Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Take comfort from the knowledge that you have been touched by Immortality in this lifetime and you carry with you awareness of Immortality. With this knowledge all fear of death is extinguished. Otherwise forget about it and don’t let it interfere with this lifetime.
Eric Yudelove
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999. In this book & “100 Days”, I was able to organize a method of learning Taoist Yoga from a book, that put together many different parts of the Healing Tao system as well as from other sources. His main point was…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
I didn’t put forth any opinion, I just asked a question in answer to baqua’s question.
“So, I believe you are questioning the path and those who walk it and those who teach it.”
I am a Senior Instructor with the Healing Tao and a master. What is “the path and those who walk it and teach it”? If you think it is only the Healing Tao path…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
How many practitioners of the Healing Tao system do you know of who have achieved enlightenment or immortality?
Eric Yudelove
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 9 months ago
Dear Swedich Dragon:
Greed for enlightenment and immortality is no different than greed for material wealth.
It is self centered and dualistic, and thus an obstacle to true attainment.
Therefore these states are never achieved by those who covet them; rather, they are the reward of the virtuous.Hua Hu Ching – Chap. 59
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 10 months ago
If you equate God with the Tao, then God has no ego.
If you have some other perception of God then it might have an ego, especially if it thinks it is separate from Tao.
In the most basic terms, your mind and your ego are the same. When you are born, your mind is a clear slate and your ego has yet to be formed. As you grow, you learn things…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Mercenaries are really paid killers who are criminals who enlightened me so I could understand the criminal mind so I could be a better criminal lawyer. Makes sense to me.
But…..Ummmm…. Isn’t that a, ummmmm….. a little ummmm…. Judgmental?
And didn’t I do that after I had already left the law? That’s the way I remember it. But…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Dog:
I never knew that. Plato (Rosinski? or something like that) pretended to be me? I’m flattered. I met him twice, about 11 years ago. How is he, if anyone knows? He had great ambitions or did they turn out to be delusions?
Anyway, for those of you who are still wondering if I am Eric Yudelove, here is part of the correspondence me and…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic We are ALL children of God in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 10 months ago
Dear Steven:
I think you should reconsider your decision to take an extended break from this forum. I have just recently returned here and looking over the posting I can see that you have been very active here and that it has been an important part of your life. But this is your decision. You are your own Master.
I certainly did not ask you…[
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
I’m not angry.
I’m just controversial.Dragon Master
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Dear Dog:
I certainly did not have problems from mixing Taoist practices with Magick.If you have to know, it’s mostly a bunch of rubbish spread around by Michael after Chia named me a master. I read some of the things he wrote about me, absolute nonsense.
I did have problems when my first wife died from breast cancer in 1999, but this had…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Dear Steven:
I really think you should get my books and read them and a lot of your questions will be answered. How can you judge or compare things that you really don’t know anything about?
For one thing in the Introduction to “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy”, which Chia wrote, he tells all about how he came to call me a master. I…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Dear Steven:
I don’t think you realize the significance of this technique, it should stay with you for life, everytime you meditate.
If my last post, which I posted before I saw your request to clarify, didn’t sufficiently answer your question then I suggest you read my books and come back and tell me what differences you perceive. The books…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
A few more points. I don’t know anything about Michael’s adaptations of the Healing Tao system. I never studied with him.
I really haven’t taken a Healing Tao course in over 10 years. But from the very beginning, each time Chia taught a new course for the 1st time I was there up to the 1st time he taught Sealing of the 5 Senses. Until he moved…[Read more] -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
To answer your question, the differences start at the very beginning of the practice where I teach about staring at the tip of the nose. The following is a piece I had previously post on TaoBums.
First of all as a reference point of how to start the practice, it makes it easy to begin. It is an excellent method for reestablishing the balance in…[Read more]
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Hello My Healing Tao Friends:
It’s been a long time since I was last here, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve at least temporarily come down from the mountain and would be happy to answer any questions you might have.Blessings and Good Health,
Eric Yudelove -
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Eric Yudelove at the tao bums in the forum General 14 years, 10 months ago
Chia did not make me a master in the Healing Tao system. He made me a master for the system I created in my books. I am a Senior Instructor in the Healing Tao, but haven’t taken a healing Tao course in almost 10 years.
Eric Yudelove
Little Bo Peep replied to the topic Fusion of 5 elements and emotions, question in the forum Practice 14 years, 10 months ago
Hello Swedich Dragon:
I stopped in to say hello to you. I’m still around, although I became something of a hermit, spending 1/2 my time in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I did some posts on TaoBums about Beginning Taoist practices. I decided to come here after many years and see what was happening. It’s nice to see all…[Read more] - Load More