matblack replied to the topic Eva on ego – A preliminary stage to greater fulfillment in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
if one feels that one is moving past those limiting and crippling beliefs, (or has transcended some of them all together), do you feel that it’s necesarry to try and figure out how we got them in the first place?
my experience has been that sometimes the root of the distortion is revealed, other times, it drops away leaving no clues as to how…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Eva on ego – A preliminary stage to greater fulfillment in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
“You all have to accept your own imperfections, as well as this life’s imperfections, before you can experience that absolute perfection that you will ultimately realize is your destiny.”
-WOW“it could happen at any moment when you awaken to truth. Awakening to truth is possible only when you have first found and then let go of the childish…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
yeah, to me, the only reason one would HAVE to take a break from this forum, or decide to leave all together, (having been so intensly involved in the first place) would be because they were exerting a lot of energy here by taking it all too seriously. otherwise, like i said – comming- going what’s the diference?
AA *The amount of undue tension…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic To Shed Some Light on the Matter in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
essentially, we are all friends. sooner ao later we’ll seee that.
that illusion comment. i didn’t even take it seriously, so there’s no way it could have offended me. i just lauged off the cuff. i know i’m not an illusion, so a jokes a a joke.
sometimes maybe we take ourselves a bit too seriously.
when your inner smile is genuine,…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Religion as a philosophy in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
aa – #Yes. But- we are all creating individual realities to suit our beliefs anyway and have to. Your house is a reflection of your beliefs. My house is a reflection of mine. The problem is not in constructing a reality, but in what kind you are constructing. When you make a space so small it feels like a box then you’ve gone too far with your yin…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic wuji qogong audio set in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
matblack replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
i’ve met some old (wise) people young in age and some immature people who are advanced in age.
it’s interesting to observe these dynamics and how they vary from person to person.
one person i admire, respect and feel brought a lot of wisdom into this world is one of my neices and she’s only 9 years old.
she already wants to learn froma…[
matblack replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
you just made me chuckle, now i’m abou to do a round if primordial.
smiling out
matblack replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Dalai Lama: Mother's Touch Root of all Human Value (& Religion) in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
DOG>>>>> I have learned in my own life that you will get stuck until you have made peace with your mother and father. You have also talked about being mother and father to your self I have also found this important.<<<<<<<
i agree dog. i think it's very important for peace among child and parents/ their genese are in us. the morphogenic…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Dalai Lama: Mother's Touch Root of all Human Value (& Religion) in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Fajin>>>>>>If you eat meat, you will have bad karma. If you do not eat meat, no karma will be created. It does not matter what the quantity is. <<<<<<<<
er…..so.what about judjing one who eats meat? i think that to judge one who eats meat will create karma for the judge.
"if you eat no meat, no karma will be created" , maybe not on THAT…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Confucian Poem in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
matblack replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
woops, i meant to say “once the desire has been transmuted”
………….yeah, proof reading would be a good idea…….
matblack replied to the topic How Buddhist "No-Self" Theory Helps Alchemcal Process in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
I agree emelgee.
****still recognise the desire but not be driven by it? So the “desire nature” itself doesn’t necessarily fade away (to nothing) but it’s emphasis on a person’s life fades away? *********
the energy that was attatched or bound to that desire is now free(er) to be directed elsewhere. to me, essentially it’s all energy, but…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Video- "Kung Fu Dragons of the Wudang" in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
i found it suprising that the guy was so determined to become a god because he “wanted to be worshiped”. …….yeah, by who?
to me, worship and admiration from others may come but only as by-products of our sincerity, integrity and devotion to truth.
but to seek the worship of others…..huh?????????????????
matblack replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
thanx for the stories Wendy. i appreciate how you illustrated your points.
****I speak from personal experience, so again I emphasize the importance of a feeling of body/mind/emotional balance BEFORE even thinking of empty practice.*********How can you give up a self that is not even sincerely developed? It is offering yourself on a dining…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic The Four Denials of Buddhism – and an unspoken 5th? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 6 months ago
Michael, thanx for quoting Ramana Marharshi, one of my favorites.
and then
>>non-self is not something that Self can ultimately merge into<<
sure, becuase to do so would seem to me to be an attempt at suicide on all levels.
The reason that the distinction about Selfhood vs. non-self is important, and not merely…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Sweet saliva? in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
I mentioned it to my master last night. he didn’t really discuss why it happens, he just nodded in approval.
he strongly emphasised that when it comes, TO SWALLOW IT 3 TIMES.
matblack replied to the topic cod liver oil in tcm terms in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
>>It be nice to think somehow we reclaim some of our older genetic inheritance. To breath under water, etc.<<
funny you mention it, i have a regular dream of being able to breath under water
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