Little Bo Peep replied to the topic retention and lab tests in the forum General 14 years, 8 months ago
You got to be kidding. Now you’re judging me too. I live my life exactly how I want to live it.
You are very far from harmony with the Tao with this type of attitude. You know c_howdy, if people are telling you the same thing about your personality, it’s a good idea to listen and give it some intelligent thought.
And P.S. I taught alot of people…[
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Does Wendy Have an Ego? Continued in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Dear Bagua:
Yes we are all our own masters. Chia taught this from the very beginning.
However, just as not everybody at a university is a professor, the same is true for the title master which really denotes being a teacher with some unique experience.
I appreciate your asking me questions and I have tried to answer them as best I…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Does Wendy Have an Ego? Continued in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Thank You Steven. I really didn’t know that. I appreciate your taking the time to tell me.
I hope you are well.Eric
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Does Wendy Have an Ego? Continued in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
You can see a whole discussion about this on thetaobums.com website. It’s not exactly what it sounds like at 1st. I was working as a mercenary at the time, I went to a gentleman’s club to meet a reporter and investigator friend of mine. I complained to management about some girl hustling me and the next thing I know a bouncer pulls a gun on me and…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Does Wendy Have an Ego? Continued in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Look Bagua, nobody has a video tape of White Cloud teaching Master Chia. What I do know is that when Chia started teaching Westerners in 1981 he had information that was available nowhere else, and I mean nowhere else. He had to learn it from someone. He did already have all the alchemical formulas, I saw the outlines.
It is not unreasonable to…[
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
I tried to forget but after years of trying, I figured there was only one right way, that of acceptance and integration, all other ways I tried, failed…
I think this is what I was trying to say. As you say, acceptance and integration.
Then you go on with your life.No it is not, it actually opened up many more questions, like, what is…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
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