matblack replied to the topic Advice for avoiding future problems in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
thanks Alexander, the experiences we have in our cultivation/life are a continual processes of unfolding/manifestation/revelation.
so it’s nice when we can share what’s going on with ourselves, the encouragement works to assist us all.
the total being greater than the sum of the parts.
for me personally, latelly it’s been amazing on every level…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Advice for avoiding future problems in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Hey Sebastion, here is my experience.
When the chi routes open, the jing can then be refined by the qi, then it will move on it’s own.
The emphasis being on ‘openness’
when the jing move through a channel because of our openness, the efect is more than we could wish for
best, mat
matblack replied to the topic What happend? in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
hey Crevy,
i’ve had the experience that you desribe a few times in the past couple of months.it seems to me that the drained feeling might be a sort of incubation phase whereby a new higher vabrational state is being integrated in the subconcious. this might take some energy away from the physical for a short while, whether it be minutes,…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Former Deputy Prime Minister champions Extraterrestrial awareness in the forum General 17 years, 11 months ago
AA “What was disturbing me was the tendency for humans to get excited and superficial about each other and thus lose the depth and meaning of what the “messenger” is carrying. When that happens, nothing much changes”
I witnessed that yesterday. i went to a festival and there was a tent with some Gyoto monks from Tibet. they were doing their…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Former Deputy Prime Minister champions Extraterrestrial awareness in the forum General 17 years, 11 months ago
Alexander, i’m used to seeing hype – whether it be on tv, the newspaper or on an internet site. even this site put me off at first with statements like ‘feel the chi quickly’ !, ! ! etc
but what is presented on the surface, i have realised, doesn’t always reflect the character of the messanger, usually, but not always.
the extracts from…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Former Deputy Prime Minister champions Extraterrestrial awareness in the forum General 17 years, 11 months ago
ok Alexander, thanks, i’ll try those links.
it’s a shame it took so long for your computer to download the St Clair interview, because i thought of you as i was watching it.
i can feel the qi when he talks, something deep within me knows that his message is very valuable for all of mankind
here’s a text…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Former Deputy Prime Minister champions Extraterrestrial awareness in the forum General 17 years, 11 months ago
hi Alexander, i couln’t find the site you listed.
michael st clair who is a psychic astrologer, talks a lot about this stuff.
matblack replied to the topic Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 11 months ago
psychedelics will impose upon the mind from without., and this can only last as long as the exogenous chemical has effect on the biological system (the body)
on the other hand, meditation can reveal the treasure from within……..then you can radiate it out
the first approach is dpeendent on drug or other chemical.
the second approach…[
matblack replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 17 years, 11 months ago
to me, i gotta first sanctify the physical by infusing it with my divine shen.
the sacred light of the shen transforms the unconicous, predictible, hormone programing.
this happens simply by bringing in the shen as the greater common denominator.
this is happening to me latelly.
rainwater asked “are there both men and women who tire…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 17 years, 11 months ago
matblack replied to the topic An extraordinary near-death experience in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 11 months ago
Alexander, thank you very much for posting this.
my recent experiences are leaning toward much of what he was saying
if anyone wants to sincerly know realise and become truth, light and love, then they will
matblack replied to the topic Favorite comedians? in the forum General 18 years ago
Lee Mack from england
Danny Bhoy from scotland
Franklin Ajaye from usa
Arj Barker from usa -
matblack replied to the topic Whales and their brains in the forum General 18 years ago
……and they can therefore teach us much when we are receptive
i know hardened, grown men who have cried and been left speechless by close encounters with these gracefull giants
matblack replied to the topic Whales and their brains in the forum General 18 years ago
have you seen whales up close. in far north western aust. humpbacks come up to give birth to their babies in the warm water.
to be out on a bost and see mother and baby cruising past is difficult to describe. they are sooooo big and so gentle
if you get the chance to look a whale in the eye………….AMAZING, to get that recognition back from…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Departing insects in the forum Practice 18 years ago
** I believe that biological terrain theory has a lot of merit. If you think about it, it is quite scientific. If the environment becomes anarobic, anarobic organisms evolve (putrefactive). If aerobic conditions are maintaned, aerobic organisms thrive (beneficial). **
i observe this in the garden, in particular in the compost bin and in the…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Departing insects in the forum Practice 18 years ago
what i gather from what you are saying is that the parasite can only live within a certain environment, which is determined by a combination of the emotional, mental and physical state of the host.
so that woman in some way or another basically invited that moth thing into herself through her intention to leave this world.reminds me of the…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Quiz to Test Your Level of Enlightenment in the forum General 18 years ago
matblack replied to the topic Vitamin B17- The World Without Cancer movie in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
yeah max, that what i do too ‘chew and eat the seeds’, it’s pretty ridiculous then that in most supermarkets here that seedless grapes are now more common than grapes with seeds.
the link had an interseting story about people in the mediteranean who had cured their cancer by using loquat leaves.
it’s also effective when used for moxa.
BTW…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Vitamin B17- The World Without Cancer movie in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
found this link, haven’t read it yet, but it says that loquat leaves are high in B17http://www.gemworld.com/LoquatLeaves4Sale.ASP
matblack replied to the topic Vitamin B17- The World Without Cancer movie in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
thanks for the links max,
i have been told that the Hunzas were so aware of the benefits of apricot seeds that they grew certain varieties of apricaot for the purposes of eating the seed only.i always eat the inner kernal of the apple seed.
once you get a taste for the bitterness of B17, you can recognise it in other foods too - Load More