matblack replied to the topic SEX & MASTURBATION – seeking guidance, please help in the forum Practice 18 years, 11 months ago
Hey Johnathon, I know there has been some great advice given already – the simple reason: people care mate.
Without wanting to overload you, here are 2 thingsI have not tried it yet, but from what I’ve seen thus far, and based on freeforms’ recomendation, you might want to check out http://www.emofree.com/
To help replace spent jing, add…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic B.O. –taoist cures, good for a yuk in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
something I should have said last time which ties in with maxs’ take on things.
I nothice that when I used to eat a lot of hot/spicy food, I would have some pretty illegal BO. It’s my feeling that it was clogging up my lymphatics.So while my body wanted to get rid of it, the overload was too much, this also applied to any junk…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic B.O. –taoist cures, good for a yuk in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, Bob, same thing happens to me every time I go up into far north western australia.
After a couple of days there, I REALLY stink. First time I thought “what the…….” but then I realised, it wasn’t just me, EVERYONE up there stinks.
It seems to be something to do with that particular environmet. A combination of the air, water,…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Intestine Stagnation? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 11 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Intestine Stagnation? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 11 months ago
Fajian, my experience was this:
I got wacked in the nuts 3 times in 2 weeks playing sport. The trauma to the site caused pain, inflamation and swelling. ’cause of the subsequent wacks, it was trauma on top of trauma.
This combined with too much spicy food at the time (causing damp heat) made things extremelly hot, heavy and…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Intestine Stagnation? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 11 months ago
OK, if it’s THAT bad, maybe chi nei tsang may be counter productive, especially if their is deep structural damage to delicate areas.
Like Trunk said, a good TCM doctor would be my first choice.
Herbs and accupuncture saved me from 10 months of burning balls when the qi was stuck in my epydidimis.
Most important, and I know it’s not easy when…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic Intestine Stagnation? in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 11 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Males with Body Hair wanted in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
Wendy you’re the first woman I have ever heard favour male body hair.
I have major body hair, but even I don’t like it on my shoulders.W>>Or is this an attempt to weaken men making them believe that hairy body parts are less attractive, even disgusting? << That's what I've been told.
Glad to hear someone likes it. -
matblack replied to the topic Debunking 9-11 Conspiracy Myths + Did the Chinese Plan it? in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
The deal was signed today.
Can they be trusted that it won’t be used for weapons?
The piece below is from todays news.China, Australia sign uranium deal
Date: 03/04/06China can now buy Australian uranium under a deal signed by the two countries.
It could be worth billions of dollars for Australia, which has 40 per cent of the…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Re: This one's for Singin' Ocean in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Re: This one's for Singin' Ocean in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Question for Michael in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Re: This one's for Singin' Ocean in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
Hi Bagua,
I just wondered if you can explain a bit what you meant by >>there is a heart movement<<
I've been doing primordial for about 6 months and I notice an opening of sorts in the heart, warm compassion, and total strangers seem to be very open to me and trusting.
I'm trying to articulate here what changes I have noticed, in a way it's…[Read more] -
matblack replied to the topic First day on Michael Winn's tai chi chair… in the forum Practice 18 years, 11 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Is there a Five element nutrition cook book? in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
I accept your point that there is indeed a correct way to eat raw food. I won’t go back to exclusive/majority raw yet, if ever, unless I can get it right. I’ll check out the link you mentioned.
btw, I did not refrigerate most of my food, and it was organic/and/or home grown.
Agin. it’s all about getting it right. Glad it worked for you.
matblack replied to the topic Is there a Five element nutrition cook book? in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
Hi Faj’
I think that any discussion on nutririon and food, more than anything else, should consider the individuals’ current health state and consitution as paramount.
Generalisations are not applicable imho.
I tried raw food for almost a year, inspired by the hope of greater nutients and enzymes to make me grow stronger and younger.
I was…[
matblack replied to the topic Ripples in the Ocean of Qi in the forum Practice 18 years, 12 months ago
Nice story square pants. Thanx for sharing it
matblack replied to the topic Serpent/Dragon Myths in China & Australia in the forum General 19 years ago
Interesting article.
First thing I want to say is: despite the possible accuracy of aboriginals originating from china, they do appear, at least physiologically, to bear much closer resemblance to sri lankans.I have an aboriginal brother in law and have spent years in his ‘country’ in north western australia.
The serpent topic is raised…[
matblack replied to the topic Gunther Weil : view points on his Alchemy expierence? Whats his Story? in the forum General 19 years ago
Is it possible to elaborate a bit on what the obvious risks are. (besides exces packing)
I’m not asking out of mere curiosity, but from a standpoint of caution given that my “training” thus far has been via video/cd. (and folowing the great tips from your site)I suppose case histories of injury or specific problems would not only…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Gunther Weil : view points on his Alchemy expierence? Whats his Story? in the forum General 19 years ago
Is it possible to elaborate a bit on what the obvious risks are. (besides exces packing)
I’m not asking out of mere curiosity, but from a standpoint of caution given that my “training” thus far has been via video/cd. (and folowing the great tips from your site)I suppose case histories of injury or specific problems would not only…[Read more]
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