential homeopathy are addressing those deeper issues.
So I think the zapper does have a place in the process; it’s just that often those kinds of things are expected to do more than they can. For me the zapper is a support, although not a primary tool, but has value as a supportive tool.
I hope that helps ๐
August 26, 2005 at 2:30 pm #7541You’re very welcome. I also agree with the advice to use healing stones. In my experience, the qualities of stones are amplified when they are part of an orgonite device.
The folks who sell orgonite make it to order, so you can ask for the type of stones you’d like in them. The stones are placed in the liquid resin which hardens.
That website I gave is that of my friend Peter in Washington state.
Take care,
KarenAugust 26, 2005 at 11:02 am #7535I would highly recommend “orgonite” devices. The word orgonite derives from orgone, which is what Wilhelm Reich called chi. The device is being field tested by many people in the past five or so years, and seems to clear subtle negative energy.
People who are energy sensitive can see or feel this occurring; I can’t, but I can feel the effects, and I can say that having this stuff around me is a great support.
Orgonite can be made very cheaply using resin, metal shavings and a tiny quartz crystal. Or it can be bought, also cheaply, from people who are making it in large quantities and provide it for others who can’t make it themselves.
“Tactical” orgonite is being used in the environment to counteract the harmful vibrations of “cell towers” and other sources of harmful frequencies. Also, orgonite is interactive for personal use, to place in your personal space at home, work, etc., to clear negative energies there, aid in meditation, etc.
I made up a batch with a friend, and it was rather simple once we got all the ingredients set up. I also have some devices made by friends, and they can be beautiful art objects as well as being effective energy enhancers.
The evidence for this is empirical; in other words, try it and see how it feels. I would put a small orgonite device in each corner of the work room and see how that goes.
August 24, 2005 at 7:15 pm #7494Oh yes, I knew about the butter oil but it wasn’t available for a long time, and now that it is, it’s just too expensive for me– $60 for only 8 oz. I’ll keep it in mind and try to swing it at some point.
I’m not able to eat large amounts of anything, so I’m not concerned about the small amounts of muscle meat. Compared to where I was, eating practically nothing by mouth and getting synthetic nutrients pumped into me, it’s a huge improvement that I am deeply grateful for. Now to move forward.
And yes, I’m sure I have serious mercury toxicity, being addressed homeopathically.
August 24, 2005 at 7:04 pm #7492Hi Sean,
I just now saw this post–thanks, looks great and I’m trying it, so I’m at a high point of the learning curve right now :-). I’m a bit confused about when to do the relaxed reps. You said to contract back into the active exhale without pause, so I’m not sure when to do the relaxed reps.
I think I’m exhausted and just not absorbing info very well at the moment.
After one active exhale/inhale I feel the urge to do some deeper breathing before the next active exhale. I’ll try to do the “relaxed reps” instead, to avoid gasping.
Oh, one interesting thing.. when I can’t hold the breath any longer, instead of just gasping for air, I tend to continue the exhalation to the very end for another second or two before the inhale starts. That was surprising.. not sure if it means anything.
August 24, 2005 at 10:51 am #7526 -