matblack replied to the topic The value of Good Instruction in the forum Practice 19 years ago
Thanx a lot for the contacts Snowlion.
Sydney is pretty far from here, but the ones you listed are only a little more than an hour drive away, so I’ll get in touch with them. -
matblack replied to the topic The value of Good Instruction in the forum Practice 19 years ago
Hi Snowlion I agree with all your points, in particular:
>>I think some take for granted that books dvd, cd’s & even online expierences be the source for their learning; they should not be viewed as learning clearly; they are only a snap shot view of one moment in time, and are for review purposes.<<
My personal dilemma is that here in…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
G’day Dragon,
The other evening I was on my way home driving up a hill. I looked up to the sky. I saw a flock of birds. The sun was setting, the sky was illuminated.I was suddenly overcome with a profound sense of gratitude toward the earth.
There is so much diversity here. The planet tollerates so much abuse and disrespect from…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
> We certainly cannot survive without her, but she can survive without us and her survival takes precedence. It is we who depend on her, not the other way around!
She knows exactly what to do. ……. she is going to have to start reminding us more and more forcibly. Of course we start to see it right now. She will clean things up and…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic How to train to get rid of cold intolerance? in the forum Practice 19 years, 1 month ago
WUJI qigong
a divine dance
a glorious gliding
a friendly blessing
a sacred swayinga flower forever in bloom
Thank you Thank you Thank you to the mystery………..
matblack replied to the topic question for Keith in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Thanks so much mate, that’s a great help.
matblack replied to the topic question for Keith in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
The line is supposed to read “All that female energy stirs me”.
Um…………I should proof read my posts BEFORE I submit. Duh. -
matblack replied to the topic using woman as sex objects to feed immortality in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
I shouldn’t really reply to such an ambiguous, and apparentley obnoxious remark, but just in case you didn’t get the point Wendy and I were agreeing apon:
The size of the heart and it’s being open and honest is paramount to male/female merging. Penis size, big or small, in this regard, is not the issue we were discussing. -
matblack replied to the topic using woman as sex objects to feed immortality in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
I admire your self respect
matblack replied to the topic using woman as sex objects to feed immortality in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Thanks wendy
matblack replied to the topic using woman as sex objects to feed immortality in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Please excuse me for sticking my nose into this topic.
But I think both sides are valid.
I think it’s definetly a 2 way street.
I imagine that in many cases, Women feel that they have had the males’ tensions dumped on them especially when he is all tense/angry/aggressive.feverish etc, it must feel pretty terrible.
In a similar way, I think…[
matblack replied to the topic Sexual Qigong: Secret Tao Path article in the forum Practice 19 years, 1 month ago
The article is great. Can’t elaborate. Just read it.
matblack replied to the topic 5 Shen, Free Will, Gravity in Heaven & Earth (Reposted) in the forum Philosophy 19 years, 1 month ago
Oh, woops, I thought “Ricky” was real. A split off of someones’ persona? What the…………..? I might be a bit naive, but I thought we were all helping each other here.
Maybe with a written forum like this, when you can’t hear the tone in someones’ voice or look into their eyes, it can be difficault to determine their sincerity. I just trusted…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic wuji qigong and deep healing qigong in the forum Practice 19 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Chris and Michael.
matblack replied to the topic 5 Shen, Free Will, Gravity in Heaven & Earth (Reposted) in the forum Philosophy 19 years, 1 month ago
Dear Ricky, I understand your anger, but it may make your situation worse.
With sincere respect to you, Plato and everyone who has used prostate magic, it might help to consider that perhaps one size does not fit all. At least not in the beginning.
I used prostate magic myself. In some ways it helped, in other ways it did not. Timing seemed to…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Ling Zhi essence in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Wow, sounds beautiful Michael. I’ll look into the spores and see if I can get that in capsual.
To spongebob, thanks for the suggestion, but if I put them in my pockets and brought them back here (australia),……..that’s a crime = huge $ fine.
matblack replied to the topic Comments on Armageddon in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
ff, I agree with you that the notions of good and evil are subjective, ie determined by the individual.
My feeling is that as judgments they simply reflect the state of a polarized mind.
For example, some ‘evil’people, are renouned by their friends as being VERY loving, friendly etc. One can’t exist without the other.Another example may…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Vision, Eyesight in the forum Practice 19 years, 2 months ago
I wanted to let you know what the experts(?) in Australia are saying about sunlight and the eyes.
This is from tuesdays’ news.
“………babies and todlers are being encouraged to wear them [sunglases]
….a survey released on tuesday suggests an alarming number of australians are unaware of the cumulative risks of sun exposure to the…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic The best Way of Internal Cultivation in the forum Practice 19 years, 2 months ago
-Hi Baugua,
I totally accept your statements.
I was raising that story only out of sheer curiosity. Osho did have a tendancy to tell some pretty ellaborate stories. I honestly hope it’s not true because as you say, Lao Zi was such a compassionate person.Thanks for chatting. – mat
matblack replied to the topic The best Way of Internal Cultivation in the forum Practice 19 years, 2 months ago
I want to quote osho to give context to what I’m gonna say.
“He [Lao Zi] was going into absolute aloneness in the Himalayas, but he was caught on the border. And the man who caught him on the border is Master Kuan Yiu-hsi. He was a gaurd at the last post of the Chinese border. Lao Zi had to pass that post; there was no other way to get out of…[Read more]
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