matblack replied to the topic To Alexander: What art means to me in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 10 months ago
max: >>AA:You [Fajin] expressed strong words against porn and lust and your suggestion was to keep them from watching it and having those feelings.
Fajin is correct<<
I feel that that approach creates a forbiden fruit dilemma, which can transform mere curiosity into obsession
there's another way to approach it.
When looking at it…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic My immortal experience in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 10 months ago
may this vibe of gratitude and respect continue.
W>>When we could uplift each other like this, this world would be soooooo much better! <<
I like to think that this forum is one means of helping to create that reality.
+ – = mat
matblack replied to the topic new to the board and question about fusion in the forum General 18 years, 10 months ago
Hey Hugo, I’m near melbourne, where are you?
matblack replied to the topic To Max: Meat & Karma in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 10 months ago
I heard a story that a cow used to come every day to sit with Ramana Maharshi.
One day the cow did not arrive at the usual time.
Ramana went with his disciples to look for her.
She had become stuck (I think in mud) and had been there all night.
She was dying (possibly from broken legs) and had tears in her eyes.
Ramana stayed by her side and…[
matblack replied to the topic nudity and porn in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 10 months ago
sometimes what we don’t want to hear is just what we need to hear
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
Thanks again for inspirational words Alex.
The reason I mentioned dr Linns’ technique is that sometimes I get a sensation of heat/energy rushing down from GV14 to the lower back. It is the reverse of what the technique did. ie , it took the energy up.
That’s why I suspected that it might be blocked jing.But even if that is the case, what…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi Alexander.
I remember a few weeks ago I was practicing Dr Lins’ anal breathing.
I think it might have been a mistake, but I was doing it during a state of high arousal.
I think the ‘hot spot’ I feel around GV14 may be jing that came up while doing the breathing. That might be why it’s so hot there.So I am trying to breath it back down…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi Alexander, thanx for diggin’ up these ideas. Yeah, I know, without actually meeting, much less knowing someone, it can be a bit tricky as to what to suggest.
A ++I think you should go with the simplest practices you can -deep rest and surrender, deep inner smile to allow the clearing and completing of the process on its own terms, allowing…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
Alexander, do I know the Kan and Li practices? Mate, I’m not even close to that level yet.
I was working on the orbit when I ran into this current ‘hot spot’
(actually the cold came first and hung around in the area of the hot spot)Kan and Li is a while off for me yet. I think it will require comming to the states (one day) to learn…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
Alexander, your suggetions and ideas are very encouraging. I’m apreciating your insights.
A >>The surrender thing we originally talked about is the way to go while having a knowing that you are “completing” yourself through the process.<>Also, sometimes we are not dealing with our own pain. It could be familial or social. We’re part of such a…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
G’day Alexander,
it seems to be mainly pain. I mean, in the begining, (first couple of days) there was a bit of sadness/grief which helped illicit the pain, but if an emotion comes now, I’d honestly be faking it.I’ll see if any sounds come from now on. Thanx for the suggestion.
The main way to really bring out the pain…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
Alexander, your suggestions have been helpful.
I focus where the cold sensation is most pronounced. Then relax there, smiling.
It turns out that the area gets intensley hot and painful. In the begining, there was some emotion there but during the last few days, it has just been a very intense sensation comming OUT from WITHIN.
The more open…[
matblack replied to the topic ROYAL JELLY & BEE POLLEN in the forum General 18 years, 10 months ago
Anything I write is based on my experience so far, so I’m not making any statements of fact, just sharing what I know………..so…………
>>does this royal jelly stuff get addictive and become coffee like, drug like? or anything like that
because I definately do not want that to happen, i don’t want this to be some temporary energy boost…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic ROYAL JELLY & BEE POLLEN in the forum General 18 years, 10 months ago
Yep Johno, that’s the way I describing the muscle test, spot on.
>>I was planning to only consume half of one of those little 10ml bottles first, to see what happens. They recommend one of those 10ml vial bottles a day.. I thought that might be to intense.. <>you said the peking royal jelly brand is too strong? what do you mean when you say…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic ROYAL JELLY & BEE POLLEN in the forum General 18 years, 10 months ago
Hey Johno,
there are many different ways to muscle test.
The way that works best for me is to hold something in one hand and extend that arm arm out to the side. Then pick up the thing you want to test in the other hand and hold it near your thymus (on your chest).If your body wants it (if it’s good for you) the thing in the…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic ROYAL JELLY & BEE POLLEN in the forum General 18 years, 10 months ago
To determine the best one for your body, you can muscle test it.
Careful of any added ginseng in the peking brand. It will state on the box if it has any in it.
If you get bee pollen, try to at least rupture it, otherwise the nutrients remain bound up for the most part, rendering them anavailible/undigestible to the body.-mat
matblack replied to the topic qigong for cold in the forum Practice 18 years, 10 months ago
My God
Alexander, I appreciate your sincerity. Your advice is just what I needed to hear.
Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx Thanx -
matblack replied to the topic Round 8: Binary Souls, Free Will, Why OneNess Chooses to Evolve in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 11 months ago
To Wendy and Michael:
Michael, thank you so much for clearing up some questions that had arisen within me during the past week. Your lucid explanations in the round 8 essay hit the spot.
MW >> 6. The alchemical methods are designed to speed up the natural process of soul completion. And at higher levells, allow the individual to consciously…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic SEX & MASTURBATION – seeking guidance, please help in the forum Practice 18 years, 11 months ago
I wanted to thank you for raising this topic, ’cause the answers other have given will help me too.
Basically, you are not alone in this experience.Just a note on the lycium berries. If you can, blend them long enough for the seed to rupture. There is someting intrinsic in the seed.
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