Forum Replies Created
July 17, 2010 at 11:35 pm #34703
You got to be kidding. Now you’re judging me too. I live my life exactly how I want to live it.
You are very far from harmony with the Tao with this type of attitude. You know c_howdy, if people are telling you the same thing about your personality, it’s a good idea to listen and give it some intelligent thought.
And P.S. I taught alot of people how to meditate in a way they never did before on Tao Bums. Some people had extraordinary results. Go check it out yourself.June 2, 2010 at 11:36 am #34377Dear Bagua:
Yes we are all our own masters. Chia taught this from the very beginning.
However, just as not everybody at a university is a professor, the same is true for the title master which really denotes being a teacher with some unique experience.
I appreciate your asking me questions and I have tried to answer them as best I could even if I got testy at times. That’s just part of my nature.
I don’t understand your concern about Chia’s credentials. Maybe there has been some discussion about this before I recently started posting here. Anyway I’ll try my best to play down this master issue. As you say I am not a master of the Healing Tao and being that we are both Senior Instructors we shouldn’t take on airs. Our job is to help others on their Way.
I can see that you have been very active on this Forum and I am a newcomer and I don’t want to be perceived as a usuper. I started posting because I happened to check this website after many years and saw there was some interest into what ever became of me.
I hope we can treat each other as friends in the future and as brothers on the Way.Eric
June 2, 2010 at 11:18 am #34375Thank You Steven. I really didn’t know that. I appreciate your taking the time to tell me.
I hope you are well.Eric
May 31, 2010 at 5:44 pm #34367You can see a whole discussion about this on website. It’s not exactly what it sounds like at 1st. I was working as a mercenary at the time, I went to a gentleman’s club to meet a reporter and investigator friend of mine. I complained to management about some girl hustling me and the next thing I know a bouncer pulls a gun on me and escorts me to my car with his gun pointed at me from inside his jacket. He didn’t like what happened next when I pulled my sword out of my car and put it to his throat and told him to put the gun away, but the club had paid off the cops, whose precinct was up the block, so I wound up getting arrested.
Once I got to court things quickly got squared away, that’s why there was never another article about this unfortunate incident. I was also a criminal lawyer at the time.
Alot of interesting things did happen though, like the police being unable to fingerprint me with their newfangled heat sensing fingerprint machine. The heat coming from my hands caused all the photos to come out black. They took me to another precinct and the same thing happened. They asked me what was going on I said I was a Tao Master. They accepted that but finally threatened me that if I didn’t knock it off they would keep me in the holding pen for the next week, so I let them take my prints.
Can you figure out how I managed to steal my car back out of the police pound?
I do wish the article was never published but I still get a laugh everytime I read it. From that day onward I was known as a sex book author and a large number of New York women wanted to find out why.
I’ve had a lot of adventures in my life. This was just one of them.Eric Yudelove
May 31, 2010 at 1:00 pm #34361Look Bagua, nobody has a video tape of White Cloud teaching Master Chia. What I do know is that when Chia started teaching Westerners in 1981 he had information that was available nowhere else, and I mean nowhere else. He had to learn it from someone. He did already have all the alchemical formulas, I saw the outlines.
It is not unreasonable to believe that he learned it from a Tao Master. He says the masters name was White Cloud. From the mid 60s to the mid 70s Taoists were almost annihilated during the Cultural Revolution. Taoist who could, fled China for other parts of the Orient and to survive, they taught Taoist practices and beliefs. Thailand was a real target for the Chinese Taoists because the Chinese tended to be among the aristocracy there. Chia is a Chinese Thai.
You seem to have some questions about Chia’s legitimacy and therefore my own and I would have to think, that being a Senior Instructor with the HT, your own as well. If you can’t prove it yourself and feel so strongly about not accepting things blindly and being dissatisfied with what Chia told you, why don’t you quit? As for me, I wouldn’t expect you to see anything about me being a master on his website. As I told you I am simply a Tao Master not a Healing Tao Master. The Healing Tao doesn’t even sell my books. But if you have a copy of my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy”, Chia wrote the Introduction himself and tells all about how he came to name me a master. It’s out there in the public domain. If this is not enough, if you give me your e-mail address, when I get back to NY in a couple of weeks, I’ll send you a photo of the certificate he gave me back in August,1999. As a matter of fact,it was for this very reason that we agreed that it was important that he give it to me. My books have been translated into 20 different languages, according to my publisher, and I recently posted the cover of the Chinese edition of “100 Days” on website. Having my books published in China gave me great satisfaction and sense of accomplishment, even if there is nothing new under the sun.
What I can tell you about Chia changing and adding things, is that he was always looking for ways to improve his teachings and to get students to actually feel energy in his classes. I can say for myself that I sometimes took the same classes years apart and although the formulas remained the same, the presentation was totally different. Michael Winn related a story on this Forum some years ago, about a meeting I had with a Taoist Immortal at the 1st HT Retreat. The Immortal came to me the 1st night and told me his name, but I thought I was dreaming and went to sleep. The next day I checked and quickly found out that there was a well known Immortal with that name. The next night he came back and among the many things he told me, was his complaint that Chia was always messing with the formulas and this would cause problems. I related this to Michael before the end of the Retreat, which was somewhere in Massachusetts in 1982, I believe.“Sorry you take me asking specific questions as challenging your honesty. I have gotten to the fact you do at times just repeat what has been told to you and dont have direct experience of some things, for example, not knowing if One Cloud granted M. Chia Mastership or what exactly he taught him and what was added by others contributions to the formulas.”
“I have Gotten to the fact” ,eh, you still sound like a prosecutor. I was a Criminal Lawyer in NYC for almost 30 years son. Do you have to have direct experience for everything you know or believe? That’s a pretty tall order. If that were true, you’d almost never be able to prove anything in a court room. Did you tell this to your teachers while you were going to school? Do you question everything you read or see and hear on tv or that friends tell you? Do you need direct experience of all of this before you can speak about what you have heard without falling into the pit of just repeating what has been told to you? Why should I doubt who Master Chia says he learned Internal Alchemy from? Why should I care? I wasn’t learning from White Cloud. I never had any doubt that Chia was a Master. Anyway I did set out on my own after I felt that I had learned everything the Healing Tao could teach me. I am my own Master. This is all I ever wanted.
Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 11:41 pm #34293I tried to forget but after years of trying, I figured there was only one right way, that of acceptance and integration, all other ways I tried, failed…
I think this is what I was trying to say. As you say, acceptance and integration.
Then you go on with your life.No it is not, it actually opened up many more questions, like, what is death exactly?
Having had such an experience with an Immortal, you are aware that immortality exists. Knowing this you should see that death means moving on to a different state of being.
Classic Taoist literature says there is no death, death is something that the mind conceives of and the mind is really nothing. By this it is meant that it is really our ego that fears death and our ego is a creation of our mind and is mortal. A Taoist sage understands that death is simply a natural passage to a different state of being within the one life of the universe.
Of course there is no proof of any of this. But it’s all really a big mystery. How can death be explained when we can’t even prove what life is?
Speaking from my own experience, what set me on this path was a life or death experience that happened to me almost exactly 40 years ago. I’ve never publicly told this story before. I was standing in my shower when suddenly my consciousness flew out of the middle of my forehead. I was instantly aware that I was pure energy and the sensation was incomparable. I seemed to be travelling through space at a high velocity. I became aware of a presence travelling next to me. It felt like I was in the presence of God. He asked me telepathically if I liked it here? I answered that it was the most wonderful thing I had ever experienced. He or it then asked me if I would like to stay? In the distance I became aware of my ancestors calling to me and beckoning me to join them. It was so wonderful, joyous and peaceful that I knew I never wanted to leave and go back to the chaos, stress and noise of the Earth. The voice then asked me if I wanted to stay? Before I could answer it said “You can stay if you want to, but if you do this will happen.” Suddenly I was turned around 180 degrees and was looking back at the Earth as it receded. Without warning the Earth exploded into bits.
Before I could even think I said, “That’s no choice send me back.” Instantly I was back in my shower and my life was never the same.
I have read about Taoist initiations that consisted of giving an apprentice a poison that might or might not kill him. The idea was to send the apprentice to meet his ancestors. He could decide to stay with them(die) or return to his body. If he returned he would be known henceforth as a walking dead man and referred to as being the same yet different. Some Mexican Toltec shaman have a similar initiation; if the apprentice returns to Earth from the Unknown, he is hence forth known as a Nagual.
After my experience, I never again feared death.
Sometimes we must come to grips with the realization that there are mysteries that are unsolvable, like trying to understand the Tao or what exactly is death. We must just accept this and go on with our lives or endlessly keep questioning our reality and drive ourselves crazy.Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34265Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34263Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34267Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34269Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34271Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34273Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34275Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34277Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove
May 29, 2010 at 6:53 pm #34279Master is a title that was bestowed on me by Master Chia after I finished writing my 3rd book “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” in 1999.
Can you share who made M. Chia a master?
Can you guide us to where on his website or any literature he grants you a Master level?As far as I know White Cloud.
He actually named me a master before I finished this book. He writes all about it in the Introduction. Read it. He also gave me a Certificate, which hangs on my wall in NY. Right now I’m in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
As far as sexual practices are concerned in the authentic old books, they are generally regarded as being of equal importance as internal alchemy because they provide energy neccesary to continue with the practices well into old age.
My point was there is no consensus all the ancients emphasized sexual practices were equal to qi gong/nei gong/formulas or living a natural life. Lao Zi, Chaung Zi, etc. do not emphasize them. Of course there is a branch that does, as recent as the Dragon Gate System of Tao, southern and northern branches split on this.There were schools that practiced internal alchemy and there were schools that didn’t. It sounds like you’ve read too much Thomas Cleary. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve read many of his translations and don’t think he has a clue about Internal Alchemy. The two authors you mention do not discuss Internal Alchemy, they deal with Taoist philosophy.
I am currently in the White Mountains and not near my library, or I would quote from a number of sources. But I did a lot of research on this matter and this was what I found. Realistically, all of Chia’s alchemical formulas starting with lesser Kan & Li are sexually based, just not necessarily sex as is commonly understood. The universe itself can be considered as being the result of sexuality on a much higher level.
Its interesting you and M. Chia tend to describe this process as sex or sexual, it seems an obsession, the filtering lense for this process of transformation. To view all interactions as sex or sexual does reveal much.It’s not an obsession. Do a little reading from the alchemical classics. The origin of the universe that eminated from the Tai Chi was Yin and Yang. What do you think that means? The birth of the universe is the archetype of sexuality.
Chia only learned the alchemical formulas from White Cloud. He travelled all over the Orient learning from other teachers as well.
How do you know he learned them from White Cloud and what exactly was learned and what was added on over the years?He told me. As for the rest, you can ask him yourself. You sound like a prosecutor.
As far as desire for immortality is concerned, the words I quoted were not my own but from the “Hua Hu Ching” considered to be oral teachings of Lao Tzu. I can see how it can be a tricky subject. I guess I’d interpret it as saying if you start out with your main goal being immortality or this becomes your real aim, your motivations are selfish and poor.
Did M. Chia have a desire for being an immortal? Did you, do all the people who practice these methods? Are they all greedy? Its interesting you took his genuine concern to the extreme of greed, I took it differently, just a concern for having an desire, a buddhist might say even desire for enlightenment can be a barrier to it.I didn’t take anything to the extreme of greed. You left out the rest of the paragraph.
“Consider the qualities of virtue and how they should affect your practice, the betterment of mankind and not solely personal development, should be of primary importance. Other factors include your own spiritual level at birth, which would be based on karma and past lives, your parents and who knows what else.”
Do you have something against Virtue?But so far, I’m the only master that Chia ever made. Michael says they changed the rules after me. I don’t know. To me it really just signifies a level of attainment, like a high degree blackbelt. This carries a lot of responsibility.
Really.If what you says is true he granted you a master of a book you wrote, he did not make you a master of the healing tao, why is that?
Chia is Master of the Healing Tao. I am simply a Tao Master not master of a book I wrote. I had no desire to be a master in an organization or do it for money. To me that is very unTaoist. I am basically a Taoist hermit.
Please couch future questions , if you have them, without the implication that I might be lying. I don’t do that.
I have a question: What are your accomplishments that make you think it is OK to take such a haughty attitude?
Master Eric Yudelove